19 research outputs found


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    Determinou-se a atividade antimicrobiana de oito óleos essenciais extraídos por arraste de vapor sob pressão reduzida (alho, canela, cebola, cravo do Brasil, cravo da Índia, gengibre, hortelã e orégano) e outros dois (hortelã e menta) adquiridos no comércio varejista sobre 26 microrganismos isolados do meioambiente. Utilizaram-se inóculos padronizados, previamente desenvolvidos em caldo nutriente e semeados em superfície de Plate Count Agar (PCA), distribuídos em placas de Petri. Foram utilizados antibióticos das séries Gram positivas e Gramnegativas como padrão de referência da suscetibilidade dos microrganismos. As diluições dos óleos essenciais foram impregnadas em disco de papel e esses depositados sobre a superfície de ágar previamente semeada. Após incubação por 7 h a 30°C, com observação a cada 24h, os resultados obtidos (halo de inibição ao redor do disco de papel) mostraram que o óleo essencial de cravo do Brasil afetou maior número de microrganismos, seguido pelos óleos de cravo da Índia e hortelã. Dos microrganismos testados, as leveduras foram as mais resistentes e as bactérias Gram positivas mais sensíveis aos óleos essenciais quando comparadas com as Gram negativas. Os óleos concentrados apresentaram maior efeito que as respectivas diluições. A concentração a 10% foi a mais eficiente, sendo observado que maior concentração do óleo essencial aumenta o efeito inibitório. Alguns dos óleos essenciais apresentaram melhor desempenho do que os antibióticos utilizados como padrão

    Selection and isolation of fungi strains and the use of banana peel a suport for lipases production / Isolamento e seleção de linhagens fúngicas e o uso da casca de banana como suporte para produção de lipases

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    Lipases are important enzymes in biotechnological processes, mainly due to their ability to catalyze a wide range of reactions of interest to the food and pharmaceutical industry, including anti-cholesterol, anti-inflammatory and thrombolytic agents, in the chemical industry, among others. These enzymes can modify the properties of lipids either by changing the position of the fatty acid chain in the molecule, or by exchanging one or more acids for different ones. Lipases are obtained from animal, vegetable or microbial cells, however, those of microbial origin are currently the most used industrially. This work aimed to isolate and select fungi that produce lipolytic enzymes, as well as the study of the production of these enzymes by semi-solid fermentation using banana peel and using residues from the agribusiness, wheat bran and bagasse of sugar cane.  After the selection process, using baits soaked in soy oil, olive oil and coconut milk, the isolates with the highest enzyme index were used to study the production of lipase using residues in fermentation. Among the isolates selected as lipase producers, maximum production was achieved by the MO 56 strain from baits soaked in soybean oil, when 40% of wheat bran was used as a substrate and banana peel as a support, resulting in 1.46 µmol.g-1 of enzymatic activity. The choice of banana peel as a support proved to be adequate and its granulometry provided an appropriate aeration for the supports, preventing their compaction, in addition to maintaining their homogeneous humidity without showing exudation throughout the fermentation process

    Analysis of the consumption of nutritional supplements by practitioners of physical activity in fitness centers / Análise do consumo de suplementos nutricionais por praticantes de atividade física em academias de ginástica

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    The consumption of nutritional supplements and pharmaceuticals has increased in an abusive way all over the world. The concern with body esthetics and ease of sale has led the population to use indiscriminately what can harm health. The aim of the study was to analyze the use of nutritional supplements by bodybuilders in gyms in order to know if there is consumption and if there was prior knowledge about the effects caused by food supplements and by who was recommended (whether a qualified professional or own initiative). The research was conducted through a multiple-choice questionnaire applied to 100 individuals who regularly practice bodybuilding, between 18 and 30 years old, in gyms in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. Among those interviewed, 75% used nutritional supplements; 30% got nominations from Personal Trainers or even friends 28%; 24% used the internet as a source of information; 88% do not know the effects caused by overuse; 29% use whey protein (Whey Protein) and 25% use BCAA amino acids (Branch Chain Amino Acids); 16% thermogenic and 10% creatine. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the consumption of nutritional supplements is frequent, usually without guidance from a trained professional and incorrectly or even excessively by users. This increases the concern about the use of food supplements without the supervision of a nutritionist. 

