8 research outputs found

    Occurrence and speciation of copper in slags obtained during the pyrometallurgical processing of chalcopyrite concentrates at the Huelva smelter (Spain)

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    Slags involved in smelting-converting-refining operations to produce blister copper at the Atlantic Copper smelter, in Huelva (Spain), have been investigated by quantitative electron microprobe analysis, X-ray diffraction and digital imaging techniques. The results showed that mechanically entrapped matte particles are the dominant copper losses in the slags. The largest proportion of Cubearing particles (2.0-3.5 vol %) is present in the magnetite-rich converter slags, due to the negative effect of viscosity on coalescence and precipitation of copper matte during conversion. They consist of high-grade matte particles with a core of copper metal rimmed by a copper sulfide phase (Cu2S). The mechanical entrainment of copper matte by slags from both the flash and electric furnaces resulted in copper losses accounting for less than 1.5 vol %, mostly occurring as tiny particles with a stoichiometric composition close to that of bornite (Cu5FeS4). Copper was not found to be enriched in fayalite and magnetite as solid solution

    El contacto entre las zonas de Ossa Morena y Sudportuguesa. Características y significado de la banda metamórfica de Aracena, en su sector central entre Aroche y Aracena (Huelva)

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    El contacto entre las zonas de Ossa Morena y Sudportuguesa está subrayado por la banda metamórfica de Aracena. Las características principales de esta región del macizo Ibérico pueden considerarse desde distintos puntos de vista: litológico, estructural, metamórfico, magmático, geoquímica, isotópico y experimental, y así se presentan en este artículo. La banda metamórfica de Aracena está dividida en dos dominios principales: el dominio oceánico está formado por metabasitas derivadas de un MORB (las metabasitas de Acebuches) y por un antiguo prisma de acrección. El dominio continental incluye gneises y migmatitas alumínicos, rocas de silicatos cálcicos, gneises leucocráticos, mármoles, anfibolitas, intrusiones sin/post-tectónicas de noritas ricas en Mg (con afinidad boninítica), así como rocas intrusivas post-tectónicas de composición ácida a básica. Las metabasitas de Acebuches sufrieron, en primer lugar, un metamorfismo de alta temperatura/baja presión que, en la actualidad, presenta un gradiente metamórfico invertido, y que estaba relacionado con un cabalgamiento vergente al SO. El pico térmico asociado a este evento metamórfico muestra un gradiente de edad, de forma que las edades más antiguas han sido obtenidas en el extremo oeste. La mitad inferior de la pila metabasítica de Acebuches fue afectada posteriormente por una deformación milonítica y un retrometamorfismo asociados a la zona de cizalla Sudibérica. Cuatro fases de deformación dúctil han sido definidas en el dominio continental: la fase CD-D1 estuvo relacionada con la generación de pliegues recumbentes de escala kilométrica. La fase CD-D2 se puede asociar a un colapso extensional, y es contemporánea con un metamorfismo de alta temperatura/baja presión que afectó al dominio continental y generó diversos complejos migmatíticos. La fase CD-D3 produjo pliegues simétricos verticales, mientras que la fase CD-D4 dio lugar a cabalgamientos vergentes al sur a los que se asociaron pliegues de propagación.Las principales características de la banda metamórfica de Aracena se interpretan como el resultado de la evolución de un punto triple de tipo fosa-fosa-dorsal. De acuerdo con el modelo propuesto, la interacción entre la dorsal y la zona de subducción dio como resultado la formación de una ventana astenosférica bajo el margen continental cabalgante, lo cual provocó el ascenso de la astenosfera y el consecuente rebote térmico. Esta unión triple migro a lo largo del margen continental hacia el este, lo que generó un cinturón metamórfico de alta temperatura/baja presión en el contacto entre las zonas de Ossa Morena y Sudportuguesa

    Evidences for a Noachian–Hesperian orogeny in Mars

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    A number of tectonic structures have been located at the Thaumasia Plateau, Daedalia Planum and Aonia Terra, Mars. They include isolated folds with axial traces up to 200 km long, trains of tightly folded structures tens of km long, and thrusts. Their size and geometry are similar to those on Earth, and the direction of compression seems to have varied amply with time, suggesting a complex tectonic evolution. Crater counts on the deformed terrain point to Noachian to Early Hesperian ages. On the basis of the geometry and geological relations of these structures, we propose that they form part of an old martian orogen, the Thaumasia–Aonia Orogen, which embraced not only the Thaumasia Plateau, but areas of Daedalia Planum, Aonia Terra and Nereidum Montes as well. A regional coherent layering is previous to the deformation and could represent the trace of even older stresses on the martian lithosphere

