1,297 research outputs found

    Early tooth loss due to cyclic neutropenia: long-term follow-up of one patient

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72445/1/j.1754-4505.2000.tb00017.x.pd

    Mapping industry 4.0 in the Portuguese industry

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    With Industry 4.0 and digital transformation, organisations have undergone enormous changes in business models, engineering, manufacturing, processes, and technologies. Hence, the need to investigate the status of its current knowledge and maturity. This research, supported by a survey for data collection (fifty valid responses), aims to analyse the knowledge and maturity (on a five-scale level) of Industry 4.0 in Portugal from the perspective of industrial companies. The conclusions highlight that the Portuguese organisations will have to adapt to the impact of Industry 4.0 on how their business is being developed and encompass the digitisation with new technologies. Unfortunately, adopting the concepts and methodologies inherent to Industry 4.0 is still incipient in Portugal, suggesting a possible lack of knowledge and poor leadership. Companies need to strategically change towards business models that are more flexible to the potential of technology and have a closer relationship with customers, ensuring increased operational autonomy and repositioning products and services. Having a team dedicated to digitisation increases the Industry 4.0 maturity level. Companies with a maturity Medium/High level of Products and Innovations have a higher level of perception based on their capacity for innovation, supported by new digital models and tools. Concerning Human Resources, the digitisation of knowledge management means and the promotion of new ideas for digital transformation increases its I4.0 maturity level. This study contributes to the start of the art of Industry 4.0 in Portuguese companies, mapping its present status, and providing insights for its future enhanced adoption.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Ciência e Poder: O Caso da Economia

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    This article analyses the links between economic knowledge andthe notion of power as expressed in the ideas of Michel Foucault,whereby power promotes the organisation of certain areas ofknowledge, and at the same time, this knowledge provides elements forthe exercise of power. This issue is examined in different periods ofBrazilian history. From the origins and development of economicthought during the Empire and the First Republic (1940s and 1950s)to the period in which Economics won its autonomy in relation to theother disciplines with which it was associated (Law, Accouting and SocialSciences). Finally, it presents the main trends and centers of productionof knowledge in Economic Sciences, after the 1968 university reformand the establishment of graduate studies.Cet article analyse les rapports entre le champ de la connaissancedans le domaine de l’Economie et le champ du pouvoir, à partir de la pensée de Michel Foucault selon laquelle le pouvoir permetl’organisation de certains savoirs, en même temps ou tout savoir permetaussi 1’exercice du pouvoir. Le thème est traité en différentes époquesde 1’historie brésilienne. Tout d’abord, sont traités les origines et ledéveloppement de la pensée économique au Brésil Empire et à laPremiere Republique, ensuite la période ( décénnies de 40 et 50 ) oül’Economie conquiert son autonomie par rapport à d’autres disciplines( Droit, Politechnique, Comptabilité, Sciences Sociales ), moment ausside 1’émergence de la théorie du développement. En conclusion sontprésentées les principales tendances et instituitions de productionscientifique dans le domaine de l’Economie à partir de la RéformeUniversitaire de 1968 et de 1’établissement d’une politique d’études auniveau de Maitrise et Doctorat.Este artigo analisa as articulações entre o campo do conhecimento na áreade Economia e o campo do poder a partir do pensamento de Michel Foucaultsegundo o qual o poder viabiliza a organização do saber ao mesmo tempo emque o saber também assegura o exercício do poder. O tema é tratado em diferentesperíodos da história brasileira. Inicialmente, são abordadas as origens e odesenvolvimento do pensamento econômico no Brasil Império e na Primeira República( décadas de 40 e 50 ), passando-se ao período em que a Economia conquistaa sua autonomia em relação às outras disciplinas com que esteve associada( Direito, Politécnica, Contabilidade, Ciências Sociais ); este também é omomento da emergência da teoria do desenvolvimento. São ainda apresentadasas principais instituições e tendências de produção de conhecimento em Economiaapós a Reforma Universitária de 1968 e do estabelecimento de uma políticade Pós-Graduação

