99 research outputs found

    A neuro-inspired system for online learning and recognition of parallel spike trains, based on spike latency and heterosynaptic STDP

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    Humans perform remarkably well in many cognitive tasks including pattern recognition. However, the neuronal mechanisms underlying this process are not well understood. Nevertheless, artificial neural networks, inspired in brain circuits, have been designed and used to tackle spatio-temporal pattern recognition tasks. In this paper we present a multineuronal spike pattern detection structure able to autonomously implement online learning and recognition of parallel spike sequences (i.e., sequences of pulses belonging to different neurons/neural ensembles). The operating principle of this structure is based on two spiking/synaptic neurocomputational characteristics: spike latency, that enables neurons to fire spikes with a certain delay and heterosynaptic plasticity, that allows the own regulation of synaptic weights. From the perspective of the information representation, the structure allows mapping a spatio-temporal stimulus into a multidimensional, temporal, feature space. In this space, the parameter coordinate and the time at which a neuron fires represent one specific feature. In this sense, each feature can be considered to span a single temporal axis. We applied our proposed scheme to experimental data obtained from a motor inhibitory cognitive task. The test exhibits good classification performance, indicating the adequateness of our approach. In addition to its effectiveness, its simplicity and low computational cost suggest a large scale implementation for real time recognition applications in several areas, such as brain computer interface, personal biometrics authentication or early detection of diseases.Comment: Submitted to Frontiers in Neuroscienc

    How to build a functional connectomic biomarker for mild cognitive impairment from source reconstructed MEG resting-state activity: the combination of ROI representation and connectivity estimator matters

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    Our work aimed to demonstrate the combination of machine learning and graph theory for the designing of a connectomic biomarker for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) subjects using eyes-closed neuromagnetic recordings. The whole analysis based on source-reconstructed neuromagnetic activity. As ROI representation, we employed the principal component analysis (PCA) and centroid approaches. As representative bi-variate connectivity estimators for the estimation of intra and cross-frequency interactions, we adopted the phase locking value (PLV), the imaginary part (iPLV) and the correlation of the envelope (CorrEnv). Both intra and cross-frequency interactions (CFC) have been estimated with the three connectivity estimators within the seven frequency bands (intra-frequency) and in pairs (CFC), correspondingly. We demonstrated how different versions of functional connectivity graphs single-layer (SL-FCG) and multi-layer (ML-FCG) can give us a different view of the functional interactions across the brain areas. Finally, we applied machine learning techniques with main scope to build a reliable connectomic biomarker by analyzing both SL-FCG and ML-FCG in two different options: as a whole unit using a tensorial extraction algorithm and as single pair-wise coupling estimations. We concluded that edge-weighed feature selection strategy outperformed the tensorial treatment of SL-FCG and ML-FCG. The highest classification performance was obtained with the centroid ROI representation and edge-weighted analysis of the SL-FCG reaching the 98% for the CorrEnv in α1:α2 and 94% for the iPLV in α2. Classification performance based on the multi-layer participation coefficient, a multiplexity index reached 52% for iPLV and 52% for CorrEnv. Selected functional connections that build the multivariate connectomic biomarker in the edge-weighted scenario are located in default-mode, fronto-parietal and cingulo-opercular network. Our analysis supports the notion of analysing FCG simultaneously in intra and cross-frequency whole brain interactions with various connectivity estimators in beamformed recordings

    Modelling of the switching behavior of functional connectivity microstates (FCμstates) as a novel biomarker for mild cognitive impairment

