1,694 research outputs found

    The sustainability of start-up firms among formerly wage workers

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    In this paper we analyse the survival of start-up firms among formerly wage workers in Spain. In particular, we address the question of how long do these workers remain self-employed before entering into unemployment or returning to a new paid-employment, using well-known duration model techniques. Results show that a higher survival rate in self-employment is associated to men, prime-age workers and individuals with higher previous labour turnover. Moreover, longer unemployment spells are found to speed up the rate of transition to non-employment and to reduce that to paid employment. Finally, the probability of exiting decreases with duration in self-employment

    The sustainability of start-up firms among formerly wage workers

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    In this paper we analyse the survival of start-up firms among formerly wage workers in Spain. In particular, we address the question of how long do these workers remain self-employed before entering into unemployment or returning to a new paid-employment, using well-known duration model techniques. Results show that a higher survival rate in self-employment is associated to men, prime-age workers and individuals with higher previous labour turnover. Moreover, longer unemployment spells are found to speed up the rate of transition to non-employment and to reduce that to paid employment. Finally, the probability of exiting decreases with duration in self-employment.Self-employment, Duration analysis

    Riemann-Langevin Particle Filtering in Track-Before-Detect

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    Track-before-detect (TBD) is a powerful approach that consists in providing the tracker with sensor measurements directly without pre-detection. Due to the measurement model non-linearities, online state estimation in TBD is most commonly solved via particle filtering. Existing particle filters for TBD do not incorporate measurement information in their proposal distribution. The Langevin Monte Carlo (LMC) is a sampling method whose proposal is able to exploit all available knowledge of the posterior (that is, both prior and measurement information). This letter synthesizes recent advances in LMC-based filtering to describe the Riemann-Langevin particle filter and introduces its novel application to TBD. The benefits of our approach are illustrated in a challenging low-noise scenario.Comment: Minor grammatical update

    Efecto de la crioterapia sobre el equilibrio dinámico a nivel de tobillo, evaluado con el star excursion balance test en jóvenes de 18 a 25 años

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    Tesis (Licenciatura en Kinesiología)Introducción:El equilibrio tiene una importancia relevante dentro de las actividades de la vida diaria que requieren que esta capacidad se mantenga indemne. Por otro lado,la crioterapia se usa comúnmente durante la rehabilitación como una modalidad de tratamiento. Agrupando estas dos variables se pretende ver los cambios cuantitativos del equilibrio antes de la aplicación de crioterapia, y posterior a ella, con una única prueba llamada Star Excursion Balance Test, utilizada en la rehabilitación física, que permitiera comparar los dos casos. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la crioterapia sobre el equilibrio dinámico en la articulación de tobillo. Metodología: Estudio cuasi-experimental, con una muestra de 30 sujetos, en este caso 15 mujeres y 15 hombres. En un principio al participante se le toman datos sobre su, edad, sexo, peso y altura, para posteriormente realiza el Star Excursion Balance Test sin aplicación de crioterapia en tobillo de pierna dominante. Luego, al participante se le solicita que se recueste en la camilla en decúbito supino, donde se le aplicara crioterapia en el tobillo de su pierna dominante durante 10 minutos. A continuación, finalizando los 10 minutos de aplicación de frío, el participante vuelve a ser evaluado con el Star Excursion Balance Test. Después, el participante al terminar la evaluación con el Star Excursion Balance Test, vuelve a la camilla donde se le solicita que se recueste en decúbito supino durante 20 minutos. Por último el participante vuelve a ser evaluado con el Star Excursion Balance Test. Resultados: Los datos obtenidos arrojaron que no existen cambios significativos en el equilibrio dinámico posterior a la aplicación de crioterapia (P > 0,05). Conclusión: Luego de los estudios revisados y los resultados del presente estudio se concluye que la crioterapia aplicada en el tobillo, no disminuiría el equilibrio dinámico de forma estadísticamente significativa

    A Speech Recognizer based on Multiclass SVMs with HMM-Guided Segmentation

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    Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is essentially a problem of pattern classification, however, the time dimension of the speech signal has prevented to pose ASR as a simple static classification problem. Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers could provide an appropriate solution, since they are very well adapted to high-dimensional classification problems. Nevertheless, the use of SVMs for ASR is by no means straightforward, mainly because SVM classifiers require an input of fixed-dimension. In this paper we study the use of a HMM-based segmentation as a mean to get the fixed-dimension input vectors required by SVMs, in a problem of isolated-digit recognition. Different configurations for all the parameters involved have been tested. Also, we deal with the problem of multi-class classification (as SVMs are initially binary classifers), studying two of the most popular approaches: 1-vs-all and 1-vs-1
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