    Analysis of the consumption of nutritional supplements by practitioners of physical activity in fitness centers / Análise do consumo de suplementos nutricionais por praticantes de atividade física em academias de ginástica

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    The consumption of nutritional supplements and pharmaceuticals has increased in an abusive way all over the world. The concern with body esthetics and ease of sale has led the population to use indiscriminately what can harm health. The aim of the study was to analyze the use of nutritional supplements by bodybuilders in gyms in order to know if there is consumption and if there was prior knowledge about the effects caused by food supplements and by who was recommended (whether a qualified professional or own initiative). The research was conducted through a multiple-choice questionnaire applied to 100 individuals who regularly practice bodybuilding, between 18 and 30 years old, in gyms in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. Among those interviewed, 75% used nutritional supplements; 30% got nominations from Personal Trainers or even friends 28%; 24% used the internet as a source of information; 88% do not know the effects caused by overuse; 29% use whey protein (Whey Protein) and 25% use BCAA amino acids (Branch Chain Amino Acids); 16% thermogenic and 10% creatine. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the consumption of nutritional supplements is frequent, usually without guidance from a trained professional and incorrectly or even excessively by users. This increases the concern about the use of food supplements without the supervision of a nutritionist

    Utilização de diferentes substratos para a produção de etanol, levana e sorbitol por Zymomonas mobilis

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    O principal produto da fermentação de açúcares por Zymomonas mobilis é o etanol quando glicose e frutose são utilizadas como fontes de carbono. Entretanto, quando sacarose é empregada na fermentação, o rendimento do etanol diminui devido à formação de subprodutos como levana, sorbitol, acetaldeído, ácido acético, pequenas quantidades de alguns álcoois superiores e fenol. A utilização de produtos agroindustriais, como o caldo e melaço de cana-deaçúcar, é uma alternativa para reduzir o custo final dos produtos de fermentação devido à disponibilidade de aquisição e composição química desses substratos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo utilizar substratos alternativos e otimizar as condições de fermentação para a produção de etanol, levana e sorbitol por Zymomonas mobilis CCT 4494. Também foi considerado o efeito da variação do substrato e de sais minerais adicionados nos meios de produção (sintético, caldo e melaços de cana-de-açúcar). Para a obtenção dos produtos de fermentação, foi aplicada a metodologia de superfície de resposta, seguindo um planejamento fatorial do tipo 27-2, de acordo com o modelo proposto por Box e Hunter, onde as variáveis independentes estudadas foram: pH inicial do meio de cultivo, temperatura de incubação, concentração do substrato e efeito da adição de KCl, K2SO4, MgSO4, CaCl2. Durante a realização das fermentações foi observado que a bactéria Zymomonas mobilis CCT 4494 se adaptou nos meios de fermentação contendo altas concentrações de sacarose e suportou a variação do pH e da temperatura de fermentação. O aumento da concentração da fonte de carbono favoreceu a formação dos produtos levana e etanol, entretanto, não houve produção de sorbitol. O meio sintético proporcionou maior rendimento de levana e etanol, enquanto que, os meios alternativos caldo e melaços de cana-de-açúcar...The main product from fermentation of sugars by Zymomonas mobilis is ethanol when glucose and fructose are used as carbon sources. However, when sucrose is used in the fermentation medium, ethanol yield decreases due to the formation of by-products such as levan, sorbitol, acetaldehyde, acetic acid, small amounts of some superior alcohols and phenol. The use of agro industrial by products, such as sugarcane juice and molasses, is an alternative to reduce the final cost of fermentation products due to the constant availability and to the chemical composition of these by substrates. This study had the aim of using alternative substrates and of optimizing fermentation conditions for the production of ethanol, levan and sorbitol by Zymomonas mobilis CCT 4494. The effect of variation of substrate and mineral salts added to the production media (synthetic, sugarcane juice and molasses) was also considered. To obtain the fermentation products, response surface methodology was employed, following a 27-2 factorial planning, according to the model proposed by Box and Hunter, where the independent variables studied were: initial medium pH, incubation temperature, substrate concentration and effect of the addition of KCl, K2SO4, MgSO4, CaCl2. During the fermentations, it was noted that the bacteria Zymomonas mobilis CCT 4494 well adapted in the media containing high concentrations of sucrose and tolerated pH and temperature variations. The increase of carbon source concentration favored the formation of levan and ethanol, however, there was no sorbitol production. The synthetic medium offered higher levan and ethanol yield, whereas alternative media sugarcane juice and molasses, favored cellular growth. Among the independent variables analyzed with the best medium (synthetic) for biosynthesis of the biopolymer and ethanol, the ones that significantly (p<0.05) affected were KCl, K2SO4, CaCl2... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Produção de levana por Bacillus subtilis e Zymomonas mobilis utilizando três meios de cultura sintéticos e um alternativo (caldo de cana-de-açucar)

