9 research outputs found

    Valorization of pomace from craft cider: Nutritional value, chemical composition, and phenolic and mineral profiles

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    Waste recovery, in a circular economy context, is associated with clear economic and environmental benefits. Although apple pomace has been extensively studied for many applications, the valorization of pomace from emerging craft cider production is a novelty. This work is intended to determine the nutritional value, chemical composition, and phenolic and mineral profiles of pomace from craft cider waste. Levels of moisture (79.3%) and sugar contents (54.0%) stand out in their composition. Ethanol (1.56%) has been identified. Also, malic acid (2.94%), as well as α‐tocopherols (0.4 mg/100 g) were detected. The phenolic profile showed six flavonoid compounds identified mainly quercetin derivatives. The mineral analysis revealed potassium as the major constituent (58.5 mg/g). In conclusion, it is envisaged that cider pomace could be an ideal substrate for biotechnological purposes, particularly as a sustainable and alternative, cheap source to produce glycerol for application in various industries such as food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020 and UIDP/00690/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2020). Ana Sofia Brandão and José M. R. C. A. Santos would like to thank the FEDER under Programme PT2020 for financial support to INTERREG POCTEP project “INBEC—Circular bioeconomy. Promotion and development of a sustainable economy through innovation and business cooperation” (ref. 0627_INBEC_6_E). Maria Inês Dias and Lillian Barros would like to thank the national funding by FCT, Paula Rodrigues, through the institutional scientific employment program‐contract for their contracts; to the project Healthy—PETFOOD for the contract of Cristina Caleja (POCI‐01‐0247‐FEDER‐047073). This work is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Regional Operational Pro- gram North 2020, within the scope of Project GreenHealth—Digital strategies in biological assets to improve well‐being and promote green health, Norte‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐000042.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ordenha mecânica nas explorações de caprinos de Trás-os-Montes (Portugal): problemas e dificuldades para a sua divulgação

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    Na região de Trás-os-Montes (nordeste de Portugal) a exploração de cabras de leite, principalmente da raça Serrana, autóctone, é uma actividade relativamente importante do ponto de vista socioeconómico, porque se trata de uma região pobre e onde são raras as actividades económicas alternativas para a população rural. Para o desenvolvimento da actividade e para a melhoria da qualidade e quantidade de leite produzido, é importante melhorar as condições de ordenha, especialmente quanto às instalações e equipamentos; e às condições de trabalho do ordenhador. A maioria das explorações de caprinos da região pratica a ordenha manual. Este tipo de ordenha tem vários problemas quanto às condições de trabalho e à qualidade do leite recolhido. Nos últimos anos desenvolveram-se várias acções no sentido de melhorar as condições de ordenha e de incentivar os criadores para a adopção de ordenha mecânica. No entanto, verificam-se alguns problemas e dificuldades dos criadores na adopção e utilização destes equipamentos. Com este trabalho, pretende-se identificar os problemas e dificuldades que resultaram da adopção/utilização de equipamentos de ordenha mecânica em explorações de cabras de leite da região de Trás-os-Montes. O estudo da ordenha mecânica abrangeu vários aspectos: os equipamentos utilizados; a organização do trabalho e das instalações; e os procedimentos do ordenhador no trabalho de ordenha. Foram estudadas as explorações de caprinos de raça Serrana da região de Trás-os-Montes que utilizam qualquer tipo de ordenha mecânica. A informação recolhida permite concluir que há dificuldades na adaptação ao uso de novas técnicas de ordenha e equipamentos. Os problemas estão, principalmente, relacionados com a organização do trabalho e do local da ordenha, e com a aprendizagem da correcta utilização dos equipamentos. De futuro, será importante considerar o desenvolvimento de acções de apoio técnico aos criadores, no sentido de melhorar as instalações/local de ordenha e a utilização dos equipamentosIn the national context, the region of Trás-os-Montes, in Northeastern Portugal, is one of the most depopulated and least favoured areas. In this region, goat breeding has great socioeconomic importance due to the number of families that are economically dependent on these activities. This importance is particularly due to the scarcity of alternative economic activities. To improve goat breeding, milk production and milk quality, it is important to enhance milking conditions, mainly in facilities, equipment and working conditions. Presently, there are very few farms with milking machines. Mostly, goats are hand-milked inside the shelters. As a result of actions carried out over the recent years involving strategies to improve milking conditions on goat farms in the region, some breeders adopted mechanical milking. For these breeders, mechanical milking is a new technology, they are inexperienced and they lack knowledge about the correct use of these machines and best milking practices. To study mechanical milking we established the following aspects to consider: working organization and facilities, milking operations, and procedures performed by milkers. Goat farms that used mechanical milking in the region of Trás-os-Montes were studied. From the information collected, it was found some difficulties in the adaptation to the use of new milking techniques. Main problems are related to working organization, facilities and equipment utilization

