65 research outputs found

    Gestão Universitária e Gestão do Conhecimento em Instituições de Ensino Superior: O Processo de Aprendizagem Organizacional da Unoesc, Campus de São Miguel do Oeste.

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    Objetivando identificar como a cultura e a estratégia influenciam o processo de Aprendizagem Organizacional, este estudo quantitativo descritivo utilizou-se do levantamento de atitudes de 25 coordenadores de curso da Unoesc São Miguel. Na opinião destes, o principal valor é o comportamento ético. Há possibilidade de aprendizagem em equipe. Conceitualmente, compreendem que a cultura e a estratégia podem aumentar a visão compartilhada. A principal fonte de aprendizagem sobre atribuições foi os ordenamentos. A maioria avalia a capacitação docente como parcialmente satisfatória. Há necessidade de capacitação em gestão do projeto pedagógico, liderança organizacional e elaboração de projetos. Sugeriu-se articular cursos de capacitação

    Crafting scientific papers in business management: a canvas roadmap proposal

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    Purpose: This paper aims to present a tool for helping the mindset organization of graduate students and early career researchers in the process of scientific papers writing. The canvas roadmap is proposed and summarizes the fundamental steps and main features of an academic paper in the business management field. Design/methodology/approach: The adopted methodological procedures followed action research and focus groups precepts. Validation was applied in longitudinal and transversal procedures, with two early career researchers and with three groups of graduate students from different institutions. The validation procedures allowed the identification of 15 main features that were structured in a canvas format. Findings: The conception of the canvas roadmap, influenced by the business model canvas, is a tool for easing researchers’ mindset when preparing a manuscript. Each of 15 features are explored according to main identified components along the paper writing process. Advices for early researchers are addressed, and key characteristics are presented. Further readings in academic writing literature are suggested as along with practical tips for developing the manuscript. Research limitations/implications: Specifically, the canvas roadmap proposal intends to guide Iberoamerican/Latin American scholars to achieve their goals of publishing in top tier journals, relevant to their academic careers, and to improve research outcomes through a structured guidance for crafting scientific papers. Originality/value: As main contribution and novelty, this paper intends to provide a canvas roadmap by identifying the main sections a scientific paper in the Business Management field must follow, and how to address specific features when writing these sections. This tool was conceived due the Business Management field needs a faster-to-address and easy-to-use tool and that summarizes main features of academic papers

    Fostering SME's co-development of innovative projects in biotech clusters: Extending the sets of enablers for the knowledge creation process

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    We explore the linkage of specific sets of enablers for the knowledge-creation process (KCP) mobilized in innovative projects co-developed by biotech SMEs and the role of industrial clusters in easing the access to enablers. Two French and one Brazilian high-tech SMEs belonging to two biotechnological clusters were investigated. Deductive and inductive approaches were applied in a complementary manner. Findings revealed a larger set of enablers at the company's level than predicted in the literature. We identified two sets of KCP enablers at the cluster's level, classified as open access and restricted access, which are used for different purposes and simultaneously. These dynamics enabled the studied SMEs to improve their co-developed innovative projects in a more effective way. Data also revealed that the enablers that benefit SMEs are more likely provided by the cluster organisations

    Diagnóstico de clima organizacional em uma indústria de alimentos catarinense

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa é o de diagnosticar o clima organizacional existente na Dihêlo indústria de alimentos de São Miguel do Oeste/SC. Trata-se de um estudo de caso único cujos dados foram coletados por meio pesquisa censitária através de questionários elaborados com escala Likert, a partir do modelo A3 de Oliveira (1995). Os resultados apontam que os colaboradores se apresentam satisfeitos com a maioria dos itens do referido questionário, e que a fonte de insatisfação destes reside no salário recebido, benefícios oferecidos pela empresa, estabilidade no emprego, importância do trabalho, recompensas justas e ambiente físico. O questionário elaborado por Oliveira (1995) representa uma importante ferramenta aos gestores de recursos humanos que desejarem auferir o nível de satisfação do clima organizacional de suas empresas, o que foi evidenciado por meio desta pesquisa

    Bounded rationality effect on firm’s choices on R&D investments: A model for decision-making effectiveness analysis

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    How effective is the taken R&D investment decision, considering the effect of bounded rationality? Guided by this question, it is explored the decision-making process at the group level within the firm. A mathematical model for determining the effectiveness of decision-making based on the group’s experience is proposed. By considering subjective and objective factors, the Decision-making Effectiveness Index – Dei, model was created. To prove theoretical hypotheses and testing the model, a randomly generated dataset was built consisting of 4,000 individuals that were grouped representing 500 hypothetical firms. After performing the simulation, both hypotheses were confirmed, and the model was validated. The main theoretical findings evidenced that the project’s success will depend on decision-makers' cognitive capacity. As a contribution for practitioners, this research highlighted the importance of considering group experience in a self-analysis effectiveness index. Procedures are proposed for comparing the firm effectiveness index with competitors for improving firm decision-making performance

