574 research outputs found

    Uniqueness of asymptotically conical tangent flows

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    Singularities of the mean curvature flow of an embedded surface in R^3 are expected to be modelled on self-shrinkers that are compact, cylindrical, or asymptotically conical. In order to understand the flow before and after the singular time, it is crucial to know the uniqueness of tangent flows at the singularity. In all dimensions, assuming the singularity is multiplicity one, uniqueness in the compact case has been established by the second-named author, and in the cylindrical case by Colding-Minicozzi. We show here the uniqueness of multiplicity-one asymptotically conical tangent flows for mean curvature flow of hypersurfaces. In particular, this implies that when a mean curvature flow has a multiplicity-one conical singularity model, the evolving surface at the singular time has an (isolated) regular conical singularity at the singular point. This should lead to a complete understanding of how to "flow through" such a singularity.Comment: 40 page

    Expanding solitons with non-negative curvature operator coming out of cones

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    We consider Ricci flow of complete Riemannian manifolds which have bounded non-negative curvature operator, non-zero asymptotic volume ratio and no boundary. We prove scale invariant estimates for these solutions. Using these estimates, we show that there is a limit solution, obtained by scaling down this solution at a fixed point in space. This limit solution is an expanding soliton coming out of the asymptotic cone at infinity.Comment: v.2. Added some missing references and made some minor rearrangements.14 page

    Ricci flow from spaces with isolated conical singularities

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    Let (M,g0)(M,g_0) be a compact nn-dimensional Riemannian manifold with a finite number of singular points, where the metric is asymptotic to a non-negatively curved cone over (Snβˆ’1,g)(\mathbb{S}^{n-1},g). We show that there exists a smooth Ricci flow starting from such a metric with curvature decaying like C/t. The initial metric is attained in Gromov-Hausdorff distance and smoothly away from the singular points. In the case that the initial manifold has isolated singularities asymptotic to a non-negatively curved cone over (Snβˆ’1/Ξ“,g)(\mathbb{S}^{n-1}/\Gamma,g), where Ξ“\Gamma acts freely and properly discontinuously, we extend the above result by showing that starting from such an initial condition there exists a smooth Ricci flow with isolated orbifold singularities.Comment: Final version, to appear in Geometry & Topolog

    Generic uniqueness of expanders with vanishing relative entropy

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    We define a relative entropy for two expanding solutions to mean curvature flow of hypersurfaces, asymptotic to the same cone at infinity. Adapting work of White and using recent results of Bernstein and Bernstein-Wang, we show that expanders with vanishing relative entropy are unique in a generic sense. This also implies that generically locally entropy minimising expanders are unique.Comment: 31 pages. Final version, to appear in Math. Annale

    On short time existence for the planar network flow

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    We prove the existence of the flow by curvature of regular planar networks starting from an initial network which is non-regular. The proof relies on a monotonicity formula for expanding solutions and a local regularity result for the network flow in the spirit of B. White's local regularity theorem for mean curvature flow. We also show a pseudolocality theorem for mean curvature flow in any codimension, assuming only that the initial submanifold can be locally written as a graph with sufficiently small Lipschitz constant.Comment: Final version, to appear in Journal of Differential Geometry. 51 page

    On the regularity of Ricci flows coming out of metric spaces

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    We consider smooth, not necessarily complete, Ricci flows, (M,g(t))t∈(0,T)(M,g(t))_{t\in (0,T)} with Ric(g(t))β‰₯βˆ’1{\mathrm{Ric}}(g(t)) \geq -1 and ∣Rm(g(t))βˆ£β‰€c/t| {\mathrm{Rm}} (g(t))| \leq c/t for all t∈(0,T)t\in (0 ,T) coming out of metric spaces (M,d0)(M,d_0) in the sense that (M,d(g(t)),x0)β†’(M,d0,x0)(M,d(g(t)), x_0) \to (M,d_0, x_0) as tβ†˜0t\searrow 0 in the pointed Gromov-Hausdorff sense. In the case that Bg(t)(x0,1)⋐MB_{g(t)}(x_0,1) \Subset M for all t∈(0,T)t\in (0,T) and d0d_0 is generated by a smooth Riemannian metric in distance coordinates, we show using Ricci-harmonic map heat flow, that there is a corresponding smooth solution g~(t)t∈(0,T)\tilde g(t)_{t\in (0,T)} to the Ξ΄\delta-Ricci-DeTurck flow on an Euclidean ball Br(p0)βŠ‚Rn{\mathbb B}_{r}(p_0) \subset {\mathbb R}^n, which can be extended to a smooth solution defined for t∈[0,T)t \in [0,T). We further show, that this implies that the original solution gg can be extended to a smooth solution on Bd0(x0,r/2)B_{d_0}(x_0,r/2) for t∈[0,T)t\in [0,T), in view of the method of Hamilton.Comment: 37 pages, no figures. Journal version, to appear in JEMS. This version contains a small number of extra clarifications and explanations, partly resulting from comments of the referee

    Evolution of convex hypersurfaces by powers of the mean curvature

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    We study the evolution of a closed, convex hypersurface in ℝn+1 in direction of its normal vector, where the speed equals a positive power k of the mean curvature. We show that the flow exists on a maximal, finite time interval, and that, approaching the final time, the surfaces contract to a poin
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