7 research outputs found

    Experiencia de creación del MOOC “Música para el siglo XXI: aportaciones del software libre a la educación musical”

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    [Resumen] Con motivo de la I convocatoria para la elaboración de MOOCS de la Universidade da Coruña y dada la ausencia de cursos específicos relacionados con música y TIC dentro de las plataformas más importantes de MOOCS, desde el grupo de innovación educativa metodológica a través de las TIC (IMETIC), y en colaboración con la Universidad de Cádiz, se decide elaborar un Mooc centrado en el software libre y la educación musical. En la presente comunicación abordamos la experiencia de preparación de este MOOC centrándonos en la explicación de cómo ha sido el proceso de elaboración del mismo, desde la planificación y selección de los módulos que componen el curso hasta el proceso de decisión de los tipos de material audiovisual necesario para el mismo, explicando cómo hemos realizado las grabaciones, y los diferentes materiales de apoyo. Una vez generados todos los materiales didácticos, se expone el flujo de trabajo necesario para la publicación de dichos contenidos en la plataforma Mooc escogida a tal efecto, en este caso MiríadaX.[Abstract] On the ocassion of the I call for the development of MOOC courses organized by University of A Coruña and given the absence of specific courses related with music and ICT withing the most important MOOC platforms, teachers from IMETIC group in collaboration with University of Cadiz decided to develop a MOOC course focused on open-source and music education. Through the present communication we address the experience of the creation of this MOOC, focusing on the explanation about how the course was prepaired, from the planning and selection of the modules that make up the course up to the decision about the kind of audiovisal materials neccesary for it, going through the explanation about how we made the recordings as well as other support materials. Once all the didactic materials have been generated, we explain how was the workflow followed in order to publish all the contents in the MOOC platform chosen for this purpose, in this case MiríadaX

    Diseño y puesta en funcionamiento de la “escalera musical” como medio saludable de relacionar áreas de conocimiento

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    [Resumen] En la actualidad, en un intento de modernización de la escuela, las tecnologías de la información (TIC) forman parte habitual del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Sin embargo, según Díaz (2009, p.20), “no daremos por sentado que la utilización de las TIC es sinónimo de calidad educativa, ni mucho menos una garantía de aprendizaje” palabras que cobran especial relevancia en el caso de la enseñanza musical donde su uso se centra fundamentalmente en la edición de partituras, o edición y reproducción de audio. Bajo este contexto surgió este proyecto, donde nuestro objetivo principal fue que el estudiantado pudiese comprobar y vivenciar la relación entre la altura musical y la altura geométrica. También pretendíamos evidenciar la relación de la música con otras áreas, como las matemáticas, la física y el arte, así como el fomento de estilos de vida saludables y la concienciación para evitar la contaminación acústica. El proyecto, desarrollado por profesorado y alumnado de materias de música de Grado, Máster y Doctorado consistió en el diseño y puesta en funcionamiento de una instalación sonora en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la UDC, que transformaría las escaleras principales de la facultad en unas escaleras musicales con forma de piano.[Abstract] Nowadays, in an attempt to modernize the school, information and communication technologies (ICT) are a regular part of the teaching-learning process. However, according to Díaz (2009, p.20), "we will not assume that the use of ICT is synonymous with educational quality, much less a guarantee of learning" words that are especially relevant in the case of music teaching where its use is mainly focused on editing music scores, or editing and reproduction of audio. Under this context, this project emerged, where our main objective was that students could verify and experience the relationship between pitch (musical height) and geometric height. We also wanted to show the relationship of music with other areas, such as mathematics, physics and art, as well as the promotion of healthy lifestyles and awareness to avoid noise pollution. The project, developed by teachers and students of music subjects of Undergraduate, Master and PhD studies consisted of the design and commissioning of a sound installation in the Faculty of Education Sciences of the UDC, which would transform the main stairs of the faculty on a piano-shaped musical stairs

    Uso de plataformas e-learning y alfabetización digital en formación profesional a distancia

