2,472 research outputs found

    Economic inequality in Madrid, 1500-1840

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    The study of economic inequality in preindustrial economies has received recent attention by economic historians, who have tried to unlock the mysteries of the left side of the Kuznets curve. This paper will try to shed some light on the debate providing new estimations of economic inequality in the province of Madrid using a sample of rural locations around the capital. Estimates of inequality are based on fiscal records that are demonstrated in this paper to be adequate source for measuring differentials in wealth and income across individuals. We will offer not just an overview of the changes in economic inequality in the long run, but will also provide enough periodicity in our calculations to observe short and middle term changes to capture better the connection between changes in inequality and the economic cycle. The initial results seem to indicate that economic inequality in the province of Madrid rose between 1500 and 1840, although the pattern was not a linear one and was closely connected with the economic cycle, with inequality rising together with economic growth and viceversa.European Community's Seventh Framework Program. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC Grant agreement n° 283802, EINITE-Economic Inequality across Italy and Europe, 1300-180

    Decomposing competitive balance in the major European football leagues : a Rawlsian approach

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    The study of competitive balance in sports has received considerable attention in the academic literature, mainly as a consequence of the effect that it could have on the interest of society in the competitions analyzed. However, most of the studies have focused on the total competitive balance, without taking into account the methodological importance of decomposing it. This paper analyzes competitive balance in the Spanish, English, Italian and German football leagues between 1975 and 2016, and the internal dynamics behind the changes experienced. Our results show a considerable decrease in the total competitive balance in recent decades, although the dynamics behind the increases in inequality are different in the four leagues. Focusing on Rawlsian principles, our analysis shows that the Spanish competition is the only league in which the promoted teams do not have a higher probability of being relegated, and therefore, the competition in which incumbent teams suffer lower entry barriers and have higher chances of survival

    Yacimientos de empleo vinculados a la atención de grupos concretos de población

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    Estudios de las posibilidades de creación de empleo ligadas al cuidado de las personas mayores (servicios a domicilio), servicios de atención a la infancia y deconcialización de la vida familiar y laboral, personas con discapacidad, atención a los inmigrantes, formación y asistencia, etc.Geografí

    Mecanismos moleculares implicados en la adaptación a elevadas concentraciones de CO₂ en uva de mesa ("Vitis vinifera" L. cv. Cardinal) con diferentes grados de madurez conservada a bajas temperaturas

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    La pérdida de agua y el ataque fúngico son factores clave en la pérdida de calidad de la uva de mesa afectando a su valor en el mercado. En trabajos previos, verificamos en el cultivar Cardinal que pretratamientos cortos (3 días) con altas concentraciones de CO2 (20 por ciento CO2) reducían significativamente las pérdidas de peso y el marchitamiento del raquis después de 33 días a 0 grados C. Estos resultados nos llevaron a proponer el presente estudio centrado en el análisis de marcadores metabólicos y moleculares inducidos por bajas temperaturas y altas concentraciones de CO2 que permitan predecir alteraciones de la calidad del racimo. El estudio molecular se complementó con el análisis transcriptómico de los mecanismos de adaptación a elevadas concentraciones de CO2 en frutos con diferente estado de madurez. Nuestros resultados mostraron mayores niveles de agua ligada o no congelable en los frutos tratados con CO2, tanto al finalizar el tratamiento como durante la transferencia al aire. Los tejidos de pulpa que tenían un mayor contenido en agua ligada exhibían una mayor capacidad de retención de agua y una mejor estructura celular. En la piel, el tratamiento gaseoso evitó el desequilibrio metabólico provocado por el salto térmico al inicio de la conservación a 0 grados C y previno el descenso en el contenido de agua no congelable, la salida de flujo extracelular de agua y de potasio y la consiguiente pérdida de volumen de las células más superficiales de la epidermis. Asimismo, la influencia del grado de madurez en la efectividad de diferentes tratamientos gaseosos (3 y 6 días) se evidenció en la expresión de la PAL, contenido en antocianos, fenoles y actividad antioxidante. Mientras que en los frutos con menor grado de madurez ni el CO2 ni la baja temperatura afectaron al metabolismo fenólico, en los recolectados tardíamente únicamente el tratamiento de 3 días de CO2 evitó su activación en la fase crítica de conservación. En el raquis, el tratamiento gaseoso tuvo un efecto directo sobre el estado del agua, previniendo el descenso en el contenido de agua no congelable lo que podría asociarse a un efecto protector contra el pardeamiento causado por las bajas temperaturas. Asimismo, el sistema antioxidante enzimático desempeñó un papel importante en el control del desarrollo del pardeamiento. Estas respuestas, posiblemente dependientes de la señalización por etileno en base a la acumulación transitoria en los niveles de transcritos de la síntesis de etileno ACS1y ACO1, se evitaron por el tratamiento gaseoso. La activación de la expresión de CBFs en pulpa y raquis por la combinación de altos niveles de CO2 y bajas temperaturas podría indicar una mayor regulación de la expresión de estos tejidos por altas concentraciones de CO2 en la superación de la fase crítica de conservación a 0 grados C. En referencia al análisis de dehidrinas, nuestros resultados mostraron por primera vez la retención del intrón en los transcritos de VvcDHN1a, no sólo en respuesta a las bajas temperaturas sino también a los elevados niveles de CO2. Asimismo, nuestros resultados sugieren que la regulación de DHN1a en uva de mesa podría atribuirse a otras vías de señalización diferentes a CBF1 y CBF4. El análisis transcripcional mostró que en la fase crítica de conservación a 0 grados C tenía lugar un marcado cambio en el transcriptoma de la piel de uva independientemente del grado de madurez del fruto. Por el contrario, ligeras diferencias se observaron en los tejidos de frutos tratados con CO2 al compararse con los frutos recién recolectados. Nuestros resultados permiten concluir que el efecto del tratamiento con altos niveles de CO2 en la piel de uva Cardinal es dependiente del grado de madurez del fruto, activando principalmente factores de transcripción en los frutos recolectados tempranamente y genes relacionados con el metabolismo energético en los frutos en estado de madurez más avanzado

