10 research outputs found

    Shifts in Reproductive Patterns in China

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    The People's Republic of China, during the second half of the twentieth century, has been repeatedly affected by social and political upheavals associated with government policies. These have produced strong but unexpected impacts on Chinese demographic patterns. Many of these policies are of the sorts that alter reproductive costs and benefits. This study examines patterns in Hebei, Shaanxi, and Shanghai, three provinces with differing ecological, geographic, and economic characteristics. Government policies affected the three populations differentially; this was evident at both aggregate and individual levels. The Great Leap Forward and subsequent famine created higher birth deficits and mortality among the largely rural populations of Hebei and Shaanxi than the more urban Shanghai. In contrast, the Cultural Revolution and family planning resulted in lower fertility levels for women in Shanghai. The population history of China during the second half of last century thus reflects strong state interventions in the lives of its citizens. Government policies, along with regional variations in geographic, social, and economic conditions, strongly influence individual access to resources in China. Variations in timing and intensity of women's reproductive patterns reflect differential access to resources and subsequent trade-offs.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43503/1/11111_2004_Article_489375.pd

    Resources, Fertility, and Parental Investment in Mao's China

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    During the first three decades of the People's Republic of China, income differences across social classes were compressed. Formal education was not an important determinant of personal income. In this study, there was no difference in income between white-collar and blue-collar families, although white-collar parents had more education than blue-collar parents. In urban China, where population density was high, couples of different occupational status appeared to make different trade-offs between quantity and quality of children. Urban white-collar couples had fewer, but better-educated, children than their blue-collar counterparts. In rural areas, white-collar couples still had better educated children than blue-collar couples, but no difference was found in lifetime reproductive success. High population density and an occupational structure that incidentally helped reinforce unequal distribution of cultural capital in the population encouraged urban couples with different levels of resources (i.e., cultural capital rather than income in this case) to adopt different reproductive strategies.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43502/1/11111_2004_Article_489374.pd

    An Environmental Justice Analysis: Superfund Sites and Surrounding Communities in Illinois

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    Is there an association between Superfund sites and the socioeconomic makeup of the surrounding communities? This research analyzes the current economic and racial demographics of Illinois counties that contain Superfund sites. Specifically, variables that are indicators of environmental injustice are analyzed; e.g. race, median household income, and home ownership. Since the inception of the environmental justice movement in the late 1980s, studies have been conducted nationally and at state levels in Michigan, California, Ohio, Florida, Texas, and South Carolina (i.e. Cutter 2006; Mohai & Saha 2006; Pastor et al. 2004; Anderton et al. 1997; Bevc et al. 2007; Bowen et al. 1995). However, environmental justice research specific to the state of Illinois is largely unexplored. This research will better identify environmental disparities in rural Illinois counties that have little or no minority population. Additionally, this research adopts a distance-based spatial analysis approach in an attempt to achieve results more precise than previous unit-hazard coincidence analysis methods (Mohai & Saha 2006). Areal apportionment methodology is used to analyze demographic data from the 2000 United States (U.S.) Census Summary Files (SF1 and SF3) for the impacted counties in Illinois. This research uses ArcView GIS™ (Version 9.2) to create buffer zones of one-, two-, and five-miles centered on X, Y coordinates obtained from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These uniform neighborhoods are used to determine percentages of racial minority, median household income, and home ownership within these radii. The results are then compared to percentages calculated from the remainder of the county population to establish foremost, if specific environmental injustice criteria are met and subsequently, examine how social and racial demographics within the buffer zone vary with respect to the distance from the Superfund site. This research yields essential data for urban and community planners within Illinois. First, this research identifies areas of environmental inequality to be targeted for future amelioration. Secondly, this research better characterizes the relationship between environmental hazards and surrounding communities, both urban and rural. Thirdly, this research will enable city planners to site future environmental hazards judiciously. Lastly, this research is a stepping-stone toward a more detailed longitudinal study of environmental justice in Illinois

    An Environmental Justice Analysis: Superfund Sites and Surrounding Communities in Illinois

