817 research outputs found


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    Novel merupakan salah satu karya sastra yang paling digemari banyak orang. Dari bermacam-macam jenis novel, novel percintaan hingga kini masih menjadi favorit para pembaca, terutama kaum remaja. Banyaknya novel percintaan yang beredar dewasa ini menuntut penulis untuk menciptakan ide cerita yang lebih segar dan tidak biasa untuk menarik perhatian para pembaca. Distance, salah satu novel percintaan yang ditulis oleh seorang jurnalis muda bernama Aprilia Yahya ini menyuguhkan jalan cerita yang tidak terduga dan mengharukan. Kekuatan dari novel ini tidak hanya terdapat pada jalan ceritanya yang berbeda, tetapi juga dari pesan moral, setting di dua negara, gaya bahasa, kosakata dari tiga bahasa, dan sudut pandang yang tidak biasa. Terlepas dari kekuatan-kekuatan tersebut, Distance juga memiliki beberapa kelemahan, antaralain kurangnya perhatian penulis tentang pesona Jakarta yang sepanjang cerita digambarkan sebagai kota yang selalu semrawut, macet, dan banjir. Dengan adanya kekuatan dan kelemahan tersebut, para pembaca diajak untuk menjadi pembaca yang cerdas dalam menelaah setiap informasi yang tertuang disepanjang jalan cerita


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    Abstract: A urinary tract infections (UTI) is an infection that affects the urinary tract caused bybacteria (most often Escherichia coli). Antimicrobial are used to treat UTI. The sensitivity ofbacterial pattern toward antimicrobials and the bacterials pattern will affect the effectiveness ofUTI treatment. This research was conducted to evaluate the strains of bacterial and sensitivity ofbacterial pattern that caused UTI. A descriptive evaluation and retrospective study was done inthis research. In total 79 cases patient with UTI at Inpatient Unit X hospital in Yogyakarta2011, whose has sensitivity test and sprout up germ culture examination data were included.Patient with UTI at Inpatient Unit which has barren germ culture data and sprout up germ wereexcluded. The common microbes were gram negative bacteria including Escherichia col,Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia, and Staphylococcus coagulase negative.Gram negative microbes were sensitive to amikasin, imipenem, netilmicin, and fosfomicin. Grampositive microbes were sensitive to nitrofurantoin, vancomicin, imipenem and cefuroxime.Keywords: Urinary Tract Infection, antimicrobial, and sensitivity bacterial pattern


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    Nicotine, the active compound in cigarettes, can cause impaired glucose metabolism byincreasing insulin resistance as well as decreasing insulin secretion in ? cell pancreas. Thiscondition can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes in human. This study aims to evaluate the effectof smoking behaviour, determined by Cigarette per Day (CPD) and smoking duration, onglychohemoglobine (HbA1c) levels of Javanese Indonesian smokers. 30 smokers were studiedconsisting of 7 smokers with 10 CPD, 19 smokers with 11-20 CPD and 4 smokers with 21-30CPD. They had been smoking for more than 10 years. The whole blood sample was used toexamine the HbA1c levels. The HbA1c levels were tested at Bethesda Hospital's cliniclaboratories using Architect 600 instrument. The results showed that CPD and smoking durationsignificantly influenced HbA1c, in which F count was F table (370.541 3.354) withsignificance 0.05 (2.35. 10-20 0.05) and multiple correlation coefficient (R) of 0.982.Therefore, based on this research finding, it was concluded that longer smoking duration andhigher CPD caused higher smokers HbA1c level


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    Abstract: Bacterial sepsis increases morbidity and mortality in all ages. Early detection has been shownto be crucial for the improved outcome of patients with sepsis. Till now there is no routine test forscreening. Procalcitonin and morphology of leukocytes are biomarkers of bacterial sepsis. The aim of thisstudy was to determine the relationship between procalcitonin and morphology of leukocytes as marker inbacterial infection. This study was analytical observational with cross sectional design and data collectedprospectively.This study measured simultaneously the value of procalcitonin and morphology of leukocytesexamination in patients with suspected bacterial infection in hospital X of Yogyakarta. Data were analysedby statistics. The results showed immature granulocytes and vacuolization of neutrophils in the leucocytesmorphology has a significant correlation with level of procalcitonin.Keywords: bacterial infection, procalcitonin, morphology of leukocyte


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    Anemia has been detected on various age groups. Measurement of hemoglobin (Hb) levels is a standard for deciding anemia conditions. The measurement requires certain costs, medical professional, and is invasive. People in rural areas need an economical, easy and simple examination to identify the risk of anemia. Anthropometric measurement is expected to be an appropriate measurement model for rural communities. The objective of the study is to obtain the best anthropometric measurement predictors for detecting anemia in rural communities. This was an observational study using a cross-sectional design. The inclusion criteria of the subjects of the study were residents of Cangkringan, who were between 40 and 60 years old. The subjects were chosen using random sampling cluster technique. The sample size was 100 respondents and was taken based on cluster. Descriptive analysis was used to determine the prevalence of anemia. Analysis the difference in proportion was conducted using Mann-Whitney. Correlation analysis was performed to determine the relationship between Hb levels and anthropometric measurements by using Spearman. The results showed that only 5% of the subjects are in the status of anemia based on their Hb levels. There is a significant difference between Hb levels in the normal and obese groups based on the waist hip circumference ratios (WHR) (p = 0.002). The waist circumference has a weak correlation (r = 0.238, p = 0.017) and WR has a moderate correlation (r = 0.483, p = 0.000) with Hb levels. The results of this study are not appropriate in which central obese patients should be more at risk of anemia. This study concludes that there is a significant positive moderate correlation between anthropometry, which is the waist circumference parameters and WHR, to the Hb levels in rural communities

