2,896 research outputs found

    Brand tribalism as a strategic pillar to business success in the sports shoes market

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Negócios InternacionaisMajor shoe companies have been using brand tribalism as a business pillar more often, and more effectively. This study is dedicated to observe the phenomenon of brand tribalism and how they help these companies make decisions (and sustain them long-term). Society, in the current globalized context, is increasingly inserted in its virtual social circles and allows for more possibilities of companies’ access to consumer-created content. Larger access also makes the collection of information severely easier. This paper brought a psychological and managerial exploration of this bilateral relationship “consumer company” in the sphere of consumer behavior of brands, brand tribes and communities (as strategic pillars). A theoretical model was created with different variables as to allow the construction of an analysis. The variables are: ‘social’, ‘defense of tribe’, sense of community’, ‘lineage’, ‘purchase. Intention’, and ‘willingness to pay’. Quantitative data of 204 respondents and a descriptive methodology of research were the methods used to validate the theoretical model and the correlation between variables. The results enabled a view onto how brand tribalism has been used for business success within the sports shoes market. The correlations are of moderate to strong intensity between Brand Tribalism and the consumer’s intention and willingness to purchase. These results lead to the belief that customers that engage in brand communities have a stronger desire purchase and are willing to pay more for shoes as brands increase the value of shoes whether physically or with partnership storytelling. The study brings evidence that brands that invest more in adding value to products with use of brand tribalism and brand community elements will have returns that tend to be increasingly positive. Profitability and sales will increase as brands foster their connection with consumers and the connection that consumers have with each other. This study can be explored further but it already shows great contribution to empirical knowledge that is already discussed among respected personalities that have worked in this industry and its related entertainment industry for many years thus far

    Dynamics in the Fitness-Income plane: Brazilian states vs World countries

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    In this paper we introduce a novel algorithm, called Exogenous Fitness, to calculate the Fitness of subnational entities and we apply it to the states of Brazil. In the last decade, several indices were introduced to measure the competitiveness of countries by looking at the complexity of their export basket. Tacchella et al (2012) developed a non-monetary metric called Fitness. In this paper, after an overview about Brazil as a whole and the comparison with the other BRIC countries, we introduce a new methodology based on the Fitness algorithm, called Exogenous Fitness. Combining the results with the Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDPp), we look at the dynamics of the Brazilian states in the Fitness-Income plane. Two regimes are distinguishable: one with high predictability and the other with low predictability, showing a deep analogy with the heterogeneous dynamics of the World countries. Furthermore, we compare the ranking of the Brazilian states according to the Exogenous Fitness with the ranking obtained through two other techniques, namely Endogenous Fitness and Economic Complexity Index

    Assessment of taxonomic status of Pseudopaludicola Miranda-Ribeiro populations (Anura: Leptodactylidae: Leiuperinae)

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    Orientador: Ariovaldo Antonio GiarettaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: Pseudopaludicola é um gênero neotropical de anfíbio anuro que abriga 18 espécies e constitui um grupo natural, com populações distribuídas ao longo da América do Sul. A real diversidade de espécies desse grupo ainda se encontra subestimada e estudos taxonômicos integrados (integrative taxonomy) ainda são escassos para o gênero. O presente trabalho obteve em campo espécimes vivos, dados acústicos, e tecidos de populações já conhecidas e ainda não estudadas de Pseudopaludicola visando atribuí-las uma identificação taxonômica apropriada. A partir de uma abordagem integrativa, propomos a ocorrência no nordeste brasileiro de uma espécie inédita do grupo de P. saltica. Nossa hipótese é sustentada por evidências morfológicas, acústicas, moleculares, citogenéticas e filogenéticas. Além disso, avaliamos o status taxonômico de populações de perto relacionadas a P. ternetzi. Com base em dados acústicos, morfológicos e moleculares atribuímos a elas o nome P. ternetzi, e propomos uma diagnose acústica desta última espécie em relação a todas as suas congêneres, inclusive para sua espécie-irmã, P. ameghini. Adicionalmente, detectamos uma variação morfológica e acústica intraespecífica da população do Pontal do Araguaia (MT) em relação as outras populações de P. ternetziAbstract: The dwarf swamp frogs, genus Pseudopaludicola, includes 18 species, which occur throughout South America. Integrated taxonomic studies are still not enough to describe the underestimated diversity of this monophyletic frog group. Through field works, the present study obtains live specimens, acoustic data and tissues of Pseudopaludicola populations, aiming assign them an appropriate taxonomic identification. From an integrative approach, we propose the occurrence of a new species from P. saltica species group in northeastern Brazil, hypothesis supported by morphological, bioacoustics, molecular, cytogenetic and phylogenetic evidences. In addition, we evaluated the taxonomic status of populations closely related to P. ternetzi. Based on acoustic, morphometric and molecular data we attribute to them the name P. ternetzi, and propose an acoustic diagnosis for this species in relation to all its congeners, including its sister species, P. ameghini. Additionally, we evaluate a morphometric and acoustic intraspecific variation of the Pontal do Araguaia population (MT) in relation to P. ternetzi studied populationsMestradoBiodiversidade AnimalMestre em Biologia AnimalCNP

