434 research outputs found

    Supervisory Control for Behavior Composition

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    We relate behavior composition, a synthesis task studied in AI, to supervisory control theory from the discrete event systems field. In particular, we show that realizing (i.e., implementing) a target behavior (e.g., a house surveillance system) by suitably coordinating a collection of available behaviors (e.g., doors, lights, cameras, etc.) amounts to imposing a supervisor onto a special discrete event system. Such a link allows us to leverage on the solid foundations and extensive work on discrete event systems, including borrowing tools and ideas from it

    A Semantic Approach to Decidability in Epistemic Planning

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    The use of Dynamic Epistemic Logic (DEL) in multi-agent planning has led to a widely adopted action formalism that can handle nondeterminism, partial observability and arbitrary knowledge nesting. As such expressive power comes at the cost of undecidability, several decidable fragments have been isolated, mainly based on syntactic restrictions of the action formalism. In this paper, we pursue a novel semantic approach to achieve decidability. Namely, rather than imposing syntactical constraints, the semantic approach focuses on the axioms of the logic for epistemic planning. Specifically, we augment the logic of knowledge S5n and with an interaction axiom called (knowledge) commutativity, which controls the ability of agents to unboundedly reason on the knowledge of other agents. We then provide a threefold contribution. First, we show that the resulting epistemic planning problem is decidable. In doing so, we prove that our framework admits a finitary non-fixpoint characterization of common knowledge, which is of independent interest. Second, we study different generalizations of the commutativity axiom, with the goal of obtaining decidability for more expressive fragments of DEL. Finally, we show that two well-known epistemic planning systems based on action templates, when interpreted under the setting of knowledge, conform to the commutativity axiom, hence proving their decidability

    Monitoring the Large Proper Motions of Radio Sources in the Orion BN/KL Region

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    We present absolute astrometry of four radio sources in the Becklin-Neugebauer/Kleinman-Low (BN/KL) region, derived from archival data (taken in 1991, 1995, and 2000) as well as from new observations (taken in 2006). All data consist of 3.6 cm continuum emission and were taken with the Very Large Array in its highest angular resolution A configuration. We confirm the large proper motions of the BN object, the radio source I (GMR I) and the radio counterpart of the infrared source n (Orion-n), with values from 15 to 26 km/s. The three sources are receding from a point between them from where they seem to have been ejected about 500 years ago, probably via the disintegration of a multiple stellar system. We present simulations of very compact stellar groups that provide a plausible dynamical scenario for the observations. The radio source Orion-n appeared as a double in the first three epochs, but as single in 2006. We discuss this morphological change. The fourth source in the region, GMR D, shows no statistically significant proper motions. We also present new, accurate relative astrometry between BN and radio source I that restrict possible dynamical scenarios for the region. During the 2006 observations, the radio source GMR A, located about 1' to the NW of the BN/KL region, exhibited an increase in its flux density of a factor of ~3.5 over a timescale of one hour. This rapid variability at cm wavelengths is similar to that previously found during a flare at millimeter wavelengths that took place in 2003.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Chandra Study of the Cepheus B Star Forming Region: Stellar Populations and the Initial Mass Function

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    Cepheus B (Cep B) molecular cloud and a portion of the nearby Cep OB3b OB association, one of the most active regions of star formation within 1 kpc, has been observed with the ACIS detector on board the Chandra X-ray Observatory. We detect 431 X-ray sources, of which 89% are confidently identified as clustered pre-main sequence stars. Two main results are obtained. First, we provide the best census to date for the stellar population of the region. We identify many members of two rich stellar clusters: the lightly obscured Cep OB3b association, and the deeply embedded cluster in Cep B whose existence was previously traced only by a handful of radio sources and T Tauri stars. Second, we find a discrepancy between the X-ray Luminosity Functions of the Cep OB3b and the Orion Nebula Cluster. This may be due to different Initial Mass Functions of two regions (excess of ~0.3 solar mass stars), or different age distributions. Several other results are obtained. A diffuse X-ray component seen in the field is attributed to the integrated emission of unresolved low mass PMS stars. The X-ray emission from HD 217086 (O7n), the principle ionizing source of the region, follows the standard model involving many small shocks in an unmagnetized radiatively accelerated wind. The X-ray source #294 joins a number of similar superflare PMS stars where long magnetic structures may connect the protoplanetary disk to the stellar surface.Comment: 72 pages, 31 figures, 8 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    High-Resolution Continuum Imaging at 1.3 and 0.7 cm of the W3 IRS 5 Region

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    High-resolution images of the hypercompact HII regions (HCHII) in W3 IRS 5 taken with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 1.3 and 0.7 cm are presented. Four HCHII regions were detected with sufficient signal-to-noise ratios to allow the determination of relevant parameters such as source position, size and flux density. The sources are slightly extended in our ~0.2 arcsecond beams; the deconvolved radii are less than 240 AU. A comparison of our data with VLA images taken at epoch 1989.1 shows proper motions for sources IRS 5a and IRS 5f. Between 1989.1 and 2002.5, we find a proper motion of 210 mas at a position angle of 12 deg for IRS 5f and a proper motion of 190 mas at a position angle of 50 deg for IRS 5a. At the assumed distance to W3 IRS 5, 1.83 +/- 0.14 kpc, these offsets translate to proper motions of ~135 km/s and ~122 km/s$ respectively. These sources are either shock ionized gas in an outflow or ionized gas ejected from high mass stars. We find no change in the positions of IRS 5d1/d2 and IRS 5b; and we show through a comparison with archival NICMOS 2.2 micron images that these two radio sources coincide with the infrared double constituting W3 IRS 5. These sources contain B or perhaps O stars. The flux densities of the four sources have changed compared to the epoch 1989.1 results. In our epoch 2002.5 data, none of the spectral indicies obtained from flux densities at 1.3 and 0.7 cm are consistent with optically thin free-free emission; IRS 5d1/d2 shows the largest increase in flux density from 1.3 cm to 0.7 cm. This may be an indication of free-free optical depth within an ionized wind, a photoevaporating disk, or an accretion flow. It is less likely that this increase is caused by dust emission at 0.7 cm.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures To be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    A compactness theorem for scalar-flat metrics on manifolds with boundary

