22 research outputs found

    Effets de la surexpression de l'oncogène ErbB2 sur la fonction du récepteur des estrogènes dans une lignée d'un carcinome mammaire humain

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    MCP-1 Feedback Loop Between Adipocytes and Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Causes Fat Accumulation and Contributes to Hematopoietic Stem Cell Rarefaction in the Bone Marrow of Patients With Diabetes

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    Fat accumulates in bone marrow (BM) of patients with diabetes. In this study, we investigated the mechanisms and consequences of this phenomenon. BM mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSCs) from patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) constitutively express adipogenic markers and robustly differentiate into adipocytes (ADs) upon in vitro induction as compared with BM-MSCs from subjects without diabetes. Moreover, BM-ADs from subjects with T2D (T2D BM-ADs) paracrinally stimulate a transcriptional adipogenic program in BM-MSCs. Antagonism of MCP-1, a chemokine pivotally expressed in T2D BM-ADs, prevented the T2D BM-AD secretome from converting BM-MSCs into ADs. Mechanistic validation of human data was next performed in an obese T2D mouse model. Systemic antagonism of MCP-1 improved metabolic control, reduced BM fat, and increased osteocyte density. It also indirectly re-established the abundance of long-term versus short-term hematopoietic stem cells. We reveal a diabetic feedback loop in which 1) BM-MSCs are constitutively inclined to make ADs, and 2) mature BM-ADs, via secreted MCP-1, relentlessly fuel BM-MSC determination into new fat. Pharmacological inhibition of MCP-1 signaling can contrast this vicious cycle, restoring, at least in part, the balance between adipogenesis and hematopoiesis in BM from subjects with T2D.</jats:p

    Downregulation of IRS-1 in adipose tissue of offspring of obese mice is programmed cell-autonomously through post-transcriptional mechanisms.

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    We determined the effects of maternal diet-induced obesity on offspring adipose tissue insulin signalling and miRNA expression in the aetiology of insulin resistance in later life. Although body composition and glucose tolerance of 8-week-old male offspring of obese dams were not dysregulated, serum insulin was significantly (p<0.05) elevated. Key insulin signalling proteins in adipose tissue were down-regulated, including the insulin receptor, catalytic (p110β) and regulatory (p85α) subunits of PI3K as well as AKT1 and 2 (all p<0.05). The largest reduction observed was in IRS-1 protein (p<0.001), which was regulated post-transcriptionally. Concurrently, miR-126, which targets IRS-1, was up-regulated (p<0.05). These two features were maintained in isolated primary pre-adipocytes and differentiated adipocytes in-vitro. We have therefore established that maternal diet-induced obesity programs adipose tissue insulin resistance. We hypothesise that maintenance of the phenotype in-vitro strongly suggests that this mechanism is cell autonomous and may drive insulin resistance in later life

    Maternal Obesity in Pregnancy Developmentally Programs Adipose Tissue Inflammation in Young, Lean Male Mice Offspring.

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    Obesity during pregnancy has a long-term effect on the health of the offspring including risk of developing the metabolic syndrome. Using a mouse model of maternal diet-induced obesity, we employed a genome-wide approach to investigate the microRNA (miRNA) and miRNA transcription profile in adipose tissue to understand mechanisms through which this occurs. Male offspring of diet-induced obese mothers, fed a control diet from weaning, showed no differences in body weight or adiposity at 8 weeks of age. However, offspring from the obese dams had up-regulated cytokine (Tnfα; P < .05) and chemokine (Ccl2 and Ccl7; P < .05) signaling in their adipose tissue. This was accompanied by reduced expression of miR-706, which we showed can directly regulate translation of the inflammatory proteins IL-33 (41% up-regulated; P < .05) and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 1D (30% up-regulated; P < .01). We conclude that exposure to obesity during development primes an inflammatory environment in adipose tissue that is independent of offspring adiposity. Programming of adipose tissue miRNAs that regulate expression of inflammatory signaling molecules may be a contributing mechanism.This work was supported by Funding sources: National Council for the Improvement of Higher Education (CAPES - Brazil - BEX 10 594/13–2); National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq – Brazil – PDE/204416/ 2014–0); Medical Research Council (MC UU 12012/4 and MC UU12012/5), BBSRC (BB/M001636/1) and the Wellcome Trust (089940/Z/09/Z).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Endocrine Society via http://dx.doi.org/10.1210/en.2016-131

    MicroRNA-21/PDCD4 proapoptotic signaling from circulating CD34+ cells to vascular endothelial cells:a potential contributor to adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with critical limb ischemia

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    Dataset related to the article with title: MicroRNA-21/PDCD4 proapoptotic signaling from circulating CD34+ cells to vascular endothelial cells: a potential contributor to adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with critical limb ischemia By:Gaia Spinetti1, Elena Sangalli1, Elena Tagliabue1, Davide Maselli1, Ornella Colpani1, David Ferland-McCollough2, Franco Carnelli1, Patrizia Orlando1, Agostino Paccagnella3, Anna Furlan3, Piero Maria Stefani3, Luisa Sambado3, Maria Sambataro3, and Paolo Madeddu2. 1IRCCS MultiMedica, Milan, Italy; 2University of Bristol, Bristol, UK, 3Ca Foncello Hospital, Treviso, Italy. Diabetes Care. 2020 Jul;43(7):1520-1529. doi: 10.2337/dc19-2227. Epub 2020 May 1. Abstract Objective. In patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and critical limb ischemia (CLI), migration of circulating CD34+ cells predicted cardiovascular mortality at 18 months post-revascularization. This study aimed to provide long-term validation and mechanistic understanding of the biomarker. Research Design and Methods. The association between CD34+ cell migration and cardiovascular mortality was reassessed at 6 years post-revascularization. In a new series of T2D-CLI and control subjects, immuno-sorted bone marrow (BM)-CD34+ cells were profiled for microRNA expression and assessed for apoptosis and angiogenesis activity. The differentially regulated microRNA-21, and its pro-apoptotic target PDCD4, were titrated to verify their contribution in transferring damaging signals from CD34+ cells to endothelial cells. Results. Multivariable regression analysis confirmed CD34+ cell migration forecasts long-term cardiovascular mortality. CD34+ cells from T2D-CLI patients were more apoptotic and less proangiogenic than controls and featured microRNA-21 downregulation, modulation of several long non-coding RNAs acting as microRNA-21 sponges, and upregulation of the microRNA-21 proapoptotic target PDCD4. Silencing miR-21 in control CD34+ cells phenocopied the T2D-CLI cell behavior. In coculture, T2D-CLI CD34+ cells imprinted naĂŻve endothelial cells, increasing apoptosis, reducing network formation, and modulating the TUG1 sponge/microRNA-21/PDCD4 axis. Silencing PDCD4 or scavenging ROS protected endothelial cells from the negative influence of T2D-CLI CD34+ cells Conclusions. Migration of CD34+ cells predicts long-term cardiovascular mortality in T2D-CLI patients. An altered paracrine signalling conveys anti-angiogenic and pro-apoptotic features from CD34+ cells to the endothelium. This damaging interaction may increase the risk for life-threatening complications

    Programming of adipose tissue miR-483-3p and GDF-3 expression by maternal diet in type 2 diabetes.

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    Nutrition during early mammalian development permanently influences health of the adult, including increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying such programming are poorly defined. Here we demonstrate that programmed changes in miRNA expression link early-life nutrition to long-term health. Specifically, we show that miR-483-3p is upregulated in adipose tissue from low-birth-weight adult humans and prediabetic adult rats exposed to suboptimal nutrition in early life. We demonstrate that manipulation of miR-483-3p levels in vitro substantially modulates the capacity of adipocytes to differentiate and store lipids. We show that some of these effects are mediated by translational repression of growth/differentiation factor-3, a target of miR-483-3p. We propose that increased miR-483-3p expression in vivo, programmed by early-life nutrition, limits storage of lipids in adipose tissue, causing lipotoxicity and insulin resistance and thus increasing susceptibility to metabolic disease.This work was funded by the BBSRC (project grants BB/F-15364/1 and BB/F-14279/1). SEO is a British Heart Foundation Senior Fellow (FS/09/029/27902), MB is an MRC Senior Fellow and AEW is a BBSRC Professorial Fellow. KS and SEO are members of the MRC Centre for Obesity and Related Metabolic Diseases (MRC-CORD), which also provided a studentship for MW. KS is a member of the European Union COST Action BM0602

    Identification des facteurs d'échange de RhoA dans le muscle lisse artériel (régulation de l'expression dans l'hypertension artérielle)

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    RhoA est un régulateur majeur de la cellule musculaire lisse vasculaire (CML) dont l activation est dépendante de facteurs d échange (GEF). La sur-activation de RhoA est un élément central de l hypertension artérielle (HTA), mais les mécanismes et les GEFs responsables de cette activité sont inconnus. Afin d identifier les GEFs dont l expression est modulée dans l HTA, nous avons généré deux modèles d HTA chez le rat (angiotensine II et L-NAME) et analysé leur expression dans 3 types d artères. L angiotensine II (ANGII) induit la sous-expression de 9 GEFs dans les CMLs d artère mésentérique (AM) in vivo et in vitro dépendante des récepteurs à l ANG II de type 1 et de la voie RhoA/ROCK. Cette sous-expression contribue à limiter l activation de la voie RhoA/ROCK dans les CMLs et de diminuer la contraction des AM induite par d autres vasoconstricteurs. Ceci suggère la présence d une boucle de régulation négative de RhoA induite par l ANG II. ECT2 est sur-exprimé dans les aortes et AM des rats hypertendus. ECT2 est induit par l étirement des CMLs in vitro et par une augmentation de pression artérielle in vivo et participe à l augmentation de la prolifération des CMLs au travers de la voie Cdc42/PAK. ECT2 semble donc être impliqué dans le remodelage vasculaire associé à l HTA. VAV3 a été identifié pour son rôle dans la prolifération la morphogénèse et la migration des CML dépendante de la voie Rac/PAK. Son expression est augmentée dans l aorte de rat hypertendu par l administration de L-NAME. Ceci suggère que VAV3 pourrait contribuer à l HTA. Ces travaux ont permis de caractériser les GEFs de RhoA dans les vaisseaux et d identifier des candidats pouvant participer à l HTARhoA is a major regulator of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) and is itself activated by guanine exchange factors (GEF). The over activation of RhoA is a central feature of arterial hypertension (AHT) but the mechanisms and the GEFs responsible for this activation remain unknown. In order to identify which GEF s expression was modulated in AHT, we generated 2 AHT models in rats (angiotensin II and L-NAME) and analysed their expression in 3 types of arteries. Angiotensin II (ANGII) induces the down-regulation of 9 GEFs in in vivo and in vitro mesenteric arteries (MA) dependant on the type I ANGII receptor and the RhoA/ROCK pathway. This down-regulation limits the induction of the RhoA/ROCK pathway in SMCs and the contraction of MA induced by other vasoconstrictors. This phenomenon could be due to the presence of a negative feedback loop induced by ANGII and RhoA. ECT2 is overexpressed in the aorta and the MA of hypertensive rats. ECT2 is induced by SMC stretch in vitro and increased arterial pressure in vivo and contribute to cell proliferation through the Cdc42/Pak pathway. ECT2 seems to be involved in arterial remodelling associated with AHT. VAV3 has been identified as a regulator of SMC proliferation, morphogenesis and migration by activating the Rac/PAK pathway. Its expression is increased in L-NAME-induced hypertensive aorta, suggesting that VAV3 plays a role in HTA. This work has enabled the characterisation of Rho GEFs in ateries and the identification of potential HTA-contributing factorsNANTES-BU Sciences (441092104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    microRNAs in cancer management

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    Since the identification of microRNAs (miRNAs) in 1993, and the subsequent discovery of their highly conserved nature in 2000, the amount of research into their function—particularly how they contribute to malignancy—has greatly increased. This class of small RNA molecules control gene expression and provide a previously unknown control mechanism for protein synthesis. As such, it is unsurprising that miRNAs are now known to play an essential part in malignancy, functioning as tumour suppressors and oncogenes. This Review summarises the present understanding of how miRNAs operate at the molecular level; how their dysregulation is a crucial part of tumour formation, maintenance, and metastasis; how they can be used as biomarkers for disease type and grade; and how miRNA-based treatments could be used for diverse types of malignancies