129 research outputs found

    Contributions to smart grids based on renewable energy sources with hydrogen as backup system. Energy management system: design, modeling and physical implementation based on model predictive control theory

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    Atendiendo al concepto de Smart Grid (Red Inteligente), estos sistemas están íntimamente relacionados con el uso de los sistemas de generación renovable. A pesar de los beneficios de esta tecnología, su dependencia de los recursos ambientales hace imposible garantizar el balance de energía entre generación y demanda en todo momento. Para ello, la hibridación de sistemas, así como el uso de sistemas basados en hidrógeno, se muestra como una solución técnica viable para resolver o mitigar los problemas asociados a este tipo de tecnologías. El empleo de este tipo de sistemas híbridos plantea una mayor complejidad en materia de gestión debido a la elevada cantidad de parámetros y factores a tener en cuenta de cara a garantizar un óptimo reparto energético en función de la aplicación y el estado energético del sistema. En este sentido, han de considerarse ciertos aspectos asociados a la operación real de los sistemas, tales como la topología del sistema, costes de operación y mantenimiento, la necesidad de un control de tensión de carga para baterías, la degradación de los equipos, la dinámica de cada sistema, las pérdidas asociadas al punto de trabajo, o parámetros relacionados con la calidad del suministro eléctrico. A tenor de lo anterior, es necesario el empleo de estrategias de gestión de la energía que permitan determinar el reparto energético entre dispositivos, con el objetivo de optimizar la respuesta del sistema desde el punto de vista técnico y económico, planteándose por lo tanto un problema de optimización multiobjetivo. Para dar respuesta al problema de optimización multiobjetivo propuesto, en la presente Tesis, se hace uso de una arquitectura de control distribuida, compuesta en un primer nivel por controladores locales, y en el nivel superior, se propone el uso de un controlador supervisor basado en técnicas de control predictivo (MPC). La función principal del controlador propuesto es determinar la consigna de operación de cada uno de los equipos que componen la Smart Grid, dando respuesta a la función objetivo propuesta de acuerdo a los criterios de diseño del sistema. Las ventajas de la utilización de técnicas de control predictivo respecto a otro tipo de técnicas son claras; permite el empleo de técnicas de control multivariable, permitiendo plantear problemas de optimización multiobjetivo con restricciones; así como implementar una estrategia de control basado en un horizonte de predicción, lo que permite al sistema adaptar la respuesta del controlador en base a acontecimientos futuros, mejorando la respuesta del sistema frente a técnicas de control meramente pasivas. Como base de conocimientos del controlador propuesto, en esta tesis se presenta un modelo lineal discreto generalista de la planta, calculado en cada periodo de muestreo, en base a una linealización recursiva, lo que permite aument ar la calidad del modelo respecto a soluciones basadas en torno a un único punto de linealización. El modelo incluye todos los parámetros necesarios para el control de una planta real, incluyendo los términos asociados al estado energético del sistema, tensión de operación de baterías, así como los parámetros técnicos y económicos. tales como degradación. oérdidas o coste de operación con el obietivo de definir una función de coste del sistema que permita su generalidad para cualquier tipo de aplicación u objetivo de diseño. Atendiendo al diseño del controlador propuesto, y con el objetivo de garantizar la generalidad requerida en todo el proceso, en la presente tesis se propone una metodología de diseño basado en el modelo propuesto y una función de coste que incluye todos los parámetros técnicos y económicos necesarios para resolver el problema de optimización multiobjetivo propuesto, independientemente de la aplicación y topología del sistema. Esta función objetivo permite establecer un problema de tracking de acuerdo al balance de potencia instantáneo del sistema, a la vez que son considerados los parámetros técnicos y económicos asociados a la respuesta del sistema, véase degradación y rendimiento de equipos, límites y dinámica de operación, costes de operación y mantenimiento, criterios de carga de baterías, etc. Para garantizar la generalidad del controlador propuesto, fomentando así su uso, independientemente de la aplicación y topología del sistema, en la presente tesis se propone una metodología de diseño y tuning de los parámetros del controlador, de acuerdo a la función objetivo propuesta y los criterios de diseño en materia de prioridad de uso y distribución de energía entre equipos. La propuesta metodológica está basada en las relaciones causa-efecto entre los distintos parámetros, las cuales permiten definir el comportamiento del sistema de acuerdo a la estrategia de gestión de la energía y objetivos de diseño propuestos. De forma similar, con el objetivo de considerar la optimización a corto y largo plazo del sistema, limitada por el concepto de horizonte deslizante propio de las técnicas de control predictivo, se hace uso de técnicas de control adicionales, las cuales actúan directamente sobre el proceso de ajuste de los parámetros del controlador. En este sentido, en base a la historia del sistema, se recalculan los parámetros del controlador, en caso de que sea necesario, actuándose directamente sobre los parámetros de ponderación, de tal forma que permita adaptar la respuesta dinámica o reparto energético de acuerdo