    Deontologia, ética e valores na educação: revisitar a história da educação: professora Cândida Florinda Ferreira

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    A deontologia, a ética e os Valores na Educação, são hoje um motivo de preocupação e de profunda reflexão de toda a comunidade educativa. Numa época em que o acesso à formação contínua é facilitada, devemos revisitar autores e pedagogos da nossa história da Educação mantendo um diálogo constante com o passado para melhor entender esta temática actual, quer através da visita às políticas educativas legisladas e praticadas, quer no diálogo com os pedagogos e agentes da educação

    Reliability methods of activated sludge bioprocesses treating industrial wastewaters containing inhibitory xenobiotics

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    Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif général la conception et la fiabilisation des procédés biologiques, traitant des Eaux Résiduaires Industrielles (ERI) contenant des xénobiotiques inhibiteurs, plus ou moins facilement biodégradables après acclimatation. En effet, les procédés biologiques par boues activées traitant des ERI sont soumis à des perturbations importantes liées à des molécules organiques inhibitrices. La variation temporelle, à la fois, dans la concentration et dans la nature des polluants est une des problématiques de ces systèmes qui doivent garantir une fiabilité du traitement.Dans un premier temps, l’étude de la dégradation d’une molécule organique modèle inhibitrice : le p-Nitrophénol (p-NP) en réacteur batch (alimentation discontinue) a montré la variabilité des paramètres cinétiques en fonction du niveau d’acclimatation de la population. Par conséquent, l'effet des conditions opératoires d'une phase d’acclimatation sur les paramètres cinétiques d'une culture mixte dégradant le p-NP, a été étudié. Un modèle mathématique spécifique, a été proposé afin de simuler le fonctionnement dynamique d’un procédé à boues activées. Une identification paramétrique a permis la validation de ce modèle qui sera utilisé dans la partie suivante.Ensuite une méthode d'optimisation multicritères pour dimensionner le procédé à boues activées a été utilisée. Ce dimensionnement a été effectué en prenant en compte la dynamique biologique à l’intérieur des bioréacteurs, ainsi que les évènements de surcharge toxiques. L’approche développée est basée sur la modélisation associée à l'analyse des indices de coûts. Outre le cas du p-NP qui est une molécule hydrophile, une extension de cette analyse est proposée pour un micropolluant hydrophobe : Il s’agit d’un hydrocarbure aromatique poly-cyclique : le phénanthrène.The overall objective of this work is the design and the reliability of biological processes allowing the treatment of industrial wastewater containing inhibitory xenobiotics, more or less readily biodegradable after acclimation. In fact, biological processes type of activated sludge, treating industrial wastewater, are subject to significant disruptions related to inhibitory organic molecules. The temporal variation, both in the pollutant’s concentration and nature, represent one of the common problems of these systems supposed to ensure reliable processing.As a first step, our study of the degradation of an organic inhibitory molecule: p-Nitrophenol (p-NP) in batch reactor (fed-batch), showed the variation of kinetic parameters in relation to the level of microbial population acclimation. Therefore, we analyzed the effect of operating conditions for acclimation phase of the kinetic parameters of a mixed culture degrading p-NP. A specific mathematical model was proposed to simulate the dynamic operation of the activated sludge process. We validated this model through a parametric identification. The same model will be used in the next section.As a second step, we used a multi-criteria optimization method for activated sludge process design. This design was obtained by considering the biological dynamics inside the bioreactor as well as toxic overload events. The developed approach is based on modeling associated to indexes cost analysis. In addition to the case of p-NP, an extension of this study is proposed for a hydrophobic micropollutant molecule, namely a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon: phenanthrene

    Méthodes de fiabilisation des bioprocédés à boues activées, traitant des eaux résiduaires industrielles contenant des xénobiotiques inhibiteurs

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    The overall objective of this work is the design and the reliability of biological processes allowing the treatment of industrial wastewater containing inhibitory xenobiotics, more or less readily biodegradable after acclimation. In fact, biological processes type of activated sludge, treating industrial wastewater, are subject to significant disruptions related to inhibitory organic molecules. The temporal variation, both in the pollutant’s concentration and nature, represent one of the common problems of these systems supposed to ensure reliable processing.As a first step, our study of the degradation of an organic inhibitory molecule: p-Nitrophenol (p-NP) in batch reactor (fed-batch), showed the variation of kinetic parameters in relation to the level of microbial population acclimation. Therefore, we analyzed the effect of operating conditions for acclimation phase of the kinetic parameters of a mixed culture degrading p-NP. A specific mathematical model was proposed to simulate the dynamic operation of the activated sludge process. We validated this model through a parametric identification. The same model will be used in the next section.As a second step, we used a multi-criteria optimization method for activated sludge process design. This design was obtained by considering the biological dynamics inside the bioreactor as well as toxic overload events. The developed approach is based on modeling associated to indexes cost analysis. In addition to the case of p-NP, an extension of this study is proposed for a hydrophobic micropollutant molecule, namely a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon: phenanthrene.Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif général la conception et la fiabilisation des procédés biologiques, traitant des Eaux Résiduaires Industrielles (ERI) contenant des xénobiotiques inhibiteurs, plus ou moins facilement biodégradables après acclimatation. En effet, les procédés biologiques par boues activées traitant des ERI sont soumis à des perturbations importantes liées à des molécules organiques inhibitrices. La variation temporelle, à la fois, dans la concentration et dans la nature des polluants est une des problématiques de ces systèmes qui doivent garantir une fiabilité du traitement.Dans un premier temps, l’étude de la dégradation d’une molécule organique modèle inhibitrice : le p-Nitrophénol (p-NP) en réacteur batch (alimentation discontinue) a montré la variabilité des paramètres cinétiques en fonction du niveau d’acclimatation de la population. Par conséquent, l'effet des conditions opératoires d'une phase d’acclimatation sur les paramètres cinétiques d'une culture mixte dégradant le p-NP, a été étudié. Un modèle mathématique spécifique, a été proposé afin de simuler le fonctionnement dynamique d’un procédé à boues activées. Une identification paramétrique a permis la validation de ce modèle qui sera utilisé dans la partie suivante.Ensuite une méthode d'optimisation multicritères pour dimensionner le procédé à boues activées a été utilisée. Ce dimensionnement a été effectué en prenant en compte la dynamique biologique à l’intérieur des bioréacteurs, ainsi que les évènements de surcharge toxiques. L’approche développée est basée sur la modélisation associée à l'analyse des indices de coûts. Outre le cas du p-NP qui est une molécule hydrophile, une extension de cette analyse est proposée pour un micropolluant hydrophobe : Il s’agit d’un hydrocarbure aromatique poly-cyclique : le phénanthrène

    Méthodes de fiabilisation des bioprocédés à boues activées, traitant des eaux résiduaires industrielles contenant des xénobiotiques inhibiteurs

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    The overall objective of this work is the design and the reliability of biological processes allowing the treatment of industrial wastewater containing inhibitory xenobiotics, more or less readily biodegradable after acclimation. In fact, biological processes type of activated sludge, treating industrial wastewater, are subject to significant disruptions related to inhibitory organic molecules. The temporal variation, both in the pollutant’s concentration and nature, represent one of the common problems of these systems supposed to ensure reliable processing.As a first step, our study of the degradation of an organic inhibitory molecule: p-Nitrophenol (p-NP) in batch reactor (fed-batch), showed the variation of kinetic parameters in relation to the level of microbial population acclimation. Therefore, we analyzed the effect of operating conditions for acclimation phase of the kinetic parameters of a mixed culture degrading p-NP. A specific mathematical model was proposed to simulate the dynamic operation of the activated sludge process. We validated this model through a parametric identification. The same model will be used in the next section.As a second step, we used a multi-criteria optimization method for activated sludge process design. This design was obtained by considering the biological dynamics inside the bioreactor as well as toxic overload events. The developed approach is based on modeling associated to indexes cost analysis. In addition to the case of p-NP, an extension of this study is proposed for a hydrophobic micropollutant molecule, namely a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon: phenanthrene.Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif général la conception et la fiabilisation des procédés biologiques, traitant des Eaux Résiduaires Industrielles (ERI) contenant des xénobiotiques inhibiteurs, plus ou moins facilement biodégradables après acclimatation. En effet, les procédés biologiques par boues activées traitant des ERI sont soumis à des perturbations importantes liées à des molécules organiques inhibitrices. La variation temporelle, à la fois, dans la concentration et dans la nature des polluants est une des problématiques de ces systèmes qui doivent garantir une fiabilité du traitement.Dans un premier temps, l’étude de la dégradation d’une molécule organique modèle inhibitrice : le p-Nitrophénol (p-NP) en réacteur batch (alimentation discontinue) a montré la variabilité des paramètres cinétiques en fonction du niveau d’acclimatation de la population. Par conséquent, l'effet des conditions opératoires d'une phase d’acclimatation sur les paramètres cinétiques d'une culture mixte dégradant le p-NP, a été étudié. Un modèle mathématique spécifique, a été proposé afin de simuler le fonctionnement dynamique d’un procédé à boues activées. Une identification paramétrique a permis la validation de ce modèle qui sera utilisé dans la partie suivante.Ensuite une méthode d'optimisation multicritères pour dimensionner le procédé à boues activées a été utilisée. Ce dimensionnement a été effectué en prenant en compte la dynamique biologique à l’intérieur des bioréacteurs, ainsi que les évènements de surcharge toxiques. L’approche développée est basée sur la modélisation associée à l'analyse des indices de coûts. Outre le cas du p-NP qui est une molécule hydrophile, une extension de cette analyse est proposée pour un micropolluant hydrophobe : Il s’agit d’un hydrocarbure aromatique poly-cyclique : le phénanthrène

    Differentiating between Monofloral Portuguese Bee Pollens Using Phenolic and Volatile Profiles and Their Impact on Bioactive Properties

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    Nowadays, bee products are commended by consumers for their medicinal and dietary properties. This study aimed to differentiate between monofloral bee pollens originating from Portugal using phenolic and volatile profiles and investigate their antioxidant and cytotoxic activity. Total phenolic and flavonoid compounds were recorded between 2.9–35.8 mg GAE/g and 0.7–4.8 mg QE/g, respectively. The LC/DAD/ESI-MSn analytical results allowed us to identify and quantify a total of 72 compounds, including phenolic and phenylamide compounds, whereas GC-MS results revealed the presence of 49 different compounds, mostly ketones, aldehydes, esters, hydrocarbons, and terpenes. The highest DPPH• radical scavenging activity, EC50: 0.07 mg/mL, was recorded in the sample dominated by Castanae sp. pollen, whereas the Rubus sp. (1.59 mM Trolox/mg) and Cistaceae sp. (0.09 mg GAE/g) pollen species exhibited the highest antioxidant activity in ABTS•+ and reducing power assays, respectively. Regarding the anti-carcinogenic activity, only Carduus sp. showed remarkable cytotoxic potential against MCF-7

    Evaluation of Antioxidant and Anticancer Activity of Mono- and Polyfloral Moroccan Bee Pollen by Characterizing Phenolic and Volatile Compounds

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    Bee pollen is frequently characterized as a natural source of bioactive components, such as phenolic compounds, which are responsible for its pharmaceutical potential and nutritional properties. In this study, we evaluated the bioactive compound contents of mono- and polyfloral bee pollen samples using spectroscopic and chromatographic methods and established links with their antioxidant and antitumor activity. The findings demonstrated that the botanical origin of bee pollen has a remarkable impact on its phenolic (3–17 mg GAE/g) and flavonoid (0.5–3.2 mg QE/g) contents. Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis revealed the presence of 35 phenolic and 13 phenylamide compounds in bee pollen, while gas chromatography–mass spectrometry showed its richness in volatiles, such as hydrocarbons, fatty acids, alcohols, ketones, etc. The concentration of bioactive compounds in each sample resulted in a substantial distinction in their antioxidant activity, DPPH (EC50: 0.3–0.7 mg/mL), ABTS (0.8–1.3 mM Trolox/mg), and reducing power (0.03–0.05 mg GAE/g), with the most bioactive pollens being the monofloral samples from Olea europaea and Ononis spinosa. Complementarily, some samples revealed a moderate effect on cervical carcinoma (GI50: 495 μg/mL) and breast adenocarcinoma (GI50: 734 μg/mL) cell lines. This may be associated with compounds such as quercetin-O-diglucoside and kaempferol-3-O-rhamnoside, which are present in pollens from Olea europaea and Coriandrum, respectively. Overall, the results highlighted the potentiality of bee pollen to serve health-promoting formulations in the future