7 research outputs found

    PELFI Project: Recruitment and Sociodemographic Characteristics of Immigrant and Autochthonous Families from Alicante and Barcelona City Subcohorts

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    Este artículo corresponde al “Proyecto de Estudios Longitudinales de Familias Inmigradas (PELFI)” del Subprograma de Inmigración y Salud del CIBERESP y describe el trabajo de campo basal y principales características socio-demográficas de dos sub-cohortes de familias inmigrantes y autóctonas. El diseño es observacional prospectivo. La población de estudio se definió como una muestra no probabilística de 180 familias de origen colombiano, ecuatoriano y marroquí y 50 españolas. Se entrevistó a 473 personas adultas entre 18 y 65 años (59,8% mujeres, 68,5% ocupados/as) y a 304 adolescentes entre 12 y17 años (53,9% mujeres, 27,1% nacidos en España pero de padres inmigrados) de cada familia, mediante dos cuestionarios diseñados ad hoc. La tasa de cooperación fue del 82,0% con una velocidad media de reclutamiento de 1,3 familias diarias. En total, se reclutó a 250 familias, 82 procedentes de Ecuador, 82 de Colombia, 29 de Marruecos y 57 españolas. Los adultos inmigrados llevaban una media de 13 años en España. La combinación de técnicas no probabilísticas permitió el acceso y velocidad de reclutamiento. Este estudio aporta información clave para el diseño y mejora de este tipo de cohortes en familias inmigradas.This study is a part of the multi-centre project “Platform of Longitudinal Studies of Immigrant Families (PELFI)” of the Immigration and Health Subprogram of the CIBER-ESP. It describes the field work and data collection of two sub-cohorts of immigrant and native families, and their main socio-demographic characteristics. Prospective observational cohort study in carried out in Barcelona and Alicante, Spain. The study population is a non-probabilistic sample of 180 families of Colombian, Ecuadorian and Moroccan origin and 50 families of Spanish origin. We interviewed adults aged 18-65 years and adolescents aged 12-17 years in each family, through two questionnaires (adolescent/adult). The cooperation rate was 82.0% with an average recruitment rate of 1.3 families per day. In total, 250 families have been recruited, 82 from Ecuador, 82 from Colombia, 29 from Morocco and 57 from Spain. A total of 473 adults (59.8% women and 68.5% employed) were surveyed. Immigrant adults have an average of 13 years living in Spain. A total of 304 adolescents (53.9% female, 27.1% born in Spain but with immigrant parents) were surveyed. The combination of non-probabilistic techniques promoted access and improved recruitment speed. This study provides key information for the design and improvement of cohort studies with immigrant families.Proyectos Fondo Investigación Sanitaria números PI14/01146 y PI14/02005 e Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER

    Preventing and addressing intimate partner violence against migrant and ethnic minority women: the role of the health sector

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    Violence against women is an extreme manifestation of gender inequality in society and a serious violation of fundamental human rights. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is the most common type of such violence and takes place within couples. IPV can lead to death, physical injury, functional impairment, mental health problems, negative health behaviour, chronic conditions and reproductive health problems. Institutional discrimination, lack of access to or knowledge of services, and cultural differences can prevent women who are not only experiencing IPV but also migrants or members of ethnic minorities from seeking help. This policy brief aims to provide input into the role of the health sector in preventing and addressing IPV among migrant women and those of ethnic minorities. It describes the scope of the problem, presenting key evidence, and makes recommendations for health policy and health systems, health facilities and health service providers

    Segregation of the Univalent X Chromosome in the Two-striped Planthopper Acanalonia bivittata

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    Chromosomes pair with their homologues to form a bivalent in meiosis I. The formation of bivalent chromosomes, alignment on the metaphase plate, and segregation during anaphase I is critical for correct cell division and production of haploid gametes, yet exceptions to the rule of bivalent formation exist. Here, we studied the segregation of the univalent X chromosome in the two-striped plant hopper Acanalonia bivittata (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha). The species identification was verified through DNA barcoding, and the chromosome number is consistent with previously published karyotypes for the species. We show that A. bivittata male primary spermatocytes have a univalent X chromosome that displays independent and delayed segregation. Univalent segregation was observed to occur after that of the autosomes during early anaphase I and was associated with the loss of microtubule connections to one spindle pole. This work contributes to our knowledge of how chromosomes that lack a pairing partner can be segregated in an environment where they are surrounded by correctly segregating bivalents

    PELFI Project: Recruitment and Sociodemographic Characteristics of Immigrant and Autochthonous Families from Alicante and Barcelona City Subcohorts

