479 research outputs found

    Síntesis y regulación de la expresión del antibiótico poliquétido Actinorhodina en "Streptomyces coelicolor" A3(2)

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular. Fecha de lectura: 19-06-199

    Improved LiDAR Probabilistic Localization for Autonomous Vehicles Using GNSS

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    This paper proposes a method that improves autonomous vehicles localization using a modification of probabilistic laser localization like Monte Carlo Localization (MCL) algorithm, enhancing the weights of the particles by adding Kalman filtered Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) information. GNSS data are used to improve localization accuracy in places with fewer map features and to prevent the kidnapped robot problems. Besides, laser information improves accuracy in places where the map has more features and GNSS higher covariance, allowing the approach to be used in specifically difficult scenarios for GNSS such as urban canyons. The algorithm is tested using KITTI odometry dataset proving that it improves localization compared with classic GNSS + Inertial Navigation System (INS) fusion and Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization (AMCL), it is also tested in the autonomous vehicle platform of the Intelligent Systems Lab (LSI), of the University Carlos III de of Madrid, providing qualitative results.Research supported by the Spanish Government through the CICYT projects (TRA2016-78886-C3-1-Rand RTI2018-096036-B-C21), Universidad Carlos III of Madrid through (PEAVAUTO-CM-UC3M) and the Comunidad de Madrid through SEGVAUTO-4.0-CM (P2018/EMT-4362)

    Red Eléctrica de España uses integer programming for annual salary revisions

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    In this paper, we present a mixed-integer linear programming model for determining salary-revision matrices for an organization based on that organization?s general strategies. The solution obtained from this model consists of salary increases for each employee; these increases consider the employee?s professional performance, salary level relative to peers within the organization, and professional group. In addition to budget constraints, we modeled other elements typical of compensation systems, such as equity and justice. Red Eléctrica de España (REE), the transmission agent and operator of the Spanish electricity system, used the model to revise its 2010 and 2011 salary policies, and achieved results that were aligned with the company strategy. REE incorporated the model into the salary management module within its information system, and plans to continue to use the model in revisions of the module

    Planificación Integrada de Tiempos (PTI). Mejora de la productividad de trabajadores del conocimiento

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    Algunos estudios apuntan que el modelo de conexión permanente que traen las TIC dispersa la atención, disminuye la productividad y aumenta el estrés. Esta investigación presenta casos de empresas en los que se estudia la productividad de trabajadores del conocimiento

    Glucose Uptake in Trichoderma harzianum: Role of gtt1

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    Using a differential display technique, the gene gtt1, which codes for a high-affinity glucose transporter, has been cloned from the mycoparasite fungus Trichoderma harzianum CECT 2413. The deduced protein sequence of the gtt1 gene shows the 12 transmembrane domains typical of sugar transporters, together with certain residues involved in glucose uptake, such as a conserved arginine between domains IV and V and an aromatic residue (Phe) in the sequence of domain X. The gtt1 gene is transcriptionally regulated, being repressed at high levels of glucose. When carbon sources other than glucose are utilized, gtt1 repression is partially alleviated. Full derepression of gtt1 is obtained when the fungus is grown in the presence of low carbon source concentrations. This regulation pattern correlates with the role of this gene in glucose uptake during carbon starvation. Gene expression is also controlled by pH, so that the gtt1 gene is repressed at pH 6 but not at pH 3, a fact which represents a novel aspect of the influence of pH on the gene expression of transporters. pH also affects glucose transport, since a strongly acidic pH provokes a 40% decrease in glucose transport velocity. Biochemical characterization of the transport shows a very low Km value for glucose (12 μM). A transformant strain that overexpresses the gtt1 gene shows a threefold increase in glucose but not galactose or xylose uptake, a finding which confirms the role of the gtt1 gene in glucose transport. The cloning of the first filamentous ascomycete glucose transporter is the first step in elucidating the mechanisms of glucose uptake and carbon repression in aerobic fungi.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología IFD97-0668 IFD97-0820 AGL2000-052

    Los cambios en el mundo romano del siglo III: el caso de Hispania.

