2,645 research outputs found

    Quality assurance mechanisms in agrifood: The case of the Spanish fresh meat sector

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    The largest fresh meat brand names in Spain are analyzed here to study how quality is signaled in agribusiness and how the underlying quality -assurance organizations work. Results show, first, that organizational form varies according to the specialization of the brand name. Publicly-controlled brand names are grounded on market contracting with individual producers, providing stronger incentives. In contrast, private brands rely more on hierarchy, taking advantage of its superiority in solving specific coordination problems. Second, the seemingly redundant coexistence of several quality indicators for a given product is explained in efficiency terms. Multiple brands are shown to be complementary, given their specialization in guaranteeing different attributes of the product.Quality assurance, co-branding, agriculture, vertical integration, contracts

    A Framework for Understanding the Strategies of Openness of the Intelligence Services

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    The relationship of the intelligence services with openness has been elusive and erratic, changing at the path of the scandals that shaked politics and public opinion. At different rhythms and marked by their national contexts, different intelligence services have embarked over the last two decades in different initiatives to promote societal awareness and a better understanding among society on the intelligence function. In this paper, a theoretical framework is proposed for understanding those openness strategies implemented by the intelligence agencies. The paper discusses two potential approaches to openness with a spectrum of mixed approaches in-between them. The first consists of generating and maintaining a (good) image/reputation and, the second is to legitimize its existence and its role within the State. © 2021 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    El Cornucopiae de Ravisius Textor: edición y estudio

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    El trabajo que presentamos es un estadio inicial, si bien muy avanzado, de un trabajo en marcha que se pretende concluir como trabajo final en el Máster en Textos de la Antigüedad Clásica y su Pervivencia. El presente trabajo ofrece una edición crítica del Cornucopiae de Joannes Ravisius Textor, un catálogo de los productos en los que abundaban en la Antigüedad todas las regiones del mundo, con testimonios de autores clásicos y neolatinos. Se incluye también un apéndice con la traducción del prefacio y un estudio estadístico de los testimonios.Departamento de Filología ClásicaGrado en Estudios Clásico

    A Class of Computationally Fast First Order Finite Volume Solvers: PVM Methods

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    In this work, we present a class of fast first order finite volume solvers, named as PVM (Polynomial Viscosity Matrix), for balance laws or, more generally, for nonconservative hyperbolic systems. They are defined in terms of viscosity matrices computed by a suitable polynomial evaluation of a Roe matrix. These methods have the advantage that they only need some information about the eigenvalues of the system to be defined, and no spectral decomposition of Roe Matrix is needed. As consequence, they are faster than Roe method. These methods can be seen as a generalization of the schemes introduced by Degond et al. in [12] for balance laws and nonconservative systems. The first-order path conservative methods to be designed here are intended to be used as the basis for higher order methods for multi-dimensional problems. In this work, some well known solvers as Rusanov, Lax-Friedrichs, FORCE (see [30], [8]), GFORCE (see [31], [8]) or HLL (see [18]) are redefined under this form, and then some new solvers are proposed. Finally, some numerical tests are presented and the performance of the numerical schemes are compared among them and with Roe schem

    Acorns for fattening free-range pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)

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    - The fattening performance is very much influenced by the age of pigs and their compensatory growth; hence, pigs should be as old as possible (≥1 year) and adapted to grazing. - Grass is necessary as a source of protein to compensate for the low protein levels in acorns. - The food conversion rate is 10.5 kg of whole acorns of Q. i. rotundifolia to gain 1 kg, besides the contribution of grass; to establish the stocking rate, consider that an adult evergreen oak produces ≈11 kg of acorns/year). - Iberian pigs peel acorns to avoid the high content of tannins in the shell. However, during peeling, approxi-mately 20% of the kernel can be wasted

    El problema de l’escola rural durant la Segona República

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    [email protected] [email protected] manca d’identitat pròpia és el tret que millor ha caracteritzat la nostra escola rural. Nascuda a imitació de la urbana, ni polítics ni pedagogs s’han preocupat de la seva peculiaritat, teixint, al seu voltant, una història d’oblits, marginació i penúria. L’arribada de la Segona República, però, va encetar una nova etapa en què se li dedicava una certa atenció, en considerar el seu desenvolupament com a exigència irrenunciable per a la construcció de la República democràtica. En aquest article ens proposem, després d’una ràpida mirada històrica al voltant dels seus aspectes materials, organitzatius i pedagògics, analitzar els problemes que afecten aquests mateixos aspectes durant el període republicà, per tal de mostrar fins a quin punt fou o no objecte d’actuació preferent en la teoria i la pràctica de la seva política educativa. A més, analitzem el paper del magisteri rural, una part del qual es va convertir, mitjançant la formació de ciutadans republicans, en factor dinamitzador de l’escola i de la mateixa societat.Lack of identity is the most characteristic trait of our rural schools. The rural school emerged as an imitation of the town or city school, and neither politicians nor pedagogues ever addressed its singularity, and have woven a history of oblivion, marginalisation and poverty around it. However, the advent of the Second Republic heralded a new stage, when it was afforded a certain degree of attention, as its development was regarded as a keystone in the construction of the democratic Republic. In this article, and following an overview of its material, organisational and pedagogical aspects, we go on to analyse the problems that affects these selfsame aspects throughout the Republic in order to demonstrate to what extent it was or was not a preferential target in the theory and practice of the Republic’s educational policy. Moreover, we analyse the role of the rural teaching profession, a part of which became, through the formation of republican citizens, a dynamising factor of the school and [email protected] [email protected]

    La velocidad de sobresaturación como parámetro determinante de los mecanismos de crecimiento en geles. Aplicación a los carbonatos y sulfatos de Sr y Ba.

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    Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Variabilidad de la fenología y del ciclo reproductor de Quercus Suber L. en la Península Ibérica

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    La fenología de Quercus suber L ha sido un clásico tema de discusi ón desde mediados del siglo pasado, cuando el botánico suizo J. Gay describió en las Landas francesas la existencia de una nueva especie caracterizada por el ciclo bienal de maduración de sus frutos, a quien denominó Quercus occidentalis. El carácter de la maduración bienal fue rechazado por los autores españoles y portu gueses quienes explicaron la presencia de varias cosechas de bell tas por la capacidad del árbol de florecer varias veces en un mismo ciclo vegetativo desde la primavera hasta el otoño. Por otra parte el forestal italiano Roberto Corti estudio la reproducción de Quercus suber en los años cincuenta y encontro ciclos anuales y bianuales de maduración criticando a los autores ibéricos. En nuestro trabajo se relaciona las cosechas de la especie con la floración que las origina mediante el seguimiento de diez árboles en El Pardo. Pudo comprobarse que a partir de la floracio primaveral se originan frutos que pueden tener ciclos anuales o bianuales, característica común con otras especies del grupo Cerris. La cosecha tempara procede de flores que maduran siguiendo el ciclo bianual y las cosechas mediana y tardia a partir de frutos que maduran en un ciclo anual. Los ciclos bianuales son más frecuentes en poblaciones septentrionales con periodos vegetativos cortos y en el sur aparecen cuando la sequía estival es más dura