3 research outputs found

    Motor intervention in children with school learning difficulties

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    This study sought to evaluate motor development in children aged 6 to 11 years with learning\ud difficulties and school characteristics of delayed motor development, before and after application of\ud a motor intervention program. The sample consisted of 28 children with a mean age of 107.21 ±\ud 16.56 months, who were evaluated by the Motor Development Scale and received motor intervention\ud for 6 months, followed by reassessment. We observed a statistically significant difference between\ud the average of the motor activity ratios in all areas of the evaluation and reevaluation. Also verified\ud in the evaluation were the concentration ratios of children with motor activity greater than or equal\ud to 80 and there was a revaluation increase in this concentration on re-evaluation, the areas with the\ud greatest increase in concentration and significant differences being: Body Schema, Space and temporal\ud Organization. In the overall evaluation of MDS, most children presented the classification of “low\ud normal”. However, in the reassessment most have evolved into the “average normal”, only 4 of\ud themremaining in the same classification. Therefore, in this study, children with learning disabilities\ud also showed motor deficits and the intervention applied contributed to an increase in the motor\ud ratios with consequent improvement in motor development. Besides psychopedagogical asistance,\ud it is essential to reassess them and if necessary apply the intervention in the motor development of\ud children with learning difficultie


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    The objectives of this study were to evaluate the growth and development of children in day care and to intervene in those with delayed of motor development. This study had the participation of 15 children (8 males and 7 females) between 0 to 2 years, attending a day care at Presidente Prudente/SP. It was used the charts of BMI/age of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to assess the growth and, for analysis of development, it was used the Operationalized Portage Inventory, which consists of tests divided into five areas: socialization, self-care, language, cognition and motor development, and it may establish if the age of the area become smaller (delay), equal to or greater than the chronological age in each child. The children had an average age of 17.86 months and eutrophic classification, in other words, normal BMI/age. The sample was above the chronological age in the areas of socialization (11 children), self-care (13), and motor development (13). The cognition area was equally distributed into smaller, equal and greater than chronological age. Only the area of language (13 children) was presented below the chronological age. The two children who had delayed motor development received motor intervention and, after the reassessment, there was significant evolution of the motor age, without changing in the classification of BMI/age. Therefore, most of these children had the proper growth and development for their age, except in the language area. In addition, the motor intervention was effective, confirming the importance of the performance of professionals specialized in health and education area in day care, contributing to children growth and development

    Função motora e qualidade de vida de indivíduos com paralisia cerebral

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    Objetivo: Avaliar e correlacionar a função motora grossa e a qualidade de vida de crianças com PC. Métodos: Foi verificado em 20 crianças o tipo clínico e anatômico, a função motora grossa pela GMFM (Gross Motor Function Measure) e a qualidade de vida pelo Questionário de Qualidade de Vida Pediátrico (PedsQL). Foi utilizado o teste de Shapiro-Wilk e o de Kruskal-Wallis. Para correlacionar utilizou-se da Análise de Correlação Canônica, o teste da Razão de Verossimilhança e a Estatística Multivariada de Wilks Lambda, com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Apresentaram idade média de 8,4±4,03 anos. Os indivíduos com hemiparesia espástica apresentaram função motora significativamente maior que os com tetraparesia atetóide e espástica. Verificou-se a existência de alta correlação canônica significativa entre as variáveis da GMFM e PedsQL. Conclusão: Os achados demonstram que quanto maior for o comprometimento da função motora grossa menor será a sua qualidade de vida.</p