469 research outputs found

    Imitadores de ictus: cuando las cosas no son lo que parecen

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    El ictus es una de las principales enfermedades en el mundo desarrollado. Teniendo en cuenta que el tratamiento fibrinolítico debe ser administrado durante un corto período de tiempo tras el episodio, el ictus constituye una emergencia médica que requiere un diagnóstico acertado precoz. Diversas enfermedades pueden ser difíciles de diferenciar del ictus, estos son los imitadores de ictus, cuya detección reviste especial importancia. En este estudio se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica literaria acerca de los ictus y sus imitadores, buscando resumir la información de manera accesible y útil para la práctica clínica, ilustrando esta teoría con algunos casos reales. Hemos concluido que una exploración neurológica cuidadosa junto con las pruebas complementarias apropiadas permiten en la inmensa mayoría de las ocasiones obtener un diagnóstico correcto de ictus, reduciendo la confusión, lo cual implica evidentes beneficios de diverso tipo.Grado en Medicin

    Construction of the stands at the S.D. Ponferradina training ground (Ponferrada)

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    [Resumen:] No solo en Ponferrada, sino en toda la comarca del Bierzo existe un gran interés por el fútbol y por el equipo de su capital, la S.D. Ponferradina y es por ello que cada vez más aficionados se acercan a ver los entrenamientos del equipo. Actualmente el primer equipo se encuentra en la 2ª División del Fútbol Profesional en España y la S.D. Ponferradina B ha ascendido recientemente en la presente temporada a la Tercera RFEF. El nivel al que se encuentra ambos equipos hoy en día supone un creciente apoyo por parte de los ciudadanos de Ponferrada. El objetivo del proyecto es la construcción de un graderío en uno de los laterales del campo de entrenamiento de la S.D. Ponferradina para que los aficionados puedan disfrutar de los entrenamientos y de algunos partidos amistosos de su equipo. Por ello, el proyecto consistirá en la construcción de un graderío que les permita disfrutar del fútbol con comodidad y buena visibilidad y también la construcción de una cubierta que los proteja frente a la lluvia y el viento. También se llevará a cabo un acceso peatonal a dicha grada. Estas obras se llevarán a cabo con el objetivo de llevar el club y la ciudad a otra dimensión en cuanto a infraestructura y mejorar la experiencia del aficionado.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ETSECCP). Enxeñaría de Obras Públicas. Curso 2022/202

    Test-Driven Development of a Substructuring Technique for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Finite Periodic Structures

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    In this paper, we follow the Test-Driven Development (TDD) paradigm in the development of an in-house code to allow for the finite element analysis of finite periodic type electromagnetic structures (e.g., antenna arrays, metamaterials, and several relevant electromagnetic problems). We use unit and integration tests, system tests (using the Method of Manufactured Solutions—MMS), and application tests (smoke, performance, and validation tests) to increase the reliability of the code and to shorten its development cycle. We apply substructuring techniques based on the definition of a unit cell to benefit from the repeatability of the problem and speed up the computations. Specifically, we propose an approach to model the problem using only one type of Schur complement which has advantages concerning other substructuring techniques.This work has been financially supported by TEC2016-80386-P and PID2019-109984RB-C41

    On the development of a parametric aerodynamic model of a stratospheric airship

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    [EN] The idea of self-sustaining air vehicles that excited engineers in the seventies has nowadays become a reality as proved by several initiatives worldwide. High altitude platforms, or Pseudo-satellites (HAPS), are unmanned vehicles that take advantage of weak stratospheric winds and solar energy to operate without interfering with current commercial aviation and with enough endurance to provide long-term services as satellites do. Target applications are communications, Earth observation, positioning and science among others. This paper reviews the major characteristics of stratospheric flight, where airplanes and airships will compete for best performance. The careful analysis of involved technologies and their trends allow budget models to shed light on the capabilities and limitations of each solution. Aerodynamics and aerostatics, structures and materials, propulsion, energy management, thermal control, flight management and ground infrastructures are the critical elements revisited to assess current status and expected short-term evolutions. Stratospheric airplanes require very light wing loading, which has been demonstrated to be feasible but currently limits their payload mass to few tenths of kilograms. On the other hand, airships need to be large and operationally complex but their potential to hover carrying hundreds of kilograms with reasonable power supply make them true pseudo-satellites with enormous commercial interest. This paper provides useful information on the relative importance of the technology evolutions, as well as on the selection of the proper platform for each application or set of payload requirements. The authors envisage prompt availability of both types of HAPS, aerodynamic and aerostatic, providing unprecedented services.S

