33 research outputs found

    Las demandas informativas de los inmigrantes latinoamericanos en la Comunidad de Madrid

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    La presente investigación, financiada por la Universidad San Pablo-CEU, tiene como objeto de estudio fundamental el análisis de las demandas informativas de los inmigrantes latinoamericanos en la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. Sus objetivos específicos han sido averiguar cuáles son las aspiraciones o metas de los sujetos, sus necesidades y deseos, sus problemas y preocupaciones, así como las aficiones, tiempos y espacios de ocio. De los resultados de todo ello se han podido identificar los objetos de referencia o demandas informativas de este colectivo, en función de sus temas de interés, que han sido los siguientes: la legislación española de extranjería, el trabajo, el paro, la vivienda, el dinero, los estudios, la integración social, la música y baile, y el fútbol. A partir de estos resultados se tiene previsto llevar a cabo una segunda investigación sobre las fuentes de información y usos de la comunicación por parte de este mismo colectivo de inmigrantes

    Nanocolumnar coatings on implants exhibiting antibacterial properties

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    Trabajo presentado en la 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials Applied to Life Sciences 2020 (NALS 2020), celebrada en Madrid (España), del 29 al 31 de enero de 2020Addressing the problem of infection from the very first stage, i.e. inhibiting the formation of the bacterial biofilm, is a crucial step to prevent implant rejection. Nanocolumnar coatings exhibiting antibacterial properties have been fabricated by oblique deposition with magnetron sputtering [1]. The formation of nanocolumns (Fig.1) is the result of the effects of atomic shadowing when the atoms reach the surface along an inclined direction [2]. This technique is environmentally friendly: it is carried out at RT and does not involve chemical products (no recycling problems). Such methodology have been tested in a semiindustrial scale reactor, successfully coating in a single step the two sides of fixation plates for bone fractures [3]. Several in vitro experiments have been performed: analysis of bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation, analysis of osteoblast proliferation and mitochondrial activity, and osteoblasts–bacteria competitive growth scenarios, the latter also named “Race for the Surface” competition. In all these cases, the coatings show an opposite behavior toward osteoblast and bacterial proliferation [1,3]. Moreover, they are effective against Gram positive (S. aureus) and Gram negative (E. coli) bacteria [4]. Finally, when a synergic route is followed and the coatings are functionalized with Te nanorods, the antibacterial properties are enhanced, since Te adds contact-killing (Fig. 2), i.e. bactericidal effect, whilst the biocompatibility is preserved [4].MINECO and Fundación Domingo Martínez for funding. J.M.G.-M. thanks the Fulbright Commissio

    Métodos numéricos aplicados al cálculo hidráulico en canales de regadío de Bagua

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    This article evidences the research carried out, considering the importance of hydraulics in the academic training of the future civil engineer, also taking into account the scarce irrigation infrastructure in the province of Bagua, which is eminently agricultural. The objective was the review of the hydraulic factors of the different existing open conduits, whether natural or artificial, as well as the elaboration of mathematical models that allow numerically simulating the hydraulic behavior. This research was carried out in the Numerical Methods course of the Civil Engineering career of the National Intercultural University "Fabiola Salazar Leguía" of Bagua -UNIFSLB during the year 2020 and 2021. The methodology consisted of three phases: The first phase consisted of field data collection, in the second phase computer calculations were performed using the Python programming language, and in the last methodological phase we proceeded to develop and implement models or mathematical methods. The results obtained for flow and velocity differ by approximately 3% from the theoretical value with respect to the value measured in the field, and programs for hydraulic calculation were also implemented. Finally, the numerical methods for numerical and graphical simulation were codifiedEl presente artículo evidencia la investigación realizada, ponderando la importancia de la hidráulica en la formación académica del futuro ingeniero civil, así mismo teniendo en cuenta la escasa infraestructura de riego en la provincia de Bagua, que es eminentemente agrícola. El objetivo fue la revisión de los factores hidráulicos de los distintos conductos abiertos existentes, ya sean naturales o artificiales, así como la elaboración de modelos matemáticos que permitan simular numéricamente el comportamiento hidráulico. Esta investigación se realizó en el curso de Métodos Numéricos de la carrera de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Nacional Intercultural “Fabiola Salazar Leguía” de Bagua –UNIFSLB durante el año 2020 y 2021. La metodología consistió en tres fases: La primera fase consistió en la obtención de datos en campo, en la segunda fase se realizó cálculos informáticos utilizando el lenguaje de programación Python, y en la última fase metodológica se procedió a elaborar e implementar modelos o métodos matemáticos. Los resultados obtenidos para el caudal y la velocidad difieren aproximadamente en 3% del valor teórico respecto al valor medido en campo, de la misma forma se implementó programas para el cálculo hidráulico. Finalmente se codificó los métodos numéricos para la simulación numérica y gráfica

    Photo-Induced Self-Cleaning and Wettability in TiO2 Nanocolumn Arrays Obtained by Glancing-Angle Deposition with Sputtering

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    In this work, the preparation of regular nanosized columnar structures of titanium dioxide by means of glancing angle deposition with magnetron sputtering (MS-GLAD) followed by thermal annealing is reported. MS-GLAD gives rise to metallic titanium columnar structures with regular width and length that after thermal treatment are fully oxidized to form TiO2 nanocolumns that maintain the morphological features of the original metallic ones. Further functionalization with gold by means of multiple ion cluster source results in well-dispersed Au nanoparticles across the nanocolumns’ surface with a narrow size distribution centered at ca. 8.5 nm. The obtained nanostructures show photocatalytic self-cleaning activity as shown by the elimination of an organic layer deposited on their surface and the detection of hydroxyl radicals. Photoelectrochemical measurements show a better charge separation at the Au/TiO2 interface. In addition, wettability studies show that the degree of hydrophobicity of the surface is increased by the presence of nanocolumns, both in the dark and under UV illumination. This behavior is not modified by the presence of Au nanoparticles on the surface. The obtained results open up interesting implications in the tunability of the properties of nanostructured thin films for this kind of photo-activated application.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (MICINN) through the projects SOLPAC (ENE2017-89170-R, MCIU/AEI/FEDER, EU), MAT2014-59772-C2-1-P, and MAT2014-59772-C2-2-P is gratefully acknowledged. The authors also acknowledge the service from the MiNa Laboratory at IMN funded by Comunidad de Madrid (S2018/NMT-4291 TEC2SPACE), MICINN (CSIC13-4E-1794), and the EU (FEDER, FSE). Also, this work has been funded by the regional government of Madrid and European Structural Funds through their financial support to FotoArt-CM program (S2018/NMT-4367), and from Fundación Ramon Areces though the ArtLeaf project. M.B. thanks MICINN for a Juan de la Cierva Incorporación (IJC2019-042430-I) grant.Peer reviewe

    SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Multiple Sclerosis

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    To understand COVID-19 characteristics in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) and identify high-risk individuals due to their immunocompromised state resulting from the use of disease-modifying treatments. Retrospective and multicenter registry in patients with MS with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis and available disease course (mild = ambulatory; severe = hospitalization; and critical = intensive care unit/death). Cases were analyzed for associations between MS characteristics and COVID-19 course and for identifying risk factors for a fatal outcome. Of the 326 patients analyzed, 120 were cases confirmed by real-time PCR, 34 by a serologic test, and 205 were suspected. Sixty-nine patients (21.3%) developed severe infection, 10 (3%) critical, and 7 (2.1%) died. Ambulatory patients were higher in relapsing MS forms, treated with injectables and oral first-line agents, whereas more severe cases were observed in patients on pulsed immunosuppressors and critical cases among patients with no therapy. Severe and critical infections were more likely to affect older males with comorbidities, with progressive MS forms, a longer disease course, and higher disability. Fifteen of 33 patients treated with rituximab were hospitalized. Four deceased patients have progressive MS, 5 were not receiving MS therapy, and 2 were treated (natalizumab and rituximab). Multivariate analysis showed age (OR 1.09, 95% CI, 1.04-1.17) as the only independent risk factor for a fatal outcome. This study has not demonstrated the presumed critical role of MS therapy in the course of COVID-19 but evidenced that people with MS with advanced age and disease, in progressive course, and those who are more disabled have a higher probability of severe and even fatal diseas

    Em prol do sacrifício do isolamento: lepra e filantropia na Argentina e no Brasil, 1930-1946

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    Roll Processed Organic Solar Cells Based on P3HT:O-IDTBR

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