    Inovações como fatores estratégicos de PMES high-tech localizadas em ecossistemas de inovação : uma análise cross-national a partir da abordagem das configurações

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    Orientadora : Profa. Dra. Ana Paula Mussi Szabo CherobimTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração. Defesa : Curitiba, 23/02/2018Inclui referências : p. 585-635Resumo: Esta dissertação doutoral tem como objetivo geral investigar quais são e como se configuram os usos das inovações como fatores estratégicos de PMEs de alta intensidade tecnológica localizadas em ecossistemas de inovação. Comprovado o ineditismo da presente pesquisa, iniciou-se a estruturação do referencial teórico pela decomposição do título nos temas inovação como fator estratégico, empreendedorismo tecnológico e setores de alta intensidade tecnológica, ecossistemas de inovação e Abordagem das Configurações. Para tal, elaboraramse pesquisas bibliográficas utilizando-se os princípios da saturação teórica, de análises bibliométricas do estado da arte mediante utilização de um methodi ordinatio e da síntese teórica para elaboração de proposições hipotéticas e, a partir destas, a construção da tese teórica. As pesquisas de campo nacionais e internacionais foram guiadas pelos cânones da ontologia realista, de paradigma funcionalista e epistemologia pós-positivista, foram realizadas por meio de uma abordagem multimétodo de design quasi-mixed method, operacionalizada por estudos de dez múltiplos casos de aproximação longitudinal e de tipo reveladores, evidências coletadas mediante triangulação de dados. As técnicas de análise dos dados utilizadas foram a adequação ao padrão e exposição de dados as quais geraram sínteses de casos cruzados, a Social Network Analysis por meio de gráficos radiais hierárquicos com agrupamento de feixes hierarchical edge bundling e as configurações via multi-value Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Para a realização da pesquisa empírica, selecionaram-se três PMEs brasileiras e sete estadunidenses pertencentes a três ecossistemas de inovação distintos. Os resultados evidenciaram que as inovações consideradas como ativos estratégicos com maior comunalidade de ocorrência foram os processos, os produtos incrementais e/ou radicais, e as matérias-primas. Formaram-se dois grupos de empresas, um focado em inovações radicais e outro em inovações incrementais, sendo que o primeiro apresentou um padrão e maior frequência de uso de estratégias tecnológicas e estratégias de inovação para obtenção de externalidades diversas dos mais variados parceiros estratégicos e o segundo apresentou um padrão de maior frequência de uso de estratégias convencionais com pontuais parceiros estratégicos para ganho de competitividade. Tanto as empresas focadas em inovações radicais como as focadas em inovações incrementais fazem uso de estratégias tecnológicas que as permitem obter vantagens competitivas que melhoram seus desempenhos frente aos concorrentes de forma mais veloz, cujas estratégias convergiram em análises externas e internas. Já dentre as estratégias de inovação, as empresas variaram dentre os dois grupos configurados. Comprovou-se a metáfora do ecossistema de inovação por meio do mapeamento de relações de interdependências em multiníveis. A 'capacidade reconfiguracional' da PME reside em um conjunto de estratégias tecnológicas e de estratégias de inovação que, conjugadas, permitem à esta PME high-tech encontrar seu equilíbrio interno e o alinhamento com o ecossistema de inovação, o que foi evidenciado pelas empresas que se utilizam de tais estratégias. Dentre as empresas que utilizam estratégias convencionais, estas alcançaram um equilíbrio interno, mas sofrem de variadas influências externas, dentre as mais sentidas estão a competitividade do segmento e as evoluções tecnológicas. A tese foi confirmada mediante a comprovação das proposições hipotéticas. Apresentam-se sugestões aos profissionais, elaboradores de políticas públicas e sugestões teórico-metodológicas para futuras pesquisas. Palavras-chave: Inovação. Inovação disruptiva. Inovação incremental. Estratégia. Estratégia tecnológica. Estratégia de inovação. PMEs high-tech. Ecossistema de inovação. Abordagem das Configurações. Pesquisa cross-national. Ativos tangíveis. Ativos intangíveis.Abstract: This doctoral dissertation has as main objective to investigate what are and how are configured the uses of innovations as strategic factors of high technological intensity SMEs located in innovation ecosystems. Having proven the novelty of the present research, the theoretical fundamentals have been structured by the decomposition of the thesis heading in the themes innovation as a strategic factor, technological entrepreneurship and high technological intensity industries, innovation ecosystems and Configurations Approach. Bibliographical researches were elaborated by using the principles of theoretical saturation, bibliometric analyzes of state of the art by using a methodi ordinatio and theoretical synthesis to elaborate hypothetical propositions and, from these, the construction of the theoretical thesis. National and international field researches were guided by the canons of realistic ontology, functionalist paradigm, and post-positivist epistemology. They were accomplished through a multi-method approach of quasi-mixed method design, operationalized by studies of ten multiple cases of longitudinal approximation and revelatory