251 research outputs found

    Low bone mineral density is associated with gray matter volume decrease in UK Biobank

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    ObjectivesPrevious research has found an association of low bone mineral density (BMD) and regional gray matter (GM) volume loss in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We were interested whether BMD is associated with GM volume decrease in brains of a healthy elderly population from the UK Biobank.Materials and methodsT1-weighted images from 5,518 women (MAge = 70.20, SD = 3.54; age range: 65–82 years) and 7,595 men (MAge = 70.84, SD = 3.68; age range: 65–82 years) without neurological or psychiatric impairments were included in voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analysis in CAT12 with threshold-free-cluster-enhancement (TFCE) across the whole brain.ResultsWe found a significant decrease of GM volume in women in the superior frontal gyri, middle temporal gyri, fusiform gyri, temporal poles, cingulate gyri, precunei, right parahippocampal gyrus and right hippocampus, right ventral diencephalon, and right pre- and postcentral gyrus. Only small effects were found in men in subcallosal area, left basal forebrain and entorhinal area.ConclusionBMD is associated with low GM volume in women but less in men in regions afflicted in the early-stages of AD even in a sample without neurodegenerative diseases

    Functional hierarchy of oculomotor and visual motion subnetworks within the human cortical optokinetic system

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    © 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. Optokinetic look nystagmus (look OKN) is known to engage cortical visual motion and oculomotor hubs. Their functional network hierarchy, however, and the role of the cingulate eye field (CEF) and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in particular have not been investigated. We used look OKN in fMRI to identify all cortical visual motion and oculomotor hubs involved. Using these activations as seed regions, we employed hierarchical clustering in two differing resting state conditions from a separate public data set. Robust activations in the CEF highlight its functional role in OKN and involvement in higher order oculomotor control. Deactivation patterns indicate a decreased modulatory involvement of the DLPFC. The hierarchical clustering revealed a changeable organization of the eye fields, hMT, V3A, and V6 depending on the resting state condition, segregating executive from higher order visual subnetworks. Overall, hierarchical clustering seems to allow for a robust delineation of physiological cortical networks

    What Can Computational Models Contribute to Neuroimaging Data Analytics?

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    Over the past years, nonlinear dynamical models have significantly contributed to the general understanding of brain activity as well as brain disorders. Appropriately validated and optimized mathematical models can be used to mechanistically explain properties of brain structure and neuronal dynamics observed from neuroimaging data. A thorough exploration of the model parameter space and hypothesis testing with the methods of nonlinear dynamical systems and statistical physics can assist in classification and prediction of brain states. On the one hand, such a detailed investigation and systematic parameter variation are hardly feasible in experiments and data analysis. On the other hand, the model-based approach can establish a link between empirically discovered phenomena and more abstract concepts of attractors, multistability, bifurcations, synchronization, noise-induced dynamics, etc. Such a mathematical description allows to compare and differentiate brain structure and dynamics in health and disease, such that model parameters and dynamical regimes may serve as additional biomarkers of brain states and behavioral modes. In this perspective paper we first provide very brief overview of the recent progress and some open problems in neuroimaging data analytics with emphasis on the resting state brain activity. We then focus on a few recent contributions of mathematical modeling to our understanding of the brain dynamics and model-based approaches in medicine. Finally, we discuss the question stated in the title. We conclude that incorporating computational models in neuroimaging data analytics as well as in translational medicine could significantly contribute to the progress in these fields

    Tract-specific statistics based on diffusion-weighted probabilistic tractography

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    Diffusion-weighted neuroimaging approaches provide rich evidence with which to estimate the structural integrity of white matter in vivo, but typically do not provide a direct assessment of white matter integrity for connections between two specific regions of the brain. Here, we present a method for deriving tract-specific diffusion statistics, based upon arbitrarily-defined regions of interest. Our approach makes use of an empirically-derived population distribution based on probabilistic tractography, using the Nathan Kline Institute (NKI) Enhanced Rockland sample. We use a heuristic method to determine the most likely geometry of a path between two regions and express this as a spatial distribution. We then estimate the average orientation of streamlines traversing this path, at discrete distances along its trajectory, and compute the fraction of diffusion directed along this orientation for each participant. This allows us to obtain participant-wise metrics along the specific tract (tract-specific anisotropy; TSA), which can then be used to perform statistical analysis on any comparable population. Based on this method, we report both negative and positive associations between age and TSA for two networks derived from published meta-analytic studies (the "default mode" and "what-where" networks), along with more moderate sex differences and age-by-sex interactions in both networks

    Behavior, sensitivity, and power of activation likelihood estimation characterized by massive empirical simulation