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    It is evident the need for designing and validating novel biomarkers for the detection of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). MCI patients have a high risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and for that reason the introduction of novel and reliable biomarkers is of significant clinical importance. Motivated by recent findings about the rich information of dynamic functional connectivity graphs (DFCGs) about brain (dys)function, we introduced a novel approach of identifying MCI based on magnetoencephalographic (MEG) resting state recordings. The activity of different brain rhythms {δ, θ, α1, α2, β1, β2, γ1, γ2} was first beamformed with linear constrained minimum norm variance in the MEG data to determine ninety anatomical regions of interest (ROIs). A dynamic functional connectivity graph (DFCG) was then estimated using the imaginary part of phase lag value (iPLV) for both intra-frequency coupling (8) and also cross-frequency coupling pairs (28). We analysed DFCG profiles of neuromagnetic resting state recordings of 18 Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) patients and 20 healthy controls. We followed our model of identifying the dominant intrinsic coupling mode (DICM) across MEG sources and temporal segments that further leads to the construction of an integrated DFCG (iDFCG). We then filtered statistically and topologically every snapshot of the iDFCG with data-driven approaches. Estimation of the normalized Laplacian transformation for every temporal segment of the iDFCG and the related eigenvalues created a 2D map based on the network metric time series of the eigenvalues (NMTSeigs). NMTSeigs preserves the non-stationarity of the fluctuated synchronizability of iDCFG for each subject. Employing the initial set of 20 healthy elders and 20 MCI patients, as training set, we built an overcomplete dictionary set of network microstates (nμstates). Afterward, we tested the whole procedure in an extra blind set of 20 subjects for external validation. We succeeded a high classification accuracy on the blind dataset (85 %) which further supports the proposed Markovian modelling of the evolution of brain states. The adaptation of appropriate neuroinformatic tools that combine advanced signal processing and network neuroscience tools could manipulate properly the non-stationarity of time-resolved FC patterns revealing a robust biomarker for MCI

    Electrophysiological connectivity of logical deduction: Early cortical MEG study

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    Complex human reasoning involves minimal abilities to extract conclusions implied in the available information. These abilities are considered “deductive” because they exemplify certain abstract relations among propositions or probabilities called deductive arguments. However, the electrophysiological dynamics which supports such complex cognitive pro- cesses has not been addressed yet. In this work we consider typically deductive logico- probabilistically valid inferences and aim to verify or refute their electrophysiological functional connectivity differences from invalid inferences with the same content (same relational variables, same stimuli, same relevant and salient features). We recorded the brain electrophysiological activity of 20 participants (age 1⁄4 20.35 ± 3.23) by means of an MEG system during two consecutive reasoning tasks: a search task (invalid condition) without any specific deductive rules to follow, and a logically valid deductive task (valid condition) with explicit deductive rules as instructions. We calculated the functional connectivity (FC) for each condition and conducted a seed-based analysis in a set of cortical regions of interest. Finally, we used a cluster-based permutation test to compare the dif- ferences between logically valid and invalid conditions in terms of FC. As a first novel result we found higher FC for valid condition in beta band between regions of interest and left prefrontal, temporal, parietal, and cingulate structures. FC analysis allows a second novel result which is the definition of a propositional network with operculo-cingular, parietal and medial nodes, specifically including disputed medial deductive “core” areas. The experiment discloses measurable cortical processes which do not depend on content but on truth-functional propositional operators. These experimental novelties may contribute to understand the cortical bases of deductive processes

    Conflict and cognitive control during sentence comprehension: recruitment of a frontal network during the processing of Spanish object-first sentences.

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    During sentence processing there is a preference to treat the first noun phrase found as the subject and agent, unless marked the other way. This preference would lead to a conflict in thematic role assignment when the syntactic structure conforms to a non-canonical object-before-subject pattern. Left perisylvian and fronto-parietal brain networks have been found to be engaged by increased computational demands during sentence comprehension, while event-reated brain potentials have been used to study the on-line manifestation of these demands. However, evidence regarding the spatiotemporal organization of brain networks in this domain is scarce. In the current study we used Magnetoencephalography to track spatio-temporally brain activity while Spanish speakers were reading subject- and object-first cleft sentences. Both kinds of sentences remained ambiguous between a subject-first or an object-first interpretation up to the appearance of the second argument. Results show the time-modulation of a frontal network at the disambiguation point of object-first sentences. Moreover, the time windows where these effects took place have been previously related to thematic role integration (300–500 ms) and to sentence reanalysis and resolution of conflicts during processing (beyond 500 ms post-stimulus). These results point to frontal cognitive control as a putative key mechanism which may operate when a revision of the sentence structure and meaning is necessar