cases type, evidences collected through data triangulation. The data analysis techniques used were the pattern matching and data exposure, which generated cross-case syntheses, the Social Network Analysis through hierarchical radial graphs with hierarchical edge bundling and configurations via multi-value Qualitative Comparative Analysis. For the accomplishment of empirical research, three Brazilian SMEs and seven Americans belonging to three different innovation ecosystems were selected. The results evidenced that the innovations considered as strategic assets with the greater commonality of occurrence were the processes, the incremental and radical products, and the raw materials. Two groups of companies were formed, one focused on radical innovations and another on incremental innovations. The former presented a pattern, and a greater frequency of use of technological strategies and innovation strategies to obtain diverse externalities from the most diverse strategic partners and the latter presented a pattern of more frequent use of conventional strategies with specific strategic partners to gain competitiveness. Both companies focused on radical innovations and those focused on incremental innovations use technological strategies that allow them to obtain competitive advantages that improve their performance against competitors in a faster way, whose strategies converged in external and internal analyzes. Among the innovation strategies, companies varied among the two groups. The innovation ecosystem metaphor has been proven by mapping relationships of interdependencies in multi-levels. The SME's 'reconfigurational capability' lies in a set of technological strategies and innovation strategies that, conjugated, enable this high-tech SME to find their internal balance and alignment with the innovation ecosystem, as evidenced by the companies that use such strategies. Among the companies that use conventional strategies, these have achieved an internal balance, but suffer from a variety of external influences, among the most felt are the industry competitiveness and the technological evolutions. The thesis was being confirmed by proving the hypothetical propositions. Suggestions are presented to practitioners, policy-makers and theoretical and methodological suggestions for future researches. Keywords: Innovation. Disruptive innovation. Incremental innovation. Strategy. Technological strategy. Innovation strategy. High-tech SMEs. Innovation Ecosystem. Configurations Approach. Cross-national research. Tangible assets. Intangible assets.Resume: Cette thèse de doctorat a pour objectif général d'étudier ce que sont et comment les usages des innovations sont configurés en tant que facteurs stratégiques des PME de haute technologie situées dans des écosystèmes d'innovation. Ayant prouvé la nouveauté de la présente recherche, le cadre théorique a été structuré par la décomposition du titre dans les thèmes de l'innovation comme facteur stratégique, l'entrepreneuriat technologique et secteurs de haute intensité technologique, l'écosystèmes d'innovation et l'Approche des Configurations. Pour cela, la recherche bibliographique a été élaborée en utilisant les principes de la saturation théorique, des analyses bibliométriques de l'état de l'art à l'aide d'une methodi ordinatio et de la synthèse théorique pour élaborer des propositions hypothétiques et, à partir de celles-ci, la thèse théorique. Les recherches au terrain nationales et internationales ont été guidées par les canons de l'ontologie réaliste, du paradigme fonctionnaliste et de l'épistémologie post-positiviste, par une approche multi-méthode de design quasi-mixed method, opérationnalisée par des études de dix cas multiples d'approximation longitudinale et type révélateur, preuves recueillies par triangulation des données. Les techniques d'analyse de données utilisées étaient l'adéquation au standard et à l'exposition des données, qui produisait des synthèses de cas croisés, la Social Network Analysis à travers des graphes radiaux hiérarchiques avec groupements de bord hierarchical edge bundling et les configurations par multi-value Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Pour la réalisation de la recherche empirique, trois PME brésiliennes et sept Américains appartenant à trois écosystèmes d'innovation différents ont été sélectionnés. Les résultats ont montré que les innovations considérées comme des actifs stratégiques présentant une plus grande fréquence d'occurrence étaient les processus, les produits incrémentiels et/ou radicaux et les matières premières. Deux groupes d'entreprises ont été constitués, l'un axé sur les innovations radicales et l'autre sur les innovations incrémentales : le premier a présenté un standard et une fréquence accrue d'utilisation de stratégies technologiques et de stratégies d'innovation pour obtenir diverses externalités des partenaires stratégiques les plus divers ; et le deuxième a présenté un standard d'utilisation plus fréquente de stratégies conventionnelles avec des partenaires stratégiques spécifiques pour gagner de compétitivité. Les deux groupes, d'entreprises qui sont concentrées sur des innovations radicales et celles axées sur des innovations incrémentales, utilisent des stratégies technologiques qui leur permettent d'obtenir des avantages compétitifs qui améliorent leurs performances contre les concurrents de manière plus rapide, dont les stratégies convergent dans des analyses externes et