22 research outputs found

    Orientações para Realização de Exames de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear em Pacientes com Dispositivos Eletrônicos Cardíacos

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    Estima-se que até 75% dos pacientes com dispositivos cardíacos eletrônicos implantáveis (DCEIs) terão indicação de exame de ressonância nuclear magnética (RNM) ao longo da vida. Pelas características dos dispositivos, esses foram excluídos historicamente do rol de pacientes considerados elegíveis ao exame

    Catolicismo e ciências sociais no Brasil: mudanças de foco e perspectiva num objeto de estudo

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    Meningocele intra-sacral oculta

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    Intrasacral meningoceles are rare conditions that can cause symptoms of nerve root compression. We report a case of a 18-year-old female, who presented with urinary incontinence. The neurological and urological evaluation revealed lack of detrusor muscle reflex. This finding supported the hypothesis of spinal disraphism. Magnetic resonance image revealed an intrasacral meningocele. The patient was submitted to surgical excision of the lesion without postoperative complications. In the present paper, the pathogenesis, clinical picture, neuroradiological findings and surgical treatment are discussed.Meningoceles intra-sacrais são lesões raras, que podem determinar sintomas de compressão radicular. Descrevemos o caso de uma paciente de 18 anos, com queixa de incontinência urinária, acometida por esta patologia. Após avaliação neuro-urológica e estudo uro-dinâmico, foi demonstrada arreflexia do detrusor, sendo aventada a hipótese de disrafismo espinhal. O diagnóstico de meningocele intra-sacral oculta foi evidenciado através de ressonância magnética. A paciente foi submetida a abordagem cirúrgica com boa recuperação pós-operatória. No presente artigo, é feita breve revisão da literatura, e são discutidas as apresentações clínicas possíveis, os achados neuro-radiológicos e o tratamento cirúrgico

    Effects of Static or Oscillating Dietary Crude Protein Levels on Fermentation Dynamics of Beef Cattle Diets Using a Dual-Flow Continuous Culture System

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    <div><p>The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of increasing dietary crude protein (CP) levels and also comparing the effects of static versus oscillating dietary CP on ruminal nutrient digestibility, ruminal fermentation, nitrogen (N) metabolism, and microbial efficiency in beef cattle diets using a dual-flow continuous culture system. Eight fermenters (1,223 ± 21 mL) were used in a replicated 4 x 4 Latin square design with periods lasting 12 d each (8 d for adaptation and 4 d for sampling). Dietary treatments were: 1) 10% CP, 2) 12% CP, 3) 14% CP, and 4) 10 and 14% CP diets oscillating at 48-h intervals. Experimental diets consisted of 50% orchard hay and 50% concentrate. Fermenters were fed 72 g/d and solid and liquid dilution rates were adjusted to 5.5 and 11%/h, respectively. Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure in SAS with α = 0.05. Apparent and true ruminal digestibilities of dry matter and organic matter were not affected (P > 0.05) by increasing dietary CP, nor by oscillating dietary CP. Total volatile fatty acids concentration and molar proportions of acetate, propionate, butyrate, valerate, iso-butyrate and iso-valerate were not affected (P > 0.05) by increasing or oscillating dietary CP. Ruminal NH<sub>3</sub>-N concentration increased linearly (<i>P</i> < 0.01) in response to increasing dietary CP. Total N, non-ammonia N, and rumen undegraded protein flows did not differ among treatments or between oscillating dietary CP and static 12% CP. Microbial N and NH<sub>3</sub>-N flows and microbial efficiency did not differ when comparing oscillating versus static CP (P > 0.05). However, there was a quadratic effect (<i>P</i> < 0.05) for these variables when dietary CP was increased. These results indicate that either ruminal microorganisms do not respond to oscillating CP levels or are capable of coping with 48-h periods of undernourishment.</p></div

    Alguns fiéis da igreja universal do reino de Deus Some worshippers from the universal church of the kingdom of God

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    O objetivo deste artigo é pensar sobre os processos de racionalização que operam na adesão à mensagem individualista da teologia da prosperidade. Para ampliar a compreensão do carisma desta vertente do cristianismo, são examinados elementos dispostos à subjetivação masculina, tais como aparecem para os integrantes de uma rede masculina de fiéis da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus. Essa rede é formada por cerca de 20 homens em situação civil variada, com idades entre 18 e 45 anos, que vivem em favelas ou em ladeiras situadas nos limites entre a zona sul e o Centro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, e têm baixa instrução. Em suas estratégias (privadas e individuais) para o enfrentamento dos dilemas que se lhes colocam e na urgência com que entre eles se impõem os desafios econômicos, reside rico conjunto de indícios para o entendimento da penetração da Igreja Universal nas camadas populares urbanas.<br>This article explores the processes of rationalization involved in a person's adherence to the individualist message of prosperity theology. Looking to gain a better understanding of the charisma associated with this version of Christianity, the text examines a number of elements used in the construction of male subjectivities, such as they appear to members of a network of worshippers from the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. This network is formed by around 20 men, both single and married, aged between 18 and 45 years with low levels of schooling, living in favelas or on hillsides located on the boundary between the south zone and centre of Rio de Janeiro. Their private and individual strategies for dealing with the problems surfacing in their day-to-day lives and the urgency of the economic challenges confronting them contain a rich set of data, providing us with an insight into the reasons behind the Universal Church's penetration of Brazil's urban working classes