50 research outputs found

    Relative Morsification Theory

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    In this paper we develope a Morsification Theory for holomorphic functions defining a singularity of finite codimension with respect to an ideal, which recovers most previously known Morsification results for non-isolated singulatities and generalize them to a much wider context. We also show that deforming functions of finite codimension with respect to an ideal within the same ideal respects the Milnor fibration. Furthermore we present some applications of the theory: we introduce new numerical invariants for non-isolated singularities, which explain various aspects of the deformation of functions within an ideal; we define generalizations of the bifurcation variety in the versal unfolding of isolated singularities; applications of the theory to the topological study of the Milnor fibration of non-isolated singularities are presented. Using intersection theory in a generalized jet-space we show how to interprete the newly defined invariants as certain intersection multiplicities; finally, we characterize which invariants can be interpreted as intersection multiplicities in the above mentioned generalized jet space.Comment: 56 pages, some typos correcte

    The L\^e numbers of the square of a function and their applications

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    L\^e numbers were introduced by Massey with the purpose of numerically controlling the topological properties of families of non-isolated hypersurface singularities and describing the topology associated with a function with non-isolated singularities. They are a generalization of the Milnor number for isolated hypersurface singularities. In this note the authors investigate the composite of an arbitrary square-free f and z2z^2. They get a formula for the L\^e numbers of the composite, and consider two applications of these numbers. The first application is concerned with the extent to which the L\^e numbers are invariant in a family of functions which satisfy some equisingularity condition, the second is a quick proof of a new formula for the Euler obstruction of a hypersurface singularity. Several examples are computed using this formula including any X defined by a function which only has transverse D(q,p) singularities off the origin.Comment: 14 page

    Nash problem for surface singularities is a topological problem

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    AbstractWe address Nash problem for surface singularities using wedges. We give a refinement of the characterisation in A. Reguera-López (2006) [32] of the image of the Nash map in terms of wedges. Our improvement consists in a characterisation of the bijectivity of the Nash mapping using wedges defined over the base field, which are convergent if the base field is C, and whose generic arc has transverse lifting to the exceptional divisor. This improves the results of M. Lejeune-Jalabert and A. Reguera (2008) [16] for the surface case. In the way to do this we find a reformulation of Nash problem in terms of branched covers of normal surface singularities. As a corollary of this reformulation we prove that the image of the Nash mapping is characterised by the combinatorics of a resolution of the singularity, or, what is the same, by the topology of the abstract link of the singularity in the complex analytic case. Using these results we prove several reductions of the Nash problem, the most notable being that, if Nash problem is true for singularities having rational homology sphere links, then it is true in general


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    This note is the observation that a simple combination of known results shows that the usual analytic invariants of a finitely determined multi-germ f : (C^2 , S) → (C^3 , 0) —namely, the image Milnor number , the number of cross-caps and triple points, C and T, and the Milnor number μ(Σ) of the curve of double points in the target—depend only on the embedded topological type of the image of f. As a consequence, one obtains the topological invariance of the sign-refined Smale invariant for immersions j : S^3 → S^5 associated to finitely determined map germs (C^2 , 0) → (C^3 , 0)

    Cohomology of contact loci

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    We construct a spectral sequence converging to the cohomology with compact support of the m-th contact locus of a complex polynomial. The first page is explicitly described in terms of a log resolution and coincides with the first page of McLean's spectral sequence converging to the Floer cohomology of the m-th iterate of the monodromy, when the polynomial has an isolated singularity. Inspired by this connection, we conjecture that if two germs of holomorphic functions are embedded topologically equivalent, then the Milnor fibers of the their tangent cones are homotopy equivalent.Comment: final version, to appear in J. Differential Geo

    Grados-día: avance de estudio

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    On rational cuspidal projective plane curves

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    In 2002, L. Nicolaescu and the fourth author formulated a very general conjecture which relates the geometric genus of a Gorenstein surface singularity with rational homology sphere link with the Seiberg--Witten invariant (or one of its candidates) of the link. Recently, the last three authors found some counterexamples using superisolated singularities. The theory of superisolated hypersurface singularities with rational homology sphere link is equivalent with the theory of rational cuspidal projective plane curves. In the case when the corresponding curve has only one singular point one knows no counterexample. In fact, in this case the above Seiberg--Witten conjecture led us to a very interesting and deep set of `compatibility properties' of these curves (generalising the Seiberg--Witten invariant conjecture, but sitting deeply in algebraic geometry) which seems to generalise some other famous conjectures and properties as well (for example, the Noether--Nagata or the log Bogomolov--Miyaoka--Yau inequalities). Namely, we provide a set of `compatibility conditions' which conjecturally is satisfied by a local embedded topological type of a germ of plane curve singularity and an integer dd if and only if the germ can be realized as the unique singular point of a rational unicuspidal projective plane curve of degree dd. The conjectured compatibility properties have a weaker version too, valid for any rational cuspidal curve with more than one singular point. The goal of the present article is to formulate these conjectured properties, and to verify them in all the situations when the logarithmic Kodaira dimension of the complement of the corresponding plane curves is strictly less than 2

    Tête-à-tête twists, monodromies and representation of elements of Mapping Class Group

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    We study monodromies of plane curve singularities and pseudoperiodic homeomorphisms of oriented surfaces with boundary using tête-à-tête graphs and twists. A tête-à-tête twist is a generalisation of the classical Dehn twist. We introduce the class of mixed tête-à-tête graphs and twists, and prove that mixed tête-à-tête twists contain the monodromies of irreducible plane curve singularities. In a sequel paper, the fourth author and B. Sigurdsson have extended this to the reducible case.Nous étudions la monodromie des singularités de courbes planes et les homéomorphisms pseudo-périodiques de surfaces orientées à bord en utilisant graphes et cisaillements tête-à-tête. Un cisaillement tête-à-tête est une généralisation du twist de Dehn classique. Nous introduisons la classes des graphes et cisaillements tête-à-tête mélangé, et démontrons que les monodromies locales de courbes planes irréductibles appartiennent à cette classe. Dans un travail ultérieur le quatrième auteur et B. Sigurdsson ont étendu ce résultat au cas des singularités réductibles.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y CompetitividadDepto. de Álgebra, Geometría y TopologíaFac. de Ciencias MatemáticasInstituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar (IMI)TRUEpu