internes. Parmi les stratégies d'innovation, les entreprises ont varié entre les deux groupes. La métaphore de l'écosystème de l'innovation a été prouvé en l'identification des relations d'interdépendances à plusieurs niveaux. La " capacité de reconfiguration " de la PME repose sur un ensemble de stratégies technologiques et de stratégies d'innovation qui, ensemble, permettent à cette entreprise de haute technologie de trouver son équilibre interne et son alignement sur l'écosystème de l'innovation, ce qui a été mis en évidence par les entreprises qui utilisent de telles stratégies. Parmi les entreprises qui utilisent des stratégies conventionnelles, celles-ci ont atteint un équilibre interne, mais souffrent d'une variété d'influences externes, parmi les plus ressenties sont la compétitivité du segment et les évolutions technologiques. La thèse a été confirmée par la preuve de propositions hypothétiques. Des suggestions sont présentées aux professionnels, aux décideurs et des suggestions théoriques et méthodologiques pour des recherches futures. Mots-clés : Innovation. Innovation disruptive. Innovation incrémentale. Stratégie. Stratégie technologique. Stratégie d'innovation. PME de haute technologie. Écosystème d'innovation. Approche des Configurations. Recherche transnationale. Actifs tangibles. Actifs intangibles.Resúmen: Esta disertación doctoral tiene como objetivo general investigar cuáles son y cómo se configuran los usos de las innovaciones como factores estratégicos de PYME de alta intensidad tecnológica ubicadas en ecosistemas de innovación. Probada la originalidad de la presente investigación, se inició la estructuración del referencial teórico por la descomposición del título en los temas innovación como factor estratégico, el espíritu empresarial tecnológico y sectores de alta intensidad tecnológica, ecosistemas de innovación y la Abordaje de las Configuraciones. Para ello, se elaboraron investigaciones bibliográficas utilizando los principios de la saturación teórica, de análisis bibliométricos del estado del arte mediante la utilización de un methodi ordinatio y de la síntesis teórica para la elaboración de proposiciones hipotéticas y, a partir de éstas, la construcción de la tesis teórica. Las investigaciones de campo nacionales e internacionales fueron guiadas por los cánones de la ontología realista, de paradigma funcionalista y epistemología post-positivista, se realizaron por medio de un abordaje multimétodo de diseño quasi-mixed method, operacionalizada por estudios de diez múltiples casos de aproximación longitudinal y de tipo reveladores, evidencias recogidas mediante triangulación de datos. Las técnicas de análisis de los datos utilizados fueron la adecuación al patrón y exposición de datos que generaron síntesis de casos cruzados, el Social Network Analysis a través de gráficos radiales jerárquicos con agrupamiento de haces hierarchical edge bundling y las configuraciones vía multi-value Cualitative Comparative Analysis. Para la realización de la investigación empírica, se seleccionaron tres PYMES brasileñas y siete estadounidenses pertenecientes a tres ecosistemas de innovación distintos. Los resultados evidenciaron que las innovaciones consideradas como activos estratégicos con mayor comunalidad de ocurrencia fueron los procesos, los productos incrementales y/o radicales, y las materias primas. Se formaron dos grupos de empresas, uno enfocado en innovaciones radicales y otro en innovaciones incrementales, siendo que el primero presentó un patrón y mayor frecuencia de uso de estrategias tecnológicas y estrategias de innovación para la obtención de externalidades diversas de los más variados asociados estratégicos y el según presentó un patrón de mayor frecuencia de uso de estrategias convencionales con puntuales asociados estratégicos para ganancia de competitividad. Tanto las empresas enfocadas en innovaciones radicales como las enfocadas en innovaciones incrementales hacen uso de estrategias tecnológicas que les permiten obtener ventajas competitivas que mejoran sus desempeños frente a los competidores de forma más veloz, cuyas estrategias convergieron en análisis externos e internos. Ya entre las estrategias de innovación, las empresas variaron entre los dos grupos configurados. Se comprobó la metáfora del ecosistema de innovación a través del mapeo de relaciones de interdependencias en multinivel. La 'capacidad reconfiguracional' de la PYME reside en un conjunto de estrategias tecnológicas y de estrategias de innovación que, conjugadas, permiten a esta PYME de alta tecnología encontrar su equilibrio interno y la alineación con el ecosistema de innovación, lo que ha sido evidenciado por las empresas que se utilizan de estas estrategias. Entre las empresas que utilizan estrategias convencionales, éstas alcanzaron un equilibrio interno, pero sufren de variadas influencias externas, entre las más sentidas están la competitividad del segmento y las evoluciones tecnológicas. La tesis fue confirmada mediante la comprobación de las proposiciones hipotéticas. Se presentan sugerencias a los profesionales, elaboradores de políticas públicas y sugerencias teórico-metodológicas para futuras investigaciones. Palabras claves: Innovación. Innovación disruptiva. Innovación incremental. Estrategia. Estrategia tecnológica. Estrategia de innovación. PYMES de alta tecnología. Ecosistema de innovación. Abordaje de las Configuraciones. Investigación cross-national. Activos tangibles. Activos intangibles

