571 research outputs found

    Discovering Spike Patterns in Neuronal Responses

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    When a cortical neuron is repeatedly injected with the same fluctuating current stimulus (frozen noise) the timing of the spikes is highly precise from trial to trial and the spike pattern appears to be unique. We show here that the same repeated stimulus can produce more than one reliable temporal pattern of spikes. A new method is introduced to find these patterns in raw multitrial data and is tested on surrogate data sets. Using it, multiple coexisting spike patterns were discovered in pyramidal cells recorded from rat prefrontal cortex in vitro, in data obtained in vivo from the middle temporal area of the monkey (Buracas et al., 1998) and from the cat lateral geniculate nucleus (Reinagel and Reid, 2002). The spike patterns lasted from a few tens of milliseconds in vitro to several seconds in vivo. We conclude that the prestimulus history of a neuron may influence the precise timing of the spikes in response to a stimulus over a wide range of time scales

    Training subject librarians in Research Data Management

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    Antagonistic effects of nearest-neighbor repulsion on the superconducting pairing dynamics in the doped Mott insulator regime

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    The nearest-neighbor superexchange-mediated mechanism for d_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconductivity in the one-band Hubbard model faces the challenge that nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion can be larger than superexchange. To answer this question, we use cellular dynamical mean-field theory (CDMFT) with a continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo solver to determine the superconducting phase diagram as a function of temperature and doping for on-site repulsion U=9tU=9t and nearest-neighbor repulsion V=0,2t,4tV=0,2t,4t. In the underdoped regime, VV increases the CDMFT superconducting transition temperature TcdT_c^d even though it decreases the superconducting order parameter at low temperature for all dopings. However, VV decreases TcdT_c^d in the overdoped regime. We gain insight into these paradoxical results through a detailed study of the frequency dependence of the anomalous spectral function, extracted at finite temperature via the MaxEntAux method for analytic continuation. A systematic study of dynamical positive and negative contributions to pairing reveals that even though VV has a high-frequency depairing contribution, it also has a low frequency pairing contribution since it can reinforce superexchange through J=4t2/(U−V)J=4t^2/(U-V). Retardation is thus crucial to understand pairing in doped Mott insulators, as suggested by previous zero-temperature studies. We also comment on the tendency to charge order for large VV and on the persistence of d-wave superconductivity over extended-ss or s+d-wave.Comment: Latex, 16 pages, 8 figure

    Information transmission in oscillatory neural activity

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    Periodic neural activity not locked to the stimulus or to motor responses is usually ignored. Here, we present new tools for modeling and quantifying the information transmission based on periodic neural activity that occurs with quasi-random phase relative to the stimulus. We propose a model to reproduce characteristic features of oscillatory spike trains, such as histograms of inter-spike intervals and phase locking of spikes to an oscillatory influence. The proposed model is based on an inhomogeneous Gamma process governed by a density function that is a product of the usual stimulus-dependent rate and a quasi-periodic function. Further, we present an analysis method generalizing the direct method (Rieke et al, 1999; Brenner et al, 2000) to assess the information content in such data. We demonstrate these tools on recordings from relay cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Biological Cybernetic

    Intrinsic gain modulation and adaptive neural coding

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    In many cases, the computation of a neural system can be reduced to a receptive field, or a set of linear filters, and a thresholding function, or gain curve, which determines the firing probability; this is known as a linear/nonlinear model. In some forms of sensory adaptation, these linear filters and gain curve adjust very rapidly to changes in the variance of a randomly varying driving input. An apparently similar but previously unrelated issue is the observation of gain control by background noise in cortical neurons: the slope of the firing rate vs current (f-I) curve changes with the variance of background random input. Here, we show a direct correspondence between these two observations by relating variance-dependent changes in the gain of f-I curves to characteristics of the changing empirical linear/nonlinear model obtained by sampling. In the case that the underlying system is fixed, we derive relationships relating the change of the gain with respect to both mean and variance with the receptive fields derived from reverse correlation on a white noise stimulus. Using two conductance-based model neurons that display distinct gain modulation properties through a simple change in parameters, we show that coding properties of both these models quantitatively satisfy the predicted relationships. Our results describe how both variance-dependent gain modulation and adaptive neural computation result from intrinsic nonlinearity.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, 1 supporting informatio

    Four-color multiplex real-Time PCR assay prototype targeting azithromycin resistance mutations in Mycoplasma genitalium

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    peer reviewedBackground: The worldwide expansion of macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma genitalium (MG) in cases of genital infections has led to an increased recurrence rate of these infections after first-line azithromycin treatment. By detecting the presence of azithromycin-resistant MG, the patient's antibiotic treatment can be targeted and the spread of resistance prevented. With this aim in mind, macrolide-resistance detection kits are helpful tools for the physician. Methods: Azithromycin resistance mutations in MG are targeted using a four-color multiplex real-Time RT-PCR assay. Tested targets include plasmid DNA (as positive controls) as well as macrolide-sensitive and macrolide-resistant genomic DNA from characterized cell lines and clinical samples. Results: The analytical data presented here were generated from plasmid DNA and genomic RNA/DNA and include adaptation to an internal control, specificity between targets, specificity vs non-MG species, limit of detection (LoD) and interference studies (co-infection and endogenous substances). The clinical data were based on the application of the assay to clinical samples characterized by sequencing. Conclusions: A new NAAT (nucleic acid amplification test) prototype has been developed in collaboration with the Diagenode s.a. company, this prototype targets MG and azithromycin-resistance mutations in that pathogen. © 2019 The Author(s)

    A flexible component-based robot control architecture for hormonal modulation of behaviour and affect

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscritpt of a paper published in Proceedings of 18th Annual Conference, TAROS 2017, Guildford, UK, July 19–21, 2017. Under embargo. Embargo end date: 20 July 2018. The final publication is available at Springer via https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-64107-2_36. © 2017 Springer, Cham.In this paper we present the foundations of an architecture that will support the wider context of our work, which is to explore the link between affect, perception and behaviour from an embodied perspective and assess their relevance to Human Robot Interaction (HRI). Our approach builds upon existing affect-based architectures by combining artificial hormones with discrete abstract components that are designed with the explicit consideration of influencing, and being receptive to, the wider affective state of the robot
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