133 research outputs found

    Aportaciones del Programa Marco de Investigación Europea al Análisis del Trabajo Social

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    En el presente artículo identificamos, a partir de las investigaciones de la comunidad científica internacional, dos de las competencias clave para los y las trabajadoras sociales: conocer las actuaciones de éxito en el ámbito social y desarrollar actos comunicativos dialógicos para recrear las actuaciones de éxito en cada contexto. También constatamos cómo los resultados de la investigación científica internacional demuestran que los grupos culturales rechazan cada vez más que se les vaya a investigar y quieren y exigen participar en las investigaciones y que se dé valor científico a sus voces para colaborar en las políticas sociales que necesitan los y las ciudadanas para salir de su exclusión.This article identifies two key competencies that social workers need, according to research conducted by the international scientific community: the capacity to find and analyse successful actions in the social environment and the capacity to develop dialogic communicative acts to recreate such successful actions in different contexts. The article also informs how research conducted by the international scientific community demonstrates that cultural groups are increasingly rejecting the act of being researched and how they are demanding participation in the research to have their voices recognized as having scientific value in order to collaborate in the social policies the citizens require to overcome social exclusion

    Study on storage energy devices: supercapacitors, a green alternative

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    Nowadays, it is increasingly common to hear about environmental issues. This fact keep us to continually try to improve energy optimization, either through new storage devices that pollute less or improvements in the environmental energy generation systems. Recent new types of devices under study are those called supercapacitors. Supercapacitors are electronic devices able to store charge in form of electrical energy. This energy is stored as an electric field, so supercapacitors are less polluting than standard batteries, which obtained its energy by chemical reactions. Their name is determinate by the high capacity that can achieve (up to 1000 F). The aim of this project is to find a model to characterize the behaviour of supercapacitors from their charge and discharge, analyze the efficiency of these devices and try to find if the energy losses could be represented only by a series resistance or not. The steps that have been followed to achieve the main aim were to design a charge-discharge circuit based on two methods (constant current source and pulse current source); collect and process the measurements obtained and analyze the supercapacitors behaviour during the process of charge-discharge. Finally, a model of an equivalent circuit for supercapacitors have been found and characterize whit the values obtained from the results of charge-discharge process. In order to validate the model searched, it has been simulated with a simulation program

    Visibility matters: An exploration of YouTube ranking culture

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    Building on Rieder’s (2015) approach to describe the structure and dynamics of outputs of the YouTube ranking algorithm, this paper seeks to interrogate YouTube’s role in the curation of content and culture production with regards to different socio-cultural issues. By examining over time the ordered videos returned by YouTube when querying “Islam”, “Syria”, “Trump”, “refugees” and “Gamergate” we seek to explore YouTube ranking culture around different issues. First, we describe and compare the outcomes of the algorithmic work, and second we qualitatively analyse the top results over time and for each issue

    Novel tobacco and nicotine products and youth in the European Union

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    In recent years, there has been a rapid proliferation of novel tobacco and nicotine products in the market, which have gained in popularity among adolescents. The prevalence of ever users of electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) in Europe among those aged 10–24 ranges from 5.5% to 56.6%, with significant variations across countries. Adolescents have reported several reasons for e-cig use initiation, including low harm perception, social acceptability, novelty, and peer influence. Despite being marketed as safe alternatives, e-cigs are not risk-free and have already been associated with respiratory diseases. A major concern is their potential to renormalize smoking among non-smokers and to foster nicotine dependence, leading to the initiation of conventional cigarette smoking, which would reverse actual declining trends in tobacco consumption. Hence, to prevent a setback on the progress made in tobacco control, there is a pressing need for more comprehensive regulation, with a particular focus on adolescents, given that the teenage years are pivotal in determining future smoking behavior

