44,798 research outputs found

    Is there a prescribed parameter's space for the adiabatic geometric phase?

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    The Aharonov-Anandan and Berry phases are determined for the cyclic motions of a non-relativistic charged spinless particle evolving in the superposition of the fields produced by a Penning trap and a rotating magnetic field. Discussion about the selection of the parameter's space and the relationship between the Berry phase and the symmetry of the binding potential is given.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Harmonic Oscillator SUSY Partners and Evolution Loops

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    Supersymmetric quantum mechanics is a powerful tool for generating exactly solvable potentials departing from a given initial one. If applied to the harmonic oscillator, a family of Hamiltonians ruled by polynomial Heisenberg algebras is obtained. In this paper it will be shown that the SUSY partner Hamiltonians of the harmonic oscillator can produce evolution loops. The corresponding geometric phases will be as well studied

    Trends in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics

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    Along the years, supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSY QM) has been used for studying solvable quantum potentials. It is the simplest method to build Hamiltonians with prescribed spectra in the spectral design. The key is to pair two Hamiltonians through a finite order differential operator. Some related subjects can be simply analyzed, as the algebras ruling both Hamiltonians and the associated coherent states. The technique has been applied also to periodic potentials, where the spectra consist of allowed and forbidden energy bands. In addition, a link with non-linear second-order differential equations, and the possibility of generating some solutions, can be explored. Recent applications concern the study of Dirac electrons in graphene placed either in electric or magnetic fields, and the analysis of optical systems whose relevant equations are the same as those of SUSY QM. These issues will be reviewed briefly in this paper, trying to identify the most important subjects explored currently in the literature

    Reference priors in non-normal location problems

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    Bayesian Statistics;Statistical Distribution

    Multivariate Student -t Regression Models: Pitfalls and Inference

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    We consider likelihood-based inference from multivariate regression models with independent Student-t errors. Some very intruiging pitfalls of both Bayesian and classical methods on the basis of point observations are uncovered. Bayesian inference may be precluded as a consequence of the coarse nature of the data. Global maximization of the likelihood function is a vacuous exercise since the likelihood function is unbounded as we tend to the boundary of the parameter space. A Bayesian analysis on the basis of set observations is proposed and illustrated by several examples.Bayesian inference;Coarse data;Continuous distribution;Maximum likelihood;Missing data;Scale mixture of Normals

    Geometric Phases and Mielnik's Evolution Loops

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    The cyclic evolutions and associated geometric phases induced by time-independent Hamiltonians are studied for the case when the evolution operator becomes the identity (those processes are called {\it evolution loops}). We make a detailed treatment of systems having equally-spaced energy levels. Special emphasis is made on the potentials which have the same spectrum as the harmonic oscillator potential (the generalized oscillator potentials) and on their recently found coherent states.Comment: 11 pages, harvmac, 2 figures available upon request; CINVESTAV-FIS GFMR 11/9

    Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Painlev\'e IV Equation

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    As it has been proven, the determination of general one-dimensional Schr\"odinger Hamiltonians having third-order differential ladder operators requires to solve the Painlev\'e IV equation. In this work, it will be shown that some specific subsets of the higher-order supersymmetric partners of the harmonic oscillator possess third-order differential ladder operators. This allows us to introduce a simple technique for generating solutions of the Painlev\'e IV equation. Finally, we classify these solutions into three relevant hierarchies.Comment: Proceedings of the Workshop 'Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Spectral Design' (July 18-30, 2010, Benasque, Spain