248 research outputs found

    Isolation and identification of minor secoiridoids and phenolic components from thermally treated olive oil by-products

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    Documento descargado de https://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/129335The application of an industrial process based on the hydrothermal treatment of 160 °C/60 min of alperujo, a by-product of olive oil extraction, allows the formation of a liquid phase containing a high concentration of phenolic and secoiridoid compounds. Ethyl acetate was used to extract these phenolic compounds from the aqueous matrix. In this study, the isolation with polyamide and XAD resin allowed detection of the presence of phenolic compounds in minor concentrations. These minor phenols were several oleuropein derivatives that had not been identified in these phenolic extracts previously. The polar compounds, acteosides, secoiridoids, and flavonoids, that remain in the aqueous fraction after extraction with ethyl acetate were identified. We report the presence of known compounds and also detected a novel molecule in alperujo with a molecular weight of 408 whose structure was characterized for first time. This new secoiridoid glucoside was identified as 1-β-D-glucopyranosyl acyclodihydroelenolic acid.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness AGL2013-48291-REuropean Social Fund (ESF) AGL2013-48291-

    Biodiesel production from olive-pomace oil of steam-treated alperujo

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    Recently interest has been revived in the use of plant-derived waste oils as renewable replacements for fossil diesel fuel. Olive–pomace oil (OPO) extracted from alperujo (by-product of processed olives for olive oil extraction), and produced it in considerable quantities throughout the Mediterranean countries, can be used for biodiesel production. A steam treatment of alperujo is being implemented in OPO extraction industry. This steam treatment improves the solid–liquid separation by centrifugation and facilitates the drying for further extraction of OPO. It has been verified that the steam treatment of this by-product also increases the concentration of OPO in the resulting treated solid, a key factor from an economic point of view. In the present work, crude OPO from steam-treated alperujo was found to be good source for producing biodiesel. Oil enrichment, acidity, biodiesel yield and fatty acid methyl ester composition were evaluated and compared with the results of the untreated samples. Yields and some general physicochemical properties of the quality of biodiesel were also compared to those obtained with other oils commonly used in biodiesel production. As for biodiesel yield no differences were observed. A transesterification process which included two steps was used (acid esterification followed by alkali transesterification). The maximum biodiesel yield was obtained using molar ratio methanol/triglycerides 6:1 in presence of sodium hydroxide at a concentration of 1% (w/w), reaction temperature 60 °C and reaction time 80 min. Under these conditions the process gave yields of about 95%, of the same order as other feedstock using similar production conditions.Junta de Andalucía (P06-AGR- 01906)Dr. Guillermo Rodríguez is grateful to the JAE-Doc Programme (CSIC) co-funded by European Social Fund (Operational Programme ESF 2007-2013

    Information retrieval and machine learning methods for academic expert finding

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    In the context of academic expert finding, this paper investigates and compares the performance of information retrieval (IR) and machine learning (ML) methods, including deep learning, to approach the problem of identifying academic figures who are experts in different domains when a potential user requests their expertise. IR-based methods construct multifaceted textual profiles for each expert by clustering information from their scientific publications. Several methods fully tailored for this problem are presented in this paper. In contrast, ML-based methods treat expert finding as a classification task, training automatic text classifiers using publications authored by experts. By comparing these approaches, we contribute to a deeper understanding of academic-expert-finding techniques and their applicability in knowledge discovery. These methods are tested with two large datasets from the biomedical field: PMSC-UGR and CORD-19. The results show how IR techniques were, in general, more robust with both datasets and more suitable than the ML-based ones, with some exceptions showing good performance.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-106758GB-C31Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2020-113230RB-C22FEDER/Junta de Andalucía | Ref. A-TIC-146-UGR2

