6 research outputs found

    La teoría de la segmentación del mercado de trabajo. Una reconsideración desde la perspectiva institucionalista y poskeynesiana

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    554 p.El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el de avanzar en la construcción de un marco teórico para el análisis del mercado de trabajo que sea compatible con los principios y elementos básicos de la economía institucionalista y poskeynesiana y que permita, en último término, acomodar y explicar el fenómeno de la segmentación (o de la existencia y persistencia de resultados y de procesos diferentes en el ámbito laboral), así como dar encaje, de forma estructurada, a los resultados previos de la investigación en el ámbito de la TSM

    The Post-Keynesian view on labour demand in micro- and macroeconomic fields

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    [EN] The aim of this paper is to present the main ideas that could form the core of the Post-Keynesian approach to the analysis of labour demand at both micro- and macroeconomic levels. Specifically, this paper first reviews the essential elements characterising the Post-Keynesian approach to microeconomic analysis of labour demand. To do this, the "traditional view" is first presented, associated with the concept of the firm characterised by the presence of fixed technical coefficients and capacity reserves, and then the essential features of an alternative and more innovative view are described, based on the concept of the firm that emanates from the competence-based theories of organisation. Subsequently, the core of the Post-Keynesian contributions at the macroeconomic level is presented, organising them into two sections: first, those contributions that break away from the "second classical postulate" and second, those that additionally steer away from the "first classical postulate". Finally, the paper summarizes the main ideas that could be the core of the post-Keynesian approach to the analysis of labour demand, both in micro- and macroeconomic fields.S

    Compatibility and complementarity between institutional and post-Keynesian economics: a literature review with a particular focus on methodology

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    [EN] The objective of this article is to carry out a review of the links between institutional and post-Keynesian economics, in order to raise the possible compatibility and even complementarity between the two branches of economic thought. To this end, we first review the question of compatibility from the perspective of institutional economics and then from the post-keynesian standpoint. Next, methodological issues are addressed by presenting the essential elements that characterize post-keynesian and institutional methodology (and internal debates in this regard) and then by describing the areas of compatibility between the two. The final section presents the main conclusions and summarizes the basic elements that could constitute a theoretical framework of synthesis between institutional and post-keynesian economics.SIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    When Land Meets Finance in Latin America: Some Intersections between Financialization and Land Grabbing in Argentina and Brazil

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    [EN] Financialization is one of the most relevant processes embedded in the functioning and evolution of the contemporary capitalist model and presents differential characteristics in the peripheral economies of the world-system. In turn, land grabbing is also one of the most relevant phenomena taking place in the field of farmland and land use, with particular significance also within the Global South. After presenting an in-depth analysis of both phenomena for Latin America, we specifically study the case of the two Latin American countries (Argentina and Brazil) where land grabbing has a greater qualitative and quantitative importance. In our article, we analyze the main interrelationships between both processes and show how financialization has played a fundamental role (together with the policies designed and the de-regulations implemented by respective states, and the participation of other domestic actors) in the land grabbing process in both countries.SIThis research received partial funding from the Argentinean National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion project, “Foreign land investments in Argentina and their effects on the environment and food sovereignty” (PICT-2019-2019-01682)

    EconoCINE: Una experiencia de cine y economía

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    [ES] El objetivo del grupo de innovación, y de esta iniciativa, es utilizar distintas formas de arte como soporte para la enseñanza de la economía. En este caso, hemos propuesto el cine como vehículo educativo. La experiencia se desarrolla a través de ciclos de cine y economía en los que el alumnado profundiza, mediante el visionado de películas, en conceptos económicos concretos. Hasta el momento, se han puesto en marcha tres ciclos y los resultados revelan que el alumnado ha logrado un conocimiento más profundo de las implicaciones que provocan las decisiones económicas y su forma de llevarlas a cabo. El cine sirve al profesorado como laboratorio de ideas y resultados, y permite mostrar interpretaciones imposibles de representar en el aula. El alumnado ha valorado de forma muy positiva la experiencia y reconoce que el sistema propuesto le ha permitido un aprendizaje más completo y reflexivo

    Latin America 1520–1600: a page in the history of the study of religion

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