2,023 research outputs found

    Universal vs. risk-factor-based screening for gestational diabetes-an analysis from a 5-Year Portuguese Cohort

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    PURPOSE: The criteria to screen for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus are not internationally consensual. In opposition to the universal screening performed in Portugal, certain countries advocate a risk-factor-based screening. We aim to compare obstetric and neonatal outcomes in pregnant women with and without risk factors treated for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. METHODS: Retrospective and multicentric study of 12,006 pregnant women diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus between 2011 and 2015, in Portugal. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus was diagnosed according to the International Association of the Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups criteria. RISK FACTORS: body mass index > 30kg/m2, history of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, history of macrossomic newborn (birth weight > 4000 g) or first-degree relatives with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: lack of data concerning risk factors (n = 1563). RESULTS: At least one risk factor was found in 68.2% (n = 7123) pregnant women. Pregnant women with risk factors were more frequently medicated with insulin (p < 0.001), caesarean section was more commonly performed (p < 0.001), their newborns were more frequently large-for-gestational-age (p < 0.001) and neonatal morbidity was higher (p = 0.040) in comparison to pregnant women without risk factors. The Diabetes Mellitus reclassification test showed an increased frequency of intermediate hyperglycaemia and Diabetes Mellitus in women with risk factors (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Almost one-third of pregnant women would have remained undiagnosed if risk-based-factor screening were implemented in Portugal. Women without risk factors presented fewer obstetric and neonatal complications. However, more than one third required insulin therapinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Iron Deficiency and Obesity - Are we Diagnosing with Appropriate Indicators?

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    INTRODUCTION: We aim to define the iron deficiency prevalence and eventual differences between obese patients with and without metabolic syndrome. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Analysis of patients evaluated at multidisciplinary consultation of obesity in our institution between 2013 and 2015 (n = 260). Iron deficiency: ferritin levels < 15 ng/mL. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: prior bariatric surgery; lack of ferritin or hemoglobin determinations. RESULTS: We analyzed data from 215 patients (84.2% female) with a mean age of 42.0 ± 10.3 years. The median body mass index was 42.5 (40.0 - 46.8) kg/m2 and 52.1% had metabolic syndrome. Iron deficiency was present in 7.0%, with no differences between genders or between patients with or without metabolic syndrome. Hypertension was associated with lower prevalence of iron deficiency. Type 2 diabetes and hypertension patients had higher levels of ferritin. The multivariate analysis showed that metabolic syndrome and increasing body mass index were predictive of higher risk of iron deficiency while hypertension predicted lower odds of iron deficiency. DISCUSSION: The prevalence of iron deficiency was similar in other published studies. Iron deficiency may be underdiagnosed if based only on ferritin concentrations. In our study, diabetes and hypertension appear to contribute to the increase in ferritin levels described in obesity. CONCLUSION: Ferritin may not be a reliable index for evaluating iron stores in obese patients, particularly when associated with comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Further studies are needed to guide the diagnosis and iron supplementation in these patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intravenous immunoglobulin in dermatology – clinical experience in Hospital de Braga

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    Introdução: Nos últimos anos tem aumentado a experiência clínica com o uso de Imunoglobulinas Endovenosas (IgEv) em Dermatologia. Apesar da informação limitada na literatura, a utilização off-label das IgEv tem demonstrado eficácia na terapêutica de várias dermatoses refratárias aos tratamentos convencionais. Material e métodos: Efetuou-se um estudo retrospetivo dos doentes com patologia dermatológica tratados com IgEv entre Janeiro de 2004 e Outubro de 2011 no Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital de Braga. Foram analisadas as características demográficas e clínicas, as terapêuticas efetuadas, a resposta clínica e o perfil de segurança. Resultados: Foram tratados 21 doentes com IgEv em 10 diferentes patologias dermatológicas: quatro doentes com Pênfigo Vulgar [2 com resposta completa (RC), um com resposta parcial (RP) e outro que interrompeu o tratamento por efeito lateral grave]; dois doentes com Penfigóide Bolhoso (um com RC e outro com RP); três doentes com Necrólise Epidérmica Tóxica (NET) com RC; dois doentes com Dermatomiosite (ambos com RP); quatro doentes com Urticária Crónica (um com RC, um com RP, um que não respondeu e outro que suspendeu o tratamento por efeito lateral); dois doentes com Vasculopatia Livedóide com RP; um doente com Síndrome CREST que não melhorou; um doente com Escleromixedema com RP; um doente com Pioderma Gangrenoso com RC e uma doente com Dermite Atópica que interrompeu o tratamento na sequência de gravidez. Com excepção dos 3 doentes com NET, em todos os outros a doença havia sido refratária aos tratamentos sistémicos convencionais. Conclusões: Apesar de a nossa experiência ser limitada, o tratamento com IgEv pode ser benéfico em determinadas patologias que não melhoram com o tratamento clássico. Atendendo ao seu custo elevado e efeito terapêutico variável, o seu uso deve ser criterioso até que mais estudos definam a relação risco-benefício

    Feasibility, drug safety, and effectiveness of etiological treatment programs for Chagas disease in Honduras, Guatemala, and Bolivia: 10-year experience of Médecins Sans Frontières

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    BACKGROUND: Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) is a zoonotic or anthropozoonotic disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. Predominantly affecting populations in poor areas of Latin America, medical care for this neglected disease is often lacking. Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has provided diagnostic and treatment services for Chagas disease since 1999. This report describes 10 years of field experience in four MSF programs in Honduras, Guatemala, and Bolivia, focusing on feasibility protocols, safety of drug therapy, and treatment effectiveness. METHODOLOGY: From 1999 to 2008, MSF provided free diagnosis, etiological treatment, and follow-up care for patients <18 years of age seropositive for T. cruzi in Yoro, Honduras (1999-2002); Olopa, Guatemala (2003-2006); Entre Ríos, Bolivia (2002-2006); and Sucre, Bolivia (2005-2008). Essential program components guaranteeing feasibility of implementation were information, education, and communication (IEC) at the community and family level; vector control; health staff training; screening and diagnosis; treatment and compliance, including family-based strategies for early detection of adverse events; and logistics. Chagas disease diagnosis was confirmed by testing blood samples using two different diagnostic tests. T. cruzi-positive patients were treated with benznidazole as first-line treatment, with appropriate counseling, consent, and active participation from parents or guardians for daily administration of the drug, early detection of adverse events, and treatment withdrawal, when necessary. Weekly follow-up was conducted, with adverse events recorded to assess drug safety. Evaluations of serological conversion were carried out to measure treatment effectiveness. Vector control, entomological surveillance, and health education activities were carried out in all projects with close interaction with national and regional programs. RESULTS: Total numbers of children and adolescents tested for T. cruzi in Yoro, Olopa, Entre Ríos, and Sucre were 24,471, 8,927, 7,613, and 19,400, respectively. Of these, 232 (0.9%), 124 (1.4%), 1,475 (19.4%), and 1,145 (5.9%) patients, respectively, were diagnosed as seropositive. Patients were treated with benznidazole, and early findings of seroconversion varied widely between the Central and South American programs: 87.1% and 58.1% at 18 months post-treatment in Yoro and Olopa, respectively; 5.4% by up to 60 months in Entre Ríos; and 0% at an average of 18 months in Sucre. Benznidazole-related adverse events were observed in 50.2% and 50.8% of all patients treated in Yoro and Olopa, respectively, and 25.6% and 37.9% of patients in Entre Ríos and Sucre, respectively. Most adverse events were mild and manageable. No deaths occurred in the treatment population. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate the feasibility of implementing Chagas disease diagnosis and treatment programs in resource-limited settings, including remote rural areas, while addressing the limitations associated with drug-related adverse events. The variability in apparent treatment effectiveness may reflect differences in patient and parasite populations, and illustrates the limitations of current treatments and measures of efficacy. New treatments with improved safety profiles, pediatric formulations of existing and new drugs, and a faster, reliable test of cure are all urgently needed

    Morphological characterization of sweet and sour cherry cultivars in a germplasm bank at Portugal

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    Nine sweet cherry and eight sour cherry varieties located in a germplasm bank at Fundauo, Portugal, were studied from the viewpoint of characterization. Most of them were autochthonous cultivars that have a high risk of extinction since at the present they are markedly minor varieties. Morphological characteristics were evaluated in different organs: crown and trunk of the trees, leaves, flowers and fruits, over a three consecutive years period. Statistical analyses were carried out in order to detect similarities between cultivars as well as the existence of synonymies. Qualitative characteristics of the fruits were scored in order to carry out the multivariate analysis. A dendrogram of the evaluated characters shows the marked differentiation between sour and sweet cherries and suggests the existing synonymies. Conservation of the autochthonous cultivars in the future is highly recommended