a los criterios de diseño del controlador. Finalmente, la metodología de diseño y el controlador propuesto fueron validados sobre la micro red experimental del grupo de investigación TEP-192. Para ello, fue necesario el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de toda la electrónica de control, adquisición y electrónica de potencia para la correcta operación e integración de los equipos.Attending to the concept of Smart Grid, these systems are closely related to the use of renewable generation systems. Despite the benefits of this technology, its dependence on environmental resources makes it impo ssible to guarantee the balance of energy between generation and demand at all times. Far this, the hybridization of systems, as well as the use of hydrogen-basedsystems, is shown as a viable technical solution to salve or mitigate the probel ms associated with this type of technologies. The use of this type of hybrid systems poses a greater compel xity in terms of managementdue to the high number of parameters and factors to be taken into account in arder to guarantee an optimal energy distribution dependingon the application and the energy status of the system. In this sense, certain aspects associated with the actual operation of the systems, such as the topology, the operating and maintenance costs, the need far a charge voltage control far batterie s, the degradation of equipment, dynamics of each system, the lossesassociated with the working point, or parameters related to the quality of the electricity supply.In the light of the above, it is necessary to use energy management strategies to determine the energy distribution between devices, in arder to optimize the response of the system from a technicaland economic point of view, thereforeposing a multi-objective optimization problem. In arder to respond to the proposed multiobjective optimization problem, in this Thesis, a distributed control architecture is used, composed of local controllers at th e first level, and at the top level, the use of a supervisory controlel r based on predictive control techniques (MPC). The main function of the proposed controlel r is to det ermine the operating setpoint of each of the equipment that makes up the Smart Grid, responding to the proposed objective function accordingto the system design criteria. The advantages of using predictive control techniques over other types of techniques are clear; allows the use of multivariable control techniques, allowing multiobjective optimization in constrained problems; as well as implementing a control strategy based on a prediction horizon, which allows the system to adapt the response of the controller based on future events, improvingthe response of the system against merely passive control techniques. As a knowledge base of the proposed controller, this Thesis presents a general discrete linear model of the plant, calculated in each sampling period, based on a recursive linearization, which allows to increase the quality of the model with respectto solutions based on lathe to a singlepoint of linearization. The model includes all the necessary parameters far the control of a real plant, including the terms associated with the energy status of the system, battery operating voltage, as well as technical and economic parameters, such as degradation, losses or operating cost, with the objective of defining a system cost function that allows its generality far any type of application or design objective. Based on the design of the proposed controller, and with the objective of guaranteeing the generality required throuqhout the orocess. in this Thesis a desian methodoloav basedon the orooosed model and a cost function that includes ali the necessary technical and economic parameters are proposed to solve the proposed multiobjective optimization problem, regardless of the application and system topology. This objective function allows to establish a tracking problem according to the instantaneous power balance of the system, while the technical and economic parameters associated with the system response are considered, see equipment degradation and performance, limits and operating dynamics, operation and maintenance costs, battery charging criteria, etc. To guarantee the generality of the proposed controller, thus promoting its use, regardless of the application and topology of the system, this Thesis proposes a design and tuning methodology of the controller parameters, according to the proposed objective function and the design criteria in terms of priority of use and energy distribution. The methodological proposal is based on the cause-effect relationships between the different parameters, which allow defining the behavior of the system according to the energy management strategy and proposed design objectives. Similarly, in order to consider the short and long-term optimization of the system, limited by the concept of the sliding horizon typical of predictive control techniques, additional control techniques are used, which act directly on the process of adjustment of the parameters of the controller. In this sense, based on the history of the system, the parameters of the controller are recalculated, if necessary, acting directly on the weighting parameters, in such a way that it allows adapting the dynamic response or energy distribution according to the controller design criteria. Finally, the design methodology and the proposed controller were validated on the experimental micro grid of the TEP-192 research group. For this, it was necessary to design, develop and implement ali the control, acquisition and power electronics for the correct operation and integration of the equipment

    Fuzzy logic-based energy management system for grid-connected residential DC microgrids with multi-stack fuel cell systems: A multi-objective approach

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    Hybrid energy storage systems (HESS) are considered for use in renewable residential DC microgrids. This architecture is shown as a technically feasible solution to deal with the stochasticity of renewable energy sources, however, the complexity of its design and management increases inexorably. To address this problem, this paper proposes a fuzzy logic-based energy management system (EMS) for use in grid-connected residential DC microgrids with HESS. It is a hydrogen-based HESS, composed of batteries and multi-stack fuel cell system. The proposed EMS is based on a multivariable and multistage fuzzy logic controller, specially designed to cope with a multi-objective problem whose solution increases the microgrid performance in terms of efficiency, operating costs, and lifespan of the HESS. The proposed EMS considers the power balance in the microgrid and its prediction, the performance and degradation of its subsystems, as well as the main electricity grid costs. This article assesses the performance of the developed EMS with respect to three reference EMSs present in the literature: the widely used dual-band hysteresis and two based on multi-objective model predictive control. Simulation results show an increase in the performance of the microgrid from a technical and economic point of view.Thisresearchwasfundedby‘‘H2Integration&Control.IntegrationandControlofahydrogen-basedpilotplantinresidentialapplicationsforenergysupply’’SpanishGovernment,grant Ref:PID2020-116616RB-C31’’,‘‘SALTES:SmartgridwithreconfigurableArchitecturefortestingcontroLTechniquesandEnergy Storagepriority’’byAndalusianRegionalProgramofR+D+i,grant Ref:P20-00730,andbytheproject‘‘Thegreenhydrogenvector. Residentialandmobilityapplication’’,approvedinthecallfor researchprojectsoftheCepsaFoundationChairoftheUniversity ofHuelva.Fundingforopenaccesscharge:UniversidaddeHuelva /CBUA

    Generalized, Complete and Accurate Modeling of Non-Ideal Push–Pull Converters for Power System Analysis and Control

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    Power converters are a basic element for the control and design of any power electronic system. Among the many available topologies, the push–pull converter is widely used due to its versatility, safety and efficiency. For its correct analysis, sizing, simulation and control, models that meet the characteristics of generality, accuracy and simplicity are required, especially if its control is to be optimized by means of some analytical technique. This requires models that consider the practical non-idealities intrinsic to the converter, as well as being intuitive and easy to handle analytically in a control loop. In general, the models reviewed in the scientific literature adopt simplifications in their definition that are detrimental to their accuracy. In response to the posed problem, this work presents a generalized, complete, accurate and versatile model of real (non-ideal) push–pull converters, ideal for the analysis, simulation, and control of power systems. Following the premise of general and complete converters, the proposed model includes all the practical non-idealities of the converter elements, and it is accurate because it faithfully reflects its dynamics. Furthermore, the model is versatile, as its state space formulation allows for its easy adaptability to the converter operating conditions (voltage, current and temperature) for each sampling time. Also, the model is excellent for use in model-based control techniques, as well as for making very accurate simulators. The behavior of the developed model has been contrasted with a real push–pull converter, as well as with reference models present in the scientific literature for both dynamic and steady-state response tests. The results show excellent performance in all the studied cases, with behavior faithful to the real converter and with relative errors that are much lower than those obtained for the reference models. It follows that the model behaves like a digital twin of a real push–pull converter.This work is a contribution of the two following projects: “H2Integration&Control. Integration and Control of a hydrogen-based pilot plant in residential applications for energy supply”, Ref. PID2020-116616RB-C31 supported by the Spanish State Program of R+D+I Oriented to the Challenges of Society; and “SALTES: Smartgrid with reconfigurable Architecture for testing controL Techniques and Energy Storage priority contaminant waste”, Ref. P20-00730 supported by Andalusian Regional Program of R+D+I

    Batteries and Hydrogen Storage: Technical Analysis and Commercial Revision to Select the Best Option

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    : This paper aims to analyse two energy storage methods—batteries and hydrogen storage technologies—that in some cases are treated as complementary technologies, but in other ones they are considered opposed technologies. A detailed technical description of each technology will allow to understand the evolution of batteries and hydrogen storage technologies: batteries looking for higher energy capacity and lower maintenance, while hydrogen storage technologies pursuing better volumetric and gravimetric densities. Additionally, as energy storage systems, a mathematical model is required to know the state of charge of the system. For this purpose, a mathematical model is proposed for conventional batteries, for compressed hydrogen tanks, for liquid hydrogen storage and for metal hydride tanks, which makes it possible to integrate energy storage systems into management strategies that aim to solve the energy balance in plants based on hybrid energy storage systems. From the technical point of view, most batteries are easier to operate and do not require special operating conditions, while hydrogen storage methods are currently functioning at the two extremes (high temperatures for metal and complex hydrides and low temperatures for liquid hydrogen or physisorption). Additionally, the technical comparison made in this paper also includes research trends and future possibilities in an attempt to help plan future policiesThis research was funded by 1) Spanish Government, grant Ref: PID2020-116616RB-C31, 2) Andalusian Regional Program of R+D+i, grant Ref: P20-00730, and 3) FEDER-University of Huelva 2018, grant Ref: UHU-125931

    Integration of air-cooled multi-stack polymer electrolyte fuel cell systems into renewable microgrids

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    Currently, there is a growing interest in increasing the power range of air-cooled fuel cells (ACFCs), as they are cheaper, easier to use and maintain than water-cooled fuel cells (WCFCs). However, air-cooled stacks are only available up to medium power (<10 kW). Therefore, a good solution may be the development of ACFCs consisting of several stacks until the required power output is reached. This is the concept of air-cooled multi-stack fuel cell (AC-MSFC). The objective of this work is to develop a turnkey solution for the integration of AC-MSFCs in renewable microgrids, specifically those with high-voltage DC (HVDC) bus. This is challenging because the AC-MSFCs must operate in the microgrid as a single ACFC with adjustable power, depending on the number of stacks in operation. To achieve this, the necessary power converter (ACFCs operate at low voltages, so high conversion rates are required) and control loops must be developed. Unlike most designs in the literature, the proposed solution is compact, forming a system (AC-MSFCS) with a single input (hydrogen) and a single output (high voltage regulated power or voltage) that can be easily integrated into any microgrid and easily scalable depending on the power required. The developed AC-MSFCS integrates stacks, balance of plant, data acquisition and instrumentation, power converters and local controllers. In addition, a virtual instrument (VI) has been developed which, connected to the energy management system (EMS) of the microgrid, allows monitoring of the entire AC-MSFCS (operating temperature, purging, cell voltage monitoring for degradation evaluation, stacks operating point control and alarm and event management), as well as serving as a user interface. This allows the EMS to know the degradation of each stack and to carry out energy distribution strategies or specific maintenance actions, which improves efficiency, lifespan and, of course, saves costs. The experimental results have been excellent in terms of the correct operation of the developed AC-MSFCS. Likewise, the accumulated degradation of the stacks was quantified, showing cells with a degradation of >80%. The excellent electrical and thermal performance of the developed power converter was also validated, which allowed the correct and efficient supply of regulated power (average efficiency above 90%) to the HVDC bus, according to the power setpoint defined by the EMS of the microgrid.This research was funded by “H2Integration&Control. Integration and Control of a hydrogen-based pilot plant in residential applications for energy supply” Spanish Government, grant Ref: PID2020-116616RBC31,”; and “SALTES: Smartgrid with reconfigurable Architecture for testing controL Techniques and Energy Storage priority” by Andalusian Regional Program of R+D+, grant Ref: P20-00730

    Hydrogen-powered refrigeration system for environmentally friendly transport and delivery in the food supply chain

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    Urban population and the trend towards online commerce leads to an increase in delivery solution in cities. The growth of the transport sector is very harmful to the environment, being responsible for approximately 40% of greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union. The problem is aggravated when transporting perishable foodstuffs, as the vehicle propulsion engine (VPE) must power not only the vehicle but also the refrigeration unit. This means that the VPE must be running continuously, both on the road and stationary (during delivery), as the cold chain must be preserved. The result is costly (high fuel consumption) and harmful to the environment. At present, refrigerated transport does not support full-electric solutions, due to the high energy consumption required, which motivates the work presented in this article. It presents a turnkey solution of a hydrogenpowered refrigeration system (HPRS) to be integrated into standard light trucks and vans for short-distance food transport and delivery. The proposed solution combines an air-cooled polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), a lithium-ion battery and low-weight pressurised hydrogen cylinders to minimise cost and increase autonomy and energy density. In addition, for its implementation and integration, all the acquisition, power and control electronics necessary for its correct management have been developed. Similarly, an energy management system (EMS) has been developed to ensure continuity and safety in the operation of the electrical system during the working day, while maximizing both the available output power and lifetime of the PEMFC. Experimental results on a real refrigerated light truck provide more than 4 h of autonomy in intensive intercity driving profiles, which can be increased, if necessary, by simply increasing the pressure of the stored hydrogen from the current 200 bar to whatever is required. The correct operation of the entire HPRS has been experimentally validated in terms of functionality, autonomy and safety; with fuel savings of more than 10% and more than 3650 kg of CO2/ year avoided.This work is a contribution of the two following Projects: “H2Integration& Control. Integration and Control of a hydrogen-based pilot plant in residential applications for energy supply”, Ref. PID2020-116616RB-C31 supported by the Spanish State Program of R + D + I Oriented to the Challenges of Society; and “SALTES: Smartgrid with reconfigurable Architecture for testing controL Techniques and Energy Storage priority contaminant waste”, Ref. P20-00730 supported by Andalusian Regional Program of R + D + I. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva/CBUA