    The regional efficiency in the use of European agricultural funds in Spain: Growth and employment analyses

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    After World War II, the European Union launched the Common Agricultural Policy. Since then, this programme has been adapting to the new economic and social realities that the European agricultural sector has been going through. Currently, a large part of this programme has been financed with the European Agricultural Guarantee Funds and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. Two packages of funds have been approved in recent decades: one for the 2007–2013 and another for the 2014–2020 periods. This research has had as its main objective to determine whether the Spanish regions maintain homogeneous levels of efficiency in the use of these resources in the management of agricultural programmes from a growth and employment perspective. A methodology that is frequently used by researchers in the efficiency analyses has been chosen: data envelopment analysis. Among the main conclusions obtained are that the efficiency in the management of agricultural funds is very uneven among the studied Spanish regions. Furthermore, these differences are maintained throughout the analysed periods. This study suggests changes and proposes criteria for the allocation of European resources to finance the projects presented by the Spanish regions

    Territorial Analysis of the European Rural Development Funds (ERDF) as a Driving Factor of Ecological Agricultural Production

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    The Europe 2030 project identified the need to create a growth model that is based on a dynamic balance between economic, social, and environmental dimensions. This involves, among other objectives, redirecting the resources that are allocated to the Common Agricultural Plan (CAP) toward more ecological agriculture and livestock. In recent decades, two packages of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) approved funds for projects related to agriculture. This study carried out a regional evaluation of the effects on production and employment that were generated in the Spanish organic farming sector. For this, a methodology that is frequently used by researchers to analyze territorial differences was used, namely, the shift-share analysis. The main results showed important differences at the regional level in the production of crops. Likewise, constant shift and constant share analyses were used to forecast the evolution of the sector from the recent data. Pending the approval of the new EAFRD 2021-2030, the results obtained in this research allowed for the identification of the regions that showed a favorable evolution to change the agricultural model and to identify the projects that generated employment and ecological production in the sector

    Analysis of Regional Efficiency in the Use of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (FEMP) in the Eurozone Countries

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    The European Union (EU) launched the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in the 1970s. Currently, a large part of the CFP has been financed with the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (FEMP). This research aims to determine whether there is a high degree of homogeneity in the levels of efficiency achieved by the fishing projects financed by European Funds for the period 2014 to 2020. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology was adopted. The main results showed that there is a high degree of heterogeneity in the level of efficiency achieved by European countries during the analyzed period. Moreover, despite the fact that regional efficiency has been increasing during the years under study, territorial disparities persist over time. This research provides a contribution for policymakers targeting better use of the FEMP funds for the upcoming funding package 2021–202

    A data envelopment analysis of the impact of European funds on environmental indicators

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    The European Union (EU) has launched two regional investment programs of European Funds (FE) in the last decade. One covers the period of 2007 to 2013, and the second from 2014 to 2020. Among the goals contained in FE regulations is that of achieving sustainable growth through the conversion of fossil energy production systems to renewable energy. This research has had a goal to determine whether the countries of the Eurozone maintain homogeneous levels of efficiency in the use of these resources to improve the levels of environmental quality related to the use of this type of energy. The adopted research method for efficiency analyses was Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Findings revealed that the efficiency in the use of renewable energies is very uneven among the analyzed countries and that these differences are maintained throughout the analyzed period. These results suggest that the criteria for the distribution of the funds should be modified. The current distribution is mainly based on the per capita income of the countries and/or regions. In this way, compliance with the European Green Pact approved in September 2020 would be guaranteed