63 research outputs found

    Influence of Business Incubators Performance on Entrepreneurial Intentions and Its Antecedents during the Pre-incubation Stage

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    The pre-incubation phase is critical in the forming of entrepreneur?s intention and however it is almost missing in literature. Using the entrepreneurship models based on the beliefs?attitude?intention relationship, a sample of 167 pre-incubated entrepreneurs within the well-known System of Business Incubators of the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education was surveyed and its statistical analysis developed with Structural Equation Modelling methodology. Our findings confirm that (1) entrepreneur?s perception concerning the incubator?s performance directly and positively affects the desirability, self-efficacy and the facilitating conditions, (2) the perceived desirability and feasibility in entrepreneurship, as well as the first ones, self-efficacy and facilitating conditions, positively influence the entrepreneurial intentions. Furthermore, contrary to the traditional mind-set that supports risk is a barrier, results suggest that (3) the risk perceived by pre-incubated entrepreneurs positively influences entrepreneurial intentions and the desirability that is attributed to that behaviour. Finally, these results also provide insights for organizational leaders and policymakers into managing business incubators and organising their formative programs. The effectiveness of incubators is clear but it is also important to communicate it properly so that incubated individuals can perceive it

    Social entrepreneur: same or different from the rest?

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    ABSTRACT: A social business responds to social problems usually ignored by institutions, mobilizing resources and generating employment. To gain more knowledge about this type of enterprise, the key factors that may influence social entrepreneurship are studied and compared with nonsocial entrepreneurship. This enables advances in the scientific literature and the design of more effective policies that encourage the creation of social enterprises. To achieve this goal, after delimiting the area of study, a sample of 25,631 entrepreneurs in 59 countries was used; 9,792 of these are social entrepreneurs collected by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor project in 2015 when a special issue focused on this topic. The results show that the majority of the factors that determine the decision to undertake nonsocial entrepreneurship also condition the individual to undertake social entrepreneurship, although the nature of their relationship or the intensity of the influence changes

    Turning teachers into entrepreneurship role models: development of a measurement scale of useful characteristics

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    The circumstances under which students consider their teachers of entrepreneurship as role models have not received in-depth exploration in the literature. This paper focuses on determining the main personal, professional and pedagogical characteristics that would turn teachers of entrepreneurship into role models and thereby improve the entrepreneurial intentions of students. A three-step empirical research process combining documentary, qualitative and quantitative methods is developed in order to propose and test a measurement scale of teacher characteristics that is reliable, valid and useful for causal modelling. A total of 26 characteristics are identified and classified into personal, professional and pedagogical categories

    The current state of entrepreneurship education and training in gem countries and spanish regions.

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    RESUMEN. La literatura especializada presenta a la educación y formación como un factor determinante del emprendimiento. Sin embargo, reiteradamente los expertos del Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) han puesto de manifiesto que es una de las condiciones del entorno peor valoradas, en muchos casos la más deficiente. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio es analizar, basándonos en la opinión de los expertos, el estado de la educación y formación empresarial, en sus diferentes etapas, en los países y regiones que han participado en el GEM 2012. Concretamente, se pretende conocer el grado de desarrollo alcanzado en cada uno de los niveles que se analizan en el informe GEM, tanto genéricamente como por país, analizando las posibles diferencias (fortalezas y debilidades) que aparezcan en cada uno. Además, esto se completa con un análisis de ámbito nacional, analizando la situación de las diferentes regiones españolas participantes en el estudio. Para la realización del análisis se utiliza la base de datos NES 2012. En dicha edición participaron un total de 69 países y, en el caso de España, 14 regiones, contando en cada caso con 36 expertos. El tratamiento de los datos se realiza mediante el uso de la Teoría de Medición de Rasch. Los resultados muestran que, en general, la enseñanza universitaria orientada al emprendimiento está más desarrollada que las enseñanzas de niveles inferiores, como pueden ser la secundaria y la primaria. No obstante, el análisis individual permite detectar diferencias entre los países y las regiones.ABSTRACT. Specialised literature presents education and training as a determining factor for entrepreneurship. However, time and time again experts at the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) have stated that it’s one lowest, and sometimes the least, valued elements in this area. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyse the state of entrepreneurship education and training in its different stages within the countries and regions that participated in GEM 2012. Specifically, what is sought is, based on the opinion of the experts, the state of entrepreneurship training and education in each level analysed in GEM, generically as well as by country, while looking at the possible differences (strengths and weaknesses) that appear in each one. Furthermore, this is paired with a national analysis that examines the situation of the different participating regions in the study. In order to carry out the analysis, the 2012 NES database is used. In that edition, a total of 69 countries participated and, in the case of Spain, there were 14 regions all with 36 experts in each. The data processing is carried out using the Rasch model for measurement. The preliminary results show that, in general, university level education geared towards entrepreneurship is more highly developed than at the lower levels of education, such as in secondary and primary education. Nevertheless, the individual analysis makes it possible to detect differences between countries and regions