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    Las TIC son el conjunto de tecnologías que nos permiten acceder, producir, mantener y comunicar   información presentada en diferentes códigos, como el texto, la imagen o el sonido. Estos recursos didácticos se han ido implementando progresivamente en la educación. Sin embargo, esto no significa que se empleen correctamente. Las investigaciones afines nos indican que la implementación de las TIC en la esfera educativa no ha alcanzado un grado suficiente. Sin embargo, actualmente la literatura respecto a esta temática en la Formación Profesional a distancia es inexistente. Este estudio pretende evaluar el nivel de alfabetización digital y el empleo de las plataformas e-learning en profesores y estudiantes de Formación Profesional a distancia. La población de estudio corresponde al profesorado y alumnado del I.E.S. Audiovisual de Vigo. Este centro educativo se encuentra en Bouzas, un barrio urbano que presenta un importante crecimiento y expansión. Se emplearon dos muestras. La primera corresponde al jefe de estudios del centro. La segunda muestra son veinticinco alumnos del Ciclo Superior de Sonido para Audiovisuales y Espectáculos. Con respecto a la distribución por sexos, 17 de los participantes eran varones (68%) y 8 mujeres (32%). Con respecto a la edad, la media en mujeres se situó en 30,71 años, y un rango entre los 23 y  47 años. La media de edad de los varones fue de 34, 3 años, y un rango entre los 22 años y 46 años. La metodología empleada ha sido la entrevista y el cuestionario. Tras el análisis de los datos existe evidencia científica de un déficit en el uso y de conocimientos de ambas poblaciones de estudio. Las plataformas e-learning y las herramientas que éstas ofrecen no se están exprimiendo como un potente recurso didáctico en el aprendizaje. Se concluye que el nivel de alfabetización digital del profesorado es menor que el requerido para dicha formación, pese al aumento de los últimos años y la variabilidad de sujetos entre el profesorado. Un elevado número de profesores sólo emplea la plataforma e-learning en sus sesiones de formación presencial. El alumnado considera que estas herramientas digitales presentan más recursos que los empleados

    Education knowledge transfer: Report on in-school placements needs and possibilities of the technologies

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    The WP2 of the EKT project aimed at describing how in-school placement (ISP) is organised and developed in the initial teacher education in the countries participating in the EKT project (Austria, England, Ireland, Portugal and Spain). In order to achieve this goal, two main pr ocedures were developed: 1. The characterization of national ISP systems, based on the analysis of institutional documentation (legislation, tools, guides, regulations, protocols, reports...) identified and described by the EKT academic teams in each country 2. The identification of the perspectives and conceptions of academic and school mentors involved in ISP, working either Higher Education Institutions (HEI) where Initial Teacher Education (ITE) is developed or at the schools where ISP takes place. For this sake, a questionnaire was designed and applied to a sample of 347 mentors from the different countries involved in the project. The analysis of the different ITE systems enabled the identification of many common features. In fact, all the countries have ITE systems that involve the HEI and nursery/primary/ secondary schools where ISP takes place. In most situations, ITE involves consecutive programmes (at graduation and post-graduation levels). And despite some variation in the length of these consecutive programmes (6 + 3/4 semesters or 8 + 2/3 semesters), the extension of the whole ITE process is less variable, the same happening with the global number of ECTS units involved in any ITE process regardless of the country. In some countries (e.g., Spain), and concerning, mainly but not exclusively, nursery and primary school teachers’ preparation, ITE may take place at the graduation level. It is also worth mentioning the case of England, where two different teacher training paths can be found: HEI routes and School-led postgraduate (consecutive) routes that involve different kinds of programmes: • School-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) programmes (no salaried); • School Direct Training programmes (non-salaried); • School Direct Training programmes (salaried); • Teach First (salaried); • Postgraduate Teaching; Apprenticeship (PGTA) (salaried). No matter the country, ITE processes imply in-school placement. The characteristics of these placements may vary according not only to the features of each national educational system