1,720 research outputs found

    Relación entre el clima de clase y el bienestar psicológico en población adolescente

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    Durante la estancia del adolescente en los centros de educación secundaria éstos se ven sometido a una serie de tensiones sociales y emocionales que afectan a su desarrollo como estudiante y como individuo dentro de una sociedad. Este trabajo se centra en los conceptos psicológico de bienestar y clima de clase. Entendiendo el bienestar psicológico como la satisfacción personal que obtiene el individuo por el esfuerzo que realizar por mejorar en áreas o procesos implicados en vivir mejor. Este concepto transciende más allá de la propia medición de la satisfacción y se presenta como variable predictiva y moduladora tanto en áreas de la salud física y psicológica, como en las relaciones sociales y el ámbito escolar y laboral. El clima de clase se define como la percepción de sentimientos positivos de ser aceptado y ser valioso para los demás en la convivencia diaria. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar cómo el clima de clase afecta al bienestar psicológico. La muestra está compuesta por estudiantes de ESO, con edades comprendidas entre 12 y 18 años procede de diversos institutos de la provincia de Málaga. Para la evaluación del Bienestar Psicológico se ha utilizado la adaptación española de las Escalas de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff en su versión reducida. Para la evaluación del clima de clase se ha utilizado el CECSCE. Los resultados obtenidos muestran como determinados aspectos de bienestar y el clima de clase se muestran relacionado. Estos datos deben animar a centrar la atención en la importancia de realizar una atención psicológica sobre aquellos factores que afectan al bienestar psicológico. Ya que aumentar el bienestar psicológico en los adolescentes implica un mayor rendimiento escolar, mejor salud física y salud psicológica.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Relación entre el grado de corrosión y el comportamiento mecánico de armaduras B500 SD corroídas

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    En este trabajo se discuten las herramientas de orden matemático necesarias para la presentación, a los alumnos de grado en edificación, de una metodología para el análisis de la incidencia de la corrosión de armaduras en su límite elástico y su resistencia a tracción, discutiendo los resultados de un ensayo a tracción

    Ultrastructure of Plant Leaf Cuticles in relation to Sample Preparation as Observed by Transmission Electron Microscopy

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    The leaf cuticular ultrastructure of some plant species has been examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in only few studies. Attending to the different cuticle layers and inner structure, plant cuticles have been grouped into six general morphological types. With the aim of critically examining the effect of cuticle isolation and preparation for TEM analysis on cuticular ultrastructure, adaxial leaf cuticles of blue-gum eucalypt, grey poplar, and European pear were assessed, following a membrane science approach. The embedding and staining protocols affected the ultrastructure of the cuticles analysed. The solubility parameter, surface tension, and contact angles with water of pure Spurr's and LR-White resins were within a similar range. Differences were however estimated for resin : solvent mixtures, since Spurr’s resin is combined with acetone and LR-White resin is mixed with ethanol. Given the composite hydrophilic and lipophilic nature of plant cuticles, the particular TEM tissue embedding and staining procedures employed may affect sample ultrastructure and the interpretation of the results in physicochemical and biological terms. It is concluded that tissue preparation procedures may be optimised to facilitate the observation of the micro- and nanostructure of cuticular layers and components with different degrees of polarity and hydrophobicity

    Relaciones entre bienestar psicológico y variables sociales en la adolescencia

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    El bienestar psicológico en la adolescencia se relaciona con diversas variables del ámbito social y académico de los adolescentes. Dentro de la perspectiva de bienestar eudaimónica, el desarrollo de la competencia social y los sentimientos de pertenencia al grupo de iguales de referencia se muestran especialmente importantes en los procesos de crecimiento personal. Las adecuadas relaciones sociales con el grupo de iguales, así como con el profesorado, y la aceptación de dicho grupo de referencia proporciona la seguridad emocional necesaria para la adaptación al entorno, conllevando un mayor bienestar psicológico y social. El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de analizar la relación existente entre el bienestar psicológico de alumnado de ESO y de Bachiller, y diversas variables provenientes del ámbito social y académico de los adolescentes. Se han analizado las siguientes variables vinculadas al contexto académico de los centros de secundaria: la calidad de las relaciones con los compañeros/as de clase, con los compañeros/as del centro, así como la calidad de las relaciones con el profesorado. El estudio se ha realizado con una muestra de 448 adolescentes de ESO y de Bachiller, con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 18 años, siendo 271 chicos y 177 chicas, y de diversos centros de secundaria de las provincias de Málaga y Cádiz (Benalmádena, Arriate, Algeciras y Málaga capital). Para analizar el bienestar psicológico se ha utilizado la adaptación española de las Escalas de Bienestar Psicológico de Carol Ryff. Los resultados señalan que se consigue un mayor bienestar psicológico cuando existe una buena relación con los compañeros/as de clase, así como también con los compañeros/as del centro. De igual modo los adolescentes del estudio evidencian un mayor bienestar psicológico cuando existe una buena relación con el profesorado del centro educativoUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Relaciones entre bienestar psicológico y variables familiares en la adolescencia

