19 research outputs found
IoT, Intelligent Transport Systems and MaaS (Mobility as a Service)
IoT (Internet of Things) applications are crucial in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). MaaS (Mobility as a Service) is an advanced model of ITS in which public institutions, private operators and citizens are deeply connected since means of transport are virtualized in mobility resources and provided to users through the Internet. This contribution, after a short introduction, addresses legal concerns focusing on three aspects: (1) security of technological platforms and infrastructures, (2) protection of user\u2019s personal data, (3) communication among devices and in the IoT ecosystem
Date privind cercetarea în domeniul fumatului în România
Conform datelor Organizaţiei Mondiale a Sănătăţii, pe pământ sunt 1,1 miliarde de fumători. Fumatul contribuie în mare măsură la reducerea duratei de viaţă şi este responsabil de decesul a zece mii de persoane pe zi. În ciuda efectelor
nocive ale fumatului, în Europa se ajunge la un număr de două mii de ţigări fumate anual/cap de locuitor, în timp ce
indicatorii privind fumatul sunt extrem de nefavorabili la femei şi la tineri. Prevalenţa mare a fumatului activ şi pasiv în România, numărul foarte mare de ţigări fumate zilnic, numărul mare de încercări de renunţare la fumat cu o rată scăzută de succes a acestora, toate împreună justifi că extinderea şi urgentarea activităţilor de cercetare privind tabagismul, a intervenţiilor cu scopul prevenirii şi renunţării. Colegiul Universitar Davidson (SUA) şi Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie din Tîrgu-Mureş au demarat un proiect comun pe o durată de cinci ani, privind cercetarea fenomenului fumatului şi formarea capacităţii locale de cercetare în domeniul fumatului
Адаптация и тестирование в Румынии антикурительной программы онлайн ASPIRA
Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie din Târgu Mureş,
disciplina Igienă, Conferința știinţifico-practică naţionale cu participare internaţională ”Probleme actuale ale prevenirii și controlului bolilor netransmisibile” Chișinău, 18-20 iunie 2015ASPIRA smoking prevention online program consists in
studying fi ve modules that include tests, videos and interactive games. It was tested on a group of schoolchildren and
students from Tîrgu Mureş by completing a questionnaire
with reference to the opinions of the young people and the
functionality of the software. The vast majority of those
questioned reported a good or very good impression about
the ASPIRA program and believed that the information
presented was suitable. High school pupils and boys were
more critical.
Программа онлайн по предупреждению и прекращению курения состоит в прохождении пяти модулей, которые включают тесты, видеоклипы и интерактивные игры. Была протестирована группа учащихся и студентов муниципия Тыргу Муреш, Румыния, с заполнением анкеты, касающейся мнений молодых людей и функциональности программы. У большинства обследованных было хорошее или очень хорошее мнение о программе и они считали, что представленные информации являются подходящими. Учащиеся лицеев и мальчики были более критичными
Привычка курить у институционализированных детей и их окружения в жудецах Харгита и Муреш
Tobacco is an important risk factor for a large number of
diseases, affecting nearly every organ in the human body
and the health of non-smokers exposed to passive smoking.
Tobacco use is a global epidemic among young people. Despite of numerous smoking prevention programs for youth,
tobacco use is increasing among young people, affecting
generation after generation. Prevention efforts should focus on adolescents and young adults because, first use of
cigarettes occurs before the age of 18 years. The purpose
of this study is to assess the children’s environment regarding smoking habits, the evaluation of children’s knowledge
about the harmful effects of smoking on institutionalized
children in family care centers in the counties of Harghita
and Mures.Потребление табака является важным фактором
риска для значительного числа заболеваний, влияя почти
на каждый орган человеческого организма, поражая и
здоровье некурящих, подвергнутых пассивному курению
Потребление табака представляет собой эпидемию
среди молодых людей на мировом уровне. Несмотря
на многочисленные программы по предупреждению
курения, потребление табака среди молодёжи
растёт, поражая поколение за поколением. Усилия
по предупреждению следует концентрировать на
подростки и взрослые молодые люди, потому что
впервые начинают курить до 18-летнего возраста.
Целью настоящего исследования является оценка
влияния окружения детей на появление привычки
курить, оценка знаний, касающихся отрицательных
эффектов курения у детей институционализированных
в центрах по уходу семейного типа в жудецах Харгита
и Муреш, Румыния
“Code Is Law” And Smart Contracts. Embedding Ethics In Decentralized Ledger Systems
“Smart Contracts” are tools based on distributed ledger technologies deployed in order to
increase the effi ciency of transactions. Their adoption is growing at an exponential scale due
to the undisputable advantages brought by their property of self-executing tasks, yet on the
opposite it raises concerns since it does not require any sort of moral scrutiny. In our paper we first address how the current ethical discussion can be framed in Decentralized Ledger Technologies, then we unfold the evolution in legal theory of a decentralized approach – epitomized by the motto “code is law” – finally we focus on “smart contracts” discussing the application of “engineering ethics” or the implementation of “ethical oracles”. At the end we conclude with a few remarks and some perspectives for future research
IoT, Intelligent Transport Systems and MaaS (Mobility as a Service)
IoT (Internet of Things) applications are crucial in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). MaaS (Mobility as a Service) is an advanced model of ITS in which public institutions, private operators and citizens are deeply connected since means of transport are virtualized in mobility resources and provided to users through the Internet. This contribution, after a short introduction, addresses legal concerns focusing on three aspects: (1) security of technological platforms and infrastructures, (2) protection of user\u2019s personal data, (3) communication among devices and in the IoT ecosystem