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    El siglo III, ya en su momento, fue catalogado por los autores de la época como una época fatídica en la que los emperadores comenzaron a ejercer un poder despótico sobre el resto de ciudadanos del Imperio. Las ciudades y las gentes caían en desgracia y los bárbaros saqueaban las fronteras ante la impotencia del ejército romano. Hoy día, existen dudas razonables para suponer que esta época, que siempre ha sido considerada oscura, no fuera tan oscura. En las siguientes líneas se ha pretendido mostrar los cambios que sufrió el Imperio Romano y, en particular, Hispania, al margen de considerar estos cambios como crisis o como meras transformaciones, debate que hoy día sigue vigente. <br /

    Torre Auditori Porta Firal: icono de oficinas sostenibles

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    El sector terciario supone alrededor de un tercio del consumo total de energía en España, y de este, más del 50% corresponde a los edificios de oficinas. Una realidad que IBERDROLA Inmobiliaria ha tenido muy presente en el desarrollo de Porta Firal, el mayor business park de promoción privada de Barcelona con una superficie total de 91.111m2 repartida en cuatro edificios de nueva construcción. Torre Auditori, con una superficie construida de 25.316,96 m2 en 25 plantas sobre rasante y 3 bajo rasante, es el primero de dichos edificios en ser inaugurado. Está compuesto por un núcleo central estructural de 16 x 16 m. que incorpora la comunicación vertical de personas e instalaciones en su interior, rodeada por una superficie útil de oficinas de unos 900 m2 por planta, hasta el perímetro de la fachada que es de 34,50 x 34,50 m., y actúa además como segundo anillo estructural

    Magnetic reduced graphene oxide/nickel/platinum nanoparticles micromotors for mycotoxin analysis

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    Magnetic reduced graphene oxide/nickel/platinum nanoparticles (rGO/Ni/PtNPs) micromotors for mycotoxin analysis in food samples were developed for food-safety diagnosis. While the utilization of self-propelled micromotors in bioassays has led to a fundamentally new approach, mainly due to the greatly enhanced target?receptor contacts owing to their continuous movement around the sample and the associated mixing effect, herein the magnetic properties of rGO/Ni/PtNPs micromotors for mycotoxin analysis are additionally explored. The micromotor-based strategy for targeted mycotoxin biosensing focused on the accurate control of micromotor-based operations: 1) on-the-move capture of free aptamers by exploiting the adsorption (outer rGO layer) and catalytic (inner PtNPs layer) properties and 2) micromotor stopped flow in just 2 min by exploiting the magnetic properties (intermediate Ni layer). This strategy allowed fumonisin B1 determination with high sensitivity (limit of detection: 0.70 ngmL@1) and excellent accuracy (error: 0.05% in certified reference material and quantitative recoveries of 104:4% in beer) even in the presence of concurrent ochratoxin A (105?108:8% in wines). These results confirm the developed approach as an innovative and reliable analytical tool for food-safety monitoring, and confirm the role of micromotors as a new paradigm in analytical chemistry.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadComunidad de Madri

    Generation of an UWB monocycle employing cross-phase modulation in a SOA-MZ interferometer

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    In the present article, an innovative approach for generation of an UWB monocycle is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The proposed design features the combination of an interferometric device (SOA-Mach Zehnder interferometer) with an optical processor unit. The fusion of such components permits to generate, combine and customize UWB pulses. An optical pulse is used as pump signal and two optical carriers represent and the optical input of the system. The selection of a specific wavelength and therefore of a particular port provides the possibility of modifying the systems output pulse polarity. The capacity of transmitting several data sequence has been also evidenced

    UWB doublet generation in an integrated semiconductor optical amplifier Mach-Zehnder interferometer

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    In this paper, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a novel technique to generate ultrawideband (UWB) doublet pulses by exploiting the cross-phase modulation (XPM) in a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). The key component in the proposed system consists on an integrated SOA Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) pumped with a Gaussian pulse modulated optical carrier. The transfer function of the nonlinear conversion process leads to the generation of UWB doublet pulses through the control of the biasing point of the SOA-MZI