237 research outputs found

    DHS v. Regents of the University of California: Administrative Law Concerns in Repealing DACA

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    On its surface, deferred action is simple: it is a decision by Executive Branch officials to postpone deportation proceedings against an individual or group that is otherwise eligible to be removed from the United States.Deferred action is an exercise of the Executive’s inherent authority to manage its policies, but is not expressly grounded in statute Despite this lack of statutory authority, Congress and the Supreme Court have historically recognized deferred action policies. Indeed, records of such Executive discretion date back to the early twentieth century.The Executive, grounding its justification in humanitarian concerns, has continued to institute categorical deferred action programs well into the modern era. Perhaps the most well-known example of such a program is the deferred action policy known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (“DACA”). This Commentary evaluates the administrative law issues presented by the upcoming case DHS v. Regents of the University of California, which concerns the 2017 rescission of DACA. Importantly, this Commentary does not evaluate the legality of DACA itself or argue that DACA cannot be rescinded as a matter of Executive discretion. Instead, the focus is on whether the way in which the policy was rescinded was appropriate. The primary challenge to the rescission’s legality is that DHS based the rescission on a determination that maintaining DACA was illegal—instead of rescinding it on policy grounds. For various reasons, this distinction arguably opens the rescission to judicial review and even places its legality in question. In order to evaluate these concerns, the Supreme Court must first consider whether the rescission is subject to judicial review; if review is appropriate, the Court must then determine whether the Executive’s decision to rescind DACA was arbitrary and capricious under the Administrative Procedure Act

    PIN2 polarity establishment in arabidopsis in the absence of an intact cytoskeleton

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    Cell polarity is crucial for the coordinated development of all multicellular organisms. In plants, this is exemplified by the PIN-FORMED (PIN) efflux carriers of the phytohormone auxin: The polar subcellular localization of the PINs is instructive to the directional intercellular auxin transport, and thus to a plethora of auxin-regulated growth and developmental processes. Despite its importance, the regulation of PIN polar subcellular localization remains poorly understood. Here, we have employed advanced live-cell imaging techniques to study the roles of microtubules and actin microfilaments in the establishment of apical polar localization of PIN2 in the epidermis of the Arabidopsis root meristem. We report that apical PIN2 polarity requires neither intact actin microfilaments nor microtubules, suggesting that the primary spatial cue for polar PIN distribution is likely independent of cytoskeleton-guided endomembrane trafficking

    Polar delivery in plants; commonalities and differences to animal epithelial cells

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    Although plant and animal cells use a similar core mechanism to deliver proteins to the plasma membrane, their different lifestyle, body organization and specific cell structures resulted in the acquisition of regulatory mechanisms that vary in the two kingdoms. In particular, cell polarity regulators do not seem to be conserved, because genes encoding key components are absent in plant genomes. In plants, the broad knowledge on polarity derives from the study of auxin transporters, the PIN-FORMED proteins, in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. In animals, much information is provided from the study of polarity in epithelial cells that exhibit basolateral and luminal apical polarities, separated by tight junctions. In this review, we summarize the similarities and differences of the polarization mechanisms between plants and animals and survey the main genetic approaches that have been used to characterize new genes involved in polarity establishment in plants, including the frequently used forward and reverse genetics screens as well as a novel chemical genetics approach that is expected to overcome the limitation of classical genetics methods

    TIR1 AFB Aux IAA auxin perception mediates rapid cell wall acidification and growth of Arabidopsis hypocotyls

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    Despite being composed of immobile cells, plants reorient along directional stimuli. The hormone auxin is redistributed in stimulated organs leading to differential growth and bending. Auxin application triggers rapid cell wall acidification and elongation of aerial organs of plants, but the molecular players mediating these effects are still controversial. Here we use genetically-encoded pH and auxin signaling sensors, pharmacological and genetic manipulations available for Arabidopsis etiolated hypocotyls to clarify how auxin is perceived and the downstream growth executed. We show that auxin-induced acidification occurs by local activation of H+-ATPases, which in the context of gravity response is restricted to the lower organ side. This auxin-stimulated acidification and growth require TIR1/AFB-Aux/IAA nuclear auxin perception. In addition, auxin-induced gene transcription and specifically SAUR proteins are crucial downstream mediators of this growth. Our study provides strong experimental support for the acid growth theory and clarified the contribution of the upstream auxin perception mechanisms

