90 research outputs found

    Salbutamol transport and deposition in the upper and lower airway with different devices in cats: a computational fluid dynamics approach

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    Pressurized metered-dose inhalers (pMDI) with or without spacers are commonly used for the treatment of feline inflammatory airway disease. During traditional airways treatments, a substantial amount of drugs are wasted upstream of their target. To study the efficiency of commonly used devices in the transport of inhaled salbutamol, different computational models based on two healthy adult client-owned cats were developed. Computed tomographic images from one cat were used to generate a three-dimensional geometry, and two masks (spherical and conical shapes) and two spacers (10 and 20 cm) completed the models. A second cat was used to generate a second model having an endotracheal tube (ETT) with and without the same spacers. Airflow, droplet spray transport, and deposition were simulated and studied using computational fluid dynamics techniques. Four regions were evaluated: device, upper airways, primary bronchi, and downstream lower airways/parenchyma ('lung'). Regardless of the model, most salbutamol is deposited in devices and/or upper airways. In the first model, particles reaching the lung varied between 5.8 and 25.8%. Compared with the first model, pMDI application through the ETT with or without a spacer had significantly higher percentages of particles reaching the lung (p = 0.006).Mauro Malvè and Rocío Fernández-Parra gratefully acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness through the research project DPI2017-83259-R (AEI/FEDER, UE)

    Manual bell ringing in Comunitat Valenciana and its legislative protection

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    [ES] Esta investigación se ha enfocado en la resolución de distintos problemas en relación con los toques manuales de campanas de la Comunitat Valenciana, así como su estudio de la protección legal y patrimonial tras su declaración de Bien de Interés Cultural Inmaterial. A su vez, se aclara el concepto de ¿paisaje sonoro¿ que no está definido legislativamente. Se analiza la propiedad intelectual para autores, artistas e intérpretes y se establece una diferenciación con respecto a los toques mecanizados, teniendo en cuenta la relación que tiene el toque manual y su consideración como música dentro del ámbito de la electroacústica.[EN] This research is focused on both the resolution of several problems related to the bell ringing techniques in Comunitat Valenciana (Spain), and its legal protection after it was declared an Intangible Asset of Cultural Interest. In turn, the concept of ¿soundscape¿ that is not defined legislatively is clarified. I have analyzed all authors, artists and performers¿intelectual property because of the differences between mechanical rings and hand rings and how these are considered music inside the electro acoustic.Trabajo realizado en el marco del Proyecto MINECO (DER2012-37844) siendo el Investigador Principal el Dr. D. Lorenzo Cotino Hueso, Catedrático acreditado de Derecho constitucional, Universitat de València-Estudi General, del Proyecto MINECO (DER2013-4256R), siendo los Investigadores Principales la Dra. Dª. Luz María Martínez Velencoso, Profesora Titular de Derecho civil, Universitat de València-Estudi General, y el Dr. D. Javier Plaza Penadés, Catedrático de Derecho civil, Universitat de València-Estudi General, y Proyecto “Derecho civil valenciano y europeo” del Programa Prometeo para Grupos de Investigación de Excelencia de la Conselleria de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, GVPROMETEOII2015-014 y del Microcluster “Estudios de Derecho y empresa sobre TICs (Law and business studies on ICT)”, dentro del VLC/Campus, Campus de Excelencia Internacional (International Campus of Excellence), coordinado por el Dr. D. Javier Plaza Penadés, Catedrático de Derecho civil, Universitat de València-Estudi General.Vázquez Parra, R.; Ramón Fernández, F. (2017). Los toques manuales de campana de la Comunitat Valenciana y su protección legislativa. Revista Internauta de Práctica Jurídica. (33):1-30. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/113367S1303

    La campana en el ámbito jurídico y legislación aplicable

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    [ES] En el presente trabajo vamos a analizar la campana en el ámbito jurídico desde diversas perspectivas: como bien protegido de interés cultural inmaterial; como práctica consuetudinaria en el ámbito de la legislación sobre ruido, y de contaminación acústica. Se estudiará la legislación aplicable y diversos casos resueltos por la jurisprudencia en los que la campana es la protagonistaVázquez Parra, R.; Ramón Fernández, F. (2016). La campana en el ámbito jurídico y legislación aplicable. Campo Jurídico (Online). 4(1):94-101. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/96182S941014

    Salbutamol transport and deposition in healthy cat airways under different breathing conditions and particle sizes

