6,567 research outputs found

    The political use of victimhood : Spanish collective memory of ETA through the war on terror paradigm

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    Victims have become a topic of scholarly debate in conflict studies, especially regarding the impact of their activism on the evolution and termination of violence. Victims of terrorism are now enlisted within counterterrorism, given their moral authority as spokespeople for counter-narratives and de-escalation. Our research explores how Spanish terrorism Victims’ Associations have evolved across eras of political violence and how they mediate the translation of international War on Terror discourses into Spanish counterterrorism. We offer a topography of how the War on Terror has opened a ‘social front’ in Spanish counter-terrorism, with Spanish political elites prominently employing the Victims’ Associations to this end. Contemporary terrorism discourses are read back onto the memory of ETA, with Victims’ Associations assisting the equation of ETA with Al Qaeda and ISIS. Collective memory of the defeat of ETA has also contributed the veneer of ‘lessons learned’ to contemporary counterterrorism measures. Our research explores the fluidity of terrorism-memory and the importation of global terrorism discourses into Spanish politics, relying upon interviews with key stakeholders in Victims’ Associations, local politics, and the research director of the new Centre for the Memory of Victims of Terrorism in Vitoria

    Propuesta de planificación y control de la producción para disminuir los pedidos no atendidos en la empresa edificaciones metálicas Savi S.A.C.

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se planteó desarrollar una propuesta de planificación y control de la producción para disminuir con los pedidos no atendidos en la empresa Edificaciones Metálicas Savi S.A.C; por ende tiene como objetivos el diagnóstico de los problemas actuales, donde se determinó que la empresa tiene un total de 17 días sin producir por falta de materia prima, a su vez se detectó que los procesos no se encuentran estandarizados provocando actividades improductivas dentro del proceso, por lo que el segundo objetivo es estandarizar los operaciones del proceso productivo; por otra lado se descubrió que la empresa tiene un total de 16,45% de pedidos no atendido durante el año 2017. Con la finalidad de reducir la demanda no atendida se realizó una planificación y control de la producción, donde en primer lugar se pronosticó la demanda con la finalidad de determinar el comportamiento de está en los próximos 5 años siguientes, después con la ayuda de la planeación agregada se determinó que estrategia es la más económica para poder atender la demanda y finalmente se realizó un plan de requerimiento de materiales. Haciendo uso de la metodología mencionada líneas arriba se determinó que la producción incremento de 42 unidades / día a 49 unidades /día; así mismo disminuyo el cuello de botella de 10,7 min a 9,7 min, por otro lado las actividades improductivas disminuyeron de 25,85% a 18,17%, los días de paro en la producción se eliminaron debido a que la materia prima se tendrá en el momento requerido, a su vez los pedidos serán atendidos en su totalidad durantepróximo años, y finalmente se obtuvo un relación costo-beneficio de s/.1,42

    Life course socioeconomic position and DNA methylation age acceleration in mid-life

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    BACKGROUND: Ageing biomarkers can help us better understand how well-established socioeconomic position (SEP) disparities in ageing occur. A promising new set of DNAm methylation (DNAm)-based ageing biomarkers indicate through their age acceleration (AA) measures if biological ageing is slower or faster than chronological ageing. Few studies have investigated the association between SEP and DNAm AA. METHODS: We used linear regression to examine the sex-adjusted relationships between childhood social class, adult social class, intergenerational social class change, education and adult household earnings with first (Horvath AA and Hannum AA) and second generation (PhenoAge AA and GrimAge AA) DNAm AA markers using data from the MRC National Survey of Health and Development. RESULTS: In the first-generation biomarkers, there was little evidence of any associations with Horvath AA but associations of childhood social class and income with Hannum AA were observed. Strong associations were seen between greater disadvantage in childhood and adult SEP and greater AA in the second generation biomarkers. For example, those with fathers in an unskilled occupational social class in childhood had 3.6 years greater PhenoAge AA (95% CI 1.8 to 5.4) than those with fathers from a professional social class. Individuals without qualifications had higher AA compared with those with higher education (4.1 years greater GrimAge AA (95% CI 3.1 to 5.0)). CONCLUSION: Our findings highlight the importance of exposure to social disadvantage in childhood to the biological ageing process. The second generation clocks appear to be more sensitive to the accumulation of social disadvantage across the life course