    Intención de emprendimiento: ventajas e inconvenientes percibidos

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    ABSTRAC: Purpose - Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour, the purpose of this paper is to analyse the influence of the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship surrounding the entrepreneurial intention on a university context. Design/methodology/approach - To test the hypothesis it is used a quantitative research. With a structural equations approach, it is explored the psychological mechanisms that could affect to the entrepreneurial intentions of university students. Findings - The results obtained show that the advantages related to entrepreneurship, in particular personal rewards, influence positively on the entrepreneurial attitude. However, the disadvantages, in particular economic aspects, have a negative effect. Additionally, the authors test that the gender and the academic training have a moderate effect on the variables which influence on the entrepreneurial intention. Originality/value - This paper contributes to the literature on entrepreneurship in two important aspects. First, it goes into detail about the influence that perceived advantages and disadvantages of starting a new business has on entrepreneurial intentions. Second, the authors examine relevant and special collective, university students that try to decide their professional future and, hence, it is a critical period to decide the startup of a new business.RESUMEN: Propósito - Con la Teoría de Comportamiento Planificado como marco de referencia este trabajo analiza la influencia de las ventajas e inconvenientes asociados al emprendimiento sobre la intención emprendedora en un contexto universitario. Diseño/metodología - Para la contrastación empírica de las hipótesis planteadas se realiza una investigación de naturaleza cuantitativa mediante la cual se exploran los mecanismos psicológicos que podrían guiar las intenciones de emprendimiento de los estudiantes universitarios. Resultados - Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que las ventajas asociadas al emprendimiento, en especial las recompensas personales, influyen positivamente en la actitud emprendedora, mientras que los inconvenientes asociados al emprendimiento, y en particular los aspectos económicos, ejercen un efecto negativo. Asimismo, se constata que el sexo y los estudios cursados tienen un efecto moderador en las variables que afectan a la intención emprendedora. Originalidad/Valor - El presente trabajo aporta dos contribuciones fundamentales a la literatura sobre emprendimiento. Por un lado, profundiza en la comprensión de la influencia que tienen en la decisión de emprender las percepciones de los individuos respecto a las ventajas e inconvenientes de crear un negocio propio. Por otro lado, se examina un colectivo de especial relevancia en el ámbito del emprendimiento, como son los estudiantes universitarios, que se encuentran en situación de encaminar su futuro profesional y, por tanto, en un momento crítico para la decisión de crear una empresa propia

    The Moderating Effect of Countries' Development on the Characterization of the Social Entrepreneur: An Empirical Analysis with GEM Data

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the moderating effect that the level of development of countries exerts on the factors that define the behavior of social entrepreneurs, distinguishing the effect produced in innovation-driven economies from that in factor/efficiency-driven economies. Our study contributes to the advancement of one of the most relevant problems detected in social entrepreneurship research: the lack of empirical quantitative studies, mainly due to the lack of harmonized and comparable international data. We perform an empirical multivariable analysis using 2015 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data related to social entrepreneurship. The results show that both the variables that measure the values and skills to start a business and those related to the environment differentiate social from commercial entrepreneurs. In addition, our findings show how the development of the country plays a decisive moderating role, modifying the effect of the values and skills to be a social entrepreneur, the influence of gender, and even the relevance of entrepreneurs'perception of their environment

    Influence of perceived risk on entrepreneurial desirability and feasibility: multidimensional approach for nascent entrepreneurs