    Uma leitura da sociologia da ciência em Foucault e Bourdieu

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    NE: Os textos das palestras fizeram parte da programação do 2° Ciclo de Palestras do Curso de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação do Departamento de Ciência da Informação e Documentação da Universidade de Brasília, realizado de agosto a dezembro de 1995, sempre às sextas-feiras. Os trabalhos foram reproduzidos como enviados pelos autores, refletindo portanto o estilo próprio de cada um


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    This article examines participation by organizations of civil societyconnected with the production of science and technology in universities andresearch institutes as to their position regarding technological autonomy,within the process of constitutional elaboration (1987-1988). Researchinvolved the analysis of specific proposals, minutes of meetings in the ConstitutionalAssembly and popular ammendments. The author underlines themain currents as to the role of the State in scientific and technologicaldevelopment.Cet article analyse la participation des organisations de la sociétécivile liées à la production de science et technologie dans les universités etinstituts de recherche et leurs positions quant à I'autonomie technologiquedans le processus d'élaboration de la Constitution (1987-1988). La recherchea compris I'examen des propositions spécifiques, les registres des réunions de1'Assemblée, et les ammendements populaires. L'auteur identifie les principauxcourants et positions devant la question du rôle de l'état dans ledéveloppement scientifique et technologique.Este artigo analisa a atuação de entidades da sociedade civil ligadas àprodução de ciência e tecnologia nas universidades e institutos de pesquisae sua posição quanto à autonomia tecnológica, no processo de elaboraçãoconstitucional. Para isto foi feito um levantamento das propostas das entidades,das atas da Constituinte e das emendas populares. A autora destacaas principais posições diante da questão do papel do Estado no desenvolvimentocientífico e tecnológico


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    Taking as a starting point the weberian theory of bureaucratizatic domination, the author goes on to consider the tendency towards bureaucratization in Brazilian society, demonstrating how the relation between bureaucratization and modernization touches universities and research centres in Brazil. The bureaucra.ic impediments to research are identified as: centralization in the definition of research priorities, fiscal-bureaucratic control over research grants and agreement:, excessive number of forms and documents to fill out and the existence of laws and regulations which hinder research development.The conclusion is that the political content of bureaucratic hindrances expresses the specific interests of dependent capitalism, converting them into instruments for the expansion of international capitalism and for political and ideological control over scientific research.Après avoir explicité la théorie weberienne sur la domination bureaucratique, l’auteur montre la tendance bureaucratique de la société brésilienne et constate que le repport entre bureaucratic et modernisation atteint les universités et centres de recherche sous plusieurs formes: centralization des définitions de prio- rités de recherche, contrôle burocratique et fiscal sur les accords, exigence d’un nombre excessif de formulaires et documents et les lois et règlements qui empê- chent le développment de la recherche.La conclusion de l’auteur est que ces entraves revèlent les rapports de pouvoir que contrient la bureaucratic et sont l’expression des interêts spécifiques du capitalisme dépendent, se constituant en instruments du contrôle politique et idéologique de la recherche.A primeira parte do artigo, burocratização e poder, mostra a concepção weberiana de dominação burocrática, enfocando sua especificidade enquanto tipo ideal e a idéia de racionalidade. O segundo, de caráter histórico, mostra a tendêifcia à burocratização da sociedade brasileira a partir da instalação do capitalismo industrial, constatando a relação entre burocratização e modernização que atinge também as universidades e as instituições de pesquisa do Brasil. A terceira parte apresenta os entraves burocráticos percebidos de diferentes ângulos pelos pesquisadores: processo burocrático — centralizado de definição de prioridade de pesquisas, controle burocrátioo-fiscal sobre os convênios, exigência de preenchimento de um número excessivo de documentos e existência de leis e regimentos impeditivos ao desenvolvimento da pesquisa. A parte final desvenda o conteúdo político dos entraves burocráticos, explicitando a relação de poder contida na burocracia. No caso brasileiro, eles expressam interesses específicos do capitalismo dependente, e assim convertem-se em instrumentos de expansão do capital internacional e de controle político e ideológico da pesquisa

