2,797 research outputs found

    Curriculum transversality in the higher education context

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    La idea de una enseñanza de calidad que satisfaga a los usuarios del sistema universitario es el entandarte del nuevo modelo de Universidad del siglo XXI. Afrontar este nuevo reto es asumir la existencia de elementos y situaciones que requieren cambios, y una actitud de reto e innovación hacia la mejora del sistema. Tenemos que ofrecer metodologías que se adapten a las distintas situaciones, intereses, ritmos de aprendizaje y circunstancias particulares. En nuestro artículo intentamos dar algunas claves para mejorar los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje en el marco de la enseñanza universitaria, donde la “transversalidad”, entendida como una estrategia de actuación docente, se nos presenta como un medio para conectar el aprendizaje de los contenidos universitarios con el aprendizaje de los procedimientos y estrategias para aprender más y mejor. Sólo mediante el establecimiento de puentes de unión entre el aprendizaje académico y el aprendizaje natural podremos conseguir que nuestros alumnos universitarios aprendan de una forma más eficaz y por consiguiente conseguir una mayor calidad educativa.The idea of a high quality education that satisfies all the users of the educational system is the goal of the new model of the XXI century university. Aproaching this new challenge is asuming the existence of elements and situations that require multiple changes and an innovative position through the system improvement. Different methods adapted to several and particular situations, interests and learning rithm have to be offered. This article aims to bring some keys that allow to improve learning and teaching processes in the context of the higher education, where “transversality”, understood as a strategy of the teacher role, it is a tool that connects learning of contents to learning of procedures and strategies, in order to learn more and better. The establishment of links between the academic and the natural learning will improve student learning and therefore the educational quality

    Educación inclusiva y nuevas tecnologías: una convivencia futura y un diálogo permanente.

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    Nuestro sistema educativo como consecuencia del nuevo orden cultural, institucional y global introducido por la multiplicidad de canales de información y medios, así como por la creciente diversidad étnica, cultural y lingüística de nuestra sociedad debe adaptarse a este nuevo contexto, donde el uso de la tecnología y sus posibles beneficios para todos los alumnos, constituye, sin duda alguna, uno de los principios básicos de esta forma de formar y educar a los futuros ciudadanos en el marco de una educación inclusivaOur educative system as a result of the new cultural, institutional and global order introduced by the multiplicity of information channels and means, as well as by the increasing ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity of our society must adapt to this new context, where the use of the technology and its possible benefits for all the students, constitute, without a doubt some, one of the basic principles of this form within the framework to form and to educate the citizen futures of a inclusiva educatio

    An approach to predict Spanish mortgage market activity using Google data

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    [EN] The aim of this paper is to use Google data to predict Spanish mortgage market activity during the period from January 2004 to January 2019. Thus, we collect monthly Google data for the keyword hipoteca, the Spanish expression for mortgage, and then, we perform a regression and an out-of-sample analysis. We find evidence that the use of Google data significantly improves prediction accuracy.S

    Bond Yields, Sovereign Risk and Maturity Structure

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    [EN] The aim of this paper is to analyze the relation between maturity structure, sovereign bond yields and sovereign risk in the Economic and Monetary Union for the period of 1990–2013. The results confirm the existence of an inverse relationship between sovereign bond yields, sovereign risk and the maturity structure of sovereign debt, regardless of the proxy that is used to measure sovereign risk and the time variance of the variables employed. The results indicate that risk shortens the maturity structure of sovereign debt because it reduces the stock of long-term debt. The relationship between maturity structure and sovereign bond yields differs depending on the risk of the countries analyzed (non-monotonic relationship) and the differences between peripheral and core countries are greater for higher levels of the yields. If we control for the indebtedness level of these countries, the results show that the relationship between the sovereign bond yields and maturity strengthens as the debt level increases.S

    An alternative approach to predicting bank credit risk in Europe with Google data

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    6 p.The aim of this paper is to construct an alternative approach based on a sentiment index to measure bank credit risk in European countries using an alternative approach instead of traditional measures. Specifically, we use Google data for a set of keywords related to bank credit risk to capture investor sentiment. The resulting index shows a great similarity to traditional indexes based on bank CDS. The out-of-sample analysis demonstrates that our sentiment index is helpful for predicting bank credit risk during periods of financial distress, since it enhances the accuracy of the estimations.S

    Do sociodemographic factors influence the maturity structure of sovereign debt?

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    [EN] Increases in life expectancy, medical and technological advances, and falling birth rates have produced widespread population aging in most developed countries. In the context of the EU, the population aged over 65 years, representing only 10% of the total in 1950, will represent over 30% in 2050 according to the United Nations. This phenomenon not only has implications in the social field but also affects economic growth and many economic and financial decisions that relate to the investment horizon (Lee and Shin, 2019; Kamiguchi and Tamai, 2019; Lyons, Grable and Joo, 2018). According to Papademos (2007), population aging may have important political and economic implications on economic growth, monetary policy, the structure of financial markets, public finances, and international capital flows.S

    Is Squatting a Good Business for the Security Industry? A Case Analysis from Spain

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    [EN] The aim of this paper is to analyze the relation between the rise of the squatter movement in Spain and the evolution of firms involved into the security and surveillance business. We hypothesize that the upsurge of this phenomenon might benefit the evolution of these companies. Using Google searches to measure the citizens’ attention and concerns to the squatter movement, we analyze their impact on the evolution of the unique security company listed in the Spanish stock market: Prosegur. The empirical analysis points out to a positive and significant relationship, which is robust to the inclusion of other market variables. Moreover, we find out that this relationship disappears or turns negative for other types of firms and for the stock market in general, suggesting that our measure of attention to the squatter movement might actually be a proxy for an impairment of the rule of law in Spain.S

    What drives sovereign debt maturity in European countries?

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    [EN] The aim of this paper is to study the determinants of sovereign debt maturity for 23 European countries during the period between 1995 and 2013. For this purpose, we use quantile regressions with robust standard errors clustered by countries to consider the impact of the determinants in the entire distribution. The results indicate a positive relation between the level of debt of the country and sovereign debt maturity, particularly for countries with the lowest debt maturity. We also find evidence of a negative relationship between sovereign risk and debt maturity for the lowest and intermediate values of the debt maturity.S