    Psychosocial risk factors and work (engagement) in a health care institution in the city of, Cali - Colombia

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    El presente artículo describe los resultados de una investigación cuyo objetivo fue evaluar e identificar la relación entre los Factores Psicosociales Intralaborales y la experiencia de Engagement en el trabajo, en una organización privada del sector salud de la ciudad de Cali, Colombia. Participaron 111 trabajadores. Se utilizó el Cuestionario de Factores de Riesgo Psicosocial Intralaboral (Ministerio de la Protección Social, 2010) y la versión en español de la Encuesta de Bienestar y Trabajo (Utrech Work Engagement Scale (UWES)), elaborada por Shaufeli y Bakker (2003). El puntaje total en la evaluación de Factores de Riesgo Psicosocial permite inferir que la organización se encuentra en un nivel de riesgo medio. Las dimensiones que indican un nivel de riesgo alto son: Demandas emocionales en el trabajo y Retroalimentación del desempeño. En la evaluación del Engagement se encontraron puntajes altos y medios en sus tres dimensiones (vigor, dedicación y absorción), mostrando relaciones estadísticamente significativas con los factores psicosociales: Control sobre el trabajo, Recompensas, y Liderazgo y relaciones sociales en el trabajo. Como conclusión, la investigación logró evidenciar relaciones significativas entre los Factores Psicosociales Intralaborales y la experiencia de Engagement en el trabajo, por lo cual se destaca la pertinencia de incluir la mirada de la Psicología Positiva en el estudio de las condiciones de trabajo y su impacto en la salud de los trabajadores.O presente artigo descreve os resultados de uma pesquisa cujo objetivo foi avaliar e identificar a relação entre os Fatores Psicossociais Intratrabalhistas e a experiência de Engagement no trabalho, em uma organização particular do setor da saúde da cidade de Cali na Colômbia. Participaram 111 trabalhadores. Utilizou-se o Questionário de Fatores de Risco Psicossocial Intralaboral (Ministério de Proteção Social, 2010) e a versão em espanhol da Pesquisa de Bem-estar e Trabalho (Utrech Work Engagement Scale (UWES)), elaborada por Shaufeli e Bakker (2003). A pontuação total na avaliação de Fatores de Risco Psicossocial permite inferir que a organização encontra-se em um nível de risco médio. As dimensões que indicam um nível de risco alto são: Demandas emocionais no trabalho e Retroalimentação do desempenho. Na avaliação do Engagement encontraram-se pontuações altas e médias em suas três dimensões (vigor, dedicação e absorção), mostrando relações estatisticamente significativas com os fatores psicossociais Controle sobre o trabalho, Recompensas, e Liderança e relações sociais no trabalho. Como conclusão, a pesquisa conseguiu evidenciar relações significativas entre os Fatores Psicossociais Intratrabalhistas e a experiência de Engagement no trabalho, pelo qual destaca-se pertinência de incluir o olhar da Psicologia Positiva no estudo das condições de trabalho e seu impacto na saúde dos trabalhadores.This paper describes the results and conclusions of a research whose main objective was to assess and identify the relationship between psychosocial factors at work and the experience of work Engagement in a private health care institution of the city of Cali, Colombia. Participants were 111 workers involved in care and administrative positions. The Cuestionario de Factores de Riesgo Psicosocial Intralaboral (Ministerio de la Protección Social, 2010). (Psycho-social risk factors at work Questionnaire) (Ministry of Social Protection, 2010) and the Spanish version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), developed by Shaufeli and Bakker (2003) were used. The total score in the assessment of Psychosocial Risk Factors at work for the entire organization showed a medium level of risk. The higher risk levels were found in the dimensions of emotional demands at work and performance feedback. In the assessment of work Engagement, high and average scores were found for the three domains of this construct (vigor, dedication, and absorption), showing statistically significant relationships with the psychosocial factors of Control over work, Rewards, and Leadership and Social Relationships. As a conclusion, this research showed statistically significant relationships between Psychosocial Factors and work Engagement. Therefore, the importance of including a Positive Psychology view on the study of work conditions and their impact on workers' health and quality of life is highlighted