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    Este artículo corresponde al “Proyecto de Estudios Longitudinales de Familias Inmigradas (PELFI)” del Subprograma de Inmigración y Salud del CIBERESP y describe el trabajo de campo basal y principales características socio-demográficas de dos sub-cohortes de familias inmigrantes y autóctonas. El diseño es observacional prospectivo. La población de estudio se definió como una muestra no probabilística de 180 familias de origen colombiano, ecuatoriano y marroquí y 50 españolas. Se entrevistó a 473 personas adultas entre 18 y 65 años (59,8% mujeres, 68,5% ocupados/as) y a 304 adolescentes entre 12 y17 años (53,9% mujeres, 27,1% nacidos en España pero de padres inmigrados) de cada familia, mediante dos cuestionarios diseñados ad hoc. La tasa de cooperación fue del 82,0% con una velocidad media de reclutamiento de 1,3 familias diarias. En total, se reclutó a 250 familias, 82 procedentes de Ecuador, 82 de Colombia, 29 de Marruecos y 57 españolas. Los adultos inmigrados llevaban una media de 13 años en España. La combinación de técnicas no probabilísticas permitió el acceso y velocidad de reclutamiento. Este estudio aporta información clave para el diseño y mejora de este tipo de cohortes en familias inmigradas.This study is a part of the multi-centre project “Platform of Longitudinal Studies of Immigrant Families (PELFI)” of the Immigration and Health Subprogram of the CIBER-ESP. It describes the field work and data collection of two sub-cohorts of immigrant and native families, and their main socio-demographic characteristics. Prospective observational cohort study in carried out in Barcelona and Alicante, Spain. The study population is a non-probabilistic sample of 180 families of Colombian, Ecuadorian and Moroccan origin and 50 families of Spanish origin. We interviewed adults aged 18-65 years and adolescents aged 12-17 years in each family, through two questionnaires (adolescent/adult). The cooperation rate was 82.0% with an average recruitment rate of 1.3 families per day. In total, 250 families have been recruited, 82 from Ecuador, 82 from Colombia, 29 from Morocco and 57 from Spain. A total of 473 adults (59.8% women and 68.5% employed) were surveyed. Immigrant adults have an average of 13 years living in Spain. A total of 304 adolescents (53.9% female, 27.1% born in Spain but with immigrant parents) were surveyed. The combination of non-probabilistic techniques promoted access and improved recruitment speed. This study provides key information for the design and improvement of cohort studies with immigrant families.Proyectos Fondo Investigación Sanitaria números PI14/01146 y PI14/02005 e Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER

    Preventing and addressing intimate partner violence against migrant and ethnic minority women: the role of the health sector

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    Violence against women is an extreme manifestation of gender inequality in society and a serious violation of fundamental human rights. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is the most common type of such violence and takes place within couples. IPV can lead to death, physical injury, functional impairment, mental health problems, negative health behaviour, chronic conditions and reproductive health problems. Institutional discrimination, lack of access to or knowledge of services, and cultural differences can prevent women who are not only experiencing IPV but also migrants or members of ethnic minorities from seeking help. This policy brief aims to provide input into the role of the health sector in preventing and addressing IPV among migrant women and those of ethnic minorities. It describes the scope of the problem, presenting key evidence, and makes recommendations for health policy and health systems, health facilities and health service providers

    Elementos para uma história da neuroascese Elements for a history of neuroascese

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    O espetacular progresso das neurociências e o intenso processo de popularização, via mídia, de imagens e informações que associam a atividade cerebral a praticamente todos os aspectos da vida produzem, no imaginário social, crescente percepção do cérebro como detentor das propriedades e autor das ações que definem o que é ser alguém. Nesse contexto sociocultural, aumenta o interesse pela neuroascese, isto é, discursos e práticas a respeito de como agir sobre o cérebro para maximizar sua performance. Com o objetivo de traçar alguns elementos da história da ascese cerebral, resgatam-se momentos históricos do século XIX em que práticas neuroascéticas eram comuns. O artigo problematiza a continuidade dessas práticas na atualidade, levando em conta os diferentes contextos socioculturais e históricos nos quais se originam.<br>The spectacular progress of the neurosciences, as well as the intense process of popularization by the media of images and information that associate cerebral activity with practically every aspect of life, have produced a growing perception of the brain as the site and agent of all the properties and actions that define us as human beings. Today's socio-cultural context has seen increased interest in 'neuroascese', that is, discourses and practices aimed at maximizing brain performance. Tracing elements of the history of 'brain ascese' back to historical moments of the nineteenth century in which neuroascetic practices were commonplace, the article examines their continued use today, taking into account the social, cultural, and historical contexts in which they originated