    Homotopy continuation for spatial interference alignment in arbitrary MIMO X networks

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    In this paper, we propose an algorithm to design interference alignment (IA) precoding and decoding matrices for arbitrary MIMO X networks. The proposed algorithm is rooted in the homotopy continuation techniques commonly used to solve systems of nonlinear equations. Homotopy methods find the solution of a target system by smoothly deforming the solution of a start system which can be trivially solved. Unlike previously proposed IA algorithms, the homotopy continuation technique allows us to solve the IA problem for both unstructured (i.e., generic) and structured channels such as those that arise when time or frequency symbol extensions are jointly employed with the spatial dimension. To this end, we consider an extended system of bilinear equations that include the standard alignment equations to cancel the interference, and a new set of bilinear equations that preserve the desired dimensionality of the signal spaces at the intended receivers. We propose a simple method to obtain the start system by randomly choosing a set of precoders and decoders, and then finding a set of channels satisfying the system equations, which is a linear problem. Once the start system is available, standard prediction and correction techniques are applied to track the solution all the way to the target system. We analyze the convergence of the proposed algorithm and prove that, for many feasible systems and a sufficiently small continuation parameter, the algorithm converges with probability one to a perfect IA solution. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is able to consistently find solutions achieving the maximum number of degrees of freedom in a variety of MIMO X networks with or without symbol extensions. Further, the algorithm provides insights into the feasibility of IA in MIMO X networks for which theoretical results are scarce.This work has been supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain, under grants TEC2013-47141-C4-R (RACHEL), TEC2016-75067-C4-4-R (CARMEN), MTM2014-57590-P, and FPI grant BES-2014-069786

    A review on intelligent monitoring and activity interpretation

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    This survey paper provides a tour of the various monitoring and activity interpretation frameworks found in the literature. The needs of monitoring and interpretation systems are presented in relation to the area where they have been developed or applied. Their evolution is studied to better understand the characteristics of current systems. After this, the main features of monitoring and activity interpretation systems are defined.Este trabajo presenta una revisión de los marcos de trabajo para monitorización e interpretación de actividades presentes en la literatura. Dependiendo del área donde dichos marcos se han desarrollado o aplicado, se han identificado diferentes necesidades. Además, para comprender mejor las particularidades de los marcos de trabajo, esta revisión realiza un recorrido por su evolución histórica. Posteriormente, se definirían las principales características de los sistemas de monitorización e interpretación de actividades.This work was partially supported by Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad / FEDER under DPI2016-80894-R grant

    On the number of interference alignment solutions for the K-user MIMO channel with constant coefficients

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    In this paper, we study the number of different interference alignment (IA) solutions in a K-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) interference channel, when the alignment is performed via beamforming and no symbol extensions are allowed. We focus on the case where the number of IA equations matches the number of variables. In this situation, the number of IA solutions is finite and constant for any channel realization out of a zero-measure set and, as we prove in this paper, it is given by an integral formula that can be numerically approximated using Monte Carlo integration methods. More precisely, the number of alignment solutions is the scaled average of the determinant of a certain Hermitian matrix related to the geometry of the problem. Interestingly, while the value of this determinant at an arbitrary point can be used to check the feasibility of the IA problem, its average (properly scaled) gives the number of solutions. For single-beam systems, the asymptotic growth rate of the number of solutions is analyzed and some connections with classical combinatorial problems are presented. Nonetheless, our results can be applied to arbitrary interference MIMO networks, with any number of users, antennas, and streams per user.The work of Ó. González and I. Santamaría was supported by MICINN (Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation) under grants TEC2013-47141-C4-3-R (RACHEL), TEC2010-19545-C04-03 (COSIMA), CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 CSD2008-00010 (COMONSENS) and FPU grant AP2009-1105. Carlos Beltrán was partially supported by MICINN grant MTM2010-16051

    A quaternion-based approach to interference alignment with Alamouti coding

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    Based on the representation of Alamouti space-time codewords as quaternions, this paper proposes a scheme that combines interference alignment (IA) with Alamouti signals. The proposed formulation allows for a separation of the space-time block coding (to gain spatial diversity) and the IA precoding (to reduce or ideally suppress interference). Although this separation is not necessarily optimal, the splitting of alignment precoding and Alamouti encoding is particularly convenient because it enables the independent optimization of the IA solution using quaternionic versions of standard alternating optimization techniques such as the maximum signal-to-interference-plus-noise algorithm. Some numerical simulations are included to compare the performance of the proposed quaternion IA+Alamouti algorithm with standard IA algorithms in the complex domain as well as with interference cancellation schemes at the receiver side.This work has been supported by the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain, under grants TEC2013-47141-C4-R (RACHEL), TEC2016-75067-C4-4-R (CARMEN), and FPI grant BES-2014-06978

    A Review on Intelligent Monitoring and Activity Interpretation

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