    The Emperor\u27s Old Bonds

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    Recent news articles have suggested that Trump\u27s trade war may finally provide relief to American holders of defaulted, pre-1950s Chinese bonds. Here, we examine the hurdles set before these bondholders, namely establishing jurisdiction over the People’s Republic of China as a sovereign and the long-lapsed statute of limitations. We also evaluate the Chinese government’s possible recourse. Our investigation yielded key takeaways. First, to establish jurisdiction in the U.S., the bond must be denominated in U.S. Dollars or state a place of performance within the country. Second, to overcome the long-expired statute of limitations and win an equitable remedy, it must be shown that the PRC violated an absolute priority or pari passu clause and is a uniquely recalcitrant debtor. Finally, despite China’s commitment to the odious debt doctrine, the doctrine is unlikely to provide meaningful legal protection in an otherwise successful suit. Overall, it is a difficult suit to bring. However, through our investigations, we have discovered one issue in particular which holds the greatest danger—or perhaps the greatest promise: the Chinese Government 2-Year 6% Treasury Notes of 1919

    Plasma membrane: Negative attraction

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    The electrostatic charge at the inner surface of the plasma membrane is strongly negative in higher organisms. A new study shows that phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate plays a critical role in establishing plasma membrane surface charge in Arabidopsis, which regulates the correct localization of signalling components

    Globalization, military power and the state

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    Cílem diplomové práce je testovat platnost predikcí teorií neorealismu, institucionálního neoliberalismu a kritické geopolitiky o dopadech ekonomické globalizace, respektive rovnováhy moci na strukturu ozbrojených sil Finska a Švédska. Za tímto účelem autor použil metodu kongruence komparující pozorovatelné implikace s předpoklady jednotlivých teorií. V případě Finska se teorii neorealismu podařilo potvrdit, neboť nedochází k výrazné změně rozsahu a struktury ozbrojených sil ve prospěch expedičních a průzkumných jednotek. V geopoliticky exponovaných oblastech zároveň nedochází k úplnému opuštění tradičního bezpečnostního uvažování v intencích rovnováhy moci. Rozdílná geografická poloha Švédska a Finska navíc odhalila značnou varianci v definici potenciálních hrozeb a nástrojů jak jim čelit. Klíčová slova: ekonomická globalizace, bezpečnost, ozbrojené síly, Finsko, ŠvédskoThe diploma thesis aims to verify the validity of neorealism, institutional neoliberalism, and critical geopolitics about consequences of the economic globalization for the structure of Finnish and Swedish defence forces. For this purporse, the author primary used the method of congruence. The next step led to the comparison of congruence between observance implications and theories predictions. Based on the results of the Finnish defence forces, the theory of neorealism was confirmed because there is no significant shift in the scope/structure of defence forces in the favor of expeditionary/reconnaissance units. Moreover, there is no evidence to waive the balance of power reasoning even in the geopolitically-low-intesive region. Last but not least, it was shown that difference between the Finnish and Swedish geografic location is one of the key factor for its distinct approach towards potentional threats and instruments how to resolve them. Key words: economic globalization, security, defence forces, Finland, SwedenDepartment of Social Geography and Regional Develop.Katedra sociální geografie a region. rozvojeFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Study of arc root movement in a model of the LV quenching system

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    Práca je zameraná na základné vlastnosti plazmy, problematiku vzniku elektródových škvŕn a elektrodynamickej sily pôsobiacej na elektrický oblúk. V praktickej časti bol navrhnutý a vyrobený parametrický model zhášacej komory. Pomocou optickej diagnostiky boli získané potrebné dáta pre analýzu pohybu elektródových škvŕn. Pohyb elektródových škvŕn bol analyzovaný z hľadiska veľkosti efektívnej hodnoty prúdu prechádzajúcej cez elektrický oblúk, veľkosti absolútneho tlaku v parametrickom modely zhášacej komory a vzájomnej vzdialenosti elektród.Thesis focuses on the basic characteristics of plasma, problems about origin of electrode spots and electrodynamics force acts on the electric arc. In the practical part was realized and produced model of a LV quenching system. Using optical diagnostics was received necessary data to analyze the movement of the electrode spots. The movements of the electrode spots were analyzed in terms of value RMS current passing through the electric arc, value of absolute pressure model in the LV quenching system and distance from each electrode.