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    Is there an association between Superfund sites and the socioeconomic makeup of the surrounding communities? This research analyzes the current economic and racial demographics of Illinois counties that contain Superfund sites. Specifically, variables that are indicators of environmental injustice are analyzed; e.g. race, median household income, and home ownership. Since the inception of the environmental justice movement in the late 1980s, studies have been conducted nationally and at state levels in Michigan, California, Ohio, Florida, Texas, and South Carolina (i.e. Cutter 2006; Mohai & Saha 2006; Pastor et al. 2004; Anderton et al. 1997; Bevc et al. 2007; Bowen et al. 1995). However, environmental justice research specific to the state of Illinois is largely unexplored. This research will better identify environmental disparities in rural Illinois counties that have little or no minority population. Additionally, this research adopts a distance-based spatial analysis approach in an attempt to achieve results more precise than previous unit-hazard coincidence analysis methods (Mohai & Saha 2006). Areal apportionment methodology is used to analyze demographic data from the 2000 United States (U.S.) Census Summary Files (SF1 and SF3) for the impacted counties in Illinois. This research uses ArcView GIS™ (Version 9.2) to create buffer zones of one-, two-, and five-miles centered on X, Y coordinates obtained from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These uniform neighborhoods are used to determine percentages of racial minority, median household income, and home ownership within these radii. The results are then compared to percentages calculated from the remainder of the county population to establish foremost, if specific environmental injustice criteria are met and subsequently, examine how social and racial demographics within the buffer zone vary with respect to the distance from the Superfund site. This research yields essential data for urban and community planners within Illinois. First, this research identifies areas of environmental inequality to be targeted for future amelioration. Secondly, this research better characterizes the relationship between environmental hazards and surrounding communities, both urban and rural. Thirdly, this research will enable city planners to site future environmental hazards judiciously. Lastly, this research is a stepping-stone toward a more detailed longitudinal study of environmental justice in Illinois

    Antiinflammatory Effect of Andrographolide in Sambiloto Extract (Andrographis paniculata) on Ulcerative Colitis

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    Abstract—Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an idiopathic chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract which is one of the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). In Indonesia, epidemiological data obtained from hospital reports, generally show that the incidence of UC is higher than Crohn's Disease (CD). Mesalamine as a drug of choice for UC, is related to some side effects. Therefore, herbal plants such as sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) could be used as a complementary therapy in UC. The purpose of this article is to provide information about the potential mechanisms of andrographolide (AG) as a bioactive compound in sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) extract as an anti-inflammatory agent. The method used by authors in this article is a narrative review method, by collecting studies about the anti-inflammatory effect of AG on UC through a database search. The results showed that one of the ingredients of sambiloto, diterpenoid labdane compound in the active form of AG, is able to inhibit the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines so that it has the potential to act as an anti-inflammatory similar to mesalamine in UC therapy. Additionally, sambiloto contains flavonoids and polyphenols which serve as antioxidants. In conclusion, AG has an anti-inflammatory property that might be utilized as a part of UC complementary therapy. Keywords: andrographolide, andrographis paniculata, inflammation, ulcerative colitis, sambiloto   Abstrak—Kolitis ulseratif (KU) adalah penyakit inflamasi kronis idiopatik saluran pencernaan termasuk dalam salah satu inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Di Indonesia, data epidemiologi diperoleh dari pelaporan rumah sakit, secara umum menunjukkan insidensi KU lebih tinggi daripada Crohn’s Disease (CD). Mesalamine sebagai pilihan terapi untuk KU, dapat menimbulkan beberapa efek samping. Oleh karena itu, tanaman herbal seperti sambiloto Andrographis paniculata dapat digunakan sebagai terapi komplementer pada KU. Tujuan artikel ini adalah memberikan informasi mengenai potensi dan mekanisme senyawa bioaktif andrographolide (AG)  pada ekstrak sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) sebagai agen antiinflamasi. Metode yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam artikel ini adalah metode narrative review, dengan mengumpulkan beberapa studi tentang efek antiinflamatori dari AG pada KU melalui pencarian database. Hasil dari analisis data menunjukkan bahwa salah satu kandungan sambiloto, senyawa labdane diterpenoid dalam bentuk aktif AG, mampu menghambat ekspresi sitokin proinflamasi sehingga berpotensi sebagai antiinflamasi serupa dengan mesalamin pada terapi KU. Selain itu, sambiloto memiliki kandungan flavonoid dan polifenol yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan. Sebagai simpulan, AG memiliki properti antiinflammatori yang dapat digunakan sebagai bagian dari terapi komplementer pada  KU. Kata kunci: andrographolide, andrographis paniculata, inflamasi, kolitis ulseratif, sambilot

    Human reproductive ecology in revolutionary China.

