2,662 research outputs found


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    An accumulator particularly adapted for use in controlling the pressure of a stream of fluid in its liquid phase utilizing the fluid in its gaseous phase was designed. The accumulator is characterized by a shell defining a pressure chamber having an entry throat for a liquid and adapted to be connected in contiguous relation with a selected conduit having a stream of fluid flowing through the conduit in its liquid phase. A pressure and volume stabilization tube, including an array of pressure relief perforations is projected into the chamber with the perforations disposed adjacent to the entry throat for accommodating a discharge of the fluid in either gaseous or liquid phases, while a gas inlet and liquid to gas conversion system is provided, the chamber is connected with a source of the fluid for continuously pressuring the chamber for controlling the pressure of the stream of liquid

    Sources of International Law

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    International law has clearly reached a drisis in its development. For a period of nearly 300 years preceding the outbreak of the present war international law appeared to the casual observer to have grown steadily and progressively. The student of history was able to point out certain clear and definite advances in the development of the law and assign them to particular dates. Grotius could be pronounced the Father of International Law, and the year 1625, which marked the appearance of his great treatise, could be set as the beginning of the modem period. A noticeable improvement in the law of neutrality could be traced in the principles laid down\u27 \u27by Vattel in 1758 and -by the First and Second Armed Neutrality of i78o and i8oo. The formation of the Holy Alliance marked a reaction in the policy of intervention. The Declaration of Paris saw a reform in the rules of maritime war. And beginning with the Geneva Convention of 1864 down to the close of the Second Hague Conference a definite progress could be marked in the amelioration of the lot of non-combatants in war and in the restrictions put upon the methods and instruments of warfare; while as a check upon war itself arbitration courts had been pro. vided and a general pronouncement obtained from the nations of the desirability of resorting to them. On the whole it seemed as if international law was developing with the times and adapting itself to modem ideals, and except on a few purely formal points it appeared to bear a fair comparison with the municipal law of the individual state


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    Charter Contracts and the Regulation of Rates

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    Considering how well-established the doctrine has been for over eighty years that the charters of public service corporations are to be construed strictly in favor of the state when a dispute arises as to the extent of their powers, it may be a matter of surprise on first consideration that there should have been such a large body of litigation over the construction of these charters. Why were they not worded in unequivocal terms? Or have the courts, in the desire of protecting the state, done violence to the plain intent of words? Eliminating such charters as have been deliberately framed in obscure terms for the purpose of laying a foundation for a possible claim in later years, we find that within the past thirty years not a few cases have been decided against the claim of charter contracts on the principle of strict construction, when it would seem that the claim was well-founded if the intent of the parties at the time of making the contract had been the chief consideration

    The Judicial Test of a Reasonable Railroad Rate, and its Relation to a Federal Valuation of Railway Property

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    When the difficulties of the subject are fairly weighed it is not surprising that the problem of the basis by which the reasonableness of railroad rates may be tested continues to await a definite solution by the courts. The Interstate Commerce Commission has confessed its inability at present to decide upon those larger aspects of the question which arise when general schedules are under consideration. In its Annual Report for 1903, the Commission made appeal to Congress that provision be made, whether independently of the Commission or by an enlargement of its powers, for an authoritative valuation of railway property. This appeal is continued and emphasized in the 23rd Annual Report recently issued. The object of our inquiry is to consider the judicial development of the present attitude of the Supreme Court of the United States as to the test by which the reasonableness of railroad rates may be determined, and to discuss how far the valuation proposed by the Interstate Commerce Commission will conduce towards a solution of the problem. Rates may be viewed either in their general aspect as constituting the entire schedule of a railroad from which its whole income is derived, or in their specific aspect as applying to individual commodities or classes of commodities. The problems presented by the two points of view are distinctly different, and cannot be solved by an application of the same principles. It is with a general level or schedule of rates that we are here dealing

    Soil-transmitted helminth infections

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    More than a quarter of the world's population is at risk of infection with the soil-transmitted helminths Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus), Trichuris trichiura, and Strongyloides stercoralis. Infected children and adults present with a range of medical and surgical conditions, and clinicians should consider the possibility of infection in individuals living in, or returning from, endemic regions. Although safe and effective drugs are donated free to endemic countries, only half of at-risk children received treatment in 2016. This Seminar describes the epidemiology, lifecycles, pathophysiology, clinical diagnosis, management, and public health control of soil-transmitted helminths. Previous work has questioned the effect of population-level deworming; however, it remains beyond doubt that treatment reduces the severe consequences of soil-transmitted helminthiasis. We highlight the need for refined diagnostic tools and effective control options to scale up public health interventions and improve clinical detection and management of these infections

    Relativistic probability densities for location

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    Imposing the Born rule as a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics would require the existence of normalizable wave functions also for relativistic particles. Indeed, the Fourier transforms of normalized k-space amplitudes yield normalized x-space wave packets which reproduce the standard k-space expectation values for energy and momentum from local momentum pseudo-densities. However, in the case of bosonic fields, the wave packets are nonlocally related to the corresponding relativistic quantum fields, and therefore the canonical local energy-momentum densities differ from the pseudo-densities and appear nonlocal in terms of the wave packets. We examine the relation between the canonical energy density, the canonical charge density, the energy pseudo-density, and the Born density for the massless free Klein-Gordon field. We find that those four proxies for particle location are tantalizingly close even in this extremely relativistic case: In spite of their nonlocal mathematical relations, they are mutually local in the sense that their maxima do not deviate beyond a common position uncertainty Δx\Delta x. Indeed, they are practically indistinguishable in cases where we would expect a normalized quantum state to produce particle-like position signals, viz. if we are observing quanta with momenta pΔp/2Δxp\gg\Delta p\ge\hbar/2\Delta x. We also translate our results to massless Dirac fields. Our results confirm and illustrate that the normalized energy density provides a suitable measure for positions of bosons, whereas normalized charge density provides a suitable measure for fermions.Comment: 34 pages, 23 figures. Please see paper for full abstract with LaTeX symbols include

    Foreign Policy and International Law

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