187 research outputs found

    Prehranjevanje Slovencev med delom

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    Good nutrition, along with other vital occupational safety and health issues, is the foundation of workplace productivity and safety. It is well documented that unhealthy foods can lead to obesity and chronic diseases. Many workers consume a significant portion of their daily food consumption away from home. Foods consumed at cafeterias, from vending machines and in other food-service establishments are often not as nutritious or healthy as foods prepared at home. Making healthy food available at work is one way to promote healthy eating. Our paper presents workplace nutrition solutions in different types of Slovenian companies. The study considers: (i) lunch time and breaks, (ii) healthy food at work, coffee, cigarettes, (iii) possibilities of maintaining diets at work, (iv) working ability after lunch and (v) certain social aspects, such as discussion topics during breaks.Prehrana na delovnem mestu je pomemben dejavnik, ki zagotavlja zdravje in s tem zadovoljstvo ter produktivnost zaposlenih. V članku predstavljamo rezultate raziskave, katero smo opravili na vzorcu 826 odraslih zaposlenih oseb v Sloveniji. Raziskovali smo: koliko časa imajo zaposleni na voljo za malico, kako zdravo se prehranjujejo, če kadijo, ipd. Zanimali so nas tudi nekateri sociološki vidiki odmorov (npr.: v čigavi družbi ljudje malicajo). Zelo velik delež zaposlenih (60.5%) ima za malico odmor, dolg 15-30 minut. Dostopnost toplega obroka pa je zelo različna. V članku predstavljamo prehranjevalne navade med delovnim časom-primerjamo ljudi iz različnih družbenih razredov. Predstavljamo tudi ugotovitve o tem, s kom se ljudje med odmorom za malico družijo, s kom se pogovarjajo in o čem. Zanimiva je ugotovitev, da se ljudje v službi med malico le redko pogovarjajo o svojih zasebnih problemih

    Varnost zaposlenih ter fleksibilnost in učinkovitost organizacij

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    Background: Literature defines different types of flexibility and security with regard to work. Regardless of which type of flexibility or security is discussed, the consequences for individuals, organizations or employers and society are significant. Purpose: The purpose of the research was to compare and analyse the correlation between the different types of flexibility and security in work and organizational efficiency. Methodology: Data was gathered using the Computer-Assisted Web Interview (CAWI) method. A link to an online questionnaire was e-mailed to randomly selected organisations across all economic sectors in Slovenia that had a published e-mail address, either in business directories or on a company website. We asked them to forward our e-mail to their employees. The correlation between different variables was used for data analysis. Results: The results of our research show that there is a low positive level of correlation between different types of flexibility and security in the context of work and also between different types of flexibility in work and organizational efficiency. The correlation between different types of security in work and organizational efficiency is positive and medium strong. Conclusion: It is recommended that the legislators be aware of the importance of their correlation with organizational efficiency when preparing legislative amendments regarding introduction of the flexibility and security in the field of work.Ozadje: Literatura opredeljuje različne vrste fleksibilnosti in varnosti na področju dela. Ne glede na to, katera vrsta fleksibil­nosti in varnosti se obravnava, pa so pomembne posledice, ki jih spremembe fleksibilnosti in varnosti na področju dela, povzročijo posameznikom, organizacijam oziroma delodajalcem in družbi. Namen: Namen raziskave je bil primerjati in analizirati povezanost med različnimi vrstami fleksibilnosti in varnosti na področju dela z učinkovitostjo organizacij. Metodologija: Podatki so bili zbrani z metodo CAWI (s spletnim anketiranjem). Povezava do spletnega vprašalnika in prošnja, da e-pošto posredujejo vsem zaposlenim, je bila posredovana po e-pošti naključno izbranim organizacijam in delodajalcem, ki so imeli svoj e-poštni naslov objavljen na svoji spletni strani oziroma v poslovnem registru. Za analizo podatkov je bil up­orabljen Pearsonov koeficient korelacij. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave kažejo nizke pozitivne stopnje povezanosti med fleksibilnostjo organizacij in varnostjo posa­meznikov ter med fleksibilnostjo in učinkovitostjo organizacij. Povezanost med varnostjo posameznikov in učinkovitostjo organizacij je pozitivna in srednje močna. Zaključek: Pripravljavcem sprememb na področju delovno-pravne zakonodaje priporočamo, da se pri pripravi sprememb glede fleksibilnosti in varnosti na področju dela zavedajo pomena povezave med fleksibilnostjo in varnostjo na področju dela ter učinkovitostjo organizacij

    Incretin System: New Pharmacological Target in Obese Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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    Introduction: Obesity is highly prevalent in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It aggravates adverse features of the syndrome. Weight management by lifestyle intervention is often insufficient. We reviewed studies addressing the use of agents mediating through incretin system in obese PCOS