    Influence of low oxygen and high carbon dioxide on shredded Galega kale quality for development of modified atmosphere packages

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    Respiration rate, sensory attributes, colour alterations, and water, chlorophyll and ascorbic acid contents were monitored during storage of shredded Galega kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala DC.) at 20 ◦C to define an adequate range of O2 and CO2 partial pressures for product preservation. Different low O2 and high CO2 atmospheres were tested. First, tolerance to low O2 partial pressures (1, 2, 3 or 21 kPa O2 with balance N2) was tested. Quality retention was improved as O2 partial pressure was reduced and there was no induction of anaerobic respiration. Then, tolerance to high CO2 partial pressures (0, 10, 15 or 20 kPa CO2 plus 21 kPa O2 and balance N2) was tested. The high CO2 partial pressures extended the shelf life of the shredded kale and no symptoms of CO2 injury were detected. Finally, combinations of low O2 and high CO2 (1 or 2 kPa O2 plus 15 or 20 kPa CO2, with balance N2, and an air control) were analysed. No differences were observed among the different gas combinations. An atmosphere of 1–2 kPa O2 plus 15–20 kPa CO2 and balance N2 extends the shelf life of shredded Galega kale to 4–5 days at 20◦C, compared with 2–3 days in air storage. Predictive models of chlorophyll a and b degradation as a function of time and gas composition were developed

    Outdoor solutions for the seasonal concentration of tourism demand in northern portugal: an integrated approach based on the gini index

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    Measures that address the seasonality, one of the identified overtourism direct causes, allow making a critical reflection on the application of control policies and monitoring regional measures crucial on a sector with such importance at the regional development analysis. The measures should stimulate or reduce tourism demand during low or peak seasons, respectively, generating a better distribution of tourism flows and eliminating potential overtourism situations. Therefore, this chapter focuses on the development of a Gini Index to analyse the distribution of the seasonality in northern Portugal and through it control current public measures in practice and suggest the implementation of different and more effective policy measures. For instance, the ones that make a clear bet on outdoor tourism activities. It will be used in the Gini Index, by the tourists? market of origin measured by the overnight stays in hotel establishments. The results showed the high seasonal concentration of tourist flows.691D-6753-BE59 | Manuel Jos? Serra da Fonsecainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Strategies for Efficient Expression of Heterologous Monosaccharide Transporters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    ABSTRACT: In previous work, we developed a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain (DLG-K1) lacking the main monosaccharide transporters (hxt-null) and displaying high xylose reductase, xylitol dehydrogenase and xylulokinase activities. This strain proved to be a useful chassis strain to study new glucose/xylose transporters, as SsXUT1 from Scheffersomyces stipitis. Proteins with high amino acid sequence similarity (78-80%) to SsXUT1 were identified from Spathaspora passalidarum and Spathaspora arborariae genomes. The characterization of these putative transporter genes (SpXUT1 and SaXUT1, respectively) was performed in the same chassis strain. Surprisingly, the cloned genes could not restore the ability to grow in several monosaccharides tested (including glucose and xylose), but after being grown in maltose, the uptake of C-14-glucose and C-14-xylose was detected. While SsXUT1 lacks lysine residues with high ubiquitinylation potential in its N-terminal domain and displays only one in its C-terminal domain, both SpXUT1 and SaXUT1 transporters have several such residues in their C-terminal domains. A truncated version of SpXUT1 gene, deprived of the respective 3 '-end, was cloned in DLG-K1 and allowed growth and fermentation in glucose or xylose. In another approach, two arrestins known to be involved in the ubiquitinylation and endocytosis of sugar transporters (ROD1 and ROG3) were knocked out, but only the rog3 mutant allowed a significant improvement of growth and fermentation in glucose when either of the XUT permeases were expressed. Therefore, for the efficient heterologous expression of monosaccharide (e.g., glucose/xylose) transporters in S. cerevisiae, we propose either the removal of lysines involved in ubiquitinylation and endocytosis or the use of chassis strains hampered in the specific mechanism of membrane protein turnover.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio