604 research outputs found

    El control interno frente a la adjudicación y ejecución de obras civiles en Colombia

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    En nuestro diario vivir es muy común encontrarse con personas que comentan que la corrupción en Colombia es la causa de la baja credibilidad de los ciudadanos en sus instituciones y en las personas que los gobiernan, puesto que por los malos manejos y una equívoca selección de los procesos de control, sumado a la mentalidad de algunos gerentes corruptos y a las irregularidades en la adjudicación de contratos, se tiene como consecuencia que las obras públicas se afecten y no sean las que se esperaban en términos de calidad y conveniencia para la sociedad. Desde este punto de vista, es importante hacer un análisis de los aspectos más significativos y relevantes que sirvan de parámetros para hacer un acercamiento a la realidad de esta problemática en la actualidad. La Constitución Política de Colombia, genera escenarios interesantes para este análisis, con mecanismos de control anterior como posterior, guiados también por las Leyes, decretos y normas que se articulan con los objetivos de la ley 80 de 1993 y la ley 1150 de 2007

    Evolución del peso, densidad mineral ósea y metabolismo lipídico en el paciente trasplantado renal.

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    [ES]Tras el trasplante se producen una serie de alteraciones metabólicas que podrían llegar a poner en riesgo la supervivencia del injerto y comprometer seriamente el estado de salud del paciente trasplantado renal. Entre las complicaciones metabólicas mas importantes se encuentran las alteraciones del metabolismo mineral y óseo y las alteraciones del metabolismo lipídico. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar la ganancia de peso, las modificaciones en la densidad mineral ósea y la hiperlipidemias en estos pacientes, para ello se siguieron 119 pacientes trasplantados renales durante 5 años de seguimiento. En conclusión se produce una elevada prevalencia sobrepeso y obesidad tras el trasplante especialmente durante el primer año, además existe un gran incremento de la hiperlipidemias, así como una perdida continua de masa ósea en todas las zonas medidas, lo que conlleva un alto riesgo de sufrir fracturas graves, poniendo en peligro además el injerto renal, la calidad de vida del paciente.[EN] After renal transplantation is producing a series of metabolic alterations that could potentially put at risk the survival of the graft and severely compromise the health status of the renal transplant patient. Most important are Metabolic complications of bone and mineral metabolism and the disturbances of lipid metabolism. This study aims to investigate the weight gain, changes in bone mineral density and Hyperlipidemia in these patients, 119 kidney transplant patients were followed for 5 years of follow-up.In conclusion high overweight and obesity prevalence occurs after transplantation especially during the first year, there is also a large increase in hyperlipidemia, as well as a continuous loss of bone mass in all areas measures, which carries a high risk serious fractures, threatening kidney graft addition, the quality of life of patientsTesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Enfermería, leída el 14 de julio de 201

    Estudio de la simulación con PENH de la producción de emisores β+ en protonterapia y evaluación del impacto de las secciones e caces protón-núcleo

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    En este trabajo se estudia la producción de un determinado isótopo en un material que es irradiado con un haz de protones. En concreto, el interés primario reside en calcular la producción de emisores β+ a lo largo de la trayectoria del haz en un tratamiento de terapia con protones, que permitía (mediante la detección de los subsiguientes rayos γ emitidos en la desintegración de los positrones generados) la determinación de su rango en el tejido humano. Un ingrediente básico de estos cálculos es la sección eficaz de producción del isótopo en cuestión. Se compararían las predicciones a partir de sus valores evaluados y los obtenidos experimentalmente. A su vez, vamos a utilizar y comprobar la validez de un modelo simplificado de la interacción que supone un frenado de protones continuo y trayectoria rectilínea y veremos que este nos proporciona unos resultados aceptables en el intervalo de energías estudiado. Por último, vamos a utilizar el código Monte Carlo PENH para el cálculo de las curvas de producción de un determinado isótopo, 11C y 15 O en nuestro caso, lo que no se había hecho con anterioridad. Veremos que los resultados que nos proporciona este código son perfectamente válidos y distan muy poco de otros códigos Monte Carlo.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Físic

    Therapeutic Applications and Effects of Lupinus angustifolius (Blue Lupin) and Its Components: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Lupinus angustifolius has a unique nutrient profile among legumes and may have beneficial health effects when included in the diet. The aim of this study was to investigate the biological properties of blue lupin (Lupinus angustifolius), its chemical components, and their relevance for monitoring biological and anthropometric health markers, including triglycerides (TGs), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), BMI, weight, and glycemia, compared with control groups with other kinds of diets. PubMed,Web of Science, and Scopus databases, updated to December 2023, were searched. Out of the 194 studies identified, a total of 7 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comprising 302 participants met the eligibility criteria. The results of our study indicated that the blue lupin diet has a direct relationship with parameters such as blood glucose, weight, and LDL-C but not with TGs or BMI. In conclusion, the research described in this review clearly indicates that L. angustifolius may play an important role in the dietary prevention of hyperlipidemia and hypertension. Therefore, it would be highly advisable to increase its consumption in diets. However, further studies, ideally in humans, are required to truly establish L. angustifolius’s health-promoting properties

    Beneficial effects of physical exercise on the osteo-renal Klotho-FGF-23 axis in Chronic Kidney Disease: A systematic review with meta-analysis

