303 research outputs found


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    Evaluating performances is an operation that is periodically completed within organizations, analyzing the work balance of the employees in order to discuss with the employees the recorded progresses and the required measures to be taken in the future. Within the Romanian organizations the evaluation process of the human resources has encountered a series of particularities determined by the existing conditions in which it is completed, by the pursued targets and by the selected methods.human resources, professional performance evaluation, organisations, employee, methods and technique of performances evaluation


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    Intellectual capital has become a key element of the knowledge economy and the knowledge economy, which includes today even the SMEs from Romania, alongside with other types of organizations, puts a great emphasis on the exploitation of the intellectual capital. The SMEs employees create a constructive work environment, they manifest a mutual trust and most of them have an appropriate work behavior conforming to the internal standards. The jobs and the teams formed inside the analyzed SMEs are stimulating the development of the intellectual skills, which reduces the need of involving external experts, appealing those experts would transform tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge. The organizational communication provides the necessary information for the employees and contributes to the establishment of certain fair and effective relationships between managers and employees, between colleagues, but also with the people outside the organization

    The Religious Policy of Emperor Heraclius (610-641) in regards to Hebrews

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    Our study sets out to discuss the religious policy of Emperor Heraclius ( 610-641) in regards to Hebrews. Before the relic of the Holy Cross was reinstalled in Jerusalem (31 March 630), Emperor Heraclius's relations with the Hebrews do not seem to be tense. Starting with 630, Heraclius  retaliates against the Hebrews as a punishment for their collaboration with the Persians, as well as for their involvement in the massacre of Christians when Jerusalem was conquered by the Persians (614). The Emperor issued an edict for the forced conversion of Hebrews to Christianity. The scope of this edict covered the entire Byzantine Empire, but it was only enforced in Cartagena (May 31, 632). Saint Maximus the Confessor condemns Heraclius's decision to forcibly convert Cartagena Hebrews to Christianity. Heraclius's decree was contested among the Hebrews. Their forced christening caused their migration to Persia. Also, Heraclius's anti-Hebrew policy determined them to facilitate the Arab expansion in Byzantine territories.    Keywords: religious policy, emperor Heraclius, Hebrews, conversion, baptis


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    Operation of NGOs is dependent on the correct identification of the needs in the community and their ability to attract the necessary funds to cover them. Non-profit organizations interest to performance measuring and fulfilling the objectives has increased lately, this it become an essential element for the survival of the organization. The main reasons that underlie the increasing interest are: increasing the number of new organizations; increasing the budgetary reductions; the decrease in the number of donors; increasing the challenges arising from the multiplicity of social cases. In addition, the majority of the stakeholders associated with the NGOs want to know if the programs or services they claim have a prominent and positive impact on the community. Such organizations felt the need to demonstrate the effectiveness of the programs they provide and the correctness of using the funds are made available. The article intends to present the issues related to the concept of performance for NGOs, to clarify the content of each performance categories, namely economic performance, managerial performance and social performance


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    Nowadays, businesses are founded on the law of excluded middle and have to make a choice between two paths: they can either choose to evolve and keep pace with the technological trends, or to stagnate and wither just like a flower without water does, and so they become useless – both ways can be probable in the current economic context. Together with the technological evolution of the world, a new type of business has emerged on the business market, namely electronic business. Numerous websites and companies which deal with online sales are present on the market. Whether they organise online auctions or offer access to information pages or databases in exchange for payment, electronic businesses represent a new manner of doing business, a domain which is currently expanding

    Good manners and etiquette- components of businessman’s image

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    Modern management takes particular interest in people, in knowing them from a psychosocial perspective, considering their entire personality. It is based on human-centred systems, solving people’s problems, treating humans as subjects not as objects, so that it creates a positive psychosocial environment – the only one which incites, stimulates, mobilizes people for work, inventiveness and creation. There will always be aspects to learn in a business environment which is continuously evolving. Success does not only depend on the ability to distinguish chances and opportunities, it also relies on leaving behind a personal card which makes a good impression and which strengthens business relations in the long run

    Cell polarity and patterning by PIN trafficking through early endosomal compartments in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    PIN-FORMED (PIN) proteins localize asymmetrically at the plasma membrane and mediate intercellular polar transport of the plant hormone auxin that is crucial for a multitude of developmental processes in plants. PIN localization is under extensive control by environmental or developmental cues, but mechanisms regulating PIN localization are not fully understood. Here we show that early endosomal components ARF GEF BEN1 and newly identified Sec1/Munc18 family protein BEN2 are involved in distinct steps of early endosomal trafficking. BEN1 and BEN2 are collectively required for polar PIN localization, for their dynamic repolarization, and consequently for auxin activity gradient formation and auxin-related developmental processes including embryonic patterning, organogenesis, and vasculature venation patterning. These results show that early endosomal trafficking is crucial for cell polarity and auxin-dependent regulation of plant architecture

    Strategic orientations for systemic modernization of the Russian Federation’s social development

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    Analysis of main economic indicators characterizing domestic economy’s level of development and structure for past two decades confirms the assumptions about the reasons of immediacy of domestic economy’s systemic modernization proble

    Getting to the Root of Belowground High Temperature Responses in Plants

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    Abstract The environment is continuously challenging plants. As a response, plants use various coping strategies, such as adaptation of their growth. Thermomorphogenesis is a specific growth adaptation that promotes organ growth in response to moderately high temperature. This would eventually enable plants to cool down by dissipating the heat. Although well understood for shoot organs, the thermomorphogenesis response in roots only recently obtained increasing research attention. Accordingly, in the last few years, the hormonal responses and underlying molecular players important for root thermomorphogenesis were revealed. Other responses triggered by high temperature in the root encompass modifications of overall root architecture and interactions with the soil environment, with consequences on the whole plant. Here, we review the scientific knowledge and highlight the current understanding on roots responding to moderately high and extreme temperature.</jats:p