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    Given the increasing number of neuroimaging publications, the automated knowledge extraction on brain-behavior associations by quantitative meta-analyses has become a highly important and rapidly growing field of research. Among several methods to perform coordinate-based neuroimaging meta-analyses, Activation Likelihood Estimation (ALE) has been widely adopted. In this paper, we addressed two pressing questions related to ALE meta-analysis: i) Which thresholding method is most appropriate to perform statistical inference? ii) Which sample size, i.e., number of experiments, is needed to perform robust meta-analyses? We provided quantitative answers to these questions by simulating more than 120,000 meta-analysis datasets using empirical parameters (i.e., number of subjects, number of reported foci, distribution of activation foci) derived from the BrainMap database. This allowed to characterize the behavior of ALE analyses, to derive first power estimates for neuroimaging meta-analyses, and to thus formulate recommendations for future ALE studies. We could show as a first consequence that cluster-level family-wise error (FWE) correction represents the most appropriate method for statistical inference, while voxel-level FWE correction is valid but more conservative. In contrast, uncorrected inference and false-discovery rate correction should be avoided. As a second consequence, researchers should aim to include at least 20 experiments into an ALE meta-analysis to achieve sufficient power for moderate effects. We would like to note, though, that these calculations and recommendations are specific to ALE and may not be extrapolated to other approaches for (neuroimaging) meta-analysis

    Influence of Processing Pipeline on Cortical Thickness Measurement

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    In recent years, replicability of neuroscientific findings, specifically those concerning correlates of morphological properties of gray matter (GM), have been subject of major scrutiny. Use of different processing pipelines and differences in their estimates of the macroscale GM may play an important role in this context. To address this issue, here, we investigated the cortical thickness estimates of three widely used pipelines. Based on analyses in two independent large-scale cohorts, we report high levels of within-pipeline reliability of the absolute cortical thickness-estimates and comparable spatial patterns of cortical thickness-estimates across all pipelines. Within each individual, absolute regional thickness differed between pipelines, indicating that in-vivo thickness measurements are only a proxy of actual thickness of the cortex, which shall only be compared within the same software package and thickness estimation technique. However, at group level, cortical thickness-estimates correlated strongly between pipelines, in most brain regions. The smallest between-pipeline correlations were observed in para-limbic areas and insula. These regions also demonstrated the highest interindividual variability and the lowest reliability of cortical thickness-estimates within each pipeline, suggesting that structural variations within these regions should be interpreted with caution

    A Connectivity-Based Psychometric Prediction Framework for Brain-Behavior Relationship Studies.

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    peer reviewedThe recent availability of population-based studies with neuroimaging and behavioral measurements opens promising perspectives to investigate the relationships between interindividual variability in brain regions' connectivity and behavioral phenotypes. However, the multivariate nature of connectivity-based prediction model severely limits the insight into brain-behavior patterns for neuroscience. To address this issue, we propose a connectivity-based psychometric prediction framework based on individual regions' connectivity profiles. We first illustrate two main applications: 1) single brain region's predictive power for a range of psychometric variables and 2) single psychometric variable's predictive power variation across brain region. We compare the patterns of brain-behavior provided by these approaches to the brain-behavior relationships from activation approaches. Then, capitalizing on the increased transparency of our approach, we demonstrate how the influence of various data processing and analyses can directly influence the patterns of brain-behavior relationships, as well as the unique insight into brain-behavior relationships offered by this approach

    Neurobiological Divergence of the Positive and Negative Schizophrenia Subtypes Identified on a New Factor Structure of Psychopathology Using Non-negative Factorization:An International Machine Learning Study

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    ObjectiveDisentangling psychopathological heterogeneity in schizophrenia is challenging and previous results remain inconclusive. We employed advanced machine-learning to identify a stable and generalizable factorization of the “Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS)”, and used it to identify psychopathological subtypes as well as their neurobiological differentiations.MethodsPANSS data from the Pharmacotherapy Monitoring and Outcome Survey cohort (1545 patients, 586 followed up after 1.35±0.70 years) were used for learning the factor-structure by an orthonormal projective non-negative factorization. An international sample, pooled from nine medical centers across Europe, USA, and Asia (490 patients), was used for validation. Patients were clustered into psychopathological subtypes based on the identified factor-structure, and the neurobiological divergence between the subtypes was assessed by classification analysis on functional MRI connectivity patterns.ResultsA four-factor structure representing negative, positive, affective, and cognitive symptoms was identified as the most stable and generalizable representation of psychopathology. It showed higher internal consistency than the original PANSS subscales and previously proposed factor-models. Based on this representation, the positive-negative dichotomy was confirmed as the (only) robust psychopathological subtypes, and these subtypes were longitudinally stable in about 80% of the repeatedly assessed patients. Finally, the individual subtype could be predicted with good accuracy from functional connectivity profiles of the ventro-medial frontal cortex, temporoparietal junction, and precuneus.ConclusionsMachine-learning applied to multi-site data with cross-validation yielded a factorization generalizable across populations and medical systems. Together with subtyping and the demonstrated ability to predict subtype membership from neuroimaging data, this work further disentangles the heterogeneity in schizophrenia