    Formation of nontronite from oxidative dissolution of pyrite disseminated in Precambrian felsic metavolcanics of the southern Iberian Massif (Spain)

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    This paper describes a rare occurrence of nontronite associated with sulfide-bearing felsic metavolcanics, providing evidence of colloidal deposition in open spaces as result of a low-temperature water-rock interaction. Microbotryoidal masses of green nontronite with impurities of kaolinite, illite, barite, amorphous silica and iron oxyhydroxides are found as vein and cavity fillings in deeply kaolinized rhyolites and rhyolitic tuffs of Precambrian age, at Oliva de Me´rida in SW Spain. Clay mineral characterization has been carried out by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, thermal analysis, analytical electron microscopy and stable isotope (oxygen and hydrogen) analysis. Nontronite was formed under low-temperature alteration conditions, from a continuous sequence of reactions and aqueous solution compositions, involving two basic processes that acted in concert: oxidative dissolution of pyrite and hydrolysis of K-feldspar. After acidity neutralization, dissolved silica released by incongruent dissolution of K-feldspar reacted with ferric sulfate derived from pyrite oxidation to form nontronite under oxidizing conditions, in the presence of relatively warm meteoric water

    Significance of graphite occurrences in the Aracena Metamorphic Belt, Iberian Massif

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    The significance of syngenetic and epigenetic graphite occurrences from the Variscan hightemperature/ low-pressure Aracena Metamorphic Belt is discussed in the framework of the tectonothermal evolution of this southern zone of the Iberian Massif. Syngenetic graphite is associated with both low- tomedium-grademetamorphic rocks (LaUmbr´ıa series, Precambrian in age) and high-grade, granulite facies rocks (the Precambrian Fuente del Oro series and a Cambrian calc-silicate series). Epigenetic, fluid-deposited occurrences correspond to overgrowths on existing metamorphic graphite grains and vein-type mineralization. Two types of graphitized particles with remarkable differences in reflectance, anisotropy and size can be distinguished in the Precambrian metapelites of the La Umbr´ıa series. Large, >150 μm length, platy crystals with high reflectance and anisotropy are interpreted as detrital and are considered indirect evidence of an old orogenic cycle prior to the Cadomian Orogeny, during which metamorphism exceeded greenschist facies. The coexistence of two types of particles explains the scattering of values of the c parameter of graphite determined by XRD (c=6.72–6.74 A°), and the anomalously high temperatures of the DTA exothermic peak (close to 600 ◦C) of graphite with respect to that inferred from mineral assemblages in these rocks. The presence of graphite-rich quartzites and gneisses within the Fuente del Oro series and the calc-silicate series is evidence of sedimentation under reducing conditions in a continental shelf. The characteristics of graphite reflect the high-grade metamorphic conditions attained in the southern area of the Aracena Metamorphic Belt. Pervasive flow of fluids related to a major Variscan extensional event resulted in overgrowths on the pre-existing graphite in the gneisses and quartzites of the calc-silicate series, as evidenced by the heterogeneous isotopic composition of graphite single crystals in these rocks. A later stage of graphite precipitation is represented by scarce vein-type occurrences in mafic granulites that document channelled flow of fluids

    The life cycle impact assessment applied to the Domingo Rubio tidal system by the study of seasonal variations of the aquatic eutrophication potential

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    International audienceThe innovative technique of Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) applied to dynamic environmental systems has been recently developed. In this work we investigate a complex system, the Domingo Rubio tideland (Huelva, Spain), where a tidal marsh and a continental lagoon converge. This wetland, catalogued as Natural Park by the Andalusia government, is subjected to a high eutrophicant pressures related to the strawberry culture and the inputs coming from industrial wastes. NO2−, NO3− and PO43− were analyzed in 41 water samples, obtaining values up to 100 mg L− 1 Σ(NO2−, NO3−) and 18.5 mg L− 1 PO43−. All these values exceed the accepted levels by the European Environment Agency. N/P ratios and the Aquatic Eutrophication Potentials (AEP) for N and P showed a constant imbalance of the system. During one tidal cycle, the tidal channel can have both N and P as limiting nutrient (P is the limiting nutrient during low tide and N is during high tide) and there exists an alternation of AEP domination too between N and P in the continental area, what points to an excess of both nutrients all over the study area, and to the necessity of diminishing the nutrient inputs and a higher control on these pollution sources as well