    A Practical Beginner's Guide to Raman microscopy

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    Raman microscopy is a highly suitable and well settled down analytical techniquefor qualitative determination of chemical substances. However, many universityundergraduate chemical degrees do not incorporate its practical training in theexperimental laboratory practises that constitute their curricula. For this reason,this work aimed at designing a practical beginner's guide to Raman microscopyuseful for undergraduate students, teachers or practitioners who need to use it forthe first time. After a brief explanation of the main concepts about Ramanmicroscopy, the methodology development and results interpretation are mainlyexplained using paracetamol (acetaminophen) drugs as example. In addition, thisguide presents an application to the identification of different components withina mixture, which shows the instrumental potential and how to use it effectively.Finally, acetaminophen, ascorbic acid, and sucrose were positively detected usingRaman microscopy on a commercial drug whose major component wasacetaminophen. In fact, the guide shows the detection and unequivocalidentification of different components in the mixtures, even for those lowconcentration components (5-10 % mass ratio). This work clearly proposesdifferent pragmatic criteria at the laboratory for identifying substances in mixturesto promote an easy implementation of the Raman microscopy technique

    Atmospheric Boundary Layer Wind Profile Estimation Using Neural Networks Applied to Lidar Measurements

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    [EN] This paper introduces a new methodology for estimating the wind profile within the ABL (Atmospheric Boundary Layer) using a neural network and a single-point near-ground measurement. An important advantage of this solution when compared with others available in the literature is that it only requires near surface measurements for the prognosis once the neural network is trained. Another advantage is that it can be used to study the wind profile temporal evolution. This work uses data collected by a lidar sensor located at the Universidad de León (Spain). The neural network best configuration was determined using sensibility analyses. The result is a multilayer perceptron with three layers for each altitude: the input layer has six nodes for the last three measurements, the second has 128 nodes and the third consists of two nodes that provide u and v. The proposed method has better performance than traditional methods. The obtained wind profile information obtained is useful for multiple applications, such as preliminary calculations of the wind resource or CFD models.S

    Aerodynamic optimization of propellers for High Altitude Pseudo-Satellites

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    [EN] The propulsion system of High-Altitude Platform Stations or High-Altitude Pseudo-Satellites (HAPS) is commonly based on propellers. The properties of the atmosphere at those high altitudes and the characteristic speed of HAPS entail that the flight is performed at very low Reynolds numbers. Hence, the aerodynamic behavior of the propeller sections changes substantially from the hub to the tip of the blades. Under those circumstances, the ordinary methods to develop optimized propellers are not useful and must be modified. We present a method of propeller design adapted to HAPS features. It combines traditional solutions with modern numerical tools. Specifically, Theodorsen analytical theory is used to minimize induced drag. This process leaves one free parameter that it is fixed optimizing a cost function depending on the Reynolds number with a viscous-potential numerical code. It leads to an optimal determination of the geometrical characteristics of the propeller, i.e., chord and pitch distribution, increasing its total efficiency. The resulting algorithm has low computational requirements what makes it very appropriate for the preliminary design of HAPS missions, when it is necessary to simulate many different cases. That methodology has been applied to a relatively small HAPS airship with a wind speed of 10 m/s and required thrust of 100 N. The propeller is assumed to be made up of NACA4412 airfoils and the cost function to be minimized is given by the ratio of the 2D drag and lift coefficients. With those conditions we perform a parametric analysis where different combinations of diameters, thrust coefficients, and propeller advance ratios are considered. Over a Reynolds number range from 103 to 106, the new method provides a gain about 5% in the propeller efficiency when compared with the ordinary design procedure that employs a constant Reynolds number. That gain is of utmost importance for HAPS operations, since, for example, it allows an increase in the payload of up to 25% for a 90 meters long airship.S

    Stochastic optimization of high-altitude airship envelopes based on kriging method

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    [EN] High-altitude airships can be used to transport substantial payloads to the stratosphere and remain there over long periods of time. In this paper, an algorithm for the design of high-altitude airship envelopes, accounting for uncertainties, is developed and applied. The algorithm is based on the non-intrusive polynomial chaos expansion scheme, which is employed to build a stochastic kriging metamodel. Two uncertainties are examined and characterized: 1) the stratospheric wind fluctuations using reanalysis datasets and 2) the variability in the turbulence levels. The method results are discussed to address the relevancy of the uncertainties. It is found that the drag coefficient of stratospheric envelopes can vary by as much as 30 percent. As a case of study, an ideal stratospheric airship is considered, operating at an altitude of 20 km, at a latitude of 30cN and carrying a payload of 250 kg. The baseline design follows the shape of the ZHIYUAN-1 envelope and the cost function to be minimized is the average mission drag coefficient. Due to the new method, a significant reduction (4%) of the average drag of the aircraft is achieved.S