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    This dissertation examines the ecological basis of human reproductive behavior during the first 35 years of history of the People's Republic of China (1949--85). Human reproduction is a key component in population-environment interactions. Variations in resource availability, reflecting different social and ecological conditions, tend to give rise to variations in reproductive patterns in different environments. Most empirical studies of human reproductive behavior employing an evolutionary framework examine either traditional societies or historical populations. Few such studies are about modern populations. None of these studies include East Asian societies in general or Chinese populations in particular. My study draws on data from the 1985 China In-depth Fertility Survey, Phase 1. This survey provides a unique opportunity to expand our theoretical exploration of fertility behavior and family formation, especially with regard to the interaction between institutional intervention and individual behavior. Reproduction involves not only the timing and spacing of births, but also parental investments in offspring and the effect of family composition on child rearing. My goals are to examine and analyze the variations in timing and intensity of reproduction, the relationship between parental investment and fertility, and the relationship between family composition and fertility in contemporary China. My study indicates that government policies, along with regional variations in social and economic conditions, strongly influenced individual access to resources in China. Variations in women's reproductive patterns thus reflect differentials in their access to resources and the kinds of trade-offs they made consequently. Parental investment strategies are also influenced by access to resources. In the egalitarian society of Mao's China, cultural capital (not income) of the parents was an important factor in determining trade-offs between offspring quality and quantity, particularly in urban settings. Different family compositions, as determined by the presence or absence of grandparents (paternal and maternal), have different effects on women's fertility behavior. In rural regions where patrilineal kinship is still strong, the presence of paternal grandparents is associated with high fertility for mothers.Ph.D.Biological SciencesDemographyEcologyEnvironmental scienceHealth and Environmental SciencesSocial SciencesUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/123966/2/3106175.pd

    Efek Konsumsi Suplemen Kalsium dan Magnesium terhadap Dismenore Primer dan Sindrom Premenstruasi pada Perempuan Usia 19–23 Tahun

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    Abstrak Dismenore merupakan gangguan menstruasi dengan prevalensi terbesar diikuti gejala sindrom premenstruasi yang mencakup gejala fisik dan psikologis. Asupan mikronutrien kalsium dan magnesium dapat membantu mengatasi keluhan ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsumsi suplemen kalsium dan magnesium terhadap dismenore dan gejala sindrom premenstrual pada perempuan berusia 19–23 tahun. Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimental kuasi dengan rancangan pretes dan postes. Penelitian dilakukan di Universitas Kristen Maranatha Bandung pada bulan Juli–Desember 2016. Subjek penelitian adalah 60 orang perempuan berusia 19–23 tahun, dibagi menjadi dua kelompok secara acak untuk pemberian bahan uji kalsium (1.000 mg/hari) atau magnesium (250 mg/hari) yang diberikan mulai hari kedua menstruasi sampai siklus menstruasi yang berikutnya. Kadar kalsium atau magnesium serum diukur dengan metode spektrofotometri. Dismenore diukur dengan skala nyeri visual analog scale (VAS), sedangkan skor sindrom premenstrual diukur dengan shortened premenstrual assessment form sebelum dan sesudah pemberian bahan uji. Konsumsi kalsium menurunkan skor skala VAS rata-rata pada dismenore dari 6,97 menjadi 3,80 (p=0,000**) dan skor total gejala sindrom premenstrual rata-rata dari 15,07 menjadi 10,80 (p=0,000**). Konsumsi magnesium mengurangi skor skala VAS rata-rata pada dismenore dari 7 menjadi 4 (p=0,000**) dan skor total gejala sindrom premenstrual rata-rata dari 12,27 menjadi 9,87 (p=0,001**). Simpulan penelitian ini adalah konsumsi suplemen kalsium atau magnesium mengurangi keluhan dismenore dan gejala sindrom premenstrual pada perempuan usia 19–23 tahun. Abstract Dysmenorrhea is a menstrual disorder with the greatest prevalence followed by premenstrual syndrome that includes physical and psychological symptoms. Micronutrients intake of calcium and magnesium can help overcome these complaints. This research was conducted to find out the effect of calcium and magnesium supplements consumption on dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome symptoms in 19–23 years old women. This was quasi experimental research with pre- and post-test design. The research was conducted in Maranatha Christian University Bandung from July to December 2016. The subjects of research were 60 women aged 19–23 years old, divided into two groups randomly. One group given calcium (1,000 mg/day) or magnesium (250 mg/day), which was given at the second day of menstruation until the next menstrual cycle. Serum levels of calcium or magnesium were measured with spectrophotometry method. Dysmenorrhea was measured with visual analog scale (VAS), whereas score of premenstrual syndrome was measured with shortened premenstrual assessment form, before and after treatment. The consumption of calcium lowers the VAS score average on dysmenorrhea from 6.97 to 3.80 (p=0.000**) and the mean score of premenstrual syndrome from 15.07 to 10.80 (p=0.000**). Consumption of magnesium reduces the VAS score average on dysmenorrhea from 7 to 4 (p=0.000**) and the mean score of premenstrual syndrome from 12.27 to 9.87 (p=0.001**). In conclusion, consumption of calcium or magnesium supplements reduce dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome in women aged 19–23 years old

    An Environmental Justice Analysis: Superfund Sites and Surrounding Communities in Illinois