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    El bienestar psicológico en la adolescencia se ve influenciado por una diversidad de variables que intervienen en sus diferentes dimensiones, siendo las variables del entorno familiar unas de las más influyentes. La perspectiva de bienestar que se ha adoptado en este estudio es la eudaimónica, que lo conceptualiza en base al sentido de control personal, de autonomía de vida, de propósitos personales y de competencias, focalizando más el interés en los procesos de crecimiento personal. El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de explorar y describir la relación existente entre el bienestar psicológico de alumnado de ESO y de Bachiller, y diversas variables provenientes del ámbito familiar. Se han analizado las siguientes variables: la calidad de la relación existente con la madre, así como con el padre, y también con los hermanos/as; la percepción que tiene el adolescente sobre el lugar donde vive; el trabajo que tiene la madre y el padre; y la situación de separación o no de los progenitores. Para analizar el bienestar psicológico se ha utilizado la adaptación española de las Escalas de Bienestar Psicológico de Carol Ryff con sus seis escalas de referencia. El estudio se ha realizado con una muestra de 448 adolescentes de ESO y de Bachiller, con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 18 años, siendo 271 chicos y 177 chicas, y de diversos centros de secundaria de las provincias de Málaga y Cádiz (Benalmádena, Arriate, Algeciras y Málaga capital). En los resultados hay que destacar que se asocia un mayor bienestar psicológico, en la adolescencia, a una buena calificación de la vivienda donde se vive, así como a una buena relación con la madre, con el padre y también con los hermanos/as. Así mismo se encuentra que el hecho de que los padres no estén separados en la adolescencia produce un mayor bienestar psicológico total en los hijos/as, además de mayor autoaceptación, mayor dominio del entorno y mayor propósito en la vida de los adolescentes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Relaciones entre el bienestar psicológico y la resiliencia en población universitaria

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    El Plan de Acción sobre salud mental 2013-2020 de la OMS concibe la salud mental corno un estado de bienestar en el que el individuo realiza sus capacidades, supera el estrés normal de la vida y trabaja de forma productiva. El presente simposio muestra parte de la investigación que nuestro equipo de trabajo viene realizando desde hace tres años en el área del bienestar psicológico en población adolescente y universitaria. En este trabajo se presenta el constructo de bienestar psicológico desde la perspectiva eudaimónica, seleccionando el modelo rnultidirnensional de Carol Ryff (1989). Dicho constructo se relaciona con la resiliencia corno variable vinculada con las diferentes dimensiones del bienestar psicológico.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Assessing Creativity In Engineering Students: A Comparative Between Degrees and Sudents In First And Last Year

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    An online open access test (CREAX self-assessment) has been used in this work so that students from degrees in engineering in the Universidad Polite¿cnica of Madrid (UPM) could self-assess their creative competence after several classroom activities. Different groups from the first year course have been statistically compared using data from their assessment. These first year students had different professors in the subject ?Technical Drawing? and belonged to several degrees in the UPM. They were as well compared regarding sex and a group of first year students was also compared to another last year group of the degree so as to observe possible differences in the achievement of this competence. Only one difference was detected concerning sex in one of the degrees. Among degrees, the higher marks obtained by students who had done specific exercises for the development of creativity in class is highlighted. Finally, a significantly high mark was observed in students during their last year of degree with respect to first year students. The tool CREAX has become very useful in the assessment of this competence in the UPM degrees in which it has been implemented

    Comparing astroglial reactivity in two transgenic mouse models of tauopathy

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    Astrocytes are becoming crucial players in the pathology of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Astrocyte responses have been mainly analyzed in the context of amyloid-beta (Abeta) pathology, highlighting their role in the development/progression of amyloidosis and their relationship with the microglial response. Regarding tau pathology, some studies have reported that astrocytes respond to hyperphosphorylated tau (phospho-tau) and suggested their implication on tau transmission/elimination. Here, we aimed to analyze the astroglial reactivity to tau pathology in the hippocampus of two transgenic mouse models of tauopathy, ThyTau22 and P301S. Proteinopathy was assessed by western-blotting and immunohistochemistry using phospho-tau antibodies (AT8). Inflammatory markers (GFAP, Iba-1, CD45, TREM2) were analyzed by qPCR and immunohistochemistry for bright-field microscopy; glial-phospho-tau relationship was analyzed under confocal and transmission electron microscopy. P301S mice exhibited an intense reactive astrogliosis, increasing with aging in parallel to a strong phospho-tau pathology. ThyTau22 model showed a slighter astrocyte reactivity accompanied by a lesser accumulation of phospho-tau. Astrogliosis in P301S mice closely correlated with an acute DAM-like microglial activation, not observed in ThyTau22 hippocampus. Confocal and ultrastructural studies revealed that, in both models, astrocytic processes contained phospho-tau, especially those surrounding blood vessels. Our results support that astrocytes respond to tau pathology in the absence of Abeta. This reactivity highly correlates with phospho-tau pathology and markedly depends on microglial activation. Moreover, astrocytes may play a role in the elimination/spreading of phospho-tau species through the brain. Deciphering the mechanisms underlying these processes might help to develop therapies to slow down the progression of AD.Supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCiii) of Spain, co-financed by FEDER funds from European Union through grants PI18/01557 (to AG), PI18/01556 (to JV), and by Junta de Andalucia through Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento grants UMA18-FEDERJA-211 (AG), P18-RT-2233 (AG) and US-1262734 (JV) co-financed by Programa Operativo FEDER2014-2020. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analysis of the structural chromosomal anomalies and distribution by chromosomes in the ECEMC’s series of newborn infants with congenital defects

