15 research outputs found

    The Effect of Psychiatric Rehabilitation on the Activity and Participation Level of Clients with Long-Term Psychiatric Disabilities

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    During the last decades of the 20th century, many psychiatric hospitals changed the living environments of their clients with long-term psychiatric disabilities. We investigated the effect of this environmental psychiatric rehabilitation and normalization process on the activity and participation level of such clients residing in one Dutch psychiatric hospital. The seven years of panel research demonstrated that more normal living environments have a positive effect on clients’ activity and participation level. This is controlled for the fact that younger clients, and clients with a relative high activity and participation level were selected for these normal living environments.

    Ethnocentrism in the Netherlands: A typological analysis

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    Contains fulltext : 3327.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)In research on unfavourable attitudes towards outgroups, the related favourable attitude towards the ingroup is generally ignored. Sumner (1906) called the presence of both related attitudes ethnocentrism. Since then only a small amount of empirical research has been dedicated to this theme. Based oh survey-data from a representative sample of Dutch citizens (N= 1,799) taken in 1985, this article concludes that ethnocentrism exists in The Netherlands. This contains unfavourable stereotypes about several outgroups as well as favourable stereotypes about the ingroup. The latter dimension also refers to nationalistic feelings. Both attitudes are highly related to each other. In this study the social and cultural pattern of ethnocentric people is shown to be of an authoritarian-conservative nature

    Secularization and Entsaeulung in the Netherlands

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    Questions about the meaning of life and belief in God, (world philosophy of life scale). Topics: belief in God or a higher being (scale); the meaning of life (scale). Demography: age; sex; school education; occupational position; degree of urbanization.Fragen nach dem Sinn des Lebens und zum Glauben an Gott, (Welt-Lebensanschauungs-Skala). Themen: Glauben an Gott oder an ein höheres Wesen (Skala); Sinn des Lebens (Skala). Demographie: Alter; Geschlecht; Schulbildung; Berufliche Position; Urbanisierungsgrad

    A Graph-Theoretical Approach to the Structure of Local Elites

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    Der Beitrag versucht, die Entsprechung aufzuzeigen, die zwischen graphentheoretischen Begriffen und solchen gegeben ist, die die Beschreibung jeweiliger empirischer Gestaltaspekte tragen. Wenn es möglich sein soll, eine Darstellung lokaler Macht auf der Ebene eines empirischen Beziehungssystems auf ein formales graphentheoretisches System zu übertragen, dann müssen umgekehrt die Digraphentheoreme selbst, wie hier behauptet wird, in Aussagen über die betreffende lokale Machtstruktur übersetzt werden können.

    Attitudes and behavioural intentions towards ethnic minorities: an empirical test of several theoretical explanations for the Dutch case

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    In recent decades, attitudes towards ethnic minorities have become a significant topic for research. A great deal of debate among researchers has concentrated on the distinction between `traditional’ overt attitudes and `contemporary’ covert attitudes towards ethnic minorities. In this article it is argued that the distinction between overt and covert unfavourable attitudes is extremely important in revealing the nature, social location, determinants and consequences of contemporary unfavourable attitudes in Dutch society. This article shows among which categories of education and social class the different forms of unfavourable attitudes are strongly prevalent. It also shows how the differences in people’s attitudes play a role in their intended behaviour towards ethnic minorities.

    Protestants and Catholics in the Netherlands

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    Predictors of sense of competence in caregivers of demented persons

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    In this study a path analytic approach was used to investigate predictors of the sense of competence in primary caregivers of demented persons. Data were gathered from 141 pairs of demented persons living in the community and their informal primary caregivers. Analysis of the information reported by the primary caregivers indicated that sense of competence and its component domains were affected above all by behavioural problems of the demented person and degree of neuroticism of the primary caregiver. No significant influence was found on the sense of competence of formal support of home helps and district nurses. The results suggested that the amount of support the demented person received from other social network members only had a limited influence on the domains of sense of competence.dementia burden sense of competence social support behavioural problems