8 research outputs found

    Growth curve by Gompertz nonlinear regression model in female and males in tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum)

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    ABSTRACT Was evaluated the pattern of growth among females and males of tambaqui by Gompertz nonlinear regression model. Five traits of economic importance were measured on 145 animals during the three years, totaling 981 morphometric data analyzed. Different curves were adjusted between males and females for body weight, height and head length and only one curve was adjusted to the width and body length. The asymptotic weight (a) and relative growth rate to maturity (k) were different between sexes in animals with ± 5 kg; slaughter weight practiced by a specific niche market, very profitable. However, there was no difference between males and females up to ± 2 kg; slaughter weight established to supply the bigger consumer market. Females showed weight greater than males (± 280 g), which are more suitable for fish farming purposes defined for the niche market to larger animals. In general, males had lower maximum growth rate (8.66 g / day) than females (9.34 g / day), however, reached faster than females, 476 and 486 days growth rate, respectively. The height and length body are the traits that contributed most to the weight at 516 days (P <0.001)

    Modelos para ajuste da produção de gases em silagens de girassol e milho Models for fit of gas production in sunflower and corn silages

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar entre os modelos Brody, Von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, France, Logístico, Logístico modificado e Logístico bicompartimental, aquele que apresenta maior qualidade de ajuste à curva de produção cumulativa de gases em silagens de girassol e milho. Os critérios adotados foram: coeficiente de determinação, quadrado médio do resíduo, análise gráfica das curvas observadas e estimadas, análise gráfica de dispersão dos resíduos estudentizados, erro percentual médio, eficiência relativa e número de iterações para atingir a convergência. Os modelos Brody, France e Logístico bicompartimental apresentaram os maiores valores de coeficiente de determinação em ambos os substratos, e a diferença entre eles pode ser considerada desprezível. Estes modelos apresentaram, também, os menores valores de quadrado médio do resíduo em silagens de girassol, e a diferença entre eles foi considerada desprezível. Os modelos Brody e France apresentaram menor quadrado médio do resíduo em silagens de milho. Todos os modelos apresentaram dispersão positiva dos resíduos em ambos os substratos após 144 horas de incubação. O modelo Brody apresentou menor erro percentual médio e número de iterações em ambos os substratos. Os modelos Logístico bicompartimental e France apresentaram maior eficiência relativa, respectivamente, em silagens de girassol e milho. Assim, o modelo Logístico bicompartimental apresenta maior qualidade de ajuste à curva de produção de gases em silagens de girassol e milho.<br>The aim of this work was to identify among the Brody, Von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, France, Logistic, Modified logistic and Dual-pool logistic models, the one that presents the highest quality of fit for cumulative gas production curve in sunflower and corn silages. The quality of fit was evaluated by coefficient of determination, residual mean square, graphic analysis of the observed and estimated curves, graphic analysis of dispersion of the studentized residual, average percentage error, relative efficiency and number of iteractions to converge. Brody, France and Dual-pool logistic models showed the largest values of coefficient of determination in both substrates, and the difference among them was considered worthless. They also showed the smallest values of residual mean square in sunflower silages, being the difference among them considered worthless. Brody and France models presented smaller residual mean square in corn silages. All the models showed positive dispersion of the residual in both substrates after 144 hours of incubation. The Brody model showed smaller average percentage error and number of iterations in both substrates. The Dual-pool logistic and France models showed higher relative efficiency, respectively, in sunflower and corn silages. Thus, the Dual-pool logistic model showed higher quality of fit to the gas production curve in sunflower and corn silages