but also to the respective ITE programmes and the school level training refers to. In general ISP is developed under agreements established between HEI where ITE programmes are developed and schools where ISP takes place and involves both HEI teachers and school teachers as mentors. The selection of these school mentors varies from country to country as well as the role they play and their participation in the students´ evaluation. There also seems to be some variation regarding the tasks, the number of hours involved and the kind of materials students have to produce and deliver as a result of their practices during ISP. Despite this variation, it is possible to recognize that there is, in most cases, a concern with the promotion of a reflection on the practice by the use of adequate practices and instruments, such as the construction of portfolios that make possible a critical attitude towards the teaching activities developed. Report on in-school placements needs and possibilities of the technologies Página 5 1. Executive summary The questionnaire enabled the identification of academic and school mentors’ perspectives and conceptions about ISP and focused on different aspects involved in the process, such as: • The relevance of different internship activities and the degree of collaboration between academic and school mentors in their development. • The responsibility for the definition of the curricular framework of isp. • The aspects included in isp guides. • The relation between the student teacher and the mentors and the kind of activities they are involved in during the whole isp process. • The structure of student teachers’ final report or dissertation; the aspects focused on mentors’ observation and supervision during isp. • The structure and content of the Portfolio of in-school placement teaching practice. Due to the diversity of approaches in the countries involved in the study, the design of the questionnaire took into account the complexity of the ISP process and the multiplicity of aspects involved in the process by offering the respondents rather long lists of the items they should express their position about. As far as the relevance of the activities involved in ISP, all the items were valued above 3,10 in a scale that varied from 1 (nothing) to 5 (very much), regardless of the group (country), what may be seen as the recognition of the diversity and complexity of ISP. Despite the existing significant statistical differences, it is possible to say that there are some items, whose relevance is recognized (generally rated above 4), namely those related to the definition of standards and procedures and those concerning classroom observation, feedback, student-teacher evaluation, and collaborative work involving students and mentors. Collaboration between academic and school mentors throughout the ISP process and regarding the different activities involved is highly valued although the comparison of data regarding the degree of real cooperation and the data regarding the degree of cooperation that should exist suggests the necessity of its enhancement. Regardless of the country, the definition of the curricular framework of ISP depends mainly on the HEI, either the HEI coordinator or their mentors. In-school placement guides tend to include several items, but mentors responding to the questionnaire highlight those related to the definition of the different roles involved and to the teaching practices and their assessment. The planning of activities integrated into the school activity emerges as the most important aspect of the relationship between the student teacher and the mentors. Before the placement, activities concerning class teaching planning and the selection of materials and other resources seem to be the most frequent activities involving mentors, either from HEI or schools and student teachers. During the in-school placement, the most frequent activities involving mentors and student teachers concern not only teaching planning and materials selection but also teaching activities; pupils’ assessment is also highlighted as a frequent activity that involves school mentors and student teachers. Activities developed after the placement are valued in the questionnaire; the most highlighted regard pupils´ assessment and the production of students´ progress reports. The model for the student teacher’s final report or dissertation includes not only the monitoring procedures during its preparation and presentation but also writing rules and procedures, as well as guidelines and rules for the use of data collected by the trainee, the extent/ length of the report and formatting standards and references. The structure and content of this report dissertation are defined at the HEI level