    Pembangunan dan Implementasi Sistem Informasi Bank Darah di PMI dan RSUD Muntilan Kabupaten Magelang

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    Blood bank administration in PMI, Magelang Regeency is still managed manually, which prevents hospitals from accessing information on blood stock quickly. Hospitals can access information about blood stock by phone only. Such a manual system could be a problem in delivering an excellent service. Therefore, a solution is required to improve the quality of services delivered by PMI. The use of information technology called Blood Bank Information System (SIBD/Sistem Informasi Bank Darah) is promising to improve the quality of services of the PMI. The SIBD helps the hospital to improve time efficiency in the blood demand process. There were several activities which have been completed, i.e.: 1) Developing SIBD at PMI of Magelang Regency; 2) Improving hardware facilities at PMI of Magelang Regency and RSUD Muntilan, including the procurement of computer hardware, modem, and Internet access for each institution; 3) Training on the use of SIBD for both PMI and hospital staff. The results wrer: 1). SIBD at PMI which is linked to RSUD Muntilan and other hospitals for blood supply information and online order; 2) Blood Bank Administration Database which can improve quality of service; 3) capability of PMI and RSUD Muntilan, Magelang Regency staff in utilizing SIBD to improve services to patients

    Pola Kuman dan Sensitivitas Antimikroba pada Infeksi Saluran Kemih

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    A urinary tract infections (UTI) is an infection that affects the urinary tract caused by bacteria (most often Escherichia coli). Antimicrobial are used to treat UTI. The sensitivity of bacterial pattern toward antimicrobials and the bacterials pattern will affect the effectiveness of UTI treatment. This research was conducted to evaluate the strains of bacterial and sensitivity of bacterial pattern that caused UTI. A descriptive evaluation and retrospective study was done in this research. In total 79 cases patient with UTI at Inpatient Unit “X” hospital in Yogyakarta 2011, whose has sensitivity test and sprout up germ culture examination data were included. Patient with UTI at Inpatient Unit which has barren germ culture data and sprout up germ were excluded. The common microbes were gram negative bacteria including Escherichia col, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia, and Staphylococcus coagulase negative. Gram negative microbes were sensitive to amikasin, imipenem, netilmicin, and fosfomicin. Gram positive microbes were sensitive to nitrofurantoin, vancomicin, imipenem and cefuroxime


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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the diseases that annually shows an increase. An increase of DM prevalence will follow the increasing diabetic ulcers complication. Cholesterol could influence to create ulcer through atherosclerosis process. Ratio of total cholesterol/HDL is an important predictor to detect early risk of vascular complication in type 2 DM patients that can manifest as diabetic ulcers. This study aims to know whether there is any difference in the Total Cholesterol/HDL-C Ratio in type-2 DM patients with diabetic ulcers and without diabetic ulcers. This study was an analytic observational with cross-sectional approach. Data collection was done using the purposive sampling with a sample size of 30 patients of diabetes mellitus with diabetic ulcers and 30 patients without diabetic ulcers. The data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney. The median results in Total cholesterol/HDL-C ratio between Type-2 DM patients with diabetic ulcers and without diabetic ulcers were 6.025 and 3.680 respectively. The median of cholesterol total/HDL-C ratio Type-2 DM patients with diabetic ulcers was higher than those without diabetic ulcers. Mann-Whitney showed the value of P = 0.000, so that this study found a significant difference. In conclusion, the ratio of total cholesterol/HDL-C in type-2 DM patients with diabetic ulcer was significantly higher than type-2 DM patients without diabetic ulcers in Bethesda Hospital, Yogyakarta

    Hubungan Procalsitonin dan Gambaran Morfologi Leukosit pada Infeksi Bakterial

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    Bacterial sepsis increases morbidity and mortality in all ages. Early detection has been shown to be crucial for the improved outcome of patients with sepsis. Till now there is no routine test forscreening. Procalcitonin and morphology of leukocytes are biomarkers of bacterial sepsis. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between procalcitonin and morphology of leukocytes as marker in bacterial infection. This study was analytical observational with cross sectional design and data collected prospectively.This study measured simultaneously the value of procalcitonin and morphology of leukocytes examination in patients with suspected bacterial infection in hospital X of Yogyakarta. Data were analysed by statistics. The results showed immature granulocytes and vacuolization of neutrophils in the leucocytes morphology has a significant correlation with level of procalcitonin
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