    Novel tobacco and nicotine products and youth in the European Union

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    In recent years, there has been a rapid proliferation of novel tobacco and nicotine products in the market, which have gained in popularity among adolescents. The prevalence of ever user of electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) in Europe among those aged 10–24 ranges from 5.5% to 56.6%, with significant variations across countries. Adolescents have reported several reasons for e-cigs use initiation, including low harm perception, social acceptability, novelty, and peer influence. Despite being marketed as safe alternatives, e-cigs are not risk-free and have already been associated with respiratory diseases. A major concern is their potential to renormalize smoking among non-smokers and to foster nicotine dependence, leading to initiation of conventional cigarette smoking, which would revert actual declining trends in tobacco consumption. Hence, to prevent a setback in the progress made in tobacco control, there is a pressing need for more comprehensive regulation, with a particular focus on adolescents, given that teenage years are key in determining future smoking behaviors

    Actives audiences and income inequality: An exploratory analysis of the conversation on Twitter

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    [ES] La desigualdad de ingresos es uno de los mayores desafíos de nuestras sociedades y uno de los temas principales de la agenda política reciente (Pickett y Wilkinson, 2015: 132), especialmente desde el colapso financiero global. Como Mike Savage (2016) afirma, ¿la desigualdad está en todas partes, en las representaciones que los medios hacen de la realidad, así como en nuestra vida social diaria o en las redes sociales¿. Las redes sociales tienen el potencial de facilitar una democracia más participativa y un valor disruptivo para desafiar los intereses tradicionales y los modos de poder comunicativo (Loader y Mercea, 2011). Por lo tanto, nuestro objetivo es describir cómo se crea la opinión pública en relación con el concepto de desigualdad de ingresos en Twitter. Desde un punto de vista metodológico, tras haber realizado un análisis cuantitativo en trabajos previos, proponemos explorar el cualitativo a través de la recolección de 102.082 tuits en 2018 sobre el concepto de desigualdad de ingresos.[EN] The income inequality is one of the major challenges of our societies and one of the main topics on the recent political agenda (Pickett & Wilkinson, 2015: 132), especially since the global financial collapse. As Mike Savage (2016) affirms, ¿inequality is everywhere: in the representations that the media makes of reality, as well as in our daily social life or in social networks¿. Paying attention to digitally mediated conversation, the research will focus on Twitter as a digital platform and social network used for set the topic in the digital public sphere. Social media have the potential to facilitate more participative democracy and a disruptive value for challenging traditional interests and modes of communicative power (Loader & Mercea, 2011). Thus, we focus on identifying how public opinion is created in relation to the concept of income inequality in social networks as Twitter. From a methodological point of view, we propose an analysis of the tweets published by different users on Twitter around the concept of income inequality.Este artículo pertenece al proyecto de investigación "News, Networks and Users in the Hybrid Media System (Newsnet). Transformation of News and Media Industry in the Post-Industrial Era", referencia: RTI2018- 095775-B-C43, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Gobierno de España.Pérez Altable, L.; Serrano Tellería, A.; Fernandez-Planells, A. (2020). Audiencias activas y desigualdad de ingresos: análisis exploratorio de la conversación en Twitter. Hipertext.net. (20):1-12. https://doi.org/10.31009/hipertext.net.2020.i20.01S1122

    Guía clínica de atención a menores transexuales, transgéneros y de género diverso

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    Transgénero; Terapia hormonal cruzada; Identidad de géneroTransgender; Hormone cross therapy; Gender identityTransgènere; Teràpia hormonal creuada; Identitat de gènereSome people, including minors, have a gender identity that does not correspond to the sex assigned at birth. They are known as trans* people, which is an umbrella term that encompasses transgender, transsexual, and other identities not conforming to the assigned gender. Healthcare units for trans* minors require multidisciplinary working, undertaken by personnel expert in gender identity, enabling, when requested, interventions for the minor and their social–familial environment, in an individualized and flexible way during the gender affirmation path. This service model also includes hormonal treatments tailored as much as possible to the individual's needs, beyond the dichotomic goals of a traditional binary model. This guide addresses the general aspects of professional care of trans* minors and presents the current evidence-based protocol of hormonal treatments for trans* and non-binary adolescents. In addition, it details key aspects related to expected body changes and their possible side effects, as well as prior counselling about fertility preservation.Algunas personas, también las menores de edad, tienen una identidad de género que no se corresponde con el sexo asignado al nacer. Se les conoce como personas trans*, que es el término paraguas que engloba transgénero, transexual y otras identidades no conformes con el género asignado. Las unidades de asistencia sanitaria a menores trans* requieren un trabajo multidisciplinario, realizado por personal experto en identidad de género, que permita, cuando así lo soliciten, intervenciones para el menor y su entorno sociofamiliar, de forma individualizada y flexible durante el camino de afirmación de género. Este modelo de servicio también incluye tratamientos hormonales adaptados en la medida de lo posible a las necesidades del individuo, más allá de los objetivos dicotómicos de un modelo binario tradicional. Esta guía aborda los aspectos generales de la atención profesional de menores trans* y presenta el protocolo actual basado en evidencia de tratamientos hormonales para adolescentes trans* y no binarios. Además, detalla aspectos clave relacionados con los cambios corporales esperados y sus posibles efectos secundarios, así como el asesoramiento previo sobre preservación de la fertilidad