    Psychosocial Risk Factors in a Food Industry in the City of Cali

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    Objetivo. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar los factores de riesgo psicosocial intralaboral y extralaboral, así como las manifestaciones físicas y psicológicas ligadas al estrés en el trabajo, en trabajadores de una industria alimenticia en la ciudad de Cali (Colombia). Método. Para ello, se realizó una investigación descriptiva con diseño transversal. La información se recolectó a través del cuestionario de riesgos biopsicosociales asociados a la accidentalidad de Rentería, Fernández, Tenjo y Uribe (2008); adaptado por Zúñiga y Uribe (2009) a la totalidad de los trabajadores (43 sujetos, 72% mujeres y 28% hombres). Resultados. Los resultados evidenciaron manifestaciones físicas y psicológicas asociadas al estrés en los trabajadores y se presumieron exposiciones a factores de riesgo psicosocial, específicamente, en las dimensiones de condiciones de trabajo, disponibilidad de recursos, gestión de los líderes, alta carga laboral, ausencia de programas de capacitación y salud ocupacional. Conclusiones. Los principales hallazgos de este trabajo sugieren que es fundamental que diferentes instancias académicas, profesionales y legales atiendan la salud laboral de las pequeñas industrias alimenticias, pues sus trabajadores parecen estar expuestos a diferentes tipos de riesgo psicosocial y carecen de medidas de prevención entorno al estrés laboral.Escopo. O escopo de esta pesquisa foi avaliar os fatores do risco psicossocial intraloboral e extraboral, assim como as manifestações físicas e psicológicas ligadas ao stress no trabalho, nos trabalhadores de uma indústria alimentaria na cidade de Cali (Colômbia). Metodologia. Para isto, foi feita uma pesquisa descritiva com desenho transversal. A informação foi coletada através do questionário de riscos biopsicossociais associados à acidentalidade de Renteria, Fernández, Tenjo e Uribe (2008), adaptado por Zúñiga e Uribe (2009) à totalidade dos trabalhadores da empresa (43 sujeitos, 72% mulheres e 28% homens). Resultados. Os resultados evidenciaram manifestações físicas e psicológicas associadas ao stress nos trabalhadores e presumiram exposições a fatores de risco psicossocial, especificamente, nas dimensões de condições de trabalho, disponibilidade de recursos, gestão dos líderes, alta carga laboral, ausência de programas de capacitação e saúde ocupacional. Conclusão. As principais descobertas de este trabalho sugerem que é fundamental que diferentes instancias acadêmicas, profissionais e legais atendam a saúde laboral das pequenas industrias alimentarias, pois seus trabalhadores parecem estar expostos a diferentes tipos de risco psicossocial e carecem de medidas de prevenção em torno ao stress laboral.Objective. This article presents the results of the assessment of psychosocial risk factors within and outside the working environment, and the physical and psychological manifestations associated with job stress, conducted at a food industry in the city of Cali, Colombia. Method. Descriptive, non-experimental and cross-sectional research was carried out. Information was collected by means of the accident-related bio-psychosocial risk instrument developed by Renteria, Fernandez, Tenjo and Uribe (2008) and adapted by Zúñiga and Uribe (2009), which was applied to all employees (43 subjects 72% female, and 28% male), consisting of operational and administrative staff. Results. The results indicated stress-related manifestations of a physical and psychological nature among the workers, and what was seen to be exposure to psycho-social risk factors, especially with regard to working conditions, availability of resources, management on the part of their superiors, a heavy workload, and a lack of training and occupational health programs. Conclusion. These results support the call for academic, legal and other related institutions to attend to the need for occupational health care in food industries, which have been neglected in comparison with other economic sectors in the country, such as health and education, possibly because the social impact they generate is not as visible as the other two