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    Citogenética y Genética MolecularThis study was aimed at estimating the frequency of unbalanced structural chromosomal anomalies identified in the consecutive series of newborn infants with congenital defects, registered in the Spanish Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECEMC). These cases were cytogenetically studied at its laboratory since 1981 up to December 2009. A total of 4,681 cases were studied following a protocol established by ECEMC program, which starts by performing a high resolution karyotype (550-850 bands), and if the results are normal, it is followed by the analysis of subtelomeric regions and depending on the clinical manifestations, some FISH and MLPA analyses were applied in order to also rule out microdeletion syndromes. The parents and other relatives were also studied when necessary, according to ECEMC’s protocol. A total of 136 cases had unbalanced chromosomal structural anomalies. Data were analyzed either globally or in two periods including the years 1981-1994, and 1995-2009 which are before and after starting the use of FISH techniques in the ECEMC`s laboratory. Among the 136 total cases having unbalanced structural anomalies, 71.32% were cytogenetically detected, and the remaining 28.68% by FISH. Each type of anomaly was distributed by involved chromosome separating those affecting p and q arms. In the group of cytogenetically detected anomalies, deletions (42.55% of cases) were 2.1 times more frequent than duplications (20.22%). Deletions affecting short arms were 3 times more frequent than duplications. Among cases detected by FISH techniques, deletions were 15.49 times more frequent than duplications, the 22q11.2 microdeletion being the most common (38.46% of the cases), followed by the deletions in chromosomes 15 (15.38%) and 4 (10.26%). Some of these alterations were identified by the clinical suspicion of their specific syndromes (Wolf-Hirschhorn, Prader-Willi, Williams-Beuren, Miller-Dieker, etc), and this could somehow bias their frequencies (see Table 3). In addition, some other unexpected microdeletion syndromes were detected such as two cases with microdeletion 1p36, one case with each of the following microdeletions: 2q23.1, 5q31, and a deletion 12q13.3-q21.2, including the region of the known microdeletion syndrome 12q14, but it is possible that may be other not hitherto identified. To our knowledge, this study represents the first one analyzing the frequency of chromosomal alterations globally and by each one of the 23 chromosomes on a consecutive series of newborn infants with congenital defects which are detectable during the first three days of life. It is also remarkable that all the cases were studied with the same protocol and the same team of specialists.N

    Changes in Clinical Pain in Fibromyalgia Patients Correlate with Changes in Brain Activation in the Cingulate Cortex in a Response Inhibition Task

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    Objective The primary symptom of fibromyalgia is chronic, widespread pain; however, patients report additional symptoms including decreased concentration and memory. Performance‐based deficits are seen mainly in tests of working memory and executive functioning. It has been hypothesized that pain interferes with cognitive performance; however, the neural correlates of this interference are still a matter of debate. In a previous, cross‐sectional study, we reported that fibromyalgia patients (as compared with healthy controls) showed a decreased blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) response related to response inhibition (in a simple G o/ N o‐ G o task) in the anterior/mid cingulate cortex, supplementary motor area, and right premotor cortex. Methods Here in this longitudinal study, neural activation elicited by response inhibition was assessed again in the same cohort of fibromyalgia patients and healthy controls using the same G o/ N o‐ G o paradigm. Results A decrease in percentage of body pain distribution was associated with an increase in BOLD signal in the anterior/mid cingulate cortex and the supplementary motor area, regions that have previously been shown to be “hyporeactive” in this cohort. Conclusions Our results suggest that the clinical distribution of pain is associated with the BOLD response elicited by a cognitive task. The cingulate cortex and the supplementary motor area are critically involved in both the pain system as well as the response inhibition network. We hypothesize that increases in the spatial distribution of pain might engage greater neural resources, thereby reducing their availability for other networks. Our data also point to the potential for, at least partial, reversibility of these changes.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108346/1/pme12460.pd