    Twitter e información política en la prensa digital: la red social como fuente de declaraciones en la era Trump

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    [ES] A través del análisis de contenido de una muestra de artículos de The New York Times publicados durante el primer año de legislatura del presidente de EUA, Donald Trump, la presente investigación cuantifica el número de veces que declaraciones realizadas a través de Twitter son utilizadas como fuente por los periodistas. Los resultados apuntan a que la red social se ha legitimado ya como fuente periodística en la prensa digital de referencia y de la información política, más allá de contextos electorales. El estudio contribuye a profundizar en los cambios que la red social ha introducido en el uso de fuentes periodísticas en el ámbito de las hard news.[EN] Based on a sample of articles published by The New York Times in 2017 covering three important political issues, this research quantifies the number of tweets that end being used as journalistic sources. With the president of the United States, Donald Trump, as the main protagonist, the results point to the fact that Twitter statements are consolidated as a content used on a recurring basis also in the most reliable media. In this way, the study contributes to deepen into the changes that the social network has introduced in the use of journalistic sources in the field of hard news.Justel-Vázquez, S.; Fernandez-Planells, A.; Victoria-Mas, M.; Lacasa-Mas, I. (2018). Twitter and political information in the main digital media: The social network as a source of statements in the Trump era. El profesional de la información. 27(5):984-992. https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2018.sep.03S98499227

    Sex and gender perspectives in colorectal cancer

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    Gender; Toxicity; Tumour biologyGènere; Toxicitat; Biologia tumoralGénero; Toxicidad; Biología tumoralHistorically women were frequently excluded from clinical trials and drug usage to protect unborn babies from potential harm. As a consequence, the impact of sex and gender on both tumour biology and clinical outcomes has been largely underestimated. Although interrelated and often used interchangeably, sex and gender are not equivalent concepts. Sex is a biological attribute that defines species according to their chromosomal makeup and reproductive organ, while gender refers to a chosen sexual identity. Sex dimorphisms are rarely taken into account, in either preclinical or clinical research, with inadequate analysis of differences in outcomes according to sex or gender still widespread, reflecting a gap in our knowledge for a large proportion of the target population. Underestimation of sex-based differences in study design and analyses has invariably led to 'one-drug' treatment regimens for both males and females. For patients with colorectal cancer (CRC), sex also has an impact on the disease incidence, clinicopathological features, therapeutic outcomes, and tolerability to anticancer treatments. Although the global incidence of CRC is higher in male subjects, the proportion of patients presenting right-sided tumours and BRAF mutations is higher among females. Concerning sex-related differences in treatment efficacy and toxicity, drug dosage does not take into account sex-specific differences in pharmacokinetics. Toxicity associated with fluoropyrimidines, targeted therapies, and immunotherapies has been reported to be more extensive for females with CRC than for males, although evidence about differences in efficacy is more controversial. This article aims to provide an overview of the research achieved so far into sex and gender differences in cancer and summarize the growing body of literature illustrating the sex and gender perspective in CRC and their impact in relation to tumour biology and treatment efficacy and toxicity. We propose endorsing research on how biological sex and gender influence CRC as an added value for precision oncology