    Exploration of Dancers\u27 Post-Injury Psychological Experiences

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    Approximately 95% of dancers suffer from musculoskeletal pain, and rates of musculoskeletal injury in professional dancers range between 20% to 84% (Hincapié et al., 2008). In addition to the mechanical disturbances that injuries have on physical functioning, athletic injuries often trigger psychological and emotional distress (Anderson et al., 2004; Wiese-Bjornstal et al., 1998). Sport athletes have reported emotions including frustration, depression, fear, and anger post-injury, among other psychological responses (Johnston & Carroll, 1998; Macchi & Crossman, 1996; Tracey, 2003). Dancers, like sport athletes, face inherent risks for injury due to the artistry and physicality of dancing (Hincapié et al., 2008), yet there is limited research on the psychological responses of dance-related injuries, particularly within modern dancers (Thomas & Tarr, 2009). Thus, the purpose of the present study was to qualitatively explore the post-injury psychological experiences of modern dancers. Participants included eight adult modern dancers (7 women, 1 man; Mage = 30.5 years; 75% White) who had suffered a serious injury (≥ 6 weeks recovery time) within the past five years. Data was collected via semi-structured interviews, and all interviews were transcribed verbatim and coded line-by-line through an inductive analysis process. All open codes were sorted into 24 themes. Final themes were organized into seven higher order categories: emotional reactions, behavioral responses, realizations, external factors, loss, acceptance, and other experiences. The present study provides a base of research on the complexity of dance injury experiences and can be used as a guide to aid practitioners to support modern dancers more effectively

    Synthesis of realistic fetal MRI with conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Fetal brain magnetic resonance imaging serves as an emerging modality for prenatal counseling and diagnosis in disorders affecting the brain. Machine learning based segmentation plays an important role in the quantification of brain development. However, a limiting factor is the lack of sufficiently large, labeled training data. Our study explored the application of SPADE, a conditional general adversarial network (cGAN), which learns the mapping from the label to the image space. The input to the network was super-resolution T2-weighted cerebral MRI data of 120 fetuses (gestational age range: 20-35 weeks, normal and pathological), which were annotated for 7 different tissue categories. SPADE networks were trained on 256*256 2D slices of the reconstructed volumes (image and label pairs) in each orthogonal orientation. To combine the generated volumes from each orientation into one image, a simple mean of the outputs of the three networks was taken. Based on the label maps only, we synthesized highly realistic images. However, some finer details, like small vessels were not synthesized. A structural similarity index (SSIM) of 0.972+-0.016 and correlation coefficient of 0.974+-0.008 were achieved. To demonstrate the capacity of the cGAN to create new anatomical variants, we artificially dilated the ventricles in the segmentation map and created synthetic MRI of different degrees of fetal hydrocephalus. cGANs, such as the SPADE algorithm, allow the generation of hypothetically unseen scenarios and anatomical configurations in the label space, which data in turn can be utilized for training various machine learning algorithms. In the future, this algorithm would be used for generating large, synthetic datasets representing fetal brain development. These datasets would potentially improve the performance of currently available segmentation networks

    An Explicit Framework for Interaction Nets

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    Interaction nets are a graphical formalism inspired by Linear Logic proof-nets often used for studying higher order rewriting e.g. \Beta-reduction. Traditional presentations of interaction nets are based on graph theory and rely on elementary properties of graph theory. We give here a more explicit presentation based on notions borrowed from Girard's Geometry of Interaction: interaction nets are presented as partial permutations and a composition of nets, the gluing, is derived from the execution formula. We then define contexts and reduction as the context closure of rules. We prove strong confluence of the reduction within our framework and show how interaction nets can be viewed as the quotient of some generalized proof-nets

    How Intense Policy Demanders Shape Postreform Politics: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act

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    The implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been a politically volatile process. The ACA\u27s institutional design and delayed feedback effects created a window of opportunity for its partisan opponents to launch challenges at both the federal and state level. Yet as recent research suggests, postreform politics depends on more than policy feedback alone; rather, it is shaped by the partisan and interest-group environment. We argue that “intense policy demanders” played an important role in defining the policy alternatives that comprised congressional Republicans\u27 efforts to repeal and replace the ACA. To test this argument, we drew on an original data set of bill introductions in the House of Representatives between 2011 and 2016. Our analysis suggests that business contributions and political ideology affected the likelihood that House Republicans would introduce measures repealing significant portions of the ACA. A secondary analysis shows that intense policy demanders also shaped the vote on House Republicans\u27 initial ACA replacement plan. These findings highlight the role intense policy demanders can play in shaping the postreform political agenda