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of physical exercise in chronic kidney disease, describing its impact on the Klotho-FGF23 axis. PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases, updated to January 2023, were searched. The present study employed mean difference and a 95% confidence interval (CI) to examine the efficacy of the intervention. Heterogeneity was assessed through inconsistency statistics (I2). Out of the 299 studies identified, a total of 4 randomized controlled trials (RCTs), comprising 272 participants, met the eligibility criteria. Compared with the control group, physical exercise significantly decreased the concentrations of FGF23 (MD: -102.07 Pg/mL, 95% CI: -176.23.47, -27.91 I2= 97%, p = 0.001), and a significantly increased the concentrations of Klotho protein: (MD: 158.82 Pg/mL, 95% CI: 123.33, -194.31, I2 = 0%, p = 0.001). The results of our study indicated that the exercise has a direct relationship with Klotho-FGF23 axis. We can conclude that physical exercise in patients with CKD produces beneficial effects on the pathophysiological components related to this disease, including cardiorespiratory fitness and vascular functions. As observed, both endurance and aerobic physical exercise increase Klotho production and decrease FGF23 levels. Evidence indicates that exercise attenuates the progression of CKD, improves uremic parameters and down-regulates inflammation-related markers

    Design of an LNG tank for accidental loads in Finland

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    The first tank in Finland for storage of liquefied natural gas (LNG) is currently being built in the port of Pori. It is a full containment tank, capable for 30,000 m3. Two of the many load cases considered in the design correspond to postulated accidents that give rise to complex thermal-mechanical problems and are of especial interest in the Pori tank: the major leak event (in which the liquid at -168ºC contacts the concrete outer tank) and the external fire (with the tank being subjected to large thermal fluxes from a postulated fire). The paper describes the calculations conducted to verify that the design adopted satisfies the success criteria established for those events

    Study of weight and body mass index on graft loss after transplant over 5 years of evolution

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    Antonio Liñán González conceived paper, oversaw data collection, conducted data analysis, wrote manuscript and approved final version. Raquel García Pérez participated in study design, data analysis and interpretation, critically revised manuscript and approved final version. Juan Bravo Soto participated in study design, data analysis, and interpretation of data and revision of manuscript and approved final version. Rafael Fernández Castillo participated in study design, interpretation of data and revision of manuscript and approved final version.Patients frequently experience a weight gain after organ transplantation. This increase in weight is the result of multiple factors, and is usually intensified by glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive drugs. It can also delay graft function and cause serious health problems. The objective of this study was to study the obesity as well as its causes and consequences in kidney transplant patients. The sample population consisted of 282 renal transplant patients, 170 men and 112 women, 18-74 years of age, who were monitored over a period of five years. For the purposes of our research, the patients were divided into two groups: (1) normal weight 18.5 ≤ BMI <25; (2) overweight 25 ≤ BMI ≤30. The association between BMI as an independent variable and graft survival was determined by means of a Cox regression analysis. Overweight patients were characterized by a higher comorbidity prevalence. In the Cox multivariate analysis, the initial BMI, evaluated as a continuous variable continued to be an independent predictor of delayed graft function and chronic nephropathy. This study evaluated the BMI as a continuous value instead of a categorical value. In conclusion, our results suggest that an increase in BMI without categorical variation can be an independent risk factor for graft loss. Consequently, obesity prevention for renal transplant patients should include dietary counseling and management, moderate physical activity, and steroid minimization

    Una nueva tésera de hospitalidad en territorio cántabro: el oso del castro de Las Rabas (Cervatos, Cantabria)

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    We present a new tessera hospitalis from the hillfort of Las Rabas (Cervatos, Cantabria). Anepigraphic and with extended bearskin form, its finding reinforces the existence of hospitium among the Cantabrian people and the maintaining of fluid relations with the Plateau and Celtiberia, where we find its closest parallel.Presentamos una nueva tésera de hospitalidad procedente del castro de Las Rabas (Cervatos, Cantabria). Anepígrafa y con forma de piel de oso extendida, su hallazgo refuerza la existencia del hospitium dentro del pueblo cántabro así como el mantenimiento de unas fluidas relaciones con la Meseta y la Celtiberia, en donde encontramos su paralelo más cercano

    Pyoderma gangrenosum developing over an arteriovenous fistula scar

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    A 47-year-old man was admitted to our hospital for a radiocephalic arteriovenous fistula (AVF) in the right arm for dialytic treatment. His past medical history included Wegener granulomatosis diagnosed 8 years previously and chronic kidney disease for which he was receiving kidney replacement therapy in the form of haemodialysis for 7 years. Twenty-four hours after the operation, the patient complained of pain, fever, general discomfort and inflammation in the surgical area. He was admitted to hospital for monitoring and observation. The AVF was dismounted and ligatured and the aneurysmatic area removed and debrided. Response was positive for the first 24 h

    Reporting of Perinatal Outcomes in Probiotic Randomized Controlled Trials. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The use of probiotic microorganisms in clinical practice has increased in recent years and a significant number of pregnant women are regular consumers of these products. However, probiotics might modulate the immune system, and whether or not this modulation is beneficial for perinatal outcomes is unclear. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the reporting of perinatal outcomes in randomized controlled trials including women supplemented with probiotic microorganisms during pregnancy. We also analyzed the effects that the administration of probiotic microorganisms exerts on perinatal outcomes. In the review, 46 papers were included and 25 were meta-analyzed. Reporting of perinatal outcomes was highly inconsistent across the studies. Only birth weight, cesarean section, and weeks of gestation were reported in more than 50% of the studies. Random effects meta-analysis results showed that the administration of probiotic microorganisms during pregnancy did not have any a positive or negative impact on the perinatal outcomes evaluated. Subgroup analysis results at the strain level were not significantly different from main analysis results. The administration of probiotic microorganisms does not appear to influence perinatal outcomes. Nonetheless, future probiotic studies conducted in pregnant women should report probiotic strains and perinatal outcomes in order to shed light upon probiotics’ effects on pregnancy outcomes.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (Project FIS-ISCIII) P117/0230