    Gesellschaftlicher Status als Determinante des erzielten Bildungsniveaus

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    The objective of the study was to research the correlations between dependent variables: (i) formal education, (ii) education achievement in elementary school, (iii) education achievement in secondary school and independent variables (i) parents’ formal education, (ii) the social class individuals originated in and (iii) the financial and material circumstances of their families. A total of 1,980 adult employees in Slovenia participated in the study. Identified were correlations between formal education and all independent variables. There is also a positive correlation between the parents’ formal education and the formal education of their children (father’s education r=0.396 at p=0.01 and mother’s education r=0.370 at p=0.01). The study confirmed positive correlation between parents’ education and the educational achievement of their children in elementary school. Quite different results were obtained for educational achievement in secondary school. The correlation between educational achievement in secondary school and all the independent variables is less than 0.150.Cilj studije bio je istražiti povezanosti između zavisnih varijabli (i) formalna naobrazba, (ii) uspjeh u osnovnoj školi, (iii) uspjeh u srednjoj školi te nezavisnih varijabli (i) formalna naobrazba roditelja, (ii) društveni sloj iz kojega potječu pojedinci i (iii) financijske i materijalne okolnosti njihovih obitelji. Ukupno 1980 odraslih zaposlenih osoba u Sloveniji sudjelovalo je u istraživanju. Utvrđene su korelacije između formalne naobrazbe i svih nezavisnih varijabli. Također postoji pozitivna povezanost između roditeljeve formalne naobrazbe i formalne naobrazbe njihove djece (očeva naobrazba r=0.396, p=0.01 i majčina naobrazba r=0.370, p=0.01). Ova studija potvrđuje pozitivnu povezanost roditeljeve naobrazbe i školskog uspjeha njihove djece u osnovnoj školi. Sasvim različiti rezultati utvrđeni su za uspjeh u srednjoj školi. Povezanost uspjeha u srednjoj školi i svih nezavisnih varijabli iznosi manje od 0.150.Das Ziel dieser Studie ist, den gegenseitigen Bezug zu ermitteln, der zwischen den abhängigen Variablen (i) formaler Bildungsstand, (ii) Leistungen in der Grundschule und (iii) Leistungen in der Mittelschule besteht sowie zwischen den unabhängigen Variablen (i) formaler Bildungsstand der Eltern, (ii) soziale Herkunft und (iii) finanzielle und materielle Lage der Eltern. An der Untersuchung nahmen 1980 erwachsene Personen mit fester Anstellung in Slowenien teil. Ermittelt wurden Korrelationen zwischen dem formalen Bildungsstand und sämtlichen unabhängigen Variablen. Des Weiteren besteht ein positiver Bezug zwischen dem formalen Bildungsstand der Eltern und dem ihrer Kinder (Bildungsstand des Vaters r = 0.396, p = 0.01; Bildungsstand der Mutter r = 0.370, p = 0.01). Diese Studie bestätigt den positiven Bezug zwischen dem elterlichen Bildungsniveau und den schulischen Leistungen der Kinder in der Grundschule. Davon völlig abweichende Resultate erhielt man bezüglich des schulischen Erfolgs in der Mittelschule. Der Bezug zwischen den Leistungen in der Mittelschule und sämtlichen unabhängigen Variablen beträgt weniger als 0.150

    Evaluation of portion size of selected foods

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    Večje porcije živil lahko vodijo k pretiranemu vnosu hrane pri odraslih in otrocih, kar je znano kot fenomen vpliva velikosti porcij. V raziskavi je 60 študentov (52 žensk in 8 moških) 2. letnika Živilstva in prehrane (Biotehniška fakulteta v Ljubljani) ocenilo priporočene porcije 12 izbranih živil. Na krožnike smo natehtali priporočene porcije 10 živil, ki zaradi večje vsebnosti soli, maščobe ali sladkorja ne sodijo med priporočena živila, hkrati pa so med mladimi bolj priljubljena. Za primerjavo smo dodali še 2 živili, ki sodita med priporočena živila: jabolko in solato (berivko). Rezultati kažejo, da je velikost porcije posameznih živil pravilno ovrednotilo 7 % (bomboni) do 48 % (napolitanke). S tem smo potrdili hipotezo, da ocenjene velikosti porcij odstopajo od dejanskih velikosti porcij. Ugotovili smo, da so študentje velikosti porcij bolj pravilno ocenili kot študentke. Rezultati pravijo, da pogostost uživanja živil malo in v nekaterih primerih sploh ne vpliva na pravilnost ocenjevanja velikosti porcij. V povprečju je 45 % anketirancev, ne glede na to ali živilo uživajo pogosto ali ne, podcenilo predstavljeno velikost porcije živila. Občutek sitosti ali lakote vpliva na ocenjevanje velikosti porcij. V povprečju je porcije živil pravilno ocenilo več študentov z občutkom lakote (29 %) kot pa študentov z občutkom sitosti (28 %). Študentje z občutkom lakote so velikost porcij v večji meri podcenili (48 %), medtem ko so jih anketiranci z občutkom sitosti v večji meri precenili (29 %). Moški z občutkom lakote (19 % pravilnih ocen) so velikost porcij ocenili bolj pravilno kot ženske z občutkom lakote (9 % pravilnih ocen). Pri odstotkih pravilnih ocen žensk in moških z občutkom sitosti ni bistvenih razlik.Larger food portions can lead to excessive intake of food in adults and children. This phenomenon is known as the portion size effect. In the study 60 2nd year students (52 women and 8 men) of the of Field Food Science and Nutrition course at the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana evaluated the recommended portions of 12 selected foods. On the plates, the recommended portions of 10 foods which not belong to the group of recommended foods, either due to a higher salt, fat or sugar content, and are more popular among young people, were weighed. For comparison we added 2 foods that are known as healthy foods and are recommended to consume: apples and salad. The results show that the portion size of the individual foods was correctly evaluated by 7 % (candy) to 48 % (wafer) of students. This supports the hypothesis that the estimated portion size deviates from the actual portion size. We found that men\u27s evaluations of portion size were more correct than women\u27s evaluations. The results show that the frequency of food consumption has little or in some cases no effect on the correctness of portion size estimation. On average 45 % of respondents, regardless of whether they ate the food frequently or not, underestimated the portion size of the food. The sense of satiation or hunger affects the evaluation of portion size. Students who had a sense of hunger rated the portion sizes more correctly (29 % of correct evaluations) than those who had a sense of satiation (28%). Students with a sense of hunger were found to have underestimated the portion size more often (48 %), while respondents with a sense of satiation were more often found to have overestimated the portion size (29 %). Men with a sense of hunger (19 % of correct evaluations) estimated portions more correctly than women with a sense of hunger (9 % of correct evaluations). There are no significant differences in the percentage of correct evaluations of women and men with a sense of satiation

    Computer vision system illumination module upgrade

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    Namen diplomskega dela je nadgradnja osvetlitvenega modula obstoječega sistema s strojnim vidom. Posodobljen osvetlitveni modul, ki ga sestavljata svetilo in krmilnik svetila, mora biti mehansko ter električno združljiv z obstoječim sistemom. Zaradi opuščanja proizvodnje trenutno uporabljenih svetlečih diod, ki generirajo svetlobo na svetilu, je treba svetleče diode zamenjati z novimi tipi svetlečih diod, ki so množično v uporabi. Z uvajanjem novih tipov svetlečih diod se kaže potreba po uvedbi sekundarnih in terciarnih optičnih elementov za vodenje in razprševanje svetlobe svetlečih diod. Posodobljen krmilnik svetil je nadgradnja trenutnega krmilnika z možnostjo uporabe z vsemi tipi zgoraj naštetimi svetlečimi diodami. Za namen analize svetil smo izdelali merilni sistem z uporabo barvne kamere, s katerim smo vrednotili prototipna svetila. Merilni sistem se z manjšimi posodobitvami lahko uporablja v proizvodnem procesu za zagotavljanje kakovosti izdelanih svetil pred integracijo v napravo. Svetilo smo preizkusili na obstoječem sistemu s strojnim vidom in rezultate primerjali s tistimi, pridobljenimi z merilnim sistemom. Na podlagi izvedenih meritev predlagamo in izdelamo osvetlitveni modul, ki bo nadomestil obstoječi osvetlitveni modul.The aim of this thesis is an upgrade of the illumination module of the existing computer vision system. The upgraded illumination module, which consists of an illuminant and an illumination controller, must be mechanically and electrically compatible with the existing system. Because currently used LEDs are going out of production, LEDs should be replaced by new, more widely used types. With new types of LEDs, there is a need for implementation of secondary and tertiary optical elements in order to guide and diffuse the LED’s light. The upgrade of the illumination controller should enable the use of all the above-mentioned LEDs. For the purpose of illuminant analysis, we built a measuring system with a color camera to evaluate the prototype illuminants. With minor updates, the existing measuring system can be also used for quality control of the manufactured illuminants before integrating them into the computer vision system. Moreover, an illuminant was tested on the computer vision system and its results were compared with the results obtained by the measuring system. Based on the performed measurements, we propose to build a new illumination module which will replace the current one

    Decision Model for the Media Selection

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    The article presents the decision model for choosing the media in the performance of public relations (PR). The core of the model lies in the use of modern information methods with the accent on the artificial intelligence methods in decision-making processes which allow transparency and simple explanation of the decision knowledge and of the decision itself. The framework of the solution is the description of the realization of the model with the support of the DEXi system. The model covers the qualitative and the quantitative measures for the final choice. This allows a more wholesome overview of the media and of the goals the decision aims to achieve. The determined fundamental elements of the model are: the target public, the goals the organization aims to achieve via public relations, the resources assigned to the public relations, the messages to transmit to the public, etc. The criteria which form constituent parts of the decision model have been designed on the basis of public relations literature study and the practical experience of the Faculty


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    Results presented in the paper accomplished the primary objective of the survey: to affirm further economic integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina in its path towards EU membership. The most important aspects of economic integration, as well as the preferential trade agreements of Bosnia and Herzegovina are elaborated in the paper. Particular attention was paid both to economic analysis of preferential trade agreements and to the effects of Bosnia and Herzegovina\u27s trade agreements. Several topics on economic integration and preferential trade agreements have been assessed. A representative example of preferential trade agreements analysis has been presented, followed by economic effects of implementation of CEFTA agreement in Bosnia and Herzegovina