131 research outputs found

    Effects of the administration of 25(OH) vitamin D3 in an experimental model of chronic kidney disease in animals null for 1- Alpha-hydroxylase

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    The final step in vitamin D activation is catalyzed by 1-alpha-hydroxylase (CYP27B1). Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is characterized by low levels of both 25(OH)D3 and 1,25 (OH)2D3 provoking secondary hyperparathyroidism (2HPT). Therefore, treatments with active or native vitamin D compounds are common in CKD to restore 25(OH)D3 levels and also to decrease PTH. This study evaluates the dose of 25(OH)D3 that restores parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcium levels in a model of CKD in CYP27B1-/- mice. Furthermore, we compare the safety and efficacy of the same dose in CYP27B1+/+ animals. The dose needed to decrease PTH levels in CYP27B1-/- mice with CKD was 50 ng/g. That dose restored blood calcium levels without modifying phosphate levels, and increased the expression of genes responsible for calcium absorption (TRPV5 and calbindinD- 28K in the kidney, TRPV6 and calbindinD-9k in the intestine). The same dose of 25(OH)D3 did not modify PTH in CYP27B1+/+ animals with CKD. Blood calcium remained normal, while phosphate increased significantly. Blood levels of 25(OH)D3 in CYP27B1-/- mice were extremely high compared to those in CYP27B1+/+ animals. CYP27B1+/+ animals with CKD showed increases in TRPV5, TRPV6, calbindinD-28K and calbindinD-9K, which were not further elevated with the treatment. Furthermore, CYP27B1+/+ animals displayed an increase in vascular calcification. We conclude that the dose of 25(OH)D3 effective in decreasing PTH levels in CYP27B1-/- mice with CKD, has a potentially toxic effect in CYP27B1+/+ animals with CKD.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III PS12/01770, RD12/0021/0026

    The pleiotropic effects of paricalcitol: Beyond bone-mineral metabolism

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    Secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) is a common complication in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) that is characterised by elevated parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels and a series of bone-mineral metabolism anomalies. In patients with SHPT, treatment with paricalcitol, a selective vitamin D receptor activator, has been shown to reduce PTH levels with minimal serum calcium and phosphorus variations. The classic effect of paricalcitol is that of a mediator in mineral and bone homeostasis. However, recent studies have suggested that the benefits of treatment with paricalcitol go beyond PTH reduction and, for instance, it has a positive effect on cardiovascular disease and survival. The objective of this study is to review the most significant studies on the so-called pleiotropic effects of paricalcitol treatment in patients with CK

    Vitamin D, vitamin D receptor and the importance of its activation in patients with chronic kidney disease

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    El déficit de vitamina D se asocia a distintas patologías, siendo especialmente significativa con la morbimortalidad en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC). La pérdida progresiva de la función renal conduce a una reducción de calcitriol y alteración de la homeostasis de calcio, fósforo, FGF-23 y PTH, entre otros, los cuales influyen a su vez sobre la activación del receptor de vitamina D (RVD) y el desarrollo de hiperparatiroidismo secundario (HPS). El RVD media las acciones biológicas tanto de la vitamina D como de sus análogos sintéticos, actuando sobre distintos genes; existe una estrecha asociación entre niveles bajos de calcitriol y la prevalencia del HPS. Así, la activación de los RVD y la restricción de fósforo, entre otros, desempeñan un papel importante en el tratamiento de la «alteración óseo-mineral asociada a la ERC». La Sociedad Española de Nefrología, dada la uniforme e importante asociación con mortalidad y niveles altos de fósforo, aconseja su normalización, así como la de los niveles de calcidiol. Igualmente considera que, aparte de la utilización de activadores selectivos/no selectivos de RVD para la prevención y tratamiento del HPS, se podría asegurar la activación de los RVD en pacientes en diálisis, con vitamina D nativa o incluso bajas dosis de paricalcitol, independientemente de la PTH, dado que algunos estudios de cohortes y un metaanálisis reciente han observado una asociación entre el tratamiento con vitamina D activa y la disminución de la mortalidad en pacientes con ERC. En general, se considera que es razonable utilizar toda esta información para individualizar la toma de decisionesVitamin D deficiency has been linked to many different pathologies, especially with morbimortality in patients with chronic kidney disease. The progressive loss of renal function leads to calcitriol deficiency and homeostatic changes in calcium, phosphorus, FGF- 23 and PTH, among others. All these changes can also influence vitamin D receptor (VDR) activation and the development of secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT). The biologic actions of both vitamin D and its synthetic analogues are mediated by binding to the same VDR, acting on different genes. There is a narrow relationship between low levels of calcitriol and SHPT. The combined approach of VDR activation and phosphate restriction, among others, plays an important role in the early treatment of the chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD). The Spanish Society of Nephrology, in order to reduce the uniform and significant association with CKD-associated mortality, calcidiol and high phosphate levels suggests normalization of phosphate as well as calcidiol levels in both CKD and dialysis patients. Moreover, it considers that, in addition to selective/non selective activation of VDR for the prevention and treatment of SHPT, VDR could be activated in dialysis patients by native vitamin D or even low paricalcitol doses, independently of PTH levels, as some cohort studies and a recent metaanalysis have found an association between treatment with active vitamin D and decreased mortality in patients with CKD. In general it is considered reasonable to use all this information to individualise decision makin
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