    Information Retrieval and Machine Learning Methods for Academic Expert Finding

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    In the context of academic expert finding, this paper investigates and compares the performance of information retrieval (IR) and machine learning (ML) methods, including deep learning, to approach the problem of identifying academic figures who are experts in different domains when a potential user requests their expertise. IR-based methods construct multifaceted textual profiles for each expert by clustering information from their scientific publications. Several methods fully tailored for this problem are presented in this paper. In contrast, ML-based methods treat expert finding as a classification task, training automatic text classifiers using publications authored by experts. By comparing these approaches, we contribute to a deeper understanding of academic-expert-finding techniques and their applicability in knowledge discovery. These methods are tested with two large datasets from the biomedical field: PMSC-UGR and CORD-19. The results show how IR techniques were, in general, more robust with both datasets and more suitable than the ML-based ones, with some exceptions showing good performance.Spanish “Agencia Estatal de Investigación” under grants PID2019-106758GB-C31 and PID2020-113230RB-C22Spanish “FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades” under grant A-TIC-146-UGR20European Regional Development Fund (ERDF-FEDER

    Procedimiento de purificación de 3,4-dihidroxifenilglicol (DHFG) a partir de productos vegetales

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    Procedimiento de purificación de 3,4-dihidroxifenilglicol (DHFG) a partir de productos vegetales. Procedimiento de purificación de 3,4-dihidroxifenilglicol (DHFG) a partir de cualquier parte de la planta, productos o subproductos derivados del olivo o cualquier otro producto vegetal de la familia Oleaceae, Orobanchaceae, Plantaginaceae, Compositae, Lamiaceae, Acanthaceae y/o Scrophulariaceae, y que comprende 1 o más etapas en las que se introduce el producto inicial en al menos una columna de resina iónica, en posibles posteriores etapas se introduce el producto eluido en la columna anterior en una columna de resina iónica y/o de resina de adsorción no iónica. Además, se refiere al extracto de DHFG obtenible mediante el procedimiento descrito y a sus aplicaciones.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)B1 Patente sin examen previ

    Compuestos bioactivos polifenólicos conteniendo azufre o selenio y sus usos

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    Compuestos bioactivos polifenólicos conteniendo azufre o selenio y sus usos. La invención se refiere a compuestos que contienen al menos un grupo polifenol y azufre o selenio y sus usos como antioxidantes y captadores de radicales libres. Además, se refiere a las composiciones farmacéuticas, nutracéuticas y cosméticas que los incluyen.Españ

    SNRPD2 Is a Novel Substrate for the Ubiquitin Ligase Activity of the Salmonella Type III Secretion Effector SlrP

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    SlrP is a protein with E3 ubiquitin ligase activity that is translocated by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium into eukaryotic host cells through a type III secretion system. A yeast two-hybrid screen was performed to find new human partners for this protein. Among the interacting proteins identified by this screen was SNRPD2, a core component of the spliceosome. In vitro ubiquitination assays demonstrated that SNRPD2 is a substrate for the catalytic activity of SlrP, but not for other members of the NEL family of E3 ubiquitin ligases, SspH1 and SspH2. The lysine residues modified by this activity were identified by mass spectrometry. The identification of a new ubiquitination target for SlrP is a relevant contribution to the understanding of the role of this Salmonella effector.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2019-106132RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Junta de Andalucía P20_00576, US-138080

    Estudio técnico para la elaboración de imagen gráfica de rutas turísticas en el municipio de Metapán, departamento de Santa Ana, caso: “Tour de la Pesca”, 2016

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    Este documento es la culminación de un esfuerzo investigativo que se planteó con el propósito de realizar un estudio sobre el turismo, la cultura y los recursos naturales parte de la identidad de la ciudad de Metapán, en el departamento de Santa Ana, con el fin de elaborar un Manual de Identidad Grafica para un recorrido turístico seleccionado. En conjunto con la Asociación de Desarrollo Turístico “Patas Blancas” y una seria de entidades de carácter público y privado, que una vez se propuso el tema y sus alcances, accedieron a colaborar y así lograr lo anteriormente planteado. La construcción de dicho estudio se desarrolló bajo el enfoque cualitativo, partiendo de un método inductivo, lo cual permitió obtener información de primera mano y entrar en el contexto de las necesidades de los operadores turísticos, los comerciantes informales y empresa privada, además de los pescadores y pobladores de la zona. La investigación se compone de tres capítulos que abordan conceptos claves para la consecución de los objetivos de la investigación, desde la base teórica y los conceptos básicos en relación a la situación actual del sujeto de estudio y la realidad del turismo en el municipio, además se contempló la fundamentación teórica necesaria para elaborar una propuesta de Identidad Gráfica que contuviera los aspectos necesarios para ofrecer una solución e impulso al turismo de la zona. Al final de este documento, se incluye el Manual de Identidad Gráfica que resultó tras la investigación y la conjunción y aprobación de las propuestas por parte de las partes involucradas y el equipo de investigación. Así mismo se añaden recomendaciones y pautas a seguir para el municipio de Metapán y sus emprendimientos turísticos que pueden beneficiarse de esta investigación

    Boletín MOMENTO ECONÓMICO, año 3, núms. 35, 36 y 37, Julio, Agosto y Septiembre de 2013.