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    Salbutamol is a bronchodilatator commonly used for the treatment of feline inflammatory lower airway disease, including asthma or acute bronchospasm. As in humans, a pressurized metered dose inhaler (pMDI) is used in conjunction with a spacer and a spherical mask to facilitate salbutamol administration. However, efficacy of inhalation therapy is influenced by different factors including the noncooperative character of cats. In this study, the goal was to use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to analyze the impact of breathing patterns and salbutamol particle size on overall drug transport and deposition using a specific spherical mask and spacer designed for cats. A model incorporating three-dimensional cat airway geometry, a commercially available spherical mask, and a 10  cm spacer, was used for CFD analysis. Two peak inspiratory flows were tested: 30  mL/s and 126  mL/s. Simulations were performed with 30s breathing different inspiratory and expiratory times, respiratory frequencies and peaks. Droplet spray transport and deposition were simulated with different particle sizes typical of the drug delivery therapies (1, 5, 10, and 15  μm). The percentage of particle deposition into the device and upper airways decreased with increasing particle diameter during both flows imposed in this cat model. During increased mean ventilatory rate (MVR) conditions, most of the salbutamol was lost in the upper airways. And during decreased MVR conditions, most of the particles remained in suspension (still in hold-up) between the mask and the carina, indicating the need for more than 30  s to be transported. In both flows the percentage of particles traveling to the lung was low at 1.5%–2.3%. In conclusion, in contrast to what has been described in the human literature, the results from this feline model suggest that the percentage of particles deposited on the upper airway decreases with increasing particle diameter.This study is supported by grants PID2021-125731OB-C31 and PID2021-125731OB-C33 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and FEDER (“A way to build Europe”)

    Adaptation and validation of a scale to assess digital teaching competence in soccer coaches

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    Since 2015, the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) has held a convention with the aim of updating its technical qualifications for the training of its football coaches. It has proposed widespread changes, but with a particular recommendation for the creation of a subject about New Technologies. This proposal is in line with the natural evolution of today's society and with an increasing digital presence in all professional fields. The overarching concern for quality teaching in digital competences involves, first and foremost, the necessary adoption of these digital competences by their trainers. As a result, the aim of this research is to adapt and validate a scale, previously validated in other training contexts, to assess the digital teaching competence (hereafter, DTC) of soccer coaches. The study sample consists of 612 coaches at different levels who are registered in the Football Federation of the Valencian Community (hereafter, FFCV). The sample contains a higher percentage of men (91.7%) than women (8.3%) and a mean age of 30.88 years. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed, which revealed five factors grouping 31 indicators: Information and Literacy (5 items), Communication and Collaboration (6 items), Digital Content Creation (9 items), Security (6 items) and Problem Solving (5 items). Goodness-of-Fit indicators showed adequate values: (x2 /gl=2.82); RMSA= 0.6 (Confidence Interval= 0.6-0.7); CFI=.91; IFI= .91. Reliability was tested by Composite Reliability, Cronbach's Alpha and Mean Variance Extracted values. The results of the research support the reliability and validity of the questionnaire that was adapted for the purpose of assessing the digital teaching competence of soccer coaches.Educació

    Computational fluid dynamics comparison of the upper airway velocity, pressure, and resistance in cats using an endotracheal tube or a supraglottic airway device

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    IntoductionIn veterinary medicine, airway management of cats under general anesthesia is performed with an endotracheal tube (ETT) or supraglottic airway device (SGAD). This study aims to describe the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to assess the velocities, pressures, and resistances of cats with ETT or SGAD.MethodsA geometrical reconstruction model of the device, trachea, and lobar bronchi was carried out from computed tomography (CT) scans that include the head, neck, and thorax. Twenty CT scans of cats under general anesthesia using ETT (n = 10) and SGAD (n = 10) were modeled and analyzed. An inspiratory flow of 2.4 L/min was imposed in each model and velocity (m/s), general and regional pressures (cmH2O) were computed. General resistance (cmH2O/L/min) was calculated using differential pressure differences between the device inlet and lobar bronchi. Additionally, regional resistances were calculated at the device’s connection with the breathing circuit (region A), at the glottis area for the SGAD, and the area of the ETT exit (bevel) (region B) and the device itself (region C).ResultsRecirculatory flow and high velocities were found at the ETT’s bevel and at the glottis level in the SGAD group. The pressure gradient (Δp) was more enhanced in the ETT cases compared with the SGAD cases, where the pressure change was drastic. In region A, the Δp was higher in the ETT group, while in regions B and C, it was higher in the SGAD group. The general resistance was not statistically significant between groups (p = 0.48). Higher resistances were found at the region A (p = <0.001) in the ETT group. In contrast, the resistance was higher in the SGAD cases at the region B (p = 0.001).DiscussionOverall, the provided CT-based CFD analysis demonstrated regional changes in airway pressure and resistance between ETT and SGAD during anesthetic flow conditions. Correct selection of the airway device size is recommended to avoid upper airway obstruction or changes in flow parameters