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    ABSTRACT: This study examines the influence of perceived risk on entrepreneurial desirability and feasibility as determining factors in the intention to start a self-owned business. Specifically, a multidimensional approach is taken to examine the different types of risks associated with entrepreneurship: economic, social, time, health and personal risks. The results obtained from a sample of 376 new entrepreneurs in Mexico confirm the fact that the perceived desirability and feasibility have a significant and positive effect on the intentions to start their own company. On one hand, the empirical evidence obtained shows a heterogenic effect of the risk dimensions associated with entrepreneurship on the perceived desirability and feasibility in their behaviour. Therefore, it was found that the economic risk associated with entrepreneurship has a negative effect on the feasibility to start a business, but does not significantly influence the desirability of that behaviour. On the other hand, a significant effect from the risk related to health is not seen on desirability and feasibility, but the negative influence of personal risk is empirically supported for both variables. Finally, the results obtained related to social and time risk are contradictory. Social risk negatively influences entrepreneurship desirability, but a positive effect is observed on the feasibility to create a business. For its part, the empirical evidence obtained does not support any effect of the time risk on the perceived feasibility of starting a business, but there is a positive on entrepreneurship desirability. These results, which are contrary to the traditional concept of risk as a barrier to entrepreneurship, are justified by the vocational nature of this behaviour and by the social sacrifices that are sometimes necessary to be able to make a business work

    Implicaciones contables de la adopción del Euro en las empresas españolas

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    RESUMEN. Los cambios potenciales que conlleva la implantación del euro para la empresa y las posibles medidas que ésta puede adoptar para responder con eficacia se enmarcan en las diversas áreas de funcionamiento de la empresa. En este artículo se abordan las implicaciones, directas e indirectas, que la incorporación del euro tiene sobre el sistema contable empresarial, tanto en su ámbito externo como interno. La adopción del euro en la contabilidad externa ha planteado, entre otras cuestiones, decidir el tratamiento contable de: Las diferencias de rendodeo y las diferencias de cambio en moneda extranjera en las cuentas individuales, las diferencias de conversión en las Cuentas consolidadas y, de los costes de paso al euro. El ámbito interno de la contabilidad puede verse afectado indirectamente por el paso al euro, en tanto la unificación monetaria origine una mayor transparencia de los precios y de la información económica, requiriendo de una mayor competitividad de las empresas. Este trabajo analiza las modificaciones que los sistemas contables de gestión de la empresa española pueden necesitar para competir en el entorno europeo.ABSTRACT. The changeover lo the Euro will affect business activities of all enterprises. 1t will force them to make significant adjustments to the areas of their business which concern their accounting systems. This paper aims to provide an overview of the direct and indirect implications of the establishment of the single currency on these accounting systems. There are two key frameworks to consider. Firstly, within the limits o financial accounting, the introduction of the Euro will affect the treatment of the rounding differences, the cost associated with the changeover, consolidated financial statements and comparative figures. Secondly, management accounting could be indirectly affected by the new currency. The increased market transparency resulting from the easier comparison of prices will make cross-border transactions more attractive by eliminating exposure to exchange risks. With these points in mind, this paper analyses the new management accounting systems that companies could have to adopt in order to compete in the single market

    Entrepreneurship and College Students: Psychological determinants of own business creation

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    [ESP] El presente trabajo analiza la intención emprendedora de los estudiantes universitarios. Para ello se toma la Teoría de Comportamiento Planificado como marco de referencia y se realiza una encuesta entre los alumnos de la Universidad de Cantabria. De este modo se estudian algunos de los elementos que según la literatura existente influyen en el espíritu emprendedor del individuo. Los resultados alcanzados ponen de manifiesto que la intención emprendedora entre los estudiantes universitarios está relacionada con las creencias, la influencia social percibida en su entorno próximo, así como con las habilidades y capacidades del individuo para desarrollar un proyecto emprendedor. Estos resultados son especialmente relevantes para poder enfocar las diferentes actuaciones de fomento del emprendimiento en las etapas de formación previas a la incorporación de los estudiantes al mercado laboral. [ENG] This study analyses the entrepreneurial intentions of university students. Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour as a reference framework, University of Cantabria students were surveyed. The elements, according to the existing academic literature, that can influence the entrepreneurial spirit of each individual were studied. The attained results show that the university students’ entrepreneurial intentions are related to their beliefs, the social influence that is perceived in their close, social circles as well as abilities and capacities of the individual to take on an entrepreneurial project. The results are especially relevant since they make it possible to be able to focus the different entrepreneurial engagement activities within the educational stages before the students become incorporated into the labour market

    The importance of entrepreneurship education and its terminology

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    The analysis of the specialized literature on entrepreneurship education shows the existing doubts about its validity and the difficulty of comparing and generalizing the results obtained by previous research on this education, as there are many difficulties in its definition and terminology. Therefore, the objective of this work is to establish and delimit a definition that integrates the different perspectives existing in the previous literature and thus, to be achieved a unified language that contributes to define training programs that achieve the desire objectives, increase the entrepreneurial intentions and improve entrepreneurial skill