924 research outputs found

    Land reclamation : a strategy for inner city stabilization

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    v, 13 p. ; 28 cm.Paper presented at the Winnipeg 2000 conference Sept. 24, 1984

    The distribution of government assisted insulation activities in the City of Winnipeg

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    viii, 28, 7 p. : ill., maps

    Historic Buildings and Rehabilitation Expenditures: A Panel Data Approach

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    This paper examines the relationship between the characteristics of buildings and their assessed value in a historic area in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. Using a unique panel data set, we use a hedonic model to examine the factors that have affected the market value assessments of a set of historic and non-historically designated buildings. Using a number of estimators, we find that controlling for a number of key characteristics of buildings, that the assessed value of a building is higher for some classes of historic buildings. In addition, we estimate a two stage Heckman sample selection model, to determine the factors that influence the rehabilitation decision, and the effect of those expenditures and other building characteristics on the change in assessed values of buildings. We find that the expenditures on renovations contribute significantly to the change in assessed values of buildings, although less than might be expected. We provide a rationale for this result and also discuss the factors that influence the probability of renovation of a building as well as the change in their assessed values. Apart from the above, a number of interesting empirical results are also reported which may be used as input into the design of cost effective rehabilitation strategies for historic preservation.

    Convenience Voting Methods and Effects on Voter Turnout: 2004-2018

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    This project seeks to examine the potential effects on voter turnout of changes in the laws and policies governing convenience voting methods: the different ways for citizens to cast a ballot anywhere or anytime besides an official polling location on Election Day itself. Specifically, convenience voting methods include absentee voting, early voting, and vote-by-mail, often coming with restrictions such as requiring a valid excuse in order to make use of them. As the US Constitution and relevant federal laws leave election administration almost entirely to the individual states, there is often significant variation in the availability of convenience voting methods between states. My intent with this project is to study whether expanding access to convenience voting methods, or removing existing restrictions from convenience voting methods, has any measurable impact on voter turnout over time. The results suggest that turnout may increase when counties or states mandate vote-by-mail for all elections, but other forms of convenience voting appear to have no statistically significant impact on voter turnout. However, continued study of voter turnout and voting methods is important as the laws and policies surrounding election administration and voting methods are often in flux across the country, with the 2021 state legislative sessions being no different. The Brennan Center for Justice has found over 1200 bills and provisions submitted to state legislatures as of March 24th that aim to alter some facet of election administration, eligibility, registration, etc., both in restrictive and expansive ways. This significant amount of proposed legislation may have a large effect on the nature and availability of convenience voting if and when they become law in the future, requiring further study on any potential turnout effects from those changes

    Urban waste management : a review of stewardship approaches

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    Book: iv, 60 p., digital fil

    Caribbean Coast Guard: A Regional Approach

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    For many Americans, pre-1980 thoughts of the Caribbean Basin\u27 were focused exclusively on tourism in an idyllic tropical paradise, While reality never matched that naive simplification, the US action in Grenada in October 1983 capped a series of events that graphically demonstrated the strategic importance of the Caribbean. Before that involvement, revolu­tionary upheavals in Nicaragua and Surinam; guerrilla movements in El Salvador, Guatemala and Colombia; the massive immigrations of Cubans and Haitians in 1980; the debt crisis of tlte Ilasin, and the persistent drumbeat of Cuban adverturism and propaganda already had focused US policy-level attention to a region long regarded as secure for American interests. Cynics will argue that Grenada represents a return to gu11boat diplomacy, characteristic of past US policy that has alternated between benign neglect and periodic, fitful unilateral interventions

    The Consumer and transportation : an investigation of consumer perceptions towards transportation

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    94, [3] leave

    The development of downtown Winnipeg : historical perspectives on decline and revitalization

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    Report: viii, 200 p., maps, digital fileThis report examines the ancestry of some of the current major policy concerns relating to Winnipeg's downtown area. These policy concerns are among the foci of the Core Area Initiative (CAl) program presently in operation in Winnipeg. The CAl is an attempt by the federal, provincial and municipal governments to revitalize Winnipeg's Core Area through a five-year public expenditure program totalling $96 million. The report traces the development of housing/residential issues; central business district (CBD) issues-- retail, commercial and industrial; and urban and municipal planning issues. The impact of various historic forces leading to diffusion of activity throughout an overly large downtown area is examined, as is the dispersion of CBD functions to suburban areas. The resulting failure of the redevelopment process in the downtown area is seen as a major source of the contemporary problems which stimulated the CAl in the area. The resolution of these contemporary problems requires that the behaviour patterns stimulated by these historic forces be altered to reflect changed times. Until this need for change is widely accepted, it is unlikely that the downtown of Winnipeg will be fully revitalized

    The credibility of monetary policy: a survey of the literature with some simple applications to Caanda

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    We don't have an abstract yet, sorry. But I think the title is pretty descriptive.monetary policy, credibility, dynamic inconsistency, inflation
