1,803 research outputs found


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    How television affects the learning of preschoolers

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    This research paper was undertaken in order to review the literature to determine how the role of television affects the learning of preschoolers. The writer\u27s specific purposes were twofold: To show how the years of a child\u27s life from ages three to five are crucial years in intellectual development. To demonstrate how television can be used as a readiness tool in preparing the child ~or reading

    Introduction: Perspectives on the Japanese Constitution after Twenty Years

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    The articles in this symposium are concerned with several major problems encountered en route from the promulgation to present social realization of the new style of Japanese constitutionalism. We have taken this opportunity to reflect after twenty years upon the problems of structure, political milieu, and continuity with the past. To some, continuity with the Meiji Constitution (1889-1947) might seem farfetched until we remember that it had several characteristics in common with the new Constitution: both followed foreign models (German and Anglo-American); both were far in advance of the social realities which they sought to transform; both were thus a product of an elitist ideal and granted from the top down (by Meiji oligarchs and SCAP/ Japanese drafters); neither was produced by a social upheaval, or granted in response to popular clamorings for power. Paradoxically, then, in the sweep of a century, the growth of the living constitution has been rather continuous, though there has been a rapid rate of achievement. Emphasis on continuity in this sense is important in focusing on the underlying contribution of the Japanese people to living constitutionalism. For it would be easy to see only elitist paternalism and popular passivity in the major historical events and overlook the almost unique social capacity of the Japanese for collective effort, even to insure individual rights to all in the routines of social and political life. This quality has been called creative followership, but in the more recent political process, it has become a creative participation, maximizing popular support of the Constitution, as befits a country whose major resource has always been its remarkable people. Both Japanese constitutions were, in this perspective, exciting experiments in a gamble for popular self-fulfillment based on the hope that there would develop enough right consciousness as leverage so that the people could pull themselves up by their own constitutional boot straps. To an encouraging degree they have

    The Roles of Lawyers in U.S.-Japanese Business Transactions

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    This article deals with the organization, qualifications and roles of lawyers in U.S.-Japanese transactions, with emphasis on the liaison lawyer. It is not easy for the liaison lawyer to define his specialty because it is determined by the transactions, and they sprawl across the borders of two or more countries and cut across multiple fields of substantive law. Some awkward professional problems and postures can result. First, there are unusual threshold problems of language and multiple bar membership, different professional ethics and scopes of practice, and conflicting governing laws. Then once in the practice, the liaison lawyer\u27s inventory of useful doctrine, even when it is limited bilaterally to the U.S. and Japan, covers most of the law of both countries, plus relevant international and third country law. If he attempts to marshall such a body of law systematically, he risks superficiality or submersion in contingent detail. As a result he is reduced to the legal problems of specific transactions between specific countries for something manageable to discuss.This is especially true standpoint of the U.S. businessman, realizing of course that there is usually a corresponding transaction from the Japanese side. The fact that post-war capital-flow has been toward Japan means, however, when the discussion gets to the subject of the organization and roles of the several lawyers required to handle the more complex transactions

    Japanese Noh and Heike katari

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    Although literature specialists tend to classify Noh and Heike katari differently (Noh with a representational dimension that renders it more a hybrid), a student of oral tradition will find in them many common elements. Central to both is narrative recitation and a commitment to the expressive potential of the voice. Both show oral traditional characteristics, but early on, both also assigned a central role to libretti that performers work from

    Profil Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Palangka Raya dalam Proses Analisis Artikel Ilmiah

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksploratif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Palangka Raya sebagai salah satu LPTK. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi lapangan dari 40 mahasiswa sampel dengan menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling untuk melihat proses analisis artikel ilmiah dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dan menentukan kategori akademik mahasiswa.  Data yang terkumpul berupa dokumen tertulis mahasiswa dan hasil wawancara dideskripsikan dan dianalisis setelah diadakan reduksi dan diperiksa keabsahannya dengan menggunakan metode triangulasi.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profil keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa pendidikan fisika Universitas Palangka raya dalam proses analisis artikel ilmiah adalah: 1) interpretasi 37,5%, 2) analisis 32,5%, 3) evaluasi 27,5%,  4) inferensi 22,5%, 5) eksplanasi 22,5%, dan 6) regulasi diri 12,5% dengan rerata persentase 25,8%. Perlu dilakukan upaya sistematis memperbaiki proses pembelajaran dalam upaya meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa calon pendidik fisika

    Introduction—U.S./Japanese Trade: Its Scope and Legal Framework

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    For the past several years, the United States has had more trade with Japan than with any other country in the world, except Canada. Furthermore, the state of Washington has had the highest per capita exports to Japan of any of the states, due largely to wheat, logs, and jet aircraft. Besides its obvious benefits, growing trade interdependence has caused its own frictions which have, in turn, required intervention by the American and Japanese governments. This has produced treaties as well as national legal regulation in both Japan and the United States to supplement the private law of sales. Something of the scope and trends of U.S./Japanese trade, as well as the Japanese regulatory devices and the international legal framework, is presented below

    On Trial: Restorative Justice in the Godwin-Wollstonecraft-Shelley Family Fictions

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    William Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft, and Mary and Percy Shelley wrote during an era of democratic possibility and intense legal and penal reforms, when changes to criminal justice procedures were adopted that would have far reaching consequences, even for contemporary practices. Their fictions - Caleb Williams (1794), Maria: Or the Wrongs of Woman (1798), Frankenstein (1818), Falkner (1837), and The Cenci (1818) - raise questions and seek answers to questions at the heart of these reforms: What happens to individuals falsely accused of a crime without the resources to defend themselves? What happens to victims of crimes associated with guilt or shame or who suffer from crimes unacknowledged by the justice system? If direct testimony doesn\u27t guarantee truth, then what good is it? Should criminal procedures seek retribution, deterrence, reform, rehabilitation, or perhaps restoration? Proceeding chronologically through their texts, my project considers the ways that this literary family addressed these questions. I use the contemporary notion of restorative justice as my frame, attempting to place their works within their own historical eras as well as reflect on how they underscore issues that may be pertinent and pressing - though different - today. Uniquely colliding with both an era of criminal justice reform and an age of democratic revolution, I argue their fictions advocate for individuals disenfranchised from the justice system and imagine alternative models of justice. They imagine criminal procedures that prioritize the victim\u27s, the accused\u27s, and the community\u27s participation in often complex and convoluted truth-seeking processes. They envision outcomes that attempt to repair harm through dialogue, accountability, and consideration of social disparities, rather than merely punishing offenders or deterring individuals from committing future crimes. I suggest, finally, that motivated by a similar desire for equitable, participatory, and restorative conditions, their fictions offer strategies for imagining justice that are both historically progressive and currently relevant

    Comparative Law in Perspective

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    The use and study of comparative law has grown in scope and in importance—and no more so than in the area of commercial exchange between the United States and Japan. Comparative law is being applied more practically in the Courts; it is an agent of change and of harmonization between different peoples and economies. However, the respective concepts of law and its role in society, as well as the role of language in understanding the law, continue to make the use and study of comparative law a challenge. A real sensitivity to the cultural, structural and conceptual differences in the civil and common law systems requires an understanding of these problems
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