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    En esta Presentación del Boletín Momento Económico, no podemos obviar las condiciones sociales y económicas por las que atraviesa más de la mitad del territorio mexicano en, cuando menos, 13 de los Estados que integran la República, desde mediados de este mes de septiembre. Condiciones que exigen, además de la solidaridad de los que no estamos afectados directa o indirectamente, profundas reflexiones sobre las causas de las dimensiones que han adquirido las fuertes lluvias. En esas consideraciones descartamos la conceptualización de que lo ocurrido son "desastres naturales", en atención a las opiniones de los estudiosos ambientalistas que han insistido en que sin negar la excepcionalidad de lo que significó la conjunción del huracán "Ingrid" y la tormenta tropical "Manuel", el nivel de sus impactos no está asociado a una acción de la "naturaleza", sino a construcciones sociales en cuanto a la inexistencia de una Protección Civil que le dé un seguimiento minucioso a los ciclones, así como la aplicación de múltiples medidas preventivas ante su cercanía para evitar pérdidas humanas y materiales. Los huracanes no van a desaparecer, de tal manera que las poblaciones tendríamos que tener ensayos, movilizaciones e información, ya que estos eventos naturales se pueden seguir vía satelital y predecir, con pronósticos acertados, sus rutas e intensidad. Resulta dramático el pin-pon entre el gobierno federal y los estatales en cuanto a su responsabilidad en la falta de previsión. Asimismo vuelve a ponerse en evidencia la corrupción de las empresas privadas constructoras y del Estado en cuanto a la obra de infraestructura y urbanización. Las acciones solidarias no pueden ni deben ser asépticas y negligentes, particularmente ante la posibilidad de que los Fondos destinados al rescate, no lleguen a los necesitados que, una vez más, en su gran mayoría son los que se encuentran en condiciones de mayor vulnerabilidad

    Regulation of BDNF Release by ARMS/Kidins220 through Modulation of Synaptotagmin-IV Levels

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    BDNF is a growth factor with important roles in the nervous system in both physiological and pathological conditions, but the mechanisms controlling its secretion are not completely understood. Here, we show that ARMS/Kidins220 negatively regulates BDNF secretion in neurons from the CNS and PNS. Downregulation of the ARMS/Kidins220 protein in the adult mouse brain increases regulated BDNF secretion, leading to its accumulation in the striatum. Interestingly, two mouse models of Huntington's disease (HD) showed increased levels of ARMS/Kidins220 in the hippocampus and regulated BDNF secretion deficits. Importantly, reduction of ARMS/Kidins220 in hippocampal slices from HD mice reversed the impaired regulated BDNF release. Moreover, there are increased levels of ARMS/Kidins220 in the hippocampus and PFC of patients with HD. ARMS/Kidins220 regulates Synaptotagmin-IV levels, which has been previously observed to modulate BDNF secretion. These data indicate that ARMS/Kidins220 controls the regulated secretion of BDNF and might play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of HD.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT BDNF is an important growth factor that plays a fundamental role in the correct functioning of the CNS. The secretion of BDNF must be properly controlled to exert its functions, but the proteins regulating its release are not completely known. Using neuronal cultures and a new conditional mouse to modulate ARMS/Kidins220 protein, we report that ARMS/Kidins220 negatively regulates BDNF secretion. Moreover, ARMS/Kidins220 is overexpressed in two mouse models of Huntington's disease (HD), causing an impaired regulation of BDNF secretion. Furthermore, ARMS/Kidins220 levels are increased in brain samples from HD patients. Future studies should address whether ARMS/Kidins220 has any function on the pathophysiology of HD