938 research outputs found

    On the (non-)existence of polynomial kernels for Pl-free edge modification problems

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    Given a graph G = (V,E) and an integer k, an edge modification problem for a graph property P consists in deciding whether there exists a set of edges F of size at most k such that the graph H = (V,E \vartriangle F) satisfies the property P. In the P edge-completion problem, the set F of edges is constrained to be disjoint from E; in the P edge-deletion problem, F is a subset of E; no constraint is imposed on F in the P edge-edition problem. A number of optimization problems can be expressed in terms of graph modification problems which have been extensively studied in the context of parameterized complexity. When parameterized by the size k of the edge set F, it has been proved that if P is an hereditary property characterized by a finite set of forbidden induced subgraphs, then the three P edge-modification problems are FPT. It was then natural to ask whether these problems also admit a polynomial size kernel. Using recent lower bound techniques, Kratsch and Wahlstrom answered this question negatively. However, the problem remains open on many natural graph classes characterized by forbidden induced subgraphs. Kratsch and Wahlstrom asked whether the result holds when the forbidden subgraphs are paths or cycles and pointed out that the problem is already open in the case of P4-free graphs (i.e. cographs). This paper provides positive and negative results in that line of research. We prove that parameterized cograph edge modification problems have cubic vertex kernels whereas polynomial kernels are unlikely to exist for the Pl-free and Cl-free edge-deletion problems for large enough l

    Vertex Cover Kernelization Revisited: Upper and Lower Bounds for a Refined Parameter

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    An important result in the study of polynomial-time preprocessing shows that there is an algorithm which given an instance (G,k) of Vertex Cover outputs an equivalent instance (G',k') in polynomial time with the guarantee that G' has at most 2k' vertices (and thus O((k')^2) edges) with k' <= k. Using the terminology of parameterized complexity we say that k-Vertex Cover has a kernel with 2k vertices. There is complexity-theoretic evidence that both 2k vertices and Theta(k^2) edges are optimal for the kernel size. In this paper we consider the Vertex Cover problem with a different parameter, the size fvs(G) of a minimum feedback vertex set for G. This refined parameter is structurally smaller than the parameter k associated to the vertex covering number vc(G) since fvs(G) <= vc(G) and the difference can be arbitrarily large. We give a kernel for Vertex Cover with a number of vertices that is cubic in fvs(G): an instance (G,X,k) of Vertex Cover, where X is a feedback vertex set for G, can be transformed in polynomial time into an equivalent instance (G',X',k') such that |V(G')| <= 2k and |V(G')| <= O(|X'|^3). A similar result holds when the feedback vertex set X is not given along with the input. In sharp contrast we show that the Weighted Vertex Cover problem does not have a polynomial kernel when parameterized by the cardinality of a given vertex cover of the graph unless NP is in coNP/poly and the polynomial hierarchy collapses to the third level.Comment: Published in "Theory of Computing Systems" as an Open Access publicatio

    The hardness of perfect phylogeny, feasible register assignment and other problems on thin colored graphs

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    AbstractIn this paper, we consider the complexity of a number of combinatorial problems; namely, Intervalizing Colored Graphs (DNA physical mapping), Triangulating Colored Graphs (perfect phylogeny), (Directed) (Modified) Colored Cutwidth, Feasible Register Assignment and Module Allocation for graphs of bounded pathwidth. Each of these problems has as a characteristic a uniform upper bound on the tree or path width of the graphs in “yes”-instances. For all of these problems with the exceptions of Feasible Register Assignment and Module Allocation, a vertex or edge coloring is given as part of the input. Our main results are that the parameterized variant of each of the considered problems is hard for the complexity classes W[t] for all t∈N. We also show that Intervalizing Colored Graphs, Triangulating Colored Graphs, and Colored Cutwidth are NP-Complete

    Tight Kernel Bounds for Problems on Graphs with Small Degeneracy

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    In this paper we consider kernelization for problems on d-degenerate graphs, i.e. graphs such that any subgraph contains a vertex of degree at most dd. This graph class generalizes many classes of graphs for which effective kernelization is known to exist, e.g. planar graphs, H-minor free graphs, and H-topological-minor free graphs. We show that for several natural problems on d-degenerate graphs the best known kernelization upper bounds are essentially tight.Comment: Full version of ESA 201

    Structural parameterizations for boxicity

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    The boxicity of a graph GG is the least integer dd such that GG has an intersection model of axis-aligned dd-dimensional boxes. Boxicity, the problem of deciding whether a given graph GG has boxicity at most dd, is NP-complete for every fixed d2d \ge 2. We show that boxicity is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the cluster vertex deletion number of the input graph. This generalizes the result of Adiga et al., that boxicity is fixed-parameter tractable in the vertex cover number. Moreover, we show that boxicity admits an additive 11-approximation when parameterized by the pathwidth of the input graph. Finally, we provide evidence in favor of a conjecture of Adiga et al. that boxicity remains NP-complete when parameterized by the treewidth.Comment: 19 page

    On problems without polynomial kernels (Extended abstract).

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    Abstract. Kernelization is a central technique used in parameterized algorithms, and in other techniques for coping with NP-hard problems. In this paper, we introduce a new method which allows us to show that many problems do not have polynomial size kernels under reasonable complexity-theoretic assumptions. These problems include kPath, k-Cycle, k-Exact Cycle, k-Short Cheap Tour, k-Graph Minor Order Test, k-Cutwidth, k-Search Number, k-Pathwidth, k-Treewidth, k-Branchwidth, and several optimization problems parameterized by treewidth or cliquewidth

    PhyloToAST: Bioinformatics Tools for Species-Level Analysis and Visualization of Complex Microbial Datasets

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    The 16S rRNA gene is widely used for taxonomic profiling of microbial ecosystems; and recent advances in sequencing chemistry have allowed extremely large numbers of sequences to be generated from minimal amounts of biological samples. Analysis speed and resolution of data to species-level taxa are two important factors in large-scale explorations of complex microbiomes using 16S sequencing. We present here new software, Phylogenetic Tools for Analysis of Species-level Taxa (PhyloToAST), that completely integrates with the QIIME pipeline to improve analysis speed, reduce primer bias (requiring two sequencing primers), enhance species-level analysis, and add new visualization tools. The code is free and open source, and can be accessed at http://phylotoast.org