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    Let (M,g) be a compact Riemannian manifold with boundary. This paper is concerned with the set of scalar-flat metrics which are in the conformal class of g and have the boundary as a constant mean curvature hypersurface. We prove that this set is compact for dimensions greater than or equal to 7 under the generic condition that the trace-free 2nd fundamental form of the boundary is nonzero everywhere.Comment: 49 pages. Final version, to appear in Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equation

    Tuning Chemical and Morphological Properties of Ceria Nanopowders by Mechanochemistry

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    Cerium oxide powders are widely used and are of fundamental importance in catalytic pollution control and energy production due to the unique chemical properties of CeO2. Processing steps involved in catalyst preparation, such as high-temperature calcination or mechanical milling processes, can alter the morphological and chemical properties of ceria, heavily affecting its final properties. Here, we focus on the tuning of CeO2 nanopowder properties by mild- and high-energy milling processes, as the mechanochemical synthesis is gaining increasing attention as a green synthesis method for catalyst production. The textural and redox properties were analyzed by an array of techniques to follow the aggregation and comminution mechanisms induced by mechanical stresses, which are more prominent under high-energy conditions but strongly depend on the starting properties of the ceria powders. Simultaneously, the evolution of surface defects and chemical properties was followed by Raman spectroscopy and H2 reduction tests, ultimately revealing a trade-off effect between structural and redox properties induced by the mechanochemical action. The mild-energy process appears to induce the largest enhancement in surface properties while maintaining bulk properties of the starting materials, hence confirming its effectiveness for its exploitation in catalysis

    HST/WFPC2 and VLT/ISAAC observations of PROPLYDS in the giant HII region NGC 3603

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    We report the discovery of three proplyd-like structures in the giant HII region NGC 3603. The emission nebulae are clearly resolved in narrow-band and broad-band HST/WFPC2 observations in the optical and broad-band VLT/ISAAC observations in the near-infrared. All three nebulae are tadpole shaped, with the bright ionization front at the head facing the central cluster and a fainter ionization front around the tail pointing away from the cluster. Typical sizes are 6,000 A.U. x 20,000 A.U. The nebulae share the overall morphology of the proplyds (``PROto PLanetarY DiskS'') in Orion, but are 20 to 30 times larger in size. Additional faint filaments located between the nebulae and the central ionizing cluster can be interpreted as bow shocks resulting from the interaction of the fast winds from the high-mass stars in the cluster with the evaporation flow from the proplyds. The striking similarity of the tadpole shaped emission nebulae in NGC 3603 to the proplyds in Orion suggests that the physical structure of both types of objects might be the same. We present 2D radiation hydrodynamical simulations of an externally illuminated star-disk-envelope system, which was still in its main accretion phase when first exposed to ionizing radiation from the central cluster. The simulations reproduce the overall morphology of the proplyds in NGC 3603 very well, but also indicate that mass-loss rates of up to 10^-5 Mo/yr are required in order to explain the size of the proplyds. (abbreviated)Comment: 10 pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses emulateapj.sty and psfig.tex. Astronomical Journal, in press (January 2000 issue

    Hsp70 and Hsp40 inhibit an inter-domain interaction necessary for transcriptional activity in the androgen receptor.

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    Molecular chaperones such as Hsp40 and Hsp70 hold the androgen receptor (AR) in an inactive conformation. They are released in the presence of androgens, enabling transactivation and causing the receptor to become aggregation-prone. Here we show that these molecular chaperones recognize a region of the AR N-terminal domain (NTD), including a FQNLF motif, that interacts with the AR ligand-binding domain (LBD) upon activation. This suggests that competition between molecular chaperones and the LBD for the FQNLF motif regulates AR activation. We also show that, while the free NTD oligomerizes, binding to Hsp70 increases its solubility. Stabilizing the NTD-Hsp70 interaction with small molecules reduces AR aggregation and promotes its degradation in cellular and mouse models of the neuromuscular disorder spinal bulbar muscular atrophy. These results help resolve the mechanisms by which molecular chaperones regulate the balance between AR aggregation, activation and quality control

    Low Velocity Ionized Winds from Regions Around Young O Stars

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    We have observed seven ultracompact HII regions in hydrogen recombination lines in the millimeter band. Toward four of these regions, there is a high velocity (full width to half maximum 60-80 km/s) component in the line profiles. The high velocity gas accounts for 35-70% of the emission measure within the beam. We compare these objects to an additional seven similar sources we have found in the literature. The broad recombination line objects (BRLOs) make up about 30% of all sources in complexes containing ultracompact HII regions. Comparison of spectral line and continuum data implies that the BRLOs coincide with sources with rising spectral indices, >=0.4 up to 100 GHz. Both the number of BRLOs and their frequency of occurrence within HII region complexes, when coupled with their small size and large internal motions, mean that the apparent contradiction between the dynamical and population lifetimes for BRLOs is even more severe than for ultracompact HII regions. We evaluate a number of models for the origin of the broad recombination line emission. The lifetime, morphology, and rising spectral index of the sources argue for photo- evaporated disks as the cause for BRLOs. Existing models for such regions, however, do not account for the large amounts of gas observed at supersonic velocities.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figure
