592 research outputs found

    A result on polynomials derived via graph theory

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    We present an example of a result in graph theory that is used to obtain a result in another branch of mathematics. More precisely, we show that the isomorphism of certain directed graphs implies that some trinomials over finite fields have the same number of roots

    A Procedure Model for Enterprise-Wide Authorization Architecture

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    Wie viel Grenzwert braucht der Mensch? – Unendlichkeit dynamisch und statisch begreifen

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    Im Alltag bezeichnet ein Grenzwert eine real messbare Größe, die aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht überschritten werden sollte (z. B. !- oder Feinstaub-Grenzwert). Demgegenüber zeichnet sich der mathematische Grenzwertbegriff gerade dadurch aus, ein theoretisches Gedankenkonstrukt zu sein, welches einem unendlichen Prozess ein idealisiertes Ergebnis zuordnet. Aus didaktischer Perspektive kann somit die Frage aufgeworfen werden, inwiefern eine rein theoretische Auseinandersetzung mit Grenzwerten im Mathematikunterricht überhaupt legitimiert werden kann

    Design Theory

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    Entwicklungsstufen des Unternehmensarchitekturmanagements

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    Zusammenfassungen: Je nach Ausgestaltung kann Unternehmensarchitekturmanagement (UAM) eine wichtige Komponente des strategischen IT-Managements bilden — oder auch nicht. Um die Ausgestaltungsmöglichkeiten besser zu verstehen, führen wir zunächst UAM-Dimensionen ein und beschreiben auf dieser Grundlage vier zentrale UAM-Entwick-lungsstufen, deren letzte >>strategisches UAM<< ist. Die vier Entwicklungsstufen ermöglichen dem Leser die Positionierung des jeweils realisierten UAM im eigenen Unternehmen sowie die Definition eines angemessenen Zielzustands. Drei Kurzfallstudien zeigen konkret auf, in welchen Variationen strategisches UAM umgesetzt und in welcher Weise dadurch strategisches Informationsmanagement unterstützt werden kan

    Method Support of Information Requirements Analysis for Analytical Information Systems: State of the Art, Practice Requirements, and Research Agenda

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    Due to specific characteristics of analytical information systems, their development varies significantly from transaction-oriented systems. Specific method support is particularly needed for requirements engineering and its information-related component, information requirements analysis. The paper at hand first evaluates the state of the art and identifies necessary method support extensions. On this basis, method support requirements for information requirements engineering are identified. The survey is structured along the five core activities of traditional requirements engineering. It reveals a need for further research especially on information requirements elicitation, validation, and management. It further contributes to a discussion of aspects that should be considered by any method support. Due to comparatively long life cycles of analytical information systems, the introduction of a process perspective is discussed in order to ensure the continuous elicitation, documentation, and management of information requirement

    Whom to Inform about Prices? Evidence from the German Fuel Market

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    Combining a theoretical model of imperfect information with empirical evidence, we show how the effect of providing price information to consumers depends on how well informed they are beforehand. Theoretically, an increase in consumer information decreases prices more, the fewer ex ante informed consumers there are. Empirically, we study mandatory price disclosure in the German fuel market for two fuel types that differ in ex ante consumer information. The decline in prices is stronger when there are fewer ex ante informed consumers. The magnitude of the treatment effect declines over time but is intensified by local follow-on information campaigns

    Entropic proofs of Singleton bounds for quantum error-correcting codes

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    We show that a relatively simple reasoning using von Neumann entropy inequalities yields a robust proof of the quantum Singleton bound for quantum error-correcting codes (QECC). For entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes (EAQECC) and catalytic codes (CQECC), a type of generalized quantum Singleton bound [Brun et al., IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 60(6):3073--3089 (2014)] was believed to hold for many years until recently one of us found a counterexample [MG, Phys. Rev. A 103, 020601 (2021)]. Here, we rectify this state of affairs by proving the correct generalized quantum Singleton bound, extending the above-mentioned proof method for QECC; we also prove information-theoretically tight bounds on the entanglement-communication tradeoff for EAQECC. All of the bounds relate block length nn and code length kk for given minimum distance dd and we show that they are robust, in the sense that they hold with small perturbations for codes which only correct most of the erasure errors of less than dd letters. In contrast to the classical case, the bounds take on qualitatively different forms depending on whether the minimum distance is smaller or larger than half the block length. We also provide a propagation rule: any pure QECC yields an EAQECC with the same distance and dimension, but of shorter block length.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. Theorem 7 and Corollaries 8 and 9 adde

    Design Theory

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    Method Support of Information Requirements Analysis for Analytical Information Systems State of the Art, Practice Requirements, and Research Agenda

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    Due to specific characteristics of analyticalinformation systems, their developmentvaries significantly from transaction-oriented systems. Specific methodsupport is particularly needed forrequirements engineering and itsinformation-related component, informationrequirements analysis. The paperat hand first evaluates the state ofthe art and identifies necessary methodsupport extensions.On this basis,methodsupport requirements for informationrequirements engineering are identified.The survey is structured alongthe five core activities of traditional requirementsengineering. It reveals aneed for further research especially oninformation requirements elicitation,validation, and management. It furthercontributes to a discussion of aspectsthat should be considered by anymethod support. Due to comparativelylong life cycles of analytical informationsystems, the introduction of a processperspective is discussed in order to ensurethe continuous elicitation, documentation,and management of informationrequirements
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