    Study of resting state cortico-cortical synchronization aimed to accurately discriminate Parkinson and essential tremor patients: A MEG source-space connectivity study

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    Motor tremor-related syndromes like essential tremor (ET) and Parkinson's disease (PD) have a common symptomatology in early stages: the presence of tremor. Even when both diseases have a different aetiology and, thus, different prognosis and treatment, the symptoms in early stages are quite similar. This usually leads to misdiagnosis, with the associated risks and limitations. A PD patient with an ET treatment will continue developing the disease, loosing an important window of action. On the other hand, an ET patient with a PD treatment will suffer strong side effects. A correct diagnosis is in both cases mandatory for the well-being of the patients. In this experiment we tried to find a biomarker based in magneto-physiological data that allows clinicians a faster and easier diagnosis of ET and PD patients, saving time and money to both patients and hospitals

    Aberrant MEG multi-frequency phase temporal synchronization predicts conversion from mild cognitive impairment-to-Alzheimer's disease

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    Many neuroimaging studies focus on a frequency-specific or a multi-frequency network analysis showing that functional brain networks are disrupted in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Although those studies enriched our knowledge of the impact of AD in brain's functionality, our goal is to test the effectiveness of combining neuroimaging with network neuroscience to predict with high accuracy subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) that will convert to AD. In this study, eyes-closed resting-state magnetoencephalography (MEG) recordings from 27 stable MCI (sMCI) and 27 progressive MCI (pMCI) from two scan sessions (baseline and follow-up after approximately 3 years) were projected via beamforming onto an atlas-based set of regions of interest (ROIs). Dynamic functional connectivity networks were constructed independently for the five classical frequency bands while a multivariate phase-based coupling metric was adopted. Thus, computing the distance between the fluctuation of functional strength of every pair of ROIs between the two conditions with dynamic time wrapping (DTW), a large set of features was extracted. A machine learning algorithm revealed 49 DTW-based features in the five frequency bands that can distinguish the sMCI from pMCI with absolute accuracy (100%). Further analysis of the selected links revealed that most of the connected ROIs were part of the default mode network (DMN), the cingulo-opercular (CO), the fronto-parietal and the sensorimotor network. Overall, our dynamic network multi-frequency analysis approach provides an effective framework of constructing a sensitive MEG-based connectome biomarker for the prediction of conversion from MCI to Alzheimer's disease

    Study of resting state cortico-cortical synchronization aimed to accurately discriminate Parkinson and essential tremor patients: A MEG signal-space connectivity study

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    Motor tremor-related syndromes like essential tremor (ET) and Parkinson?s disease (PD) have a common symptomatology in early stages: the presence of tremor. Even when both diseases have a different aetiology and, thus, different prognosis and treatment, the symptoms in early stages are quite similar. This usually leads to misdiagnosis, with the associated risks and limitations. A PD patient with an ET treatment will continue developing the disease, loosing an important window of action. On the other hand, an ET patient with a PD treatment will suffer strong side effects. A correct diagnosis is in both cases mandatory for the well-being of the patients. In this experiment we tried to find a biomarker based in magneto-physiological data that allows clinicians a faster and easier diagnosis of ET and PD patients, saving time and money to both patients and hospitals

    Functional connectivity measured with magnetoencephalography identifies persons with HIV disease

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    There is need for a valid and reliable biomarker for HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND). The purpose of the present study was to provide preliminary evidence of the potential utility of neuronal functional connectivity measures obtained using magnetoencephalography (MEG) to identify HIV-associated changes in brain function. Resting state, eyes closed, MEG data from 10 HIV-infected individuals and 8 seronegative controls were analyzed using mutual information (MI) between all pairs of MEG sensors to ..