    Audacity: una herramienta de edición de audio multiplataforma

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    Este documento forma parte del material de consulta y ampliación del curso MOOC «Música para el siglo XXI. Aportaciones del software libre a la educación musical», desarrollado por el equipo docente de la Universidade da Coruña y la Universidad de Cádiz: Fernando Barrera Ramírez (UCA), Rocío Chao Fernández (UDC), Marcelino Diez Martínez (UCA), Abraham Felpeto Guerrero (UDC), Sara Román García (UCA) y Rubén Vázquez-Sánchez (UDC)

    Audacity como uma ferramenta para criar materiais educacionais. Uma abordagem através do MOOC «Música para o século XXI»

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     This article analyses the relevance of Audacity as a creation tool of learning materials for both teachers and students, since it has multiple functions and provides numerous advantages, despite its simple use. To that purpose, thanks to the creation of an specific content analysis tool based in 8 items, an study of soundscapes created by the students of the MOOC Música para el Siglo XXI is carried out with the purpose of categorize their educative aims as well as distinguish and characterize each soundscape according with the origin of their sound source in relation with the classification proposed from Schafer (1993). Thanks to the latter analysis we know that the didactic applications are within those previously catalogued, where the use of soundscapes both to elaborate musical resources as well as to create sound representations through constructions carried out by the students make a clean sweep of almost all of the 55 analyzed compositions. The study concludes with the idea that this tool gives support to multiple areas of knowledge and that its capabilities as a multitasking tool provide a wide range of perspectives applicable within areas such as pedagogy or specific didactic fields.En este artículo se analiza la relevancia de Audacity para la creación de materiales educativos, tanto elaborados por docentes, como por estudiantes, ya que posee multiplicidad de funciones y aporta numerosas ventajas, a pesar de su sencillo uso. Para ello, gracias a la creación de un instrumento de análisis de contenido constituido por 8 ítems, se lleva a cabo un estudio de los paisajes sonoros creados por el alumnado del MOOC Música para el Siglo XXI, con el objeto de categorizar los fines educativos de cada uno de ellos y distinguir y caracterizar cada paisaje sonoro según los orígenes de las fuentes sonoras empleadas en función de la clasificación de Schafer (1993). Tras su análisis averiguamos que las aplicaciones didácticas se encuentran dentro de las catalogadas previamente, donde el uso de paisajes sonoros para elaborar tanto recursos musicales propiamente dichos, como relatos y representaciones sonoras a través de construcciones realizadas por el alumnado, ocupan casi el total de las 55 composiciones realizadas en este MOOC. El estudio concluye destacando que el empleo de esta herramienta da soporte a multiplicidad de áreas de conocimiento y sus capacidades como herramienta multitarea ofrece un gran abanico de perspectivas aplicables dentro de los campos de la didáctica específica y la pedagogía.Este artigo analisa a relevância do Audacity para a criação de materiais educacionais, produzidos por professores e alunos, uma vez que possui uma multiplicidade de funções e oferece inúmeras vantagens, apesar de seu uso simples. Para isso, graças à criação de um instrumento de análise de conteúdo composto por 8 itens, é realizado um estudo das paisagens sonoras criadas pelos alunos do MOOC Music para o século XXI, a fim de categorizar os propósitos educacionais de cada um deles, distinguindo e caracterizando cada paisagem sonora de acordo com as origens das fontes sonoras utilizadas com base na classificação de Schafer (1993). Após sua análise, descobrimos que as aplicações didáticas estão dentro das catalogadas anteriormente, onde o uso de paisagens sonoras para elaborar os próprios recursos musicais, bem como histórias e representações sonoras através de construções realizadas pelos alunos, ocupam quase toda a 55 composições feitas neste MOOC. O estudo conclui destacando que o uso desta ferramenta suporta uma multiplicidade de áreas do conhecimento e suas capacidades como ferramenta multitarefa oferece uma ampla gama de perspectivas aplicáveis ​​nos campos de didática e pedagogia específicas

    Mentoría entre iguales. Experiencia piloto entre alumnos de Música de Máster y Doctorado en la Universidade da Coruña

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    [Resumen] Este relato explica la puesta en marcha de una experiencia piloto en el que se desarrolla un programa de mentoría entre iguales entre alumnos de Máster de Didácticas Específicas y de Doctorado egresado de este máster del Área de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical en la Universidade da Coruña. Se trata de ofrecer al alumnado tutorizado los conocimientos y la experiencia para la creación de una investigación en el ámbito educativo (el objetivo del Trabajo de Fin de Máster), así como consejos y recomendaciones para su desarrollo. Por otro lado, también ofrecerá sus conocimientos para aconsejar y ofrecer opciones para optimizar los recursos que posee el/la alumno/a y los tutores-iguales tendrán la oportunidad de elaborar los contenidos y obtendrá la experiencia de aprender sobre el proceso de aprendizaje, así como reflexionar y optimizar su propia tesis doctoral a partir de las experiencias vividas con la tutorización del proceso de otro alumnado. Durante todo el proceso, se realizarán evaluaciones que servirán para evaluar los conocimientos previos, el desarrollo del programa y la comparación de los resultados previos y los finales y la autoevaluación del tutor para la mejora de sus habilidades de liderazgo y comunicación con los pares.[Abstract] This story explains the implementation of a pilot experience in which a peer-tutoring program is developed among Master's students of Specific Didactics and a PhD students from this master's degree in the Area of Didactics of Musical Expression at the University of A Coruña. The aim is to offer the tutored students the knowledge and experience for the creation of an investigation in the educational field (the objective of the Final Master's Project), as well as advice and recommendations for its development. On the other hand, they will also offer their knowledge to advise and offer options to optimize the resources that the student has and the tutors-equals will have the opportunity to elaborate the contents and will obtain the experience of learning about the learning process, as well as reflect and optimize his own doctoral thesis from the experiences lived with the tutorization of the process of other students. Throughout the process, evaluations will be conducted to assess prior knowledge, the development of the program and the comparison of the previous and final results and the self-assessment of the tutor to improve their leadership and communication skills with the student