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    A levana é um exopolissacarídeo constituído por unidades de frutose, unidas através de ligações (2 6), sintetizado por vários microrganismos durante a fermentação de um meio de cultura à base de sacarose, extrato de levedura e sais minerais. Este biopolímero possui diversas aplicações tanto na área de alimentos (fixador de cores e sabores, espessante e estabilizante de vários alimentos) como também na farmacêutica (substituto de plasma sanguíneo, imunomodulador, anticarcinogênico e hipocolesterolêmico). Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal estudar o processo de produção de levana através do cultivo das bactérias Bacillus subtilis e duas linhagens de Zymomonas mobilis (CP4 e CCT 4494). Durante a otimização de sua produção, foi analisado o efeito da variação de: fontes de carbono em diferentes concentrações, temperatura (25; 30 e 35°C), concentração de extrato de levedura (1,0 a 10,0%) e pH (6,0; 7,0 e 8,0). As fontes de carbono testadas foram frutose e glicose (1,0; 2,0; 3,0; 4,0 e 5,0%) e sacarose (1,0; 2,0; 3,0; 4,0; 5,0; 10,0; 15,0 e 20,0%), as quais foram adicionadas em três meios de cultura sintéticos denominados como meios 1, 2 e 3. Além destes meios, também foi testado o caldo de cana-de-açúcar, em diferentes concentrações de sólidos solúveis (10,0; 15,0 e 20,0%), como meio de cultura alternativo para obtenção de levana. Após o término do processo fermentativo, foi realizada a determinação do pH diretamente do caldo fermentado. A seguir, o caldo foi centrifugado a 8000 rpm durante 15 minutos e a biomassa foi estimada como peso seco...Levan is an exopolysaccharide constituted by fructose units, ß (2.6) linked, synthesized by several microorganisms during fermentation of a culture medium containing sucrose, yeast extract and mineral salts. This biopolymer has various applications as much in food area (colors and flavors fixer, thickener and stabilizer of several foods) as in pharmaceutical one (blood plasma replacement, immunomodulator, anticarcinogenic and hypocholesterolemic). The principal objective of this work was to study the levan production process by cultivation of Bacillus subtilis bacteria and two strains of Zymomonas mobilis (CP4 and CCT 4494). During the optimization of its production it was analyzed the variation effect of: different concentrations of carbon sources, temperature (22; 30 and 35°C), yeast extract concentration (1.0 to 10.0%) and pH (6.0; 7.0 and 8.0). The tested carbon sources were fructose and glucose (1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0 and 5.0%) and sucrose (1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0; 5.0; 10.0; 15.0 and 20.0%) which were added to three synthetic culture media coded as 1, 2 and 3. Besides these media, the sugar cane broth was also tested at different concentrations of soluble solids (10.0; 15.0 and 20.0%) as alternative culture medium for levan obtainment. After the fermentative process finished the fermentation broth pH was measured. Afterwards, the broth was centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 15 minutes and the biomass was estimated as dried weight. After the analysis of the RS (reducing sugars) and TRS (total reducing sugars) in the supernatant, this was precipitated with three volumes of ethanol, driedand ground to determine the levan concentration and the ash content. After analysis of the results obtained with the different media used, it was verified that the bacteria grew at pH in a range from 4.0 to 7.5 and that levan wasn t produced at pH lower than 3.5. The results... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Análise dos parâmetros cinéticos para produção de levana por Zymomonas mobilis utilizando fermentação submersa