    Adaptation and validation of a scale for the evaluation of the professional performance of the football trainer based on his/her continuous training, level of ICT and self-evaluation

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    La presente investigación tiene por objetivo adaptar y validar una escala para la evaluación del desempeño profesional de los entrenadores de fútbol basada en su formación previa y en el nivel de competencias digitales que posea dicho entrenador (Escala para la evaluación del desempeño profesional del entrenador de fútbol en base a su formación permanente, nivel de TIC y autoevaluación). La muestra del estudio está constituida por un total de 412 entrenadores en formación, de los cuales el 91.7% son hombres y el 8,3% restante son mujeres. Todos estos sujetos son alumnos de los cursos de formación de entrenadores de fútbol de la Federación de Fútbol de la Comunidad Valenciana (FFCV), distribuidos por los diferentes niveles técnicos, aunque el más representado es el UEFA C con un 71.1%. El diseño de la escala se realizó a partir del cuestionario realizado por Zambrano, Meda y Lara (2005). Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC), que permitieron identificar tres factores en los que se agruparon los indicadores: interés por la formación continua (4 ítems), formación en TIC (3 ítems) y autoevaluación (4 ítems). Los diferentes indicadores de bondad de ajuste mostraron valores adecuados: (x2 /gl=2.77); RMSEA=.057 (Intervalo de confianza=.042-.072); CFI=.97; IFI=.97. Se comprobó la fiabilidad mediante los valores de fiabilidad compuesta, alfa de Cronbach y la varianza media extraída. Los resultados de la investigación sostienen la fiabilidad y validez de la escala para valorar el desempeño profesional de los entrenadores de fútbol.This research aims to adapt and validate a scale for the evaluation of the professional performance of football coaches based on their previous training and the level of digital competencies that the coach possesses (Scale for the evaluation of the professional performance of football coaches based on their permanent training, level of ICT and self-evaluation).The study sample is made up of a total of 412 coaches in training, of which 91.7% are men and the remaining 8.3% are women.All of these subjects are students of the training courses for football coaches of the Valencian Football Federation (FFCV), distributed by the different technical levels, although the most represented is UEFA C with 71.1%.The design of the scale was based on the questionnaire carried out by Zambrano, Meda and Lara (2005). An exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) and a confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) were carried out, which allowed identifying three factors in which the indicators were grouped: interest in continuous training (4 items), ICT training (3 items) and self-evaluation (4 items).The different goodness- of-fit indicators showed adequate values: (x2 /gl=2.77); RMSEA=.057 (Confidence Interval=.042-.072); CFI=.97; IFI=.97. Reliability was checked using the composite reliability values, Cronbach’s alpha and the average variance extracted.The results of the research support the reliability and validity of the scale to assess the professional performance of soccer coaches.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Espacio EpD: una experiencia de desarrollo profesional docente

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    Describimos una experiencia realizada con un grupo de docentes de diversos niveles educativos: Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria y Universidad, que, a través de un Proyecto de la ONG “Madre Coraje” han desarrollado un proceso de aprendizaje cooperativo en una plataforma digital para compartir experiencias en el diseño y experimentación de propuestas didácticas sobre Educación para el Desarrollo (ED). Entre los resultados destacamos las posibilidades que ofrecen las temáticas relacionadas con la ED para cambiar la concepción de los contenidos curriculares de los docentes, pasando de una visión centrada en el profesor y en su disciplina de referencia a una posición centrada en los alumnos y en sus intereses y necesidades.We describe an experience conducted with a group of teachers of different educational levels: kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and university, which, through a project of the NGO "Mother Courage" have developed a process of cooperative learning in a digital platform to share experiences in the design and testing of didactic proposals on Development Education (ED). The results highlight the potential of topics related to the ED to change the design of the curricula of teachers, moving from a teachercentered vision and discipline reference to a student-centered position and its interests and needs