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    Is there an association between Superfund sites and the socioeconomic makeup of the surrounding communities? This research analyzes the current economic and racial demographics of Illinois counties that contain Superfund sites. Specifically, variables that are indicators of environmental injustice are analyzed; e.g. race, median household income, and home ownership. Since the inception of the environmental justice movement in the late 1980s, studies have been conducted nationally and at state levels in Michigan, California, Ohio, Florida, Texas, and South Carolina (i.e. Cutter 2006; Mohai & Saha 2006; Pastor et al. 2004; Anderton et al. 1997; Bevc et al. 2007; Bowen et al. 1995). However, environmental justice research specific to the state of Illinois is largely unexplored. This research will better identify environmental disparities in rural Illinois counties that have little or no minority population. Additionally, this research adopts a distance-based spatial analysis approach in an attempt to achieve results more precise than previous unit-hazard coincidence analysis methods (Mohai & Saha 2006). Areal apportionment methodology is used to analyze demographic data from the 2000 United States (U.S.) Census Summary Files (SF1 and SF3) for the impacted counties in Illinois. This research uses ArcView GIS™ (Version 9.2) to create buffer zones of one-, two-, and five-miles centered on X, Y coordinates obtained from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These uniform neighborhoods are used to determine percentages of racial minority, median household income, and home ownership within these radii. The results are then compared to percentages calculated from the remainder of the county population to establish foremost, if specific environmental injustice criteria are met and subsequently, examine how social and racial demographics within the buffer zone vary with respect to the distance from the Superfund site. This research yields essential data for urban and community planners within Illinois. First, this research identifies areas of environmental inequality to be targeted for future amelioration. Secondly, this research better characterizes the relationship between environmental hazards and surrounding communities, both urban and rural. Thirdly, this research will enable city planners to site future environmental hazards judiciously. Lastly, this research is a stepping-stone toward a more detailed longitudinal study of environmental justice in Illinois.Ope

    Antiinflammatory Effect of Andrographolide in Sambiloto Extract (Andrographis paniculata) on Ulcerative Colitis

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    Abstract—Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an idiopathic chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract which is one of the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). In Indonesia, epidemiological data obtained from hospital reports, generally show that the incidence of UC is higher than Crohn's Disease (CD). Mesalamine as a drug of choice for UC, is related to some side effects. Therefore, herbal plants such as sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) could be used as a complementary therapy in UC. The purpose of this article is to provide information about the potential mechanisms of andrographolide (AG) as a bioactive compound in sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) extract as an anti-inflammatory agent. The method used by authors in this article is a narrative review method, by collecting studies about the anti-inflammatory effect of AG on UC through a database search. The results showed that one of the ingredients of sambiloto, diterpenoid labdane compound in the active form of AG, is able to inhibit the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines so that it has the potential to act as an anti-inflammatory similar to mesalamine in UC therapy. Additionally, sambiloto contains flavonoids and polyphenols which serve as antioxidants. In conclusion, AG has an anti-inflammatory property that might be utilized as a part of UC complementary therapy. Keywords: andrographolide, andrographis paniculata, inflammation, ulcerative colitis, sambiloto   Abstrak—Kolitis ulseratif (KU) adalah penyakit inflamasi kronis idiopatik saluran pencernaan termasuk dalam salah satu inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Di Indonesia, data epidemiologi diperoleh dari pelaporan rumah sakit, secara umum menunjukkan insidensi KU lebih tinggi daripada Crohn’s Disease (CD). Mesalamine sebagai pilihan terapi untuk KU, dapat menimbulkan beberapa efek samping. Oleh karena itu, tanaman herbal seperti sambiloto Andrographis paniculata dapat digunakan sebagai terapi komplementer pada KU. Tujuan artikel ini adalah memberikan informasi mengenai potensi dan mekanisme senyawa bioaktif andrographolide (AG)  pada ekstrak sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) sebagai agen antiinflamasi. Metode yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam artikel ini adalah metode narrative review, dengan mengumpulkan beberapa studi tentang efek antiinflamatori dari AG pada KU melalui pencarian database. Hasil dari analisis data menunjukkan bahwa salah satu kandungan sambiloto, senyawa labdane diterpenoid dalam bentuk aktif AG, mampu menghambat ekspresi sitokin proinflamasi sehingga berpotensi sebagai antiinflamasi serupa dengan mesalamin pada terapi KU. Selain itu, sambiloto memiliki kandungan flavonoid dan polifenol yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan. Sebagai simpulan, AG memiliki properti antiinflammatori yang dapat digunakan sebagai bagian dari terapi komplementer pada  KU. Kata kunci: andrographolide, andrographis paniculata, inflamasi, kolitis ulseratif, sambilot