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    Levan is an exopolysaccharide synthesized by several microorganisms during fermentation of a culture medium containing sucrose, yeast extract and minerals. This biopolymer has applications in the food segment as stabilizers, thickeners, as carriers for flavor and fragrances, as well as in the pharmaceutical segment as a hypocholesterolemic agent and for exhibiting antitumor activity. This work aimed to analyze the kinetic parameters for levan production. The microorganism used was Zymomonas mobilis CCT 4494, incubated in a synthetic medium containing 200.0 g L-1 of sucrose, in a rotary shaker at 200 rpm and 30°C. Samples were taken every 24h, during a period of 96h, in order to determine variations of pH, biomass, reducing sugar, total reducing sugar and levan formation. It was observed that yields of biomass and synthesized biopolymer in 24h were superior to those obtained in 48, 72 and 96h of fermentation

    Uso de caldo de cana-de-açúcar para produção de levana por Zymomonas mobilis CCT4494

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    A levana é um exopolissacarídeo constituído por unidades de frutose, unidas pó ligações β(2 → 6), sintetizado por vários microrganismos durante a fermentação de um meio de cultura à base de sacarose, extrato de levedura e sais minerais. Este biopolímero possui diversas aplicações tanto na área de alimentos (fixador de cores e sabores, espessante e estabilizante de vários alimentos) como também na farmacêutica (substituto de plasma sanguíneo, imunomodulador, anticarcinogênico e hipocolesterolêmico). Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, realizar um estudo comparativo da produção de levana a partir de Zymomonas mobilis CCT 4494, utilizando os meios de fermentação sintético e o caldo de cana-de-açúcar, por este ser considerado um substrato de baixo custo comercial para o processo fermentativo, devido a sua abundância e facilidade de obtenção no Brasil. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o caldo de cana-de-açúcar, utilizado como meio de cultura alternativo, é uma matéria-prima adequada para a fermentação por Zymomonas mobilis CCT 4494, pois a sua composição possibilitou a obtenção de rendimentos de levana superiores ou semelhantes às concentrações de sacarose testadas com o meio sintético.Levan is an exopolysaccharide constituted by fructose units, β(2 → 6) linked, synthesized by several microorganisms during fermentation of a culture medium containing sucrose, yeast extract and mineral salts. This biopolymer has various applications as much in food area (colors and flavors fixer, thickener and stabilizer of several foods) as in pharmaceutical one (blood plasma replacement, immunomodulator, anticarcinogenic and hypocholesterolemic). The study was aimed at providing a comparative study of the production of levan from Zymomonas mobilis CCT 4494, using fermentation media sinthetic and sugarcane juice as this is considered a low cost substrate for the commercial fermentation process, due to its abundance and easy availability in Brazil. The results obtained indicated that the sugarcane juice, used as alternative culture medium, is an appropriate raw material for fermentation by Zymomonas mobilis CCT 4494 since its composition made possible the obtainment of levan yields higher or similar to the sucrose concentrations tested with the best synthetic medium.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP