28,556 research outputs found

    Computer program for optical systems ray tracing

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    Program traces rays of light through optical systems consisting of up to 65 different optical surfaces and computes the aberrations. For design purposes, paraxial tracings with astigmation and third order tracings are provided

    Field Driven Thermostated System : A Non-Linear Multi-Baker Map

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    In this paper, we discuss a simple model for a field driven, thermostated random walk that is constructed by a suitable generalization of a multi-baker map. The map is a usual multi-baker, but perturbed by a thermostated external field that has many of the properties of the fields used in systems with Gaussian thermostats. For small values of the driving field, the map is hyperbolic and has a unique SRB measure that we solve analytically to first order in the field parameter. We then compute the positive and negative Lyapunov exponents to second order and discuss their relation to the transport properties. For higher values of the parameter, this system becomes non-hyperbolic and posseses an attractive fixed point.Comment: 6 pages + 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Behavior of Soluble Salt in Sharkey Clay

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    Soluble salt problems do exist and are significant in Arkansas. Studies have been conducted on Crowley silt loam (Typic Albaqualfs) which have established the behavior of soluble salt in that soil. The major objective of this study was to quantify the behavior of soluble salt in a second important Mississippi River Delta soil - the Sharkey (Vertic Haplaquepts). To this end, estimation of the downward redistribution of salt and the estimation of various components of the water balance for this soil served as specific objectives. Field studies were designed to monitor the movement of salt in the Sharkey soil and to characterize selected components of the water balance. In total, three tentative conclusions may be drawn from the data. First, the infiltration for the Sharkey soil was approximately three times that of the Crowley silt loam. The average value was 29 cm for the rice season. Second, levee seepage, while significant for small plots, was shown to be small for production-sized fields. Levee seepage remained relatively constant throughout the season and averaged 0.025 nvfym/d. And third, downward redistribution of salt was large and appeared to follow a pattern where a peak occurred at the surface and, possibly, at the lower soil depths

    Microgravity nucleation and particle coagulation experiments support

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    This project is a part of a program at GSFC to study to formation and growth of cosmic dust grain analogs under terrestrial as well as microgravity conditions. Its primary scientific objective is to study the homogeneous nucleation of refractory metal vapors and a variety of their oxides among others, while the engineering, and perhaps a more immediate objective is to develop a system capable of producing mono-dispersed, homogeneous suspensions of well-characterized refractory particles for various particle interaction experiments aboard the Space Shuttle and Space Station Freedom. Both of these objectives are to be met by a judicious combination of laboratory experiments on the ground and aboard NASA's KC-135 experimental research aircraft. Major effort during the current reporting period was devoted to the evaluation of our very successful first series of microgravity test runs in Feb. 1990. Although the apparatus performed well, it was decided to 'repackage' the equipment for easier installation on the KC-135 and access to various components. It will now consist of three separate racks: one each for the nucleation chamber, the power subsystem, and the electronic packages. The racks were fabricated at the University of Virginia and the assembly of the repackaged units is proceeding well. Preliminary analysis of the video data from the first microgravity flight series was performed and the results appear to display some trends expected from Hale's Scaled Nucleation Theory of 1986. The data acquisition system is currently being refined

    Microgravity nucleation and particle coagulation experiments support

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    Modifications to the nucleation apparatus suggested by our first microgravity flight campaign are complete. These included a complete 'repackaging' of the equipment into three racks along with an improved vapor spout shutter mechanism and additional thermocouples for gas temperature measurements. The 'repackaged' apparatus was used in two KC-135 campaigns: one during the week of June 3, 1991 consisting of two flights with Mg and two with Zn, and another series consisting of three flights with Zn during the week of September 23, 1991. Our effort then was focused on the analysis of these data, including further development of the mathematical models to generate the values of temperature and supersaturation at the observed points of nucleation. The efforts to apply Hale's Scaled Nucleation Theory to our experimental data have met with only limited success, most likely due to still inadequate temperature field determination. Work on the development of a preliminary particle collector system designed to capture particles from the region of nucleation and condensation, as well as from other parts of the chamber, are discussed

    Microgravity nucleation and particle coagulation experiments support

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    Researchers at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center have embarked on a program to study the formation and growth of cosmic grains. This includes experiments on the homogeneous nucleation of refractory vapors of materials such as magnesium, lead, tin, and silicon oxides. As part of this program, the Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Virginia has undertaken to develop a math model for these experiments, to assist in the design and construction of the apparatus, and to analyze the data once the experiments have begun. Status Reports 1 and 2 addressed the design of the apparatus and the development of math models for temperature and concentration fields. The bulk of this report discusses the continued refinement of these models, and the assembly and testing of the nucleation chamber along with its ancillary equipment, which began in the spring of 1988

    Locally Optimally-emitting Clouds and the Narrow Emission Lines in Seyfert Galaxies

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    The narrow emission line spectra of active galactic nuclei are not accurately described by simple photoionization models of single clouds. Recent Hubble Space Telescope images of Seyfert 2 galaxies show that these objects are rich with ionization cones, knots, filaments, and strands of ionized gas. Here we extend to the narrow line region the ``locally optimally emitting cloud'' (LOC) model, in which the observed spectra are predominantly determined by powerful selection effects. We present a large grid of photoionization models covering a wide range of physical conditions and show the optimal conditions for producing many of the strongest emission lines. We show that the integrated narrow line spectrum can be predicted by an integration of an ensemble of clouds, and we present these results in the form of diagnostic line ratio diagrams making comparisons with observations. We also predict key diagnostic line ratios as a function of distance from the ionizing source, and compare these to observations. The predicted radial dependence of the [O III]/[O II] ratio may be matched to the observed one in NGC4151, if the narrow line clouds see a more intense continuum than we see. The LOC scenario when coupled with a simple Keplerian gravitational velocity field will quite naturally predict the observed line width versus critical density relationship. The influence of dust within the ionized portion of the clouds is discussed and we show that the more neutral gas is likely to be dusty, although a high ionization dust-free region is most likely present too. This argues for a variety of NLR cloud origins.Comment: 29 pages plus 16 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Laser Velocimeter Measurements in the Leakage Annulus of a Whirling Shrouded Centrifugal Pump

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    Previous experiments conducted in the Rotor Force Test Facility at the California Institute of Technology have thoroughly examined the effect of leakage flows on the rotordynamic forces on a centrifugal pump impeller undergoing a prescribed circular whirl. These leakage flows have been shown to contribute substantially to the total fluid induced forces acting on a pump. However, to date nothing is known of the flow field in the leakage annulus of shrouded centrifugal pumps. No attempt has been made to qualitatively or quantitatively examine the velocity field in the leakage annulus. Hence the test objective of this experiment is to acquire fluid velocity data for a geometry representative of the leakage annulus of a shrouded centrifugal pump while the rotor is whirling using laser velocimetry. Tests are performed over a range of whirl ratios and a flowrate typical of Space Shuttle Turbopump designs. In addition to a qualitive study of the flow field, the velocity data can be used to anchor flow models