    Integration of educational robotics in Primary Education

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    A medida que la tecnología avanza, su influencia en los diferentes sectores de la sociedad es cada vez mayor. El ámbito educativo no queda al margen y también es obligado a reconfigurarse valorando aspectos que hasta hace pocos años no han sido considerados, como es el caso de la introducción y aplicación de las TIC o de la robótica educativa. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la percepción y opinión de docentes, familias y estudiantes de un colegio del País Vasco sobre la robótica educativa, la programación y las habilidades digitales relacionadas en la etapa de Educación Primaria. Para ello, se ha realizado un taller en el que un grupo de estudiantes de 2º de Educación Primaria trabajan por primera vez con diferentes recursos y materiales de robótica educativa: Lego WeDo 2.0 y Blue-Bot. La intención es contrastar la opinión anterior y posterior a la realización del taller de algunos miembros de la comunidad educativa; para lo que se utilizarán distintos instrumentos. Mencionar que según los resultados generales se aprecian diferencias entre el pretest y el postest que benefician la perspectiva sobre la integración de la robótica educativa en el aula. Asimismo, se concluye que tanto su uso pedagógico como la capacitación del profesorado son temas controvertidos aunque se constatan las oportunidades educativas ofrecidas por estas tecnologías para afrontar desafíos de la sociedad actual.As technology advances, its influence in different sectors of our society is increasing. The educational field is not left out and is also forced to reconfigure itself assessing aspects which have not been considered until few years ago, as is the case of the introduction and application of ICT or educational robotics. The aim of this article is to analyze the perception and opinion of teachers, families and students of a school in the Basque Country about educational robotics, programming and related digital skills in the stage of Primary Education. To this end, a course has been carried out in which a group of 2nd grade students from Elementary School. work for the first time with different resources and materials of educational robotics: Lego WeDo 2.0 and Blue-bot. The intention is to contrast the opinion of some members of the educational community before and after the course; for which various instruments will be used. Mention that, according to the general results, there are differences between the pretest and the posttest that benefit the perspective on the integration of educational robotics in the classroom. Likewise, it is concluded that both its pedagogical use and teacher training are controversial issues, although the educational opportunities offered by these technologies are recognized to face the challenges of today’s society.peerReviewe

    How the BoP configuration affects the performance in an air-cooled polymer electrolyte fuel cell. Keys to design the best configuration

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    Air Cooled Polymer Electrolyte fuel cells (AC-PEFC) are recently receiving especial attention because they offer the possibility to integrate the oxidant and cooling subsystems in just one. This feature reduces not only the fuel cell weight, volume and cost but also the control complexity. In these fuel cells, the Oxidant/Cooling subsystem along with three others (Fuel, Electrical and Control) make up the Balance of Plant (BoP), which together with the stack comprise the full fuel cell. It is common to find works focused on analysing the influence of the Oxidant/Cooling subsystem on the fuel cell. Nevertheless, studies in which the Fuel subsystem (it is responsible for providing the hydrogen for its reduction–oxidation reaction with oxygen to form water) is investigated are hard to find on the scientific literature. It seems like the Fuel subsystem configuration would not have influence over the whole system performance. Contrary to what one might think, and in basis on experimental results, this paper shows how the fuel cell performance is conditioned by the Fuel subsystem configuration. The aim of this paper is to present a comprehensive experimental study of an AC-PEFC paying particular attention, so unexplored so far, to Fuel subsystem configuration, giving the keys for the most suitable BoP configuration which guarantees the best performance, with the easiest BoP design and the lowest complexity

    A review of energy management strategies for renewable hybrid energy systems with hydrogen backup

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    Hybrid systems are presented as a viable, safe and effective solution to minimize the associated problems of the dependence on renewable energies with the environmental resources. In this way different renewable systems such as photovoltaic, wind, hydrogen and so on, can work together to configure hybrid renewable systems. However, to make them work properly in a holistic way by creating synergies among them is not an easy task. Recently hydrogen technology has appeared as a promising technology to hybridize renewable energy systems, since it allows the generation (by electrolyzers) and storage of hydrogen when there is a surplus of energy in the system, and at a later time (e.g. when there are insufficient renewable resources available) using the stored hydrogen to generate electrical energy by fuel cells. The choice of a correct energy management strategy should guarantee an optimum performance of the whole hybrid renewable system; therefore, it is necessary to know the most important criteria in order to define a management strategy that ensures the best solution from a technical and economic point of view. This paper presents a critical review and analysis of different energy management strategies for hybrid renewable systems based on hydrogen backup. In the same way, a review is also presented of the most important